i am going to kill myself itt. i'm tired of being ignored by girls.
stick around, maybe user will help me get a live stream
pic unrelated
i am going to kill myself itt. i'm tired of being ignored by girls.
stick around, maybe user will help me get a live stream
pic unrelated
do it.
Rip little angel
nobody seems to be interested in the livestream
just do it you little bitch
don't do it bro, you'll get a gal someday
man do we have to deal all week with this shit?
You got cash app? I’ll yeah you how to improve your smv everyday for a whole year 300$.
Before you go can you dump all you've got of that girl?
Do you do anything to be noticed by girls?
nah it'd be delusional to think that
Fuckin pussy
whats the sauce before you die
just google erin ashford
create a twitch channel
do you?
need something easier
jesus christ. just get it over with then.
>i'm tired of being ignored by girls.
The fuck is this reason? This is worthless
You have to take what you need, she’ll thank you later
it drives me fucking insane
Don't kill yourself over something as worthless as women user. it's not worth it, trust me
I hate when people say "it's not worth it, trust me" like they killed themselves
>hey uh user reporting back in
>so turns out being an hero isn't really all that great
like just let him do what he wants to
I did until I started dating my current gf. But it’s not too hard being single, you just gotta play their silly games
instead of posting this topic you should have just killed yourself user. nobody cares about you.
yes it is. 0 women in my life have ever tried to talk to me. 0 women in my life don't ignore me
>nobody cares about you.
i know. i'm like the 5th most popular suicide thread rn, even though i'd stream if people were interested
so go suck a dick faggot, jfc pathetic incels omg stop wasting our time and kys already. what an unbelievable faggot.
If you r going to kys give me your money first,dead people dont need money, and i need a new graphic card, or maybe you can just become a trap or get ripped, womns like ripped guys
This. OP take out a bunch of payday loans or something and give it away. Your debt dies with you.
Ever consider getting some dick?
>doing nothing of value
>being ignored
pick one
quit stalling and post that livestream link already faggot
do it. it helps solve problems
Why kill yourself when you can find meaning through online interactions!!? Join the official chanfag discord and meet people even worse off than you! Maybe even find a mentally broken e-gf or gf(male) to give your life meaning again! Minimal rules and an active community
discord gg/hxngX4c
Your standards are too high for who you are then, my guy. Trust me, my standards are too high atm too, so either lower your standards or up yourself. Legit just take a year where you don’t worry about chicks and you focus on making yourself all-around fuckable.
just fap, fap is like a vacation from life