god-tier black metal thread
God-tier black metal thread
very powerful stuff
godless self-bump
this hits the spot
>nigger music
>god tier
>black metal
edgy. All this "darkness" and "black metal" to mask the fact that ur a pathetic beta incel who isnt fooling anyone. Normal people do not listen to anti-social music associated with the criminal underground. Edgy little faggots do
Spectral Wound, very strong 2018 release:
Great if you're an atmos-fag like me
>spectral söy
no thanks
her sunglasses are as round and ugly as her
you tried.
pic related, don't talk to me or my son ever again
Black metal is edgy as fuck as it is, who cares if they're nazis
get this sorry emo shit outta here
Alcest is neither ns nor emo you fags
Oh hey varg
Trying to get people to listen to your shitty music?
FYI Necrobutcher has more talent in his left nut than you do in your entire body.
P.S. Euronymous was smarter than you that's why you killed him.
I've heard of the Niggar family, but this is the first I'm hearing of the Faggit family...
Funny because Necrobutcher is one of the few people in the black metal scene that still defends him to this day and has said that euronymous got what he deserved
I love this album
Alcest IS NS
you should, it's really good
nice trips desu
None of that is true Norwegian black metal, nigel pepper cock makes burzum look like the summer fag that he is.
So? He just played the drums on the first kpn demo 18 years ago, no big deal
Sure he does, Varg, I mean Christian
Sure he does...
And the drums, bass, guitar and vocals in Peste Noire until 2008. So yeah, he's a nazi whether you like it or not
Ok, well I like him even more then
listening now, thank you for the recommendation
holy shit this is boring
>posting your own shitty band