My wife likes to disavow her southernness, but I came home today to find her playing a banjo

My wife likes to disavow her southernness, but I came home today to find her playing a banjo.

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hey alright

I agree

Your wife is hot, OP

Y'all know the rules

tits or gtfo

Alright, fine.

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More please

Shame you didn’t come home to her playing a weight loss DVD.

my wife was born and raised in kentucky. from time to time her redneck comes out.

when she gets pissed the southern accent comes back, anytime she's outside at any event her shoes come off


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dope mustache

>still being that scared of real women

There's help, you know.

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Why does she look like vinesauce Joel OP?

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ITT: OP has a girl, alonefags rage.

They get so salty lol

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her hair is curly, his is straight. he has facial hair, she does not. her nose is pierced, his is.

why do you do this? who hurt you?

ikr? they get upset bc they don't get puss, so they think causing you pain for getting said puss will make them feel better.

end of the day, your getting puss.. and they're cuddling a full body pillow of their favorite female anime character with wet underwear b/c they just jerked off to pornhub on their phone in the bathroom with the door locked worried that their dad is going to walk in.

jesus christ

if you ever started a religion, i would follow you.

Any more?

dude she looks like a dude

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Would defo bang.

yeah, really looks like a dude.

you need to stop gauging attractiveness to what you see on hd pornhub.

if you do that, you might eventually know what a vagina feels like.

God damn she's hot

sure because cute girls don't exist yet, believe me were working on it

oh cute girls do in fact exist, but you've never been in one.

You inflate your ego by labeling OP's girl not cute, therefore bringing him down to your level where neither of you have fucked a cute girl.

just sayin.

Fun fact: hot girls always want to give head.

Not that you'd ever get some

that statement alone proves you have fucking clue.

no fucking clue.

sorry. i've been drinking because i'm an adult.

dude sorry about talking shit about your slampig mr.4444

i'm not op.

do you fail at everything or are you new here?

been here since 2009 newfaggot

Yea fuck these stupid cucks OP, anyways can you send more nudes of your wife?

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Well that's a man so .....

Ahhahaha.nuh uhh

Keep the nudes coming

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Can we just get the imgur album you downloaded from?

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She’s too big mang.
She’ll be a land whale in her 30s.
Trade her in for a better model


nonvirgins are having a conversation.



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>on Yea Forums
>using pornhub
cmon, you know what they're really jerking it to...

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I bet she totally sucks, I would fucking WRECK her on a banjo. suck my balls