How to overcome driving anxiety? I can drive reasonably well in quiet streets...

How to overcome driving anxiety? I can drive reasonably well in quiet streets, but in high traffic with lane changing and so on I become literally retarded. I forget how to change gears, I make the car stall, I do the most stupid shit. How can I solve this? I feel so ashamed.

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simple: don't be a woman, or a faggot

Yeah...any useful tips, though?

I know my brain acts like a woman's sometimes, but that's the only one I've got.

Get a therapist

drive off a cliff

>drive off a cliff
I am actually considering suicide, tbh. Not just because of that, but it may be the final straw.

thanks anyway

Try saying out loud whatever you are currently see or need to do out loud before you do it.
You'll look and sound like a psycho but maybe it might help if you hear it committed to the air instead of trying to keep it straight in your head.

I have terrible driving anxiety. It sucks. There are some YouTube videos about it. One guy says when you start to feel the anxiety come on, say out loud "I accept it and I allow it." I did it today, and it seemed to help. We basically have to get used to it, and hopefully one day we stop noticing it.

Fuckin pussy

This is the same guy. My anxiety gets so bad that sometimes I have to pull over on the side of the road until it passes. The worst feeling is being stopped at a stop light and then I feel the panic attack coming on.

I don't know what caused this, I used to drive just fine.

> can't perform simple actions because of muh fee fees
another product of the self esteem generation overly coddled by mommy. fucking kys you waste of space if you need advice on how now to panic when you drive in normal conditions.

Was thinking about taking the car for drives during the night or during sunday morning, when there no traffic, so I can get allow myself to make mistakes without feeling embarrassed and work my way up to the peak hours. Maybe it will help.

hopefully you'll kys too. literal wastes of skin.

Drugs. I deal with my anxiety with drugs. It’s not cheap, but the good stuff will get you through the day. Coke or kratom work. Don’t do other stuff (meth, heroin) because it fucks you up toooo much. Same with booze (makes you fat too). Just light opiates.

Go suck a nigger dick you gay faggot

>My anxiety gets so bad that sometimes I have to pull over on the side of the road until it passes.
Oh, boy. I've been there, too.

Yes, that's what they say. Keep trying and hopefully the anxiety goes away.

>I deal with my anxiety with drugs.
Not gonna risk having a criminal record or, even worse, run someone over because I was high.

says the attention seeking faggot that makes up "problems" as lame as "my fee fees when i drive!!" get rekt dumbfuck

The good news is that you really are one of the losers on this board who will kill yourself. Hope it's tonight.

oooh watch out buddy! someone three cars up is making a left without turn signals!! try not to panic!!!

kill your self.

Good luck user, and safe driving

imagine how weak someone has to be to cry about driving next to other cars that are driving too.

>says the attention seeking faggot that makes up "problems" as lame as "my fee fees when i drive!!" get rekt dumbfuck
OP here. I didn't tell anyone to suck dick.

Drink before driving

I get this sometimes when I think about how easy it would be for me to die if I crashed. So I just try not to think about that.

Is there anything in life that anons can handle? Jesus, what a bunch of pusscakes. I'm depressed, I think I'm gay, I can't get laid, my girlfriend left me, whatever. Really fucked up.

>I get this sometimes when I think about how easy it would be for me to die if I crashed.
I'm more worried about killing or hurting other people, but that's a reflection of my low self-esteem, I think.

do you cry when walking on a crowded sidewalk? you could accidentally crash into another person walking so same thing.

We "can" handle, user, but some things are difficult, and it helps to talk about it.

no. you're just a fucking narcissist and hyperfocused on your feelings at the expense of everyone and everything else in the world. cry bully selfish fucks like you will hopefully be euthanized.

I dunno man. Anxiety like this, i feel, is quite common. Suicide is definitely not the solution this problem. I suggest you see a doctor, whether it be a psychiatrist or your primarty physician. He/she will probably prescribe you Xanax or something and perhaps couple it with some form of therapy.You'll be feeling right as rain during those situations in no time.

Personally my drive to be good at driving is simply to be really
Good at it , and more importantly be safe. Part of it is very competitive though in some way, so maybe think of it that way

Watch racing. Use your mirrors and turn your head when merging. Start to predict others movements, lights go out they might be signalling to move or just don't care. Look where you're going to be 15 seconds down the road and count when the person ahead of you passes a pole til you pass. There should be 3 - 4 seconds of separation, add 1 second for night time, another for rain or snow.

the whole time the psychiatrist would be thinking what a loser the op is.

who taught you to drive? was your driving instructor an asshole?

I had anxiety too and it was because my driving teacher was a dickhead and would get mad over the smallest mistakes. My advice is get a few lessons with someone who is calm and relaxed and go over the areas that stress you out.

sounds retarded. you get in a car and drive like a normal a person you don't make it a competition about safety. moron.

Take that car of yours out to the country where theres no cars and learn to drive that thing. Drive it like you stole it

Yeah. Unfortunately i live near a highway where everyone does 25mph over the limit. But be ready to stop.

> my driving teacher was a dickhead and would get mad over the smallest mistakes
> you: cross lanes on a highway without checking your blind spots
> instructor (calmly): user don't forget to check your blind spots
grow up retard

i'm talking about very small errors not crossing lanes on highways without looking or indicating you absolute mongoloid.

Also nobody every improved by getting shouted at you dickhead.

>was your driving instructor an asshole?
One of them was a little bit, then I changed instructors and he was great, super calm and reassuring. Never felt bad driving with him. The problem, for me, is driving alone.

you obviously never served in the military. people every day improve into precision fighting units and grow up whilst being yelled at nonstop and mercilessly. little babies like you would melt like butter in the sun if you were actually scrutinized like an adult.

and then they get PTSD

Best way to deal with anxiety is exposure and confronting it.

Repeatedly doing it until you aren't anxious any more and its all like riding a bike.

took me less than two minutes on google to find a study of positive vs negative feedback/affirmation for army recruits oh and guess what, using positive and supportive feedback trumps negative in every aspect. And this isn't just military it literally applies in every teaching subject.


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