God's in his heaven, all's right with the waifu

god's in his heaven, all's right with the waifu

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hail Lord Satan

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hello hello, I love you all

Going the ez route to steal hearts I see. Please tell me he is not a weeb avatarfag

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hail humanity!

Attached: mari.jpg (493x868, 164K)

oh nice! ive always liked dk64 but i never finished it, unfortunately.
and majora's mask was great, still is really. i hope you enjoyed and continue to enjoy them

Attached: DcRsHvyU0AEvmQU.jpg orig.jpg (2762x4096, 965K)

dunno... nothing. just talking with friends
okay, thanks
hey, Tsu-chan
and i'm glad you're glad. let's party!
yeah, i'll try. you got any entertainment youself?
oh, how nice. i hope you did enjoy that dinner a lot. what did you get?

Attached: 1342048366355.jpg (740x935, 472K)

I should've gotten more orange juice while I was out.

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yeah is my favorite zelda game, im never get tired of it, and you have plans for tonight besides playing ff14?
that doesnt seem like something boring, as long as you have a good time everything is ok

Attached: It looks like a KH artwork!.jpg (189x266, 10K)

orange juice is very healthy! you should always have more available.

I'll pass.

Random appearance in Adventure Time cartoons.

Is it really though~?

Alright Ruri I'll note it down to remember, sleep well.

Oooh, that's something already.

Feels bad but I have to disagree there.

Attached: Artbook_Jules.jpg (858x1200, 183K)

hi yui-chan
im glad youre glad. yeah i guess today would be an okay day for a party, but i think i just want to take it easy tonight, sorry
im playing risk of rain 2 right now, so yeah thats something
i got a burger! with lots of stuff, onions, cheese, some tasty sauce, and an egg! it was very good.
hmmm, mine might be breath of the wild, sorry to say, but maybe its just been so long since ive played the earlier games im being a bit biased in my judgement.
im actually not playing ff14 believe it or not, its risk of rain 2 time right now.

Attached: DdUpL7lV0AIbkKv.jpg orig.jpg (4093x2894, 641K)

Buy a rope and head to the fucking woods

dont worry about that
>im actually not playing ff14

Attached: A sweet portrait.jpg (600x600, 69K)

And because I was mixing it with my tequila.

That's understandable.

Attached: 20e4b57b5d030bd9f19f49438224c882.jpg (3307x4661, 1.3M)

Sorry for accidentally ignoring you last thread, I only showed up to claim and didn't notice that you replied to me

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it's amazing how fast minecraft can take my attention, found a fucking mineshaft and got like 8 diamonds. Working on a hardcore run.

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I'm English, but I love Orbán his opposition to the EU is something to be applauded, wish we could get a politician With as much of a spine as him over here. But I cant vote for in Britain because I have been in the US for 17 years now.

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I see! I do not know what that would taste like, but I am glad that you enjoyed it.
that is okay friend

We don't ask for the doors to close in this life,
So we hopin', they keep them open.
And if they shut those doors we'll smash the skylight, till it's broken, and smell the roses.
Need to take that time to find our own road so we focused, on what's golden.
And our gold don't shine, it's not from no mine, so we're not just living for a token.

I think I'll get off thread now, please have a good one, see you next time~

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yeah, i guess. thanks
are you up to anything fun? or interesting? or new?
okay, fine...
hey, Tsu-chan
i'm glad you're glad. oh, that's okay. we can hang out and chill instead. i'm feeling a bit sluggish, too
oh, that's fun. i hope you enjoy it a lot.
oh, that sound delicious! the egg was probably really good, right? i'm so glad you enjoyed it

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I love you

Oh he likes manga, so I guess he's a weeb... He rarely posts here though...

I don't steal hearts... I take them


Mhm but only gore makes me super horny the way i am now

And then what?

Attached: wings sora no otoshimono ikaros chains 2560x1600 wallpaper_www.wallpaperfo.com_95.jpg (600x375, 146K)

what's wrong

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no, nothing, sorry to dissapoint

Attached: Nervous.jpg (800x734, 50K)

Eh nothing

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well i should probably go back and play earlier stuff anyway. i never got through a link to the past and i hear thats a lot of people's favorite as well
y-yeah, im just not feeling it right now i guess
thank you, and good luck :)
hi yui-chan
im glad youre glad. alright, id like that. it that sounds nice and comfy.
me too, thanks
yes the egg was maybe the best part! it was also very messy.

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I tastes like orange juice, but with tequila.

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I am not familiar with tequila!

Hail Satan?

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Hrmm i need to go to sleep.

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cute waifu

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I don't know how to describe the flavor for you. I just know it's good, and it burns.

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its for a console easy to emulate, is quite good you should try it

Attached: Relm and Locke.jpg (462x600, 94K)

I see. I do not enjoy food burn.

ive noticed people talking about minecraft a lot lately
or have they always been?
i haven't been playing very much since alpha/beta. last time i seriously played it was with the first aether mod. never beat it, but it was a lot more fun than the base game at the time. felt more like an adventure with interesting things to kill and fancy gear. i've never been crazy on the building aspect personally.

Attached: mari_0705.jpg (500x771, 60K)

how are you today?
y-yeah, i should, but im really bad at picking up new games.

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I'm sure it was

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cute ears.
im alright, you?

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>no I can't commit suicide, if I stay alive I can make the world a better place and help other people
>continue living
>never actually help anyone

Attached: image.jpg (190x266, 9K)

It's been on a heavy resurge lately. Probably due to some good updates. I've been loving it though. I play on a public server for a group im in.

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oh, it's okay. i hope you can find something to do.
have you ever thought about poetry? i'm not very good at it, but i think it would be fun to try.
hey, Tsu-chan
i'm glad you're glad. yeah, let's be comfy. i like comfy, too
you're welcome! all the best for you
yeah, eggs are awesome. i like them in food. messy food is the tastiest!

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death is overrated anyway
what kinda stuff has been added lately? i stopped knowing what was going on after stuff like witches and cats were added, whenever that was

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what do you mean?
i once try, but its not my area, idk

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It burns because it's alcohol. I'm not even sure what food burn means.

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I do not enjoy the experience of food burning me!

thanks, there aren't many neko-tsugus
im good. today was nice, i guess. well now that i think about it i guess it was about the same as any other but thats fine.
got any plans for the rest of your day?
hi yui-chan
im glad youre glad. yeah, comfy is the best
thank you n-no, im okay with just okay things
i hate cleaning eggs theyre literally the worst. but they are very tasty i have to give them that.
i dunno, i just dont ever really feel like playing a new game, 'new' meaning one i havent tried before. and if i ever do i usually get bored really quickly and give up
hey there

Attached: DakutUpU8AELSZJ.jpg orig.jpg (1100x1208, 71K)

Hello! How are you?

Attached: nabiki-tendo2.gif (357x264, 1.06M)

was like that with ff14?

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there should be more.
im taking it easy but im lonely and my evening was not really nice

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I don't get it, but okay.

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im good. today was alright, just spent it relaxing more or less.
how about yourself?
kind of. i first played it a long long time ago, for a fairly short while, a couple days then dropped it. i later bought it a second time (it was cheaper, dont ask) and played it for quite a while, got a character to max level, and then leveled the gathering and one crafting professions. then i dropped it for about a year and started again just a month ago or so
she's not really a cat-ears type of girl, i guess, but i do agree.
i see, im really sorry to hear that. i hope the rest of your night proves comfortable at least. is there anything i can do to help?

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yeah, me neither. i'm better with complete stories and stuff, but i think poetry can be really interesting if not just fun.
hey, Tsu-chan
i'm glad you're glad. yeah. do you have comfy pillows? or just one pillow? you said you had a small blanket, right? i'll bring my own, yeah?
you're welcome and it's okay, don't worry about it
yeah, i like how they taste in pancakes and stuff. they're really versatile, just like every other ingredient!

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Pillagers, end ships, end cities, more enchantments, different biomes, banners, looms. So much.

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so you leave it and come back later often?
yeah, it looks quite interesting, what kind of stories do you like?

Attached: Mimic this!.jpg (600x500, 95K)

what type of girl is she?

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hi yui-chan
im glad youre glad. ive got two pillows, and a couple blankets yeah
thank you and okay sure
hmmm i dunno about every
yeah. most games i dont come back to, i just leave them. or i never play them at all
quiet, but curious

Attached: Dgo9KrzUEAA7Jba.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 807K)

Good, rain didn't show up until late so I wasn't dodging any

Attached: nabiki-tendo9.gif (540x405, 1.94M)

that's pretty cool. it sounds like there is more to the game now than finding diamonds, building something neat, and calling it a day

... >:)

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thats good! im glad you didnt get soaked
have any plans for the rest of your night?

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its a normal behavior among the people

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curious about what?

Attached: __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_drawn_by_shinoba__3ef707162bc4387d0068f0f6b2b89572.png (700x909, 769K)

Nope I'm done for the day, you?

Attached: nabiki-tendo11.gif (558x1024, 422K)

>roastie wearing "stop being poor" tshirt
stop being dead

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Welp my private chats are pretty much dead so I might as well keep on hanging around here.

Attached: Disappointed_Jules.jpg (1000x1150, 94K)

normal people do things like buy dark souls, play it for four hours, just enough to beat like one boss, and then never play it again?
hmmm... everything? i dont really know. i could give a short comprehensive list of the couple of things she's done if you want
well thats alright, i hope you can relax then or whatever it is youd like to do
hmmm. no. i was just playing a game but i got bored. i might listen to music i think.
welcome back

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i like dystopian stuff and scifi! they're really intersting
hey, Tsu-chan
i'm glad you're glad. oh, you have extras? okay, cool
you're welcome and thank you
yeah, i guess i understand... but eggs are still really versatile! you can cook them in so many ways or just eat them raw!

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by frustation, it can be... i mean, i did that once, i dont remeber with which game though
when they are properly executed, yes, they are

Attached: Portrait in Thamasa.jpg (1268x911, 126K)

um sure
i know nothing about her

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You can join it if you'd like. I have some space in my base, and I need people to play with.

Sucks your dms are dead. You got anything you want to do?

Attached: drug4.png (770x770, 867K)

Also at the mari; it's public

Ah that's always good, I'll probably get a little gaming in

Attached: nabiki-tendo13.jpg (320x241, 10K)

If making pop music is so easy then why don't YOU become conventionally attractive

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i dont have a minecraft account anymore. i used to, but the email it was tied to was a lavabit and they went byebye. so no way to recover it since i have no idea what my password is
i appreciate the invitation though

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Don't worry, you can always find conversation here.

You sound like an incel.

Attached: 60cf9ab6677ade6edd34640117345b9a.jpg (1300x1708, 780K)

You all ade fun of me when I played minecraft back when it was unpopular
Fuck you.

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did you have fun, Kao-chan?
yeah. a lot of the times they suck! but that's why i only read the good ones...

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hi yui-chan
im glad youre glad. no, theyre both for me. one is kinda tearing already, i just bought them like a month ago....
thank you and youre welcome
eggs definitely are for sure.
well i also did the same thing for
dead rising 2
dont starve
dungeons of dreadmore
dragon's dogma
elminage gothic
half life 2
jet set radio
apparently i own mirror's edge, never played it
rayman origins
red faction armageddon
scribblenauts unlimited
secrets of grindea (played that one for 36 minutes)
they bleed pixels

im gonna stop. that's a list of games i bought, for money, some more expensive than others obvious, but i purchased all of those on steam, played them for 5 hours or less, and havent played again since. and we're talking years and years theyve sat. some i just play one time, stop for the day, and just never start again.
and that doesnt include any game ive played but havent paid for, or any game i have from somewhere other than steam.
oh boy! her name is hatoba tsugu, she's a virtual youtuber, you can find her videos here: youtube.com/channel/UCGaUWM5OQ7hU1JwbqvNBR4w
she never says much, but she's usually doing some small activity, fast examples: going to a cafe, buying a fish and preparing a fish bowl, origami, walking outside etc
theyre all pretty short, but dont feel like you have to watch them
ooo i hope you have fun!

Attached: DcBVnphVQAAS8R1.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 323K)

That's kind of what I was going for but it comes from the heart

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You too

Attached: nabiki-tendo15.png (280x374, 174K)

hey, Tsu-chan
i'm glad you're glad. oh, okay, no worries. dang, that sucks. do you need more?
you're welcome and thank you
want me to cook you some eggs? how do you like them?

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you smart fool...
Jesus Christ.... you are complicated, congrats!

im leaving now, i want to write a little before to go sleep, see ya tomorrow, farewell!

Attached: A proper farewell.png (1607x294, 299K)

haha, yes! i'm smart!
have fun! write something awesome and then sleep well!

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*throws wine glass at wall*
Neo-Riemannian theory is fucking BULLSHIT

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hi yui-chan
im glad youre glad. no, ill get a new one if i need it. thanks though
thank you and youre welcome
no im okay. i like them however, doesnt matter much to me
y-yeah.... sorry
alright, i hope the rest of your day goes well, bye bye

Attached: Dc1QFpTV4AAKpTi.jpg orig.jpg (905x1307, 107K)

So is that good or bad?

Attached: e277add16bafbde6c08d865535bcbf5e.jpg (1894x1863, 523K)

Yes it was pretty fun, I got to pretend to pass out and had a bunch of cute nurses looking after me

Attached: Kao4.jpg (850x1381, 183K)

What do you mean? is it good that it comes from the heart? I am just personifying my innermost bitterness and unhappiness and using it act out the stereotype of an incel because I think incels are funny
I do not actually foster any resentment towards women, I have never been rejected

Attached: image.gif (318x200, 77K)

I somehow doubt you've never been rejected, unless you've never really tried or have only dated a small number of people.

Attached: 06083ad7b237523647d7f5f75b3a6ef6.jpg (1000x708, 65K)

I have never actually been criticized for playing minecraft and I left the spelling error in on purpose

I have never been romantically interested in a girl and I've never approached one, same with boys

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Attached: nabiki-tendo20.jpg (348x285, 20K)

Yui why do you never greet me unless I threaten you

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hey, Tsu-chan! nice trips!
i'm glad you're glad. oh, okay... yeah, you're welcome
you're welcome and thank you
oh, alright. how about this: i make you a dish containing multiple different ways of cooking them?
oh, cool! those cute nurses and their look-after! i hope you enjoyed it a lot.

Attached: 1554166489255.png (1466x1381, 1.34M)

I don't think you can really say you've never been rejected if you've never tried. Yes, it's technically true, but it's just not exactly how it works.

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-sits in the corner with is Switch playing a colorful game about squids while the three skwirls chatter wildly around about which way to go-

hi yui-chan thanks
im glad youre glad.
thank you and youre welcome
okay sounds good

Attached: DcCn6y7V4AAFITC.jpg orig.jpg (1416x2000, 392K)

i didn't greet anyone this time but Relm-chan. i figured there were too many people, and people seem to get upset when i don't greet them, i'm sorry.
hey, Tsu-chan! you're welcome
i'm glad you're glad
you're welcome and thank you
woo! it'll be fun! and i'll make you an omelette with... uh... what would you like?

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That reminds me, I should buy Splatoon 2 sometime soon.

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hi yui-chan thanks
im glad youre glad
thank you and youre welcome
yeah. uhhh, i dunno anything would be fine i guess. cheese

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hello hello

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Attached: nabiki-tendo38.png (340x385, 208K)

I've no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Howdy howdy

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All I meant is that females/romance/havingsex are not things that clutters my psyche, what I actually am worried about is that someone in my family is in police custody for murder
I guess I didn't give you anything to respond to
I should have put my phase of playing COD for 100 hours, and then never again, to use but I don't remember anything about it

Attached: image.png (680x686, 291K)

hows you cute?

Attached: LainMeh.jpg (500x500, 41K)

I can see why that'd be a the top of your mind then.

I'm on the drunk spectrum, though I'm not sure where. How about yourself?

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hey, Tsu-chan! i'm gonna stop this one, sorry
i'm gald you're glad
you're welcome and thank you
yes, plenty of cheese! i think mushrooms go good, too. and peppers!
oh, that's fine
i don't really remember playing a lot of CoD, either, except for this one time i remember watching this final killcam and it was interesting...

Attached: 1556918772784.jpg (1098x1200, 354K)

thats alright
im glad youre glad
thank you and youre welcome
yeah, all those things are good
i think im gonna go to bed now, im sorry

Attached: DZPUoxpVwAEXbpk.jpg orig.jpg (768x768, 81K)

im on the high spectrum, though im not sure where. up to anything fun?

Attached: LainAngel.jpg (500x600, 166K)

I thought you liked CoD, as in, liked a lot, maybe that was something else
I once got the final kill in a match by throwing a knife semi-randomly, knowing everyone saw the replay of me getting the last kill with a long distance knife throw was glorious

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Drinking and playing Destiny 2. I'm using it to measure my drunkenness. I'm still doing okay.

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chatting and thread to entertain myself for me, got too tired to play league

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I remember playing league for a brief period because my friend got me into it. Have you been playing that new autochess gamemode that I can't remember the name of?

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yeah, its pretty fun. its a nice option to have to play. its a shame, ive never played destiny

Attached: LainLegs.jpg (642x855, 496K)

what you playing d2 on

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I'm not really sure if Destiny is good or not. I have a lot of fond memories of the first one, running the raids blind with my squad was tons of fun and PvP was a real blast. Destiny 2 just seems to have a lot of setbacks; I even dropped it for a bit, but I'm starting to have more fun with it. I need to run the new raids soon.

I play it on PS4, though I'll probably switch to PC for Shadowkeep or whatever.

Attached: 3812dfae9db9f2c78bcc3f48900f7f5b.png (792x487, 223K)

its good if youre getting into it

Attached: Lain&Tsugu.jpg (1400x2000, 276K)

I play on xbone
doing caydes will rn

Attached: drug11.png (770x1393, 439K)

I also forgot to mention that in September when the next expansion releases, Destiny 2 and the Foresaken expansion will be free to play, so you can always give it a shot then.

It's a shame we can't play together. Ace is really good, definitely among my favorite hand cannons. Which class do you play?

Attached: 831c43dda4088a13f487544411a00241.jpg (717x1000, 121K)

Hunter. Also I bet. I have a bow(No Turning Back) that has max accuracy.

Attached: dcaifxh-56b03362-3168-46fe-bcbe-00c767fef417.jpg (1350x1909, 518K)

i think i will, it sounds kinda fun

Attached: LainAndOddGreySquare.jpg (474x374, 22K)

Hunter huh, a man of culture I see. No Turning Back tends to have super high accuracy, which makes sense because I think it's one of the slower bows, probably made to be akin to a light sniper. I prefer the faster bows though, especially the Le Monarch with the poison effect.

With a group of friends it really is.

Attached: a418237e10b85dbe8f3517480d752248.jpg (1280x960, 536K)

I need to get that one. But I haven't started black armory. I like the NTB more, cause missing shots in pvp usually mean youre fucking dead. I second the statement with friends.

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I stopped using bows in PvP, I just think they don't do enough for how slow they are. Even Le Monarch's DoT doesn't help too much, I still get outgunned more often than not. I miss my No Land Beyond for PvP.

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I guess the meta's are different console wise? Everyone on xbox is using snipers, so bows fit right in.

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I just find bows to be weak, I don't think they kill in a single headshot like a sniper does, so it can be kind of easy to turn the tides against a bow. They're a lot of fun, but I just don't think they're particularly effective, kind of like swords.

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I can understand that. I'm on the final mission for cayde's will, so once im done with that ima go play smash till I fall out.

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If you ever want somebody to smash with, just let me know. I'd be up for it.

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hit me up man; I got a friend of mine and we prolly need a 3rd to fuck around with.

Attached: drug6.png (770x853, 1.02M)

My code is SW-2058-1856-1896 Name should be Aegis
Send me a request and I'll probably add you sometime tomorrow.

Attached: 711d7d86a8527ef2ebd2f6f6b1081444.jpg (572x977, 325K)

aight ill add you when I hop on.

if you want to be added in my small smash group my handle is Ginseng Fox#3042

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At least my Discord will have some use now.

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Lol you really believe in an all powerful/knowing being that loves everything unconditionally but decided that his favorite son was better lording in the pit?


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god is a spider, we're all just inside her

Attached: mari_makinami_by_edwinhuang_dcyjafu.jpg (873x1300, 833K)

what's going on, lurkers?

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Attached: drug8.png (770x1140, 1.29M)

damn, without even getting to the first date?

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It's Final Destination baby, do our choices matter?

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I'm drunk. How are you, person I've never seen before?

Attached: 295207edff39f25e69d4e47914f031d7.jpg (600x848, 92K)

you're really getting personal, then
what a date
you've seen me plenty of times in days past, although i was posting different images

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That doesn't help me at all. I can barely identify half the waifu characters as is.

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oh go figure. i posted the naruto characters, blonde pokemon girl, and green ponytail girl before mari

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no smash on first date, sounds weak.

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smash that ass into submission

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I'm assuming you mean Madara, and I can't even begin to guess the others. I don't really watch much anime, hence the waifu being from a videogame.

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do it no cap

Attached: drug13.png (770x770, 280K)

yes madara that cutie
i tried setting a name in namesync, but it wouldn't work
i can see other people's though so it's whatever

Attached: mari_a.jpg (500x735, 228K)


I imagine the Remi's feet, after a long day of being a vampire, must be absolutely disgusting from marinating in sweat, grease and bacteria. When she removes her shoes at the end of the day, she probably gets flustered at just how smelly and toxic her bare feet are; her own body betraying all standards of decency by producing an unbelievably lewd and slimy, biohazardous zone of filth within her own footwear. Shoes designed to look pretty and appealing, now soiled and turned into unusable, smelly, ruined trash by her own festering feet. It's almost amazing how an odor so potent and foul can come from a girl so cute. What a contrast!

The contrast would be captivating. On one side, you've got her beautiful, pale, shapely, happy feet. They're works of art, and can arouse anyone with their perfection. On the other hand, you've got endless of amounts of a stink so foul it can make plants wilt and birds fall from the sky just by spreading her toes! Imagine seeing the Remi dip her feet in the ocean and turning it into a bubbling, stinky green mess with her odor and killing all the fish, or having her grab your nose with them and make you take deep breaths!

Remi's cute, pale, smelly, vampire feet!

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why did you block me on discord for telling me that your obsession with whiteness was ridiculous and unhealthy

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I can't see any names, so I remain lost.7 whenever somebody changes.

telling you, rather