Greentext Thread
Alright Yea Forums I was posting this shit on Yea Forums but due to being off topic I'm re-posting here
>school stories
>general greentext stories
Greentext Thread
here we're go
Alright anons strap in
>in 12th grade
>meet two really cool girls
>become best friends immediately
>one girl was super chill and liked a bunch of the same music as me but we didnt have any feelings for each other looking back on it
>other girl phew
>easily a 9/10 and she was super into legend of zelda like I was at the time
>let's call them A and S
>A was the 9/10 and S was music chick
>every morning A and S would beg me to sit with them and eventually it became a routine
>winter time A would warm her hands up on my upper arm and talk about how good I smelled and shit
>A would bring not only her own DS but an extra so we could both play LoZ spirit tracks together
>S would join in as well but I didnt care either way as long as A and me would be joking and smiling at each other
>I would sneak into A's homeroom during announcements instead of my own just to spend time with her
>she would call me a certain Disney character name everytime I walked into the room
>end of the year is coming up soon
>talk about how all three of us are gonna miss each other
>let A borrow a copy of Minish Cap for gba and dont ask for it back so I have a reason to message her outside of high school in case we break apart
>a week or so before school is over
>talking about everyone's parents
>A says "I'd introduce user to my parents I think they'd really like him"
>S and another girl both awed at this statement
>I felt flattered but had no idea how to flirt or ask somebody out only having two girlfriends before this
>one irl one online
>I said aww thanks and shrugged it off
>A had music quotes written in her notepad of sorts
>wrote one by the red hot chili peppers because I was big into them and she wanted me to add something to it
>privately divided by a world so undecided and theres nowhere to go
>she was in love with the quote
>couldnt see why at the time
>last day of school and I hugged both A and S and told them I would miss them both severely
Continued soon
Cool. I love Yea Forums bois since 2007.
Do you want to be friends?
>they agreed and A started to cry
>I held it in being manly and everything pffft
>A said "user you have to get ahold of us outside of school and we can all hang out!!"
>the only one I wanted to hang out with was A but S being there too wasnt a bad thing to me because I was genuinely best friends with both of them
>fast forward two months
>A had to move to shitsville like 300 miles away because her family did
>I was sad as fuck
>before i go on let me say i was in love with her and didnt even realize it at the time I'll go into more detail later
>make a Facebook
>she finds me on it and is ecstatic
>we talked everyday for a few months
>about music loz games and other similar interests
>shes finally coming back soon to visit family
>makes plans for S and me to meet up with her
>supposed to meet at the mall
>waiting inside and my stomach is fucking twisted didnt know why
>I see her
>she sees me
>runs up and hugs me the hardest I've ever been hugged
>"I missed you guys so much"
>S was there with her and I barely even noticed I was so happy
>we spend the day talking about life plans playing arcade games and going to music stores and video game places
>nearing the end of the day
>"oh hey user remember that minish cap game you let me borrow I have it right here"
>tell her "oh I almost forgot about that thing" "you should keep it for a while so I have a reason to ask you for it back one day because we're definitely gonna see each other again"
>the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life spread across her face
>Okay user :)
>She goes back to shitsville
>grow apart a little because that's just what happens
>i start dating somebody else that lives in my town
>gets real jealous of my friendship with S and A
>have to stop talking to them because of this
>didnt realize it at the time but she was a massive cunt
>A came back in town but I wasnt allowed to go see her
Gotta write out the rest! Not too much
Yes I'll be your friend
>we'll call the girl I'm dating K
>K is the most abusive person I've ever dated
>I didnt know it at the time because I was "in love" but it was an awful relationship
>so A was in town
>wanted me to come see her
>sort of blow her off and just stop messaging her because K got really jealous and threatened to break up with me and a bunch of shit
>feel really bad about it but it tore our friendship apart
>the relationship made me not feel so bad about it at first
>apparently A and S thought it was all my idea to stop talking to them, which isnt technically incorrect
>they were pissed from what I heard around the neighborhood
>so to save my relationship at the time I eventually stopped all contact with my friends A and S
>eventually it grew to my guy friends and family members too
>the abuse from K was mental and physical but I was too blinded until about three years in to know
>so after flipping on and off again during the last year I broke up with K completely after three years
>single for a year after that
Hold on guys we're almost done
>after being single for a while I ran across some old notes that me and A would write to each other in school
>mostly dumbass drawings and LoZ related stuff
>get that butterfly feeling in my stomach
>think back to all the fun we had in school
>during the time I dated K I deleted everything and everyone off of social media so I would have to deal with a little less crazy from her
>decide to look A up on facebook
>think to myself
>"I'll ask her about my copy of minish cap back in some flirty way and since I have a job maybe go visit her for once then I can tell her how much I liked her in high school"
>i realized after thinking about all this shit how much we had in common and that i was actually in love with her
>not like the love I felt with K
>theres a special kind of love where you're really good friends with somebody first and the emotions are secretly always there or you get them later on
>if true love exists that's what it is
>look her up on facebook
>giddy as fuck
>shes even more pretty than when I last saw her three years ago
>scroll down
>stomach sank
>shes engaged
>wallow in self pity for a couple weeks and debate messaging her and telling her how much I liked her in high school just for that last chance
>eventually just get depressed that I missed my chance with true love and never end up messaging her or S again
>never apologized or anything to dropping them both even though they were my good friends
>five years later now and I still dream about her even though I don't think about her that often
>the one that got away I suppose
>shes married now to that guy
>I dont think I'll ever get the same connection with anyone like I did her
Thanks for listening anons. Shit sucks but the moral of the story is dont pussy out and tell that girl you like her or ask her out for coffee for gods sake because you'll probably not have the chance soon.
user is a pussy in high school, makes friends with a cute girl and then dates a cunt right after hs instead so he loses the love of his life in the end and thinks he wont find true love again.