Fluffy Pony Thread: It's Not Animal Cruelty If They Ain't Real Edition
Kickoff topic: Got any ideas for fluffy stories or images? If so, share 'em.
Fluffy Pony Thread: It's Not Animal Cruelty If They Ain't Real Edition
Kickoff topic: Got any ideas for fluffy stories or images? If so, share 'em.
I have an idea where a fluffy gets bored with the standard blocks and ball and starts using its imagination or collects odd objects to play with instead
Fuck yes, it's been so long since the last.
Fuuuck I agree
We had one yesterday? Actually we had two or three yesterday
I'd put my dick in that
Eh, I'm not around here so much any more. Good to hear the old classics are still going though.
Come around more often, we're more active nowadays
Drawfag here. Send me some ez Fluffy requests while I prep some sketties
Noice. Bumping with some good ol' Wolfram Sparks.
Can I get a fluffy buried up to his wait and unable to free themselves?
I've got knockoff wolfram here
Waterboarding would be much appreciated
Good shit; thanks user.
Huh. Wonder who got
No prob
Still taking requests? Can we get a Klan-style cross burning with a crucified fluffy?
Will try to deliver in the next thread. These sketties are fucking delicious
This thread'll probably still be up for a while so unless you're going somewhere you'll probably be able to do it this thread
So what's the appeal of this anyways?
It began as a backlash against all those "Friendship is Magic" Bronies who posted here (excessively) back in the day.
But to some... the cruelty was... soothing... therapeutic... addictive.
all fluffies deserve horrific death and torture
Aye aye sir
How we doing today anons?
Remade the request a little. my apologies
Sorry, but THEY sent me this !!
Hi, my name is Samara, I'm 14 years old (or would have been if I was still alive), I died when I was 13 while crossing the US border. I could not get away from the barbed wire. And the worst is that an ICE employee watched the whole thing and didn't move a finger to help me! I could hear the laughs coming from the watch tower. After agonizing for 2 hours coiled in the wire I died, through this message I ask you to fulfill my last wish so I can finally rest in peace. Copy and paste this message on 20 other threads and my soul will be saved by you and the other 20 people who read it. Ignore this message and I'm going to visit you tonight and you will get to inspect the wire I mentioned very closely. July 15 Mariana decided to laugh at this message, a night later she disappeared without leaving a trace. The same thing happened to Sonia on October 18th. Please, do not break this chain, unless, of course, you want to feel my presence
No prob, I love it
>unless, of course, you want to feel my presence
i'm kinda lonely right now. come on over, ghost loli
A fluffy would be better company than a Mexican
Top kek
Is there a sequel to this one?
needs less small.
Sadly not that I'm aware of
by "feel my presence", do you mean your ghostly teen pussy? please clarify, the fbi needs to understand what you're offering
is there a ghost fbi?
wait, mulder and scully, is this in their field?
Where's the first half where the runt steals the foal?
the truth is out there
Darn. I should go check the booru and see if the loft ever finished.
damn you user now i have the fucking theme song in my head
Didn't save it, sorry
It did not but there was an update a while ago.
I don't want to watch, but I can't stop looking at this.
Also, why do I have a fucking erection?
Same as me. You're just a sadist.
Welcome to the club user
If you want more, join us on /trash/:
Nice file name lol
Thanks. Nice concept lmao
As a former nor/mlp/erson I find fluffy ponies hilarious, i miss when we had these threads there.
We're bringing them back, so stay tuned
I get why this exists, but it's so boring. It's just gore porn. I like seeing these things suffer because it's too stupid to not get itself killed but since it's been engineered to be a toy it's surprisingly survivable, not just at the whim of some in story sadist.
This more to your liking?
Im still looking for one where a fluffy named Martini is living with Jon Arbuckle and “weggies go on vacation”
No luck, I'm afraid
No hurry, as things spool up it will surface. Im just happy to see fluffies again
What if someone decided to be a fluff breeder would the need to permission to have a intact Male and female
which booru artist is this?
Unknown I'm afraid
HELL YEAH! An almost full fluffy abuse thread? It's coming back boys!
hmm. I recognize the style... drat.
Why are these cartoons so misogynistic?
Women are bitches
holy fuck. that's exactly what I want.
Sweet Poseidon, I wish these things were real.
Shit. That was good.
I don't have much but I do have some. Will prob be getting more and more over the coming days and weeks
Funny, no one ever posts the anthro stuff
for good reason
sexual degenerate
Because that's as bad as the gore porn, it's just porn-porn.
I don’t know what you’re talking about - this is wholesome god-fearing stuff
maybe if you pray to the Muslim god
I guess looking at the booru most of the anthro is from 4-5 years ago when it was all at its peak. Don’t suppose anyone else was around for the fluffcasts back then?
>Don’t suppose anyone else was around for the fluffcasts back then?
Man who would want to listen to a bunch of retards talk about this shit for hours and hours?
I’m not sure anyone in a fluffy thread is in a position to claim moral superiority, user
We're almost at image limit
What's going to be the last pic?
(Or intellectual superiority, for that matter.)
I ain't trying to say I'm morally better, I'm just saying that shit would get boring mighty quick
We need more fluffy abuse threads on here
There will be more, worry not
From what I remember the conversations were more just a bunch of nerds talking random crap and gossiping about various posters
And we've hit image limit folks
You guys are weird and need some serious psychological help.
Please go talk to someone about your problems.
I pray that one of you own animals.
I own a very contented cat, and I'd break both legs of anyone who'd try and hurt it. That doesn't prevent me from enjoying fluffy.
Do you want pictures of my cat?
can I break your cat's legs
wetfluff killed the booru and his drama caused fluffy threads to be taboo on Yea Forums. here's hoping it gets better
Its good to see one of these the booru is so slow these days,
Did a greentext a couple years ago about an exterminator using a monitor lizard to clear out yards invasions
>killed the booru
Do you still have it?
I wuve vis sick fwead. Yu thin I gowing to hewŁ?
Sadly no, but if someone uploaded screencaps of the greentext to the booru, the title was Curtis
The thing is fluffies are fun and all, but there’s only so much you can do with them. Also Aichi abandoned us to go and toil in the IronBru mines.
I'm going to use these with furries when i see them on /pol/
Will keep that in mind
Please God don't let the house come down on us
Too much trolling and had mods cover for him when he got trolled back. Made for a very bad environment causing many artists to "grow" and leave.
People may not have liked the brutal or sometimes sexual torture nature of the old writers, but at least that content was constant and of acceptable quality. Now as a result of Wetfluff's whining we have reams of "feral fluffy colony fluffspeak epic" writings, 20 word "stories" and shit that is barely engrish
Never thought I'd say it but I miss the days of badmummafluffa
>boohoohoo my shoe's ruined because I stepped on some shit
I love this stuff, but these characters sometimes act like little bitches.
Post moar Skoon.
>babbeh nu am toysie
And that's where you are wrong.
Needs moar "wastest babbeh" death.
I would not have guessed. Thank God he left.
We hit image limit buddy, I can't unless I start deleting some of my other posts
/pol/ has furries?
Could start another
>I don't want to watch, but I can't stop looking at this.
Same here, I think it's the...
>Also, why do I have a fucking erection?
Wait wha?
That I could
Though I'd prefer if someone else made it, since an OP cannot bump his own threads
...alright, fuck it, I'll be the one to make the new thread. But you guys better help me keep it alive
Only one of us? No more and no less?