Hey Anna here. Bored and can’t sleep. Anybody want to chat?
Hey Anna here. Bored and can’t sleep. Anybody want to chat?
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That’s such a weird request. Hold on
whos 'anna'?
inb4 welcome newfriend Im a huge nigger
Welcome new friend you’re a huge nigger
Anna is our resident nutcase
I love a good philtrum
Can I see yours?
Omg! I remember you! Damn, it's been years. The pic of Gaddafi jogged my memory.
Yeah I guess
Hello again! Hope all has been well with you.
Newfags go back
Hi anna
Hi anna
Fuck yeah! That's a nice one
I'll chat. Wife is pissed for day 4 now, so she went to bed. I have nobody...
What are you doing these days? I distinctly remember you saying Gaddafi had a thick cock haha
thought that was will Ferrell at first
Hello user, good to have you back.
Thank you, I’m flattered.
Well, I’m not much, but I’m here to listen user.
Have you considered hanging yourself?
Well, I’ve got my son back, and that’s an amazing thing. And yes he did, ha.
I hear that one a lot.
Don’t be an ass user.
Nah, she's always pissed at something. I normally play Xbox, study, buy guns and stuff online, gives me a lot of thinking time. I'm just waiting until she blows up. Usually happens every few months.
Depends. Watcha wanna chat about?
That’s really sad user, she’s never hurt you physically has she? I lived with an abusive person for decades and it’s not fun.
Is vchan here? Or any other usuals from the thread in that case?
Anything, doesn’t matter.
Nope, but her shit is psychologically damaging. Which is why I just try and do my own thing and focus on other hobbies while she's not talking to me.
nice. so how do you feel about Hillary?
This isn’t a femanon thread, more like a bored anna thread lol, but whoever wants to come is more than welcome, and if there are any questions I’ll answer to the best of my ability. I think Vchan is probably asleep right now, she’s usually around in the mid afternoon.
Wait, what happened with your son?
tits please. also: you got any proofpics from back then
What are your thoughts on this glorious leader?
That can’t be healthy user, do you really love her, I wouldn’t want anybody to be in a relationship where they’re mistreated.
Evil woman. Enough said.
Also does anybody want vocaroo? Might be easier than typing all this stuff out.
Muh nigga
You have access to firearms?
Easy solution user, blow her brains out. As soon as she starts up pull that gun out and shoot her in the fucking mouth to teach her a lesson.
Or better yet blow your own beains out as she watches. That’ll learn her.
Completely random question; do you listen to asmr amd if so, what channels would you suggest
yeah, khaddafi did nothing wrong, saddam either
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Looove the hat, Kimmy!
Its not even what Kaddafi did. Its what he was going to do for the Mid East and Africa.
Link doesnt work for me
dubs demand
It’s crazy! All these years my father told me he’d died when he made be have an ‘abortion’. Apparently I was a bit further along than what the doctor and my father had assumed, and he lived. My dad grew a heart and couldn’t go through with getting the doctor to do a Gosnell so he adopted him out to a family he’d been close to growing up. My dad was legally able to do so where we were at the time, I had no rights. Lo and behold about three or so months ago I get a call from a young man who said he was looking for his birth mother. I told him I thought that he was mistaken, but he knew my dad’s name, said his parents told him to call me. We set up a meeting and as soon as I saw him I just knew, dna test confirmed it. It’s been fucking mental and I’m still trying to process it. I just moved and he’s coming to stay with me a while.
I don’t have any photos, just letters and stuff he gave me.
He’s funny, but a douche.
Wait, how many hours of sleep did you het Anna?
Start beating her.
If she calls the cops tell her you’re a muslim and it’s your god given right to beat her
No, I’ve actually never tried it.
I know.
when america got him dead all his lands became the most violent zones in the world, great leader
neat. now tits. + sum tripolissexdungeonstory
I hope that works out with you and your son. That's nerve wracking/exciting. How old is he now?
I love the video where he aggressively warns everyone in attendance of Arab Leaders summit that what happened to Sadam was going to happen to them all. They kind of half heartedly listen and some even somewhat ridiculing him. Even Asad has a dismissive 'ok, sure, lets move on' grin. Anyone interested, google it. Its a must see.
How old are you?
Also tits. Now.
Hi are you that fat guy who pretends to be a mentally ill chick that is obsessed with gadafee?
His own ppl chopped his head off and ass raped him, nt murica
Out of all the spellings of his name.... and you still managed to fuck it up.
>his own people
^ actually witnessed this a few years back in another thread
No, I got tired of you once you made the moniker ~ Anna ~, I remember the first night you posted in a secrets thread, and it was interesting. Now it’s just another try hard using the Internet to establish an identity.
what if you get a job?
That's both equally sad and hilarious.
I only use that in the femanon threads so that anons can tell me apart from the other femanons, we all use sigs in those threads because people kept mixing us up.
>tired of you, pleb
I have one, I teach school. Though now that Julius is around I'm considering retiring, my father left me more money than I'll need.
no (You)
that wasnt an affair for god sake, he probably fucked one thousand girls in his entire life, you just were one more fuckhole....
That’s not correct, you used it often in the secrets threads too, to establish identity.
I would be surprised if we have ever crossed paths here.
the fuck did she say when she got up? sounded like 'bonna notte' when she starting coming back
I dare a scrub azz , 1 dreadlock, smellin like a used urinal cake, nigga to cross paths with me!
Yea... judging by your overall demeanor, I’d be glad to be classified as a different species than you, and observe you in a simulated natural habitat exhibit, like a faux double wide with authentic meth paraphernalia to keep you occupied and the rest of us entertained.
I'd like to think not. We talked over the phone through the Libyan consulate in Malta for a good three and a half/four months, at least until my father moved us. According to him Papa wrote to me for over a decade after the fact, though I never saw a letter, as he kept them from me.
I can't remember honestly, but maybe. I try to keep sig use confined to femanon threads, otherwise I just post Papa to establish who I am.
do you know much about the man and his politics? I speak arabic and am actually berber (like him) and after reading into him more (along with gamal abdel nassir and saddam hussein) it seems he rejects all "european colonialism" as he calls it. you said in a previous thread that he had roots in italian heritage (?) but where is your foundation for this claim? from his speeches (of which i think the one I watched has now been jewed) he speaks of uniting all arabs and berbers under one flag and standing up to european-zionist powers.
Also, what are your thoughts on that one video that surfaced of gaddafi's body?
do you feel anything or were you too young at the time for it to affect you now?
agreed fuck hillary that fucking kike whore.
I’m just saying, maybe you are more interesting as an user, without that specific categorization. It comes across as egotistical here to label yourself, and ride on that kind of notoriety. Just an observation, of course.
were gaddafi and will ferrel ever in the same room at the same time?
something smells fishy.
How cute? It thinks its clever.....adorable.
Adore my tankmeat, twit.
are you sure?
waste of dubs
Waste of space.
I kind of see it, but then again I don't. If there's ever a movie made about Papa Will Ferrel needs to play him though, lol.
Kek so you don’t deny the fat guy bit? Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Sorry, my audio is tied up currently.
good response and its fair you dont want to think of those videos but its literally all that comes up anymore when you search up his name. any mention of him has been kiked to the moon and back, CNN, NYT, everyone is just shitting on him and saying he was either a loon, or showing videos of him being dragged through the street bloody. really makes you think considering he was only one of few that truly wanted the best for his nation. also, can you understand anything he says in arabic? Ive seen some vids of him speaking english but his arabic accent is really quite elegant and unique.
>the only non-jew in hollywood
god I love the man despite all of those whacky phone leaks- probably made me like him even more tbh
k, i have no idea why this has gone on or why it even started but all I have to say is youre a gay nigger and kys. thanks.
oh yeah, 'pack of wild niggers' was great.
That wasn't me though.
No worries, I was just saying that i agreed with you. I've actually been around since like '11 and only recently used sigs because of certain threads, but I try to keep it to a minimum.
K. Bye.
its italian for goodnight
pretty cool to hear you cherish the man and his ("seductive") voice- though the ending was kinda sad :(
anyhow, gn and nice thread
I do cherish him more than anything, he’ll always be my first and only true love. Goodnight user, sleep well.
Can I see one of your eyes?
Not a great photo but okay.
>he’ll always be my first and only true love
you actually knew Gaddafi? How did you meet him?
My father was a diplomat and we met at a summit in 1988.
wow, and you were a lover to him? Do you have any proof? Just curious, I'd love to see a autograph or something he gave you.
What did he think of Hitler and National Socialism?
Reviewbrah here- so i've decided to finally come about my lack of testicles which i decided to do on this human populated website and so now you know.Btw, i'm a cat with human skin.
I was, we were very close and loved each other dearly. I have a few things he gave me. Autograph? Sure, he slid one in with a photo of himself in the first letter he sent.
>a cat in human skin
That’s awesome.
Oh and I like Hitler’s ideas, I can’t say I’m a NatSoc, because I fall more in line with Papa’s ideals, but there’s a similar vein of nationalism and such.
very cool, thank you for showing the autographed photo. Very special item to have.
So around how old were you when you met him and became lovers? Did he have other lovers or were you his only one? How much time did you spend with him on average (once a week? month? etc?).
Did you have any effect on a political decision he made?
My pleasure user.
I was 15 at the time, I was a bit small, about 5’2” and 92lbs I believe. He was 46 and seemed massive to me, (I distinctly remember standing on his shoes on my tip toes to get a kiss) even though he was thin for a man, he was very tall. He didn’t have anyone else whilst I was with him, and I’ve spoken to a family friend who swears up and down I was the only one, but I don’t know. We spent a week together during the time my father was working at the summit, and talked for another four or so months afterward after I’d gone home through the Libyan consulate in Malta. We’d talk for hours on the telephone sometimes. He wanted to take me back to Libya, but it wasn’t practical because citizens of my country weren’t allowed travel there. He was trying to get me a citizenship when my father found out and forced me to end the relationship because of a subsequent pregnancy. My father says he wrote to me for over a decade afterwards, though I never got any of the letters because my father kept them from me. I’m not sure if I had any impact on him, though he had a lot on me.
so you have his child?
Yes, I have a son.
and he's the youngest son of Gaddafi? Does your son look like him?
Now a picture of your lips please
Look here’s a complete pic of me just to shut you up ;D
she already posted here you sperg
Fucccck dem numbers
Fuuuuuuck me
Did u look like that when u were with gadafy?
I want to see her other other lips u dumb fuck
Forrest grows from Gaddafi's seed.
Yes, he would be the youngest, and he does look a lot like Papa in the face, though he ended up with my blonde hair, oddly. It’s funny because he tans very easily and stays this golden color as compared to me, but he has little blonde arm hair, ha!
Wow ol gaddaffie liked em looking like his momma
No, I looked like this.
Post a pic of yer norks you dirty Arab fucker
Quick someone shoop her eyes back into it!
He was the good guy, fuck globohomo kike kabbalah that overthrew him.
I still kekked when they ass fucked his dead body on national tv
It’s going to look all wonky.
Why can’t you sleep Anna?
God save us from the edge.
they fucked his corpse? didn't know that
I’ve always had bad sleeping problems, used to have really bad dreams so I’d stay awake and ended up just getting stuck. Now I just lurk b and pol and check on Julius every now and again to make sure he’s breathing. I tried getting in bed with him a few times to see if I could drift off, but no luck. I just end up with him rolling over on me or elbowing me ha.
When are you going to fuck him and get it over with? Jesus Anna, you two just need to go somewhere where no one knows you and start a family. Nobody has to know...
Sure thing. What do you wanna talk about?
Goodness user.
Well, I’m getting a bit sleepy now. But if you want to talk later I can come back and make a new thread tomorrow? Or maybe Kik?
Sure, make a new thread later. Its morning here and i just woke up so i assume ill be here when you wake up. Goodnight!
Do a Bianca and never come back
Post kik
30 years old? you been 16 when you had him? so gaddafi is his dad?