How can I get back at my ex for keeping the kids from me...

How can I get back at my ex for keeping the kids from me? She doesn't want me to pay child support because she wants me out if their life but it's been months and now I'm starting to miss them

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>She doesn't want me to pay child support
DAMN! How bad did you fuck up dadanon?

I'll admit I would cheat, break things, break her phones, yell.. idk I have bipolar. I've never hurt her or the kids tho. I secretly creep on her fb and there's no guys or guys liking her shit so I think she just legit wants me to leave them alone..

If it took a month for you to start missing them I’d say their better off without you

I missed them the whole time. I meant its been a month since I'm starting to reconsider and might get a lawyer. She said she will tell them I don't take my medicine and I'm unstable

I just didn't want a whole messy court situation.. I definitely miss my kids tho I cried last night. First time I've cried in a decade

So you behave kind of emotional and irrational. Maybe if you curb that a little bit things will change?

>She said she will tell them I don't take my medicine and I'm unstable
>I'll admit I would cheat, break things, break her phones, yell.. idk I have bipolar.

Sound's like she is right.

I have bipolar and adhd and have been medicated since I was 7 so 22 years now. I go to therapy once a week. I don't take my medicine because I don't feel it works. My ex use to buy me tons of alcohol because I'm a lovey drunk and I just told her I don't want to drink every day so she just wanted to move out and take the kids. It's been a real fucked up event in my life user

I never denied being unstable.. she knows I would never hurt her tho just break things and replace them. I don't eat her back. I want to see my kids but I don't know what to do. If I take her to court I'm gonna be called crazy and if I keep leaving her alone I'm getting no where. She blocked me on FB but we text sometimes like when she told me lil man was sick.. but she wont let me see them anymore. And won't bring them over to visit

Shit man. Can you pretend to drink?

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Well we aren't going to get back together. We both haven't even loved each other in years. My problem is wanting my kids back. Idk guys I only made this thread cuz I was about to call her and demand seeing them. Which would have been bad. I don't need a protection order on me

>I just didn't want a whole messy court situation...
Then why the FUCK you married and/or gave birth to children in a country whose laws are notoriously gynocentric?
You are a male. Courts will not protect you and they don't give a fuck about you. Welcome to Clown World 2019.

Yeah don't do that. It might make you feel better for a moment but it will add to the long term clusterfuck.

If she is willing to forgo any child support from you then that means she thinks it is easier on both her and the kids for her to have to work twice as hard than it is for them to occasionally see you.
If things are that bad then you are a fucking mess and too stupid or messed up in the head to see it. Take your meds.

> I don't take my medicine because I don't feel it works.
You are not in any way qualified to make that decision. If you were, you would not need to be medicated. Take your fucking meds.

>My ex use to buy me tons of alcohol because I'm a lovey drunk
She kept you drunk because you wouldn't take your fucking meds and you were easier to deal with while sedated. Take your fucking meds you stupid piece of shit.

We were together for 12 years and luckily never married

I was feeling you until you called me a pos. You don't know how it is having different doctors switch up your medications every other week for 2/3rds of my life..

Shes not working twice as hard we both make good money that's why she doesn't need it

>I was feeling you until you called me a pos.
If getting your feelings hurt makes you completely disregard what someone tells you then you are not a functioning adult.
Want your kids back? Be better than you are now.

Slit her throat bury her hide the shovel and then drive off into the sunset

If you make good money, get a lawyer and get visitation rights. You REALLY shouldn't start that process unmedicated, I understand modern psychiatry is just throwing drugs at the wall till something sticks, but it's kinda obvious you need *something* before you embark on a quest to convince the courts you're sane.

Do not send any messages that are in any way demanding or malicious, she is gonna save all communication and you dont want to give her more ammo to use against you in court.

Start taking your medicine

Definitely didn't get my feelings hurt, bud.
Notice I didn't mention the stupid part because I am stupid I fucked everything up and I need advice. I don't think taking my medicine would change anything. Only she knew I didn't really take them all. So if we go to court I'm gonna say I do obviously

100% agree. You have to be a man not a grown child with its own needs. Being a father means sacrificing parts of your self for the better of your kids and your self.

I’m bi polar too. Start taking your medicine and getting real help. You’ll get better and you can tell the judge you’re more than capable of taking care of your kids good luck OP.

Post Ex pics I’ll determine

Yeah you sound fucked. Maybe if you work on yourself before interacting with your kids and show progress you might have a chance. Also, we're not your fucking therapists. Either kill them all and post pics or get out.

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>I don't think taking my medicine would change anything. Only she knew I didn't really take them all. So if we go to court I'm gonna say I do obviously
Stop being stupid. You can't tell because your brain is fucked up. People around you can tell. That is the exact reason you are in your current situation.

You’re shit OP

I agree man.. unfortunately when we first split I did blow up her phone and she told me she would show the courts. Hints why I've just been waiting.. for nothing. I'm not gonna see them

You should start seeing a psych and get treatment so you can win some custody dickhead

I have in some threads. Ironically I've never seen them reposted tho. I think she's a 7/10. Her body was definitely why I stayed with her so long

I’m in the same position, I’m getting help, studying law and getting my life together. Do the same

Well not only are you in denial, you're bi-polar and a barely functional adult. An hero and redeem yourself.

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I have for been for 22 years, retard.

The only retard in here is you. You can't even see your own off-spring you fuckup.

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I'm definitely in a bad situation user you got me there

user, either take our advice or fuck off and stay in the slums. You have to take some steps to show you're trying to better yourself even if you don't want to. Are your kids that insignificant that you can't take some pills and act somewhat normal to be a part of their lifes? Look at the bigger picture man.

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What am I denying ?

I probably make more than you and haven't lived with my mom since I was 18 so obviously I'm not that bad of an adult

Bro I feel you but how will taking my medicine help? I have no communication with her I always let her text me first. What am I gonna msg her like hey I'm taking my medicine let me see he kids

get back at her by posting her nudes

Start living your own life until that text, and don't stop trying to improve. It's that simple, it won't be easy but there's no point in not trying.

Obviously not. Listen, I'm the only fucker left in this thread replying to you and giving constructive criticism but your lack of self-awareness is baffling to say the least. Fix yourself before you break others around you.

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>How can I get back at my ex for keeping the kids from me
Wrong mindset
>I want to see my kids again
I had various other things to say until I read this this proper, but all I can say is work at getting your shit together the best you can. I don't like the way society is about mothers and children in this age, but the easiest answer is being the best you, you can be. Be someone who will be a good influence in their lives.

Its a shit situation and I feel for you, but as much as they won't consider the fact, in a lot of ways its a womans world.

You're right I do have a wrong mindset rn

If you're serious about bi polar and your actions, stay out of their lives. My dad is bi polar and my mom stuck with him.

Everyone hates him and he is alone now. Do yourself a favor and work on yourself before getting involved with anyone. You will only leave hate and abuse in your wake in your current state.

This was our last msg in June

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get someone that isn't you to regularly call CPS with anonymous tips that she's mistreating the kids and abusing or neglecting them.


Why are you such a piece of shit?

You could come to terms with the fact that you're a POS and kill yourself..

I offered OP words of wisdom but at this point I'm inclined to agree with this user. If you don't want to change, an hero.