....and we're back

....and we're back

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just kys man


OP where u at

Welcome back boys, let's get that bread

How are things going friend?

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Downloading Kik for group chat

Richmond, VA
Someone reach out ):

have to go to sleep. OP see you tomorrow or in hell. love you. but remember life is worth living

Someone tell me, i dont know what happening

Do it faggot


OP gonna live stream offing himself but shit keeps happening so he can't

this nigga was supposed to kill himself on insta but his acc got taken down

send his pic to richmond pd. he implied he's in the system, they'll know him.

use liveme

He should honestly take the hint and stop trying to off himself

im from rva

I imagine he's already swallowed all his pills and drank some of his 40s. Might just pass out. But I dont know much about gabapentin

Ooigan ooigan ooigan


noooo don’t kys youre soooo sexy ahaaahhahhaa


He actually is unironically pretty hot. You could take advantage of your looks, OP

Where at in rva?


That was the worst mistake I ever made was taking that fucking picture

Wow user your such a good person. You don’t deserve to live. I’d be glad to cut your throat and get your dirty blood all over my face


Why OP?

for this thread or is there another story?

Why do you want to an hero so bad?

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Can I please see your cock OP?

Dont worry OP, just sleep it off


windsor farms

This faggotMy charges aren't in RVA. They're from a tiny Town about 2 hours from where I live.
But sending any picture to any police department is just going to cause problems

from what i know, OP made a separate thread of him wanting to take his life and wanted ways to livestream and long story short, previous thread and the ig he planned on live-streaming his suicide got taken down, also he posted a picture of himself

nigger what

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Well if your gonna off your self now is the time my dude

you dont wanna take anyone out before u go?

I wouldn't send the pic in anyways OP, it's your life, you can do what you want. Duck police involvement and 72 hour suicide lock downs. I've been there, actually made me more suicidal. But when the gun with in my mouth and the moment came, I gave it 1 more shot. 6 years later doing much better

Op this is getting annoying. I’m not telling you to kill yourself. Just say something

What are your charges?

Danielop123-kik for you anons who want to talk

you thought there was going to be a suicide livestream, but it was me, DIO

he said they were for strangulation

ah a fellow jobro

kek kek kek, OP you have looks! Why not go milf hunting with my buddy kakyoin??

Now I feel conflicted..

right across from vcu library

There's an app called yubo. You can live stream your suicide there, call it "here we go Yea Forumsrothers"

hee hee ho ho how about dating severed hands with my boy yoshikage

Well I had a following in the last thread I guess they all got bored

It was a bar fight

can I see just what op looks like please

I think I know the area. Kik?

I'm still here OP

You still gonna stream the suicide?

pic of hot OP is at the top of the thread bud

Here you go

How do u plan on doing it?

I have two people including you interested

Hype's gone, do it tomorrow lmao

Unironically strangulation

so, the shafer court dining hall?

I live to die another day

Me too

still here OP

I'd watch but I'd rather not. I've been here since the beginning of the first thread, you're way too good a person bro. No gay but I want you

I guess to save someone from suicide you just have to hit on them and ask for dick pics.

i thought this thread moved on to kik

Still here

Are you just super high and drunk now OP?

Not him

do it tomorrow and go buy a new fucking rope

You faggots actually put a fucking smile on my face for the first time in months. I'm the most self loathing piece of shit on the planet and hearing something nice was actually nice. I'm not doing it because I don't want to be alone and there's one person on the kik so I'll enjoy my drunk and hang myself tomorrow when I can feel again. Fuck you

Yes. Sloppy like a soup sandwich

Dually noted

show us your dick first OP

You're a good dude, I'll be here tomorrow as well. Still waiting on dick pics also

Is OP still here

And hours later, I come back and you're still alive.


He got some praise for his good looks and it made him happy, he's going to try again tomorrow lmao

Fuck off cunt. If you wanna see some one die then why dont you kill your self instead faggot

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OP is going to be fine

because my life is excellent.

keep going, OP. hot face and a good dick. solid 9

I am jealous of OP

Suicide thread turned gay... Kek

Don't be

Nice cock, nigga.

God I want that fucking monster in my mouth :O

Dont worry my friend, I have been to jail 3 times now, it's a good good time. I have fucked 30+ girls since the ex who did me dirty like yours. Just hang in there bro
