I've been with my gf for nearly 2 years and haven't had sex in like 5 months. We stress each other out and find her less attractive every day, but we still talk about having a life together. Am i a cuck or being an adult selling my happiness to gain all the adulty responsibilities that everyone else ends up with?
I've been with my gf for nearly 2 years and haven't had sex in like 5 months...
Will it end in divorce? Find someone who makes you happy. Simple as that. Hoepfully you're both white.
Bro 2 years is way too soon to already have no sex life. It's an issue. Either address it with her directly or get out immediately.. you will not end up happy if you do nothing about it.
Why are you stressing each other out?
Are you actually finding her less attractive? Or are you actually resenting her for whatever reason?
sounds like you need to have a 'big talk' and discuss where things are headed.
all relationship gets less focused on sex over time, but it can't go away since sex is the differential line between friendship and relationship.
I know the weird feeling of sometimes (rarely!) only having sex once every couple weeks in a long-term relationship, but 5 months in 2 years without sex would definitely make me admit that there's something severely wrong. Have a big talk, say that it's a huge fucking issue, and see if you can salvage the relationship. Give her a chance to fix it, you also have to work on it. If nothing changes break up for your own sake.
Bro I ended a relationship with my ex and it was pretty much the same thing. We stopped having sex for months and it was really draining on me. Eventually you will either accept it and feel like shit or will look for sex somewhere else (and so will she). Yeah we talked about the future together but she never seemed willing to commit to a more intimate life, sex included. Was one of the factors that caused me to break up with her.
If you do care about her, then have a talk with her. Chances are she has a reasons and it's fixable but some women won't say shit until you choke it out of them. What is a fact is that if nothing is done, your relationship is doomed to fail.
Like, 5 months without sex isnt even renotely normal anymore, it's full-blown cuckness.
step1: tie her up on her sleep
step2: enjoy :)
or just adress sex with her
>gain all the adulty responsibilities that everyone else ends up with
Your hopeless if you actually think that
and being that you think that i can even to begin to explain why your wrong b/c you wont get
It's time to move on. Ditch her
Is that you or your gf?
I can see why the stress
OP the not a lot of sex is fine. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes people go through periods of low sex drives. The fact that you find her less and less attractive probably isn’t a good sign though, not gonna lie. I’ve been married twice and “not finding her attractive anymore” led to a lot of introspection in which I said things like “sure but at least we have...” statements in which I came to discover I didn’t really love her anymore and there was no reason to be together.
The second time I married I made sure there was more than “she’s attractive enough to let a whole bunch of bullshit slide” and I am much happier for it.
OP, ive had a phase like this as well with my current gf. I was also masturbating a lot to porn, which caused me to have a low sex drive. Anytime my girlfriend wanted to have sex i was just not "in the mood".. and vice versa.
You need to put in work in your relationship if it means something to you. Do things that help your gfs and your sexdrive. Do some kinkyshit or just try to argue a lot less, since arguing also kills the oppurtunity
Same boat as you OP, I'm 23 and we've been together for 3 years.
Not quite as bad, but we did have a period without sex for a couple months. Mainly because we were living at my brothers place temporarily as we moved country, and the upstairs loft didn't have a door, but still, this really fucked me off.
Once we moved to our own place, it didn't really pick up to how it was before. We basically have sex once every couple of weeks, and it has been like that more or less for the last year and half. The sex isn't that great either. I love her but this feels like shit and I am considering breaking it off, even though we always talk about our future and kids etc. We also rarely argue or fight, our views and opinions are fairly aligned, and are always on good terms
The way I see it is that if it's at this stage 3 years in, it will most likely only get worse, and perhaps it's best to just pull the plug before things become even more serious.
Can anyone give any advice?
It's not easy to just strike up a chat out of no where regarding the lack of sex.
I think you need to talk to her about that. Sex is the difference between being bf/gf and friends. Ask her what she thinks about the situation and then be honest my dude. You don't want to be in my situation where I am with a girl just like that AND have a kid with her. I have been struggling with no sex from her for a while, even before I got her pregnant.
(that was the one time in months that we hadn't had sex)
Not having sex isn’t an issue, why are you not having sex is ultimately what you need to focus on.
If the reasons are not legitimate then the relationship is probably over and you just haven’t realized it yet. Don’t force yourself to stay into a relationship because you’ve “invested into it” or because “we’ve know each other for so long” or “it’s comforting to have a stable thing.”
Unless you have a kid, just go find someone that makes you happy.
My situation, 4 years in I’m 28, gf is 25, having sex now only about 2 times a month. A lot less then at the start? Why? Well we’re both professionals now, so we’re both busy, my sex drive is a lot lower because I’m getting older (not even jerking it more than once a week and usually that’s just to sleep.) And honestly we both rather just finish an episode than have sex because it’s a hassle. Still love her, still smack that butt daily, still attracted to her, just not that invested in sex.
Fuck that sucks man, will definitely have a talk at some point, soon most likely. She is on birth control so kids are not really a risk, but I can imagine it would be shit. Were you able to resolve the issue? I feel like my gf isn't even really bothered, she's not hypersexual, but we used to have sex multiple times a day when we first got together.
What's your age btw?
Dude I just turned 29 haha. And well I'm working on trying to make it work but it's hard. She doesn't see it as a an issue, which in itself is a huge problem. And leaving her for that makes me feel like a huge fucking dick bc we have a kid together
Yeah man, you have a kid, you have to stay for their sake. Unless the girl cheats or attacks you, you’d be selfish to leave.
Take this and add the fact that i get in a fight with her every (i mean every day) day at least 2 times and you have my life. Its been 3 years now and as soon as i find someone better ill ditch her. I just cant be alone thats prolly the reason i keep her around.
Okay so a couple years older than me, at least you're not 20 and have a kid.
So you brought it up and she said that it's not really a bid deal? I would see that as an issue too, I want to be with a girl who actually wants to fuck me. I know there are also many other factors at play, maybe she's self conscious etc.
I almost feel like talking about it could make things worse and awkward, sometimes I think it would be better to just start doing it more and more, as hard as that sounds, untill the point where we do it often again, and we can avoid a awkward, potentially damaging talk about having a shit sex life.
Pic not related, just dumping
And the fact that shes fuckin hot
So you guys live together or what?
At least you got fighting as an excuse, my relationship seems almost perfect and I get fuck all sex.
Get out of that situation now.
We've been brainwashed to feel the need to settle down, get married, and have kids. Life is too short and the world's too big to give up your happiness. If she is the one for you it should never feel forced.
Yeah living together since she was 16 and i was17. got our own flat since last october.
It was like this
1st year: sex every day
2nd year: sex every week
Now sex every month
Right now we had 1 sexy time in the last 3 months
It might be the birth control user. Me and my GF have been together almost 8 years (she's 28 I'm 29) and the last 2 years she's been kind of indifferent towards sex. She wouldn't mind having sex but it's like she was never able to get that horny urge and it was kind of bland and boring and I always had to ask. I sat her down and told her I wasn't happy with the sex and we discussed what the problem might be just like any other issue. We came to the conclusion it might be the birth control. She's been off it the last 3 months and the sex has almost returned to how it was when she was 20 again and she's even now initiating sex when she wants it so now I don't have to ask.
The biggest fucking problem is when the girl thinks its not big of a deal. And if you keep asking for they turn hostile "sex is all you want, blah blah blah". it fuckin sux dick.
so you plan on supporting someone elses fucktoy?
Women are hornier than men. I'd be checking that bitches phone hey
So you gonna leave that bitch? I feel this situation (shitty sex life) is going to be inevitable after a certain age, but if you're still young then maybe it's best you don't waste any more time?
Hmmm, I'll try find out when she got on birth control, I am pretty sure it was after we got together, however as I mentioned, at the start up until the 1.5 year mark we were having regular sex. So I'll also ask her if she changed her pills, not sure how I'm gonna be able to do this subtly, guess I'll start talking about meds or something.
So basically your sex is now regular after she came off birth control? Do you think this was the sole reason you weren't having much sex in prior to that?
My wouldn't get hostile, but I think that's the least of the bigger problem anyway. Shit does suk cunt user, what's your current situation?
Walk away
Best thing for you is to be alone for a while. Sounds like you lost who you are. You need to find yourself again user
thaaaaaat's probably not your kid. Your girl is getting it else where
She's getting sex else where.
Seems plausable
Im the user u mentioned first. 3 years no fuck. Shes a 10 and im a 7 at best. Another reason im still with her. Gives my self esteem a push u kno
just be up front with her and if you end up splitting who gives a fuck if you're managed to hold one bitch down for two years you should be able to do it again, maybe next time with a little more success though. on a serious note, this is really about what you want out of a relationship. do you want a beautiful wife/gf more than a strictly emotion one? you could go full on chad and start banging girls on the side but I'll assume you're no nigger so that option should be off the table. it's all down to what you want though seriously, you're either a decent guy for staying with her in the absence of sex or a door mat who gets put down by her everytime you try to speak. good luck
3 years and no fuck? Holy hell user
How old are you guys?
20 and 19
Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 6 months. No sex yet. But we do it out of choice. We want to wait until marriage. If anything bad happens between us, at least you still have your virginity when you break up.
We do everything else sexually wise tho.
>im still a vergin if his dick only enters my throaht
I hate this fucking logic.
You are no vurgin. Oralsex is sex. U may got your hymen but youre no vurgin ffs
Wow OP. I'm married 10 years with a baby. Super stressful here and we still manage once a week. 5 months? What happens when you ask?
>imagine waiting till marriage
>imagine turns out shit
Tfw no going back
Having a partner in life who will stick with you through thin and thick outweighs regular sex in my opinion, that's not easy to find. Sex always dies down the longer you're with someone, 5 month dry spell isn't great though I'll admit but I know a few married guys that say "I can't remember the last time I had sex", they're middle aged boomers though so they probably don't care too much
Hahaha cucked brah
This sounds a lot like my gf except when I asked her about why her sex drive is so low due to her birth control pills she sort of just has always shrugged her shoulders like “oh huh what can ya do?” We have sex usually once a week if that, and I initiate 98% of the time. It makes me so mad when she just shrugs her shoulders like she can’t be damned to do anything, like I need to fuck another woman out of spite because she knows for like the past year and a half how much it bothers me because we’ve talked about it. I’ve been sick of it for a long time, probably won’t break up until I found someone else though.
You mean you do it out of choice. Homeboy is just respecting your choice, I promise you he's been dying to smash since day 1 and would jump at the opportunity
>Yeah living together since she was 16 and i was17
I can't make sense of it, living together since 17, you are now 20, but you haven't had sex in 3 years. Did you get into a relationship when you were 14??
"At least you still have your virginity", I know it might sound special to you, but trust me, it is not.
If you date someone for a period of time, and shit goes south. At least you walk away with more experience, both life and sexual.
No it sounds dead.
OP here. Thanks for all the helpful replies. I'm settled on breaking up and getting pussy. I've had a major reflection on what I want and that is pussy. Thanks Yea Forums. Love you guys x
No, there is a difference and you know it.
Ofc he would if I say so, even I would like it. But, I'm willing to wait a while longer to see if he's worth it. If he really was just in it for sex then it would show very quickly.
Perhaps I won't wait until "marriage" cause you know, that is just a legal binding, but I want to be sure that our relationship is first focussed/built on other common grounds for liking each other.
Sure you're not being cheated on?
The beautiful start to a 2 year dry spell and right back where you came from after she's done playing
HAHAHA! how old are you, 12?
Not since 3 years. Its in the state where we have sex once every month. We are together for 3½ years now. It easnt always
stress < not getting pussy for a little bit until you get fed up and start kicking yourself into gear and learning how to get pussy.
dude, let me tell you something - it'll always be like that. At first it's sex & sex & sex. Then it gradually slows down until there's no sex life at all.
Why do you think most of the guys who are married find some young piece of ass at one point or another? You can be very happy in your relationship, but in the end there will be no, or almost no sex at all.
It's not like some people say, that we as a species are not monogamous - we are. But to tell the whole truth, we're "serial monogamists".
Complete monogamy might've been a thing back when life expectancy was short, but now? We live longer and we still apply the same moral rules that governed our lives, when life was much shorter. And the funny thing about moral rules is that they're not given by some deity or implicated in our DNA. They're just something that people came up with.
We live longer, we live faster, we're used to get pleasure at moments notice, but also we tend to get bored by it faster.
Be happy with the person you are with at the moment and then move on. Cause in the end it'll only be pain to both of you if you try and force yourselves to stick to some ancient and outdated moral code.
Hard agree. I remember when I was in college in a string of failed relationships where the girl kept leading me on, and not in the way of “they were nice to me one time so that must mean they want to date,” but where I had made out with a couple girls (different ones at different times), with one girl even got down to just wearing boxers and she was just in panties, then she’d always say she’s getting too worked up, one just wasn’t interested, another waited 4 months to tell me she’s actually not looking for a boyfriend despite the previous 4 months her saying otherwise.
That sort of stress compounds into other stresses and makes everything worse. Just go walking or ride a bike, find yourself, then get mad loads of pussy due to actually having confidence and all that.
I have an ex who i was with for the better part of 5 years and we'd have those stints, she said cause of her depression. In turned caused me to lose more and more interest and eventually fucked around online and swapped pics to get off. She found out one day and it slowly got worse till it ended. So I guess do what makes you happy, sucked ass at first, but im better without someone who wanted an emotional support buddy 99% of the time.
I know I wouldn't be able to go five months without fucking that.
100% chance that post was written by a child.