Bianca memes thread
Get em while their cold
Bianca memes thread
Only cute Bianca pics allowed.
Incel edgelords coping with the fact that they'll never fuck anybody above a 2.
this site really has changed
Where can I find the pics? Do you have more?
Too soon
Amazingly, a lot of the people who have been on Yea Forums for a long time have grown up, and their moral standards have changed.
Nice digits
What the Fuck?
Too soon
This site's been around for 16 years. Yeah, shocker, a good majority of users weren't even born when it opened.
Video anyone?
This one is funny nice trips
trips win
Who she?
It smells like summer
Some people, on the other hand, never grow up at all.
Can someone explain what happened? Why is everyone posting this photo?
Push fucking?
I would still like to see more, cant find it anywhere..
Thot played the wrong emo
He’s a fool if he’s trying this hard
Lol what a beta
Push fucking as in try and pursaude to having sex unless its warranted
Dunno, guess begging for a pity-fuck?
What's this?
The thing that makes this worth the memes and not edgy gore porn is that, just like Tarrant, it's really relevant to the people of discord servers and anime rape dungeons such as this
allegedly, it's the conversation between Brian Clark and Bianca
>this entire thing
hey, what's going on?
i heard she sold nudes, anyone have them? come on b/ros
There's something serious wrong with you edge lords
Fuck how is it possible that no one has the video or more photos of it?
>There's something serious wrong with you edge lords
So is it just the 3 pics there that have been posted?
i hope they dont, moralfags are not fun to be around you always have to walk on eggshells
There is no video
Because there is no video, you fucking faggot
is that the faggot?
Did he killed himself too or what?
No, he had sex with her so I don't think that he was a faggot
he tried to lmao
He tried but failed
Dude failed lmfao
He tried but failed. He's still alive.
>aaah! I entered a thread with things that I don't like and now I'm offended
Shut the fuck up. Incels that migrated here after r/Incel or whatever it's called have no right to call someone else summerfag. Also only newfags call people summerfags
This is why you're still a virgin.
>Normal people
>Wonders why he's a virgin
can someone pls deepnude this ?
I thought we were out of bracelets? Oh well, enjoy the summer break. Only newfags and summer fags tell people what they are supposed to do
fucking lol. that'd be gold
YOu guys are sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get a freaking life you fat fucks!
I agree, but what tragedy?
i fuck like an animal
Fuck libtards and fuck niggers
Cut my girlfriends neck to pieces,
Then post it on discord,
Killed the bitch, she is not breathing,
Miss my carotid, in jail, ass-rape screaming.
Papa Clark?
Chopping dat meat.
op gets a herp and a derp
▲ ▲
I knew this Instagram influencing was a cut-throat business...
Fuck off already. Assholes don't know when to quit.
>that guy that knows exactly what eyeliner and eye color and hair color the random e girl has
classic utica NY
Basic bitch vans
>posing with his murder on snapchat for attention
No such thing as attempted suicide
What's sex like user? Is it squishy? I bet it's hella squishy!
What tragedy?
Sorry, but THEY sent me this !!
Hi, my name is Samara, I'm 14 years old (or would have been if I was still alive), I died when I was 13 while crossing the US border. I could not get away from the barbed wire. And the worst is that an ICE employee watched the whole thing and didn't move a finger to help me! I could hear the laughs coming from the watch tower. After agonizing for 2 hours coiled in the wire I died, through this message I ask you to fulfill my last wish so I can finally rest in peace. Copy and paste this message on 20 other threads and my soul will be saved by you and the other 20 people who read it. Ignore this message and I'm going to visit you tonight and you will get to inspect the wire I mentioned very closely. July 15 Mariana decided to laugh at this message, a night later she disappeared without leaving a trace. The same thing happened to Sonia on October 18th. Please, do not break this chain, unless, of course, you want to feel my presence
> Did this fag come to Yea Forums hoping for decency?
Welcome to Yea Forums fucktard.
Did he mean to quote Hollywood Undead's Black Cadillac?
whats up with the retards browsing this thread telling others to stop
can some faggot just post the unedited photo?
orbiter defined kek
That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
Are there any more pics? Wanking to one pic isnt very entertaining.
It's not the body, you fag, it was the shitty person that used to inhabit it, that literally asked to be murdered on a day-to-day basis in her Twitter-feed
I bet this show's older than your faggoty ass
lmfao how do u fail a suicide
youre an orbiter too i bet
Post the nudes Yea Forums I know one of you fags have them
underage twitterfag spotted
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
He didn't actually want to, but people do that (I work with people who do self-harm) they claim to be suicidal and it's what people believe - yet, like you say, if you want to die it's not rocket science.
It's generally just attention seeking behavior
holy fuck it's too bright and shiny
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Nothing more hilarious than watching obese, neckbeard virgins, seethe at this.
>Trying this hard
Did you just think that you could fucking fool me with that comment of yours? I've searched your name up in the Navy SEAL database and you have never even graduated BUD/S, hell, even served in the Armed Forces. If you were actually a Navy SEAL, then you actually know how to spell guerrilla, you fucking moron. And you say you are the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces and have over 300 confirmed kills. If that were true, then why the fuck is Chris Kyle a household name and you aren't? And plus he only had 160 kills. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. Plus why the fuck would you say you have a secret network of spies yet you just revealed that you had your secret network of spies? Are you a fucking idiot? If you can kill someone seven-hundred different ways, then list them all, I bet you can't even come up with seven. And if you had access to the entire US Marine Corps arsenal, then why the fuck did you just say you were in the Navy SEALs earlier? If only you could have done your research prior to posting your little “clever” comment, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you goddamn idiot.
actually this low level stuff is alienating me ... maybe I am too old dont know
the part that always gets me in this pasta is
>i have access to the entire arsenal of the us marine corps
i always imagine some faggot rolling up with a fucking harrier jet towing artillery to a fist fight at a local park
XD Sweet daddy
who is this
nothing more hilarious than watching girls and trannies freak out over a single random loss.
do you always cry this hard when strangers die
>tfw you realize you're in a cringe thread
Look at that faggot, had to get selfies of his non lethal wound
Muh sides
Cut my girlfriends neck to pieces
Now I'm banned from discord
laceration, no breathing
why is Yea Forums still not memeing?
Duna nahnahnahnahnah
Anything new this story is kinda cold now beta v thot
This is like something you fantasize about that would never actually happen.
Until it did
Her parents didn't care or love her, that's why the thot is dead
hahahaha oh this is great. As if most of these roasties would never want shit to do with any of you neckbeards already, now they will definitely never meet up with or get too personal with any of you faggots. It's likely they'll get raped or slaughtered, obviously. Maybe now this cancer of beta faggots orbiting drug addict roastie whores will finally come to an end. Dude couldnt even kill himself properly after lol what a fucking retard.
trips of truth
please go back to r e d d i t , and yes i know this is your attempt at satire
checked, also kek'd at pic
you have to go back
To soon.
>hahahaha oh this is great. As if most of these roasties would never want shit to do with any of you neckbeards already, now they will definitely never meet up with or get too personal with any of you faggots. It's likely they'll get raped or slaughtered, obviously. Maybe now this cancer of beta faggots orbiting drug addict roastie whores will finally come to an end. Dude couldnt even kill himself properly after lol what a fucking retard.
What a faggot.
Missed the Yea Forums strangler victim
stop spaming this shit.
no u
fuck off
This is why you're a virgin
on world
You just mad you couldn't fuck her
you must be new here
doing god's work
thanks for this
I'm not either of those. I'm a man. An actual man, unlike you waste of oxygen. I can actually get women to sleep with me. Because I'm a man unlike you. You would never say the shit you're spewing to my face, because you're a beta male. I would bend you over and rape you like the weak bitch you are. I've done it before. I love raping weak "men" like you. You think you're hard until my dick is in your ass.
>Samefagging this hard
opposite of pull-fucking?
I don't know which one of you faggots needed this, but here.
this meme should make the only last decent people of Yea Forums to leave. Eat your own shit faggots, we already know you love it.
fuck you moron. why do I even have to respond to this shit? GTFO. I hope you lose your legs faggot.
Man this is fucking creepy kek
a girl animal
Jeffrey Epstein got a massage from her.
Then he fucked her.
Orbiter: Beta Edition
This had to be the biggest red flag for her. ""Nice guys"" are not nice at all. Should had known better
hey man, nice dubs
Yea Forums has way more “decent” people that it used to have.
by not dying?
Is that supposed to be funny? This shit is played out at this point and the only one's continuing to make dumb memes are mentally weak beta males who are mad this girl wouldn't sleep with them.
some guy
It’s interesting how personally the people who come into these threads to be offended seem to take all of this.
That would be awesome.
Can, can I fuck the throat hole?
Fuck off white knight. I wouldn't fuck her with your little dick, dickhead.
How many niggers do you think she fucked? That cunt would've dies from AIDS anyway. She deserved what she got.
the only reason people are making jokes about it is because its funny to watch people seethe with rage
Tell me where the funeral is and ill fuck her.
hello ladies
look at all those replies
Disappointed that nobody's made The Bends with her on it yet.
>Seething incel is seething because she wouldn't fuck him
This is why you're a virgin and will be for the rest of your pathetic existence.
Go have gay sex with all the other incels and share your aids
no problem user
When's the last time you saw your cock?
mom look trips
>couldn't decapitate her
I guess she kept her head in the game
stay pissed
>or whatever it's called
Underage confirmed. You know what it was called, kid. Feigning ignorance where knowledge of the topic might make you look uncool is the behavior of a child.
What you said was akin to "I recognize that scene from 2 Monster Nordic Cocks Ravage Asian Boy Butts....or whatever it's called..."
You disgust me.
Humour is subjective.
soy boy beta faggot detected
Damn, that is some grade A autism right there. I don't know what that gay shit is called, because I'm not a beta male incel who used to visit plebbit.
>Feigning ignorance where knowledge of the topic might make you look uncool is childish behavior
No, it doesn't, but by that logic so is assuming what goes on in other people's heads, faggot.
lmao go kill yourself
>Posting edgy content of a girl who wouldn't fuck him
>Calls other people mad
Keep seething faggot incel
god, i love this site and everyone on it
Would you look at that, you're still a virgin.
Asmongold has a cleaner room than you incel
What are you fucking 12? Grow up and get a pair of balls you nigger.
Stay virgin
Oh my God lol, exactly was I expecting of Yea Forums lol
>I'm not mad!
>Keeps replying to everything I'm saying
Ok kid.
>Defending incels
>Calling others beta Male
Pick one incel faggot. Get a girlfriend.
Get the fuck out, newfag.
You must be new here faggot
such a sad story
Yeah, fuck his ass user!
>Seething incel is seething
Aww, you mad because someone is calling you out on your bullshit? You being a fake edgy faggot is why you're still a virgin
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>Calls others 12
>Le edgy boy thinks gore is cool
Pick one faggot
>Seething samefag is seething
>Seething samefag is still virgin
You're trying really hard, I'll give you that. For someone who doesn't know what it's called, it's funny that you knew exactly what it was called. No one would have assumed you were a "beta male incel" just for knowing what it was called. More people know about it than actually visited it because of the infamous reputation it got. But going out of your way to feign ignorance was the tell.
You're just mad because I read you like a book.
thank you for your service
I just heard about this and came here to see if anyone had the pics
You're not capable of doing that yourself because you're a pussy. Fake edgy kids like you should kill yourself and post it online so you and all the other incels can jerk off to it.
Alfredo! Bring me the pasta!
I'm not feigning ignorance retard, I wasn't sure 100% what it was called. You can't tell what's going on inside people's heads, yet you attribute others intentions. You're a dumb faggot.
and a free pizza
You didn't read anyone you dumb faggot. You're fucking retarded thinking you can know what's going through someone else's head.
You're a dumb faggot though. Any reply to this comment is because you're mad I read you like a book.
>Hurr durr I got my psychology degree from Yea Forums
anyone have screenshot of the discord conversations of the killer?
You should join the BAU and track serial killers. You're some real life criminal minds guy.
What are you fuckers arguing about? What is what called?
Look everybody this nigga thinks he's Sherlock Holmes!
fuck off back to reddiscord, no one with a mindset like this should be allowed to post in here.
+Stop whiteknighting her, she won't come back to life to fuck you for defending her on Yea Forums.
And then when the same thing happens to your mom you'd cry like the little bitch you are.
Yeah, thats Yea Forums though. You have to remember most people posting these edgy "imgladshesdeadsloot" memes are sub 18 year old kiddos who've never had anyone close to them. They'll learn, we all do.
I made a comment about r/incel and said "or whatever it's called" because I wasn't 100% certain what it was called and this Yea Forums psychologist said I'm "feigning ignorance to act cool cause I'm really 12."
Shut the fuck up newfag, spamming this shit is fucking annoying and the majority of people here think all you fake edgy faggots are pathetic and annoying.
Should of stuck with five
Lmfao at all the beta male orbiters and roasties on suicide watch. Patrolling thots and posting their lifeless corpses is fucking based and red pilled, get over it and go chug some more gamer girl bathwater butthurt losers.
1000 degree knife challenge gone wrong
"I wish i had just said yes to him for prom"
Any images of her tits?
>majority of people think its annoying
I think it's the other way around NewFag
Also nice reddit post, now go back :)
>Seething virgin
>Anonymous 07/16/19(Tue)19:55:02 No.8047
To all my still loving and confident people out here, this is just something old & newfags will do here on Yea Forums and it's only because they're mostly a bunch of incels or future serial killers in the making. They're no use in getting worked up over it cause it will keep on going on here. So your options are pretty simple leave this site, or just scroll past it like you would with all the furry and trap shit that's also posted on here. Peace
you do not belong here, gtfo faggot.
>Hurr durr everyone care about my fake edgy post
>Majority of people jerking off to FB threads
>newfag calling newfag a newfag
Wish we had gotten necro nudes
You don't belong here kid. We don't like faggots who migrated from r/incel
getting pretty crowded
Shut up newfag
She was 17 WTF let her RIP
>keep linking normies here from Facebook group for the lulz
>they flip shit and give us all entertainment
Only a newfag like you would use the word "newfag". Fuckin' newfag.
I wish old mate ripped the rest of her head off instead of giving up.
>let her RIP
WTF? She's not a fucking Beyblade dude! How can you be so intensive?
Nice dubs
Who's saving this for later use?
Hahaha your father was a hamster and your mother smelled of ballsack even before she had mine in her mouth now what you gonna do about that boy?
Nah I wish we had gotten nudes then she would’ve actually been useful
I'm loving all the normal faggots getting triggered over this shit, it's like the filter we've been waiting for. Keep it up Yea Forumsros
>come into the meme thread
>64 images
>60% of the posts are stubs or faggots arguing
Should rename this to the normalnigger buzzword hour thread.
>decent people
>Yea Forums
love it
>Implying it's cool to be edgy
>Wonders why he's a virgin
haha this guy still cringes and gets sad seeing people die
post rekt for him so he can grow a pair
Samefag. At least laugh at something funny
>a facebook watermark
Holy shit that's a whole new level of cringe.
I don't care about gore faggot, I've seen that shit up close. I've done it. Unlike your little fake edgy ass. What I have a problem with is you dumb faggots still spamming this shit 2 days after it fucking happened. You that obsessed over a girl you supposedly "hate?" You're all a bunch of pathetic, virgin faggots
I did not imply that at all. I am not a virgin.
Apparently they were close friends and Clark-y boy was probably just an incel who got mad.
>Be me
>Stay off /b for a couple days
>Fucking miss the murder thread of the century
>Friend tells me it's not the first murder thread on Yea Forums
such as your life?
>Subscribes to r/incel ideology
>Complains about a meme with fb watermark
>Ignores actual meme about himself
>Thinks memes and Yea Forums are the only thing important in life
>Cringes at something not even cringey cause he thinks Yea Forums wants him to
This is why you're a virgin incel
>Edfy incel laughing about gore on Yea Forums thinks he has a better life than me
Haha, see that one was actually funny user.
nigger if you think I'm reading your reddit block of mad you're sadly mistaken lmao.
>Going through all that trouble to prove a random stranger online wrong
>Calls others upset
twitter fags BTFO
>hurr durr you edgy, you virgin
go back to r/incel and cry about your roastie and moral sensibilities
>Calls other people cringey for using FB memes
>Doesn't know what greentext is
This thread has gone to shit
At least post memes with your arguments ffs
You're a faggot
>caring about what user thinks
>visibility upset in a meme thread
I wish I was you
>Incel who is into gore of girl
>Is virgin
>Calls others incels
Kys you worthless faggot
>prt screen
>all that trouble.
kek, kid I know lifting them sausage fingers are like hurdles for you but try harder lmao, you aren't mad enough
Imagine using the word "roastie" unironically. This is why you're still a virgin.
You quite possibly the newestfag.
>news article
How normal can you get?
>probably just an incel who got mad
No, the cunt used him for money and drugs like she's done with many other men that orbited her. This was not a random act and he is not an incel because he has had sex WITH HER. You do not know what incel means and are just using buzzwords to fit in.
>the murder thread of the century
A bitch got what was coming to her after fucking with crazy people and being a degenerate. This happens every day. Whores think they're invincible; they're not. They get brutally murdered, this has happened a million times.
>it's not the first murder thread on Yea Forums
Did you literally come here yesterday? This same exact thing happened a couple years ago and it was way more pertinent to Yea Forums than this. This event is connected to Yea Forums but mostly took place in private on other websites and platforms. The people involved used Yea Forums and one was a well known attention whore. That's where it ends really. Please stop embarrassing yourself, newfag.
ashes to ashes
so deep bro
unlike your wound now your looking at a 4 walls for the rest of your life lol
>Visibly upset on a board where you can't see anyone's reactions
Yeah, you're a dumb faggot
to all the butthurt reddit faggots crying and clenching their teeth in this thread.lmao
>Hurr durr u mad
>Keeps posting girl who wouldn't fuck him 2 days after everyone stopped caring
Kek. Seething
you are making it too easy
>Complains about
>Complains about reddit
>Supports reddit r/incel crap
You're dumb
You're mom is easy
Eh I only found out about it today.
Look at him he's furious lmao
I got into my car, and smelled her stench. The stench of putrid, rotting, maggot infested, dead girl pussy. I smiled, nervously, as I started to stroke my shaft. "Soon I shall be inside my dear Bianca." I thought as I licked the blood from the knife.
I stroked her hair and smiled, a wide smile to match the way her neck looked. It reminded me of red lipstick, the kind my mother used to wear. I casually rubbed my cock across the gash in her throat, thrusting forward. I couldn't help it, I came too soon. Cum shot from my thick hard member into her gaping throat. "Mmm, you love my cum down your throat bitch" I manged to roughly utter through my moaning.
Next thing I knew, Tyrone was spreading my ass cheeks. Never 4get.
Ok, well this shit is passed it's prime. Laugh about it and move on like the rest of us. For a bunch of kids who said they hated the girl they sure are obsessing over her.
>Spamming girl who wouldn't fuck him
Yeah you're butthurt aren't you faggot
Seething ;)
keep replying tho
>Spamming girl who wouldn't fuck him
Yeah, you're seething aren't you faggot
that bianca boner tho
Why did she become cross eyed?
How would you know
Weak just like your moms knees after I was done with her.
Pfft, I’ll never forget the “hey anons guess what’s in this freezer?” thread.
The freezer had legit murder victim body parts. Good times.
>white knighting over a dead thot on Yea Forums
oh boy
That isn't even funny though
▲ ▲
>Spamming a girl who you supposedly hate
Oh boy
having sex with a corpse doesn't count sorry to tell you
>upset in a meme thread on Yea Forums
>12-year-old tier insults
I was wrong. Your life is rather sad than funny.
Gents, where do I get a video of the whole thing ? Please help me here.
there needs to be less porn posts and more gore posts.
Fuck mate it's been like a day or two. You're acting like it's been a month. You must be a newfag if you don't understand that shit like this lasts for a while on Yea Forums. Could be a week before these threads start to die down. Just don't click on the threads bro, it's not hard to ignore them.
Video was fake
So sorry Bianca, but it was your day to die.
old meme is old
Okay, THIS is epic.
She's underage. Stop asking.
I still want to see it, if its OK, please share a link to it.
Nudes of you instead?
It is absolutely disgusting that people are sharing, screenshoting the pictures of Bianca’s tragedic death!!
Wtf is wrong with you people!!??
I have seen the pictures. I will FORVER have those images in my mind when I think of her. When I close my eyes, those images haunt me.
How about we have some fucking consideration for her Mother, Sister, Step sisters and brother, Step Mother and Step Father, her Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Nieces and Newphews and her friends. How about we have some fucking consideration FOR HER!!!
Imagine sitting there, in disbelief and praying to God that this is all some mistake and that your baby will walk through the door any minute. Now imagine seeing those pictures and having everything in you break. Imagine not even being able to yell out and scream or cry because your soul has now just been broken.
Instead of repeatedly sharing and it saving these sick pictures, you report them so they can be taken down. And instead you post about what a beautiful young woman she was.
Bianca was a lot of things to so many people. She was young and beautiful and so full of live. She had been through hell and back conquering her own mental illness and she won. She was getting better. Fighting everyday. She was happy. She had just graduated. She wanted to continue her schooling so that she could help people, like her, whom no one else wanted to help. She was so loved and it breaks our hearts not knowing if she ever realized just how loved she was. Even in her deepest, darkest, lowest points, she somehow managed to help so many people who were battling their own demons.
>so full of live