What do you guys put in your omelettes?
What do you guys put in your omelettes?
Sometimes salmon.
Now post more WW1 photos in color.
Mushrooms and spinach
I have artwork from WW1 if that pleases you
Tomatoes and onions
Cheese and whatever kind of meat I have in the fridge
Extra mature cheddar and a handful of button mushrooms. Sometimes I'll put ham in it but not often.
Hilarious and original.
peppers and goat cheese
Ham, cheese, mushrooms, green peppers, onions and tomatoes.
dubs of truth
most of you fags prob use synthetic soy egg whites.
Someone already posted that. It wasn't funny then and it certainly isn't funny now.
Try to keep it civil mate. We're talking about omelettes.
ok egg boy
I don't eat homosexual foods
Eastern European Jizz
Hugo Jizz
Ah a man of quality I see.
Shut the fuck up. You are a bad person.
That's just hurtful.
small refugee children
Truth hurts.
You're probably right. I'm sure the woman in my freezer would agree with you.
Cheese and onion
This pleases me, especially since i reenact with the GWA.
Please, gimmie whatcha got.
Hope she got raped
Fuck you
german bockwurst of course
Just cheese it's how you make it that matters not the filling
nigger cum to raise my testosterone levels
shits cash
I usually do 6 egg omelette. Put in some salt, white pepper and Black pepper. Sometimes I add and mix some grinded cheese before startin cooking. After another side is ready I flip it around and then add either tomato slices, ketchup or sweet chili sauce on top of it. Depending aforementioned topping I add grinded cheese either on top of that or between it and eggs.
another omelette
lots of basil, cheese, a tiny bit of curry, garlic.
Way, way too much summer
>grinded cheese
Easily one of my favourite foods, bonus points since my kids love it too so I'm not forced to enjoy it only as "daddy-deli"... Oh yeah, and sometimes I add pepperoni or metwurst, it's good topping as well...
Seems good tbh.
>In no small part because basil is fucking awesome
Usually just cheddar cheese and a small amount of fresh chives. Other times, no filling, French omelette.
Disgusting is the only word that comes to mind...
You are a bad person.
Looks like that dude's seen some shit.
So I've been told...
Ham and some cheese. Might try Spam next time
Finally someone who gets it.
I prefer bavousse (scrambled eggs but a lot better) on toast
Cigarette butts and used maxi pads. Don’t knock it.
Is pick related?
I sautee or grill bell peppers, onion, jalapeño, diced tomato. I mix eggs with hot salsa, add grated cheese right before folding omelette. Little salsa on top with some black olives.
Potatos, Pickles, bacon
Brie cheese, spinach & mushroom.
What is bavousse? Not finding it anywhere.
that sounds strangely delicious. What kind of pickles?
(yo dawg, i heard you like omelettes...)
Egg pepper and butter u heathens.
yea: that sounds like a lotta salsa/heat in the early morning, bro-hammed. id be rocking on the toilet!
bag of dicks, some semen, lemon juice
you put omelette in womb to cook
There’s this really good fucking Mexican cheese that is delicious in omlettes and eggs in general. Pretty sure it’s call cotija. Crumbly goodness.
Took a while.
Good shit.
wrong war.
greAT war december 017,christmas eve,,germans & herberts wave white flag for truce,a few at a time leaVe trenches,walk over to 'the enemy',,exchanGe booze coffee smokies,play accordions,sing carols stiele nacHt eiinege nacHt,,,,,,,,,nice time had bY all, back to their lines after a few hours,war resumes am christmas day
fresh cheese, maybe green garlic and bacon
Omelettes are literal trash breakfast invented to keep the proletariat in line
So congrats on being working class whores who will never rise up
Keep slaving for your capitalist masters
cheese, peppers, chili, mushrooms, spring onions, chives, ham, bacon
There are no rules.
True bourgeois choice
Simple...realistic...cooked and eaten and done...allows for more time in the day to crush the poor
Spinach, ham, cheese, chicken, and a little onion most of the time
Bourgeois eats kale so they don't get stuck on the toilet.
And they have someone else cook it, prep time is not a consideration.
Exactly...more time to plot the evisceration