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F. accept no substitutes.

A. I like my cream with a splash of coffee.

Enjoy your hot bean water

who cares

I like my coffee like I like my women, hot and black...


I do 1oz cream to 8oz cup of coffee

I only put one packet of sugar and small bit of whole milk, then I stir.

I'll always prefer F, but if you're going to add ANY milk, it should probably be C, right? Any less and it's just weird for me

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>drinking coffee

fucking boomers

F, if would chose G if that was an option


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I do not/will not drink coffee

coffee is pleb tier
green tea is superior

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F. I just drink it for the caffeine, maybe an iced coffee with cream and sugar if I'm feeling fancy.

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I've always wanted to say this at work

F is a must. As natural and vegan as it gets. Make me change my mind .

anywhere from C to F depending on what I'm in the mood for.

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Then you stir? I would have guessed you juggle it for six hours, then feed it to a prize stalion, before receiving it directly from the other end through a platinum funnel. I guess you are just not up to date with current practices in the coffee community.

It used to be E for a while but since i found that almond creamer, C

Meant F not E

I don’t drink coffee

>As natural and vegan as it gets
That makes we want to add burnt plastic.


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You must drink dick then

I would just end up giving the stallion a blow-job, I'd forget all about the coffee.

#kvlt as fvck

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For the underage faggots ITT who don't drink coffee, what's your favorite flavor of Tide Pods™?

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You're going to have to be more specific before I engage in a stupid internet argument.

Mega Galaxy Brain has joined the chat.

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Obviously the answer is either D or E. F is just hot shitty bean-water. Anything above D is for liberals.

You have some issues user.

Who said anything about an argument? We're just discussing things we enjoy, user

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Monster is absolute trash. Red Bull is just so much better

Neither are
Energy drinks are for faggots

F if it's good coffee. D if it's lower quality. Cream helps to counter some of the bitterness/char of poorly roasted beans.

Caffeine is for the weak.

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E but D is also ok

>things we enjoy
>enjoying things
fuck off

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>Dihydrogen monoxide
stupid faggot.

You obviously enjoy being on here so suck a cock

F after so many deployments overseas i stopped giving a shit about creamer and sugar or any combination of the 2

also had a friend make me some with butter in it and i almost backhanded him

B or F, no inbetweens. I never finish either unless I'm reading a book or something. Black coffee's way better when you only drink it and water, I did that when I was intermittent fasting

Definitely D. Gotta have some milk but not too much.

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Fags who love flavors which are offensive to natural human taste buds

hurr durr nerd refurrrence

upvote this guy lol rofl! thumbs up!

A. Because I’m not a compensating faggot not do I care about your opinions.

>Definitely D. Gotta have some milk but not too much.

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Anything else and I guarantee you don't have kids or a decent job




Anything below and you don't taste the cream
Anything above and you don't taste the coffee

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I will. Enjoy your milkshake with little viscosity

This user gets it.

original :)



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F is the only answer. A-E are for schoolchildren, trendy boomer moms, and faggots with extra chromosomes.


green tea is for pretentious faggots, I bet you would state you are vegan too for those extra virtue points.

none of those are coffee, you drip faggot

op asked how you like your coffee, not how you like your cream.

F or E

Gas is not OK.

really nigga?

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And I am not an edgelord faggot that "likes my coffee black like my soul". People who say F grew up watching edgy characters on TV repeat the same mantra


>likes my coffee black like my soul
Where the fuck do they grow your kind?

F, always.

At the local aquarium. That user is a straight squid faggot.

missed opportunity to post the letter

I feel personally attacked by this. Can't you just let us have our fun?

F if i need shit done or feel like shit
C otherwise

good one!

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I usually drink black tea with some milk, or cream to prevent a burnt tongue, which results in a C colored liquid.

>Keto fag here
D, with a spoon of butter and a spoon of coconut oil mixed in, and sometimes a pinch of sea salt. 300~ calories, all the fat I need, tasty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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youre cute

sure is summer

no, you are cute

No joke.

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the best season!! :)

tits or gtfo you goofy toothed slutrag.
didn't you see what happened to your e-kin recently? act properly and obey the rules.

No thanks. Please don't make me scared.

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you can barely see her face to determine correctly


I don't drink coffee.
I'm 20 and my beverage of choice is a nice tall glass of milk.

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edgy teen detected

With breakfast B or C.
If I'm just drinking coffee throughout the morning F.

Coffee? Did you mean: Liquid shit?

Post more nude, and non nude selfies

imagine being this desperate lmao
fucking thirsty virgins i swear
make your own thread and fuck off

What comes before A? I like mine as white as the sun with all the cream and sugar.

nice trips

I'll tease you alittle first.

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Don't they all write about pedophilia eventually?

you're ugly. fuck off and make your own thread, dumb whore

Post more you larping fag

Mean. I'm just trying to have some fun with the newfags.

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2003 was fucking shit

Make a new thread please.

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i'd love to have you spit in my mouth

Shut up, Kyle.

fpbp and checked

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Eat a dick, how about you fuck off to another thread you milk drinking faggot.

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I like it.

My ex had massive tits, and a tiny body. Regretably she was the best pussy I've had. I'm getting feels and hard. I'm conflicted.

she also had brown eyes too ugh


It used to be F, but had to switch to A. The acid in coffee fucks my shit up. I miss black coffee. I would skip coffee entirely, but I needs my caffeine.

Always F, city toast, always cold brew.

It's okay, there's always somebody else out there user.

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Most days I go for Black Coffee for breakfast, then an Ultra Zero around 3PM. Good shit all around

C if i'm using regular milk, when i some fake almond milk or soy garbage my gf has it looks like E with the same amount


Turkish coffee?


F with ice to drink quickly but I fucked my teeth by not brushing them over a long period of time but eh, fuck it, I still drink it either way

This. Some days I want a. Some i want f. Or in-between

enjoy your caramel sugar milk, jessica

pls come back

F, and always F.

Between D and E.
F is for having forgotten to buy milk again.
A-C isn't coffee, it's milk with a splash of coffee.
Also, in case you are wondering, here's no sugar in my coffee, putting sugar in your coffee is worse than the holocaust. Which of course never happened, just like me putting sugar in my coffee.



I aim for a D. Sometimes I over pour the coffee or the milk end end up with a C or E, but an A, B or F is undrinkable.

Yeah I don't people adding like the tiniest drop of cream. Like Nigga just drink it black

B/C/D depending on which type of milk I use (vegan pls don't roast me).
Soy milk makes B, store-bought oat milk makes C, and homemade oat milk makes D. They all taste about the same though.

>pls fon't roast me
Well we don't have to roast you, but then again you didn't have to say you were vegan so fuck you for just inserting that

Like a fucking vegan, always gotta make sure people know you're vegan

Coffee should be black as night, anything else is for pussies.

F or A, depending on if it is before breakfast or after dinner, respectively.

D if I'm having some shitty but quick instant coffee. F if I'm making something decent.

>people liking things I don't like are pussies
How much of a pussy you gotta be to not be able to handle a little bit of milk

>Also, in case you are wondering, here's no sugar in my coffee, putting sugar in your coffee is worse than the holocaust. Which of course never happened, just like me putting sugar in my coffee.



A,lots of soy milk

Putting sugar in good coffee*

The emphasis you put into "I don't put sugar in my coffee" makes me think you're just a pretentious faggot and you actually like coffee with sugar, you just drink it without and pretend that you like it

F. Cowboy style. Black and gritty at the bottom. Thanks.

Between C/D

F, everything else are oppressive bigots

E or F
E if it's just some regular coffee
F it's a bean i've picked specifically

F, only faggots and women put cow pus in their coffee.

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The purple one is better

B/C I add cream until I get the mini mushroom cloud because it reminds me of being a kid and making coffee for my dad on father's day

Yeah man milk is fucking great

My coffee is colour I-don't-put-that-poison-in-my-body

My body is a temple and all that.

cus I put a ton of chocolate syrup

Always F. I like my coffee how I like my women, hot dark and bitter.

D master race. Only big D allowed in this server. No coffeelets please.

discord gg/hxngX4c

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F of this stuff every morning.

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F. if youre putting milk in it, just dump out the amount that the milk would take up in the cup, you pussies

To everyone saying f, no. That is all.

>2003 was the fucking shit

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no one cares milk drinker go fuck yourself with a utter if you like it so much

F. The only thing i add to my coffee is bourbon.

Hot, you want to keep teasing us?

Adding cream just shows that you're weak



>enjoy your caramel sugar milk, jessica
Woah there, just because have a black cock fetesh doesn't mean everyone else does. Black coffee with no milk or creamer is utterly disgusting, you drink like a trigger happy cop

And you drink like a fairy princess.

>And you drink like a fairy princess.
Woah, lok we have a macho man over hear. You have shit taste

F with brown sugar

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yo, timestamp and titties bitch, you know the rules. Okay, you're already showing puss, so Timestamp and I'll give you wave on the titties.

A. Nothing gay about lots of cream and sugar, plus its a european thing (1/2 milk, 1/2 coffee)

D master race reporting in.

F. All day.

Don't worry user, one day you won't be a child anymore and your taste in different foods and drinks will change.

Anything but E ad F is for 12 year old palates

i tend to go with D, but im trying to get into F more and more, i should also cut out sugar.

I like how people who use cream are relaxed and just let people enjoy what they want but all the black coffee drinkers are like "you're literally not allowed to enjoy flavoring this drink unless you a pussy manbaby"

Go suck on your sugar.

A just looks like rotten milk

>I want my coffee to taste like nigger asshole and give me chronic heartburn by age 30

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F on weekdays
B on weekends

I prefer mine cold and bitter

>no sugar
I started drinking it black like 12 years ago because I became too lazy to get the creamer and sugar and mix it. Ended up really loving it and will never put shit in my coffee again. Just got a new coffee machine and I use the bold flavor setting, now. Coffee is fucking delicious by itself.

legit exact same here

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i hope no sugar was implied in the OP, otherwise thread is invalid.

i could respect green tea if it's that powder form that you whisk into a small amount of water

F every time.

F or B. Give me dirt tea or candy. Anything in between is somehow worse.

The only way to drink coffee

Buy good coffee and learn how to make it and you'll have a good time.
I even enjoy shitty black coffee to some degree. It tastes like shit but makes me appreciate my own coffee more. Kind of like a coffee specific schadenfreude.

F. Fucking

i like my coffee vanta black X
slightly lighter than nigger black Z

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A-C ish

A in Summer, C in Winter, B in between

F. Anything else is for niggers who love gargantuan amounts of dick in the ass. And niggers. Fuck niggers.

You're all dickless faggots. Not real men.

>Kill your selves

F or E

F, no sugar.

Got a batch of cold brew brewing up right now. Pro trip for any cold brew fans, freeze it for 30 or so minutes and drain off any unfrozen liquid. You'll get a really concentrated coffee from what didn't freeze.