“Oversized” Penile Length In The Black People; Myth Or Reality

“Oversized” Penile Length In The Black People; Myth Or Reality
JC Orakwe, GU Ebuh

Objective: Amongst the Caucasians and some non-Black races, there is the popular belief that the black people generally have longer penile sizes. Even the Blacks themselves tend to believe so. This study was carried out to test the veracity of this ascription of “oversized” penile length to people of the Black (Negro) race.
Design: A prospective and comparative study
Setting: The Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Nigeria.
Subjects and Method: Full-stretch flaccid penile lengths, and flaccid penile lengths, were measured in 115 adult men of the Black race in Nigeria. The results were compared with reported similar main studies on people of other races, which were accessible to the authors. These studies were done in Italy, Greece, Korea, Britain, and the United States of America.
Result: The mean full-stretch penile length of the Nigerian Blacks was 13.37cm and the mean flaccid length was 9.36cm. Similar studies reported full-stretch penile lengths of 12.50cm in Italians, 12.18cm in Greeks, 9.6cm in Koreans, 13cm in British Caucasians, and 12.45cm in the American Caucasians. The penile length for Nigerian Blacks was longer than those of the other races, but the differences were only statistically different in comparison with the Koreans.
Conclusion: There is the possibility of racial differences in penile sizes, but there is no convincing scientific background to support the ascription of bigger penile dimensions to people of the Black race

Keywords: Penile Length, Black Race, Penile Size

Tropical Journal of Medical Research Vol. 11 (1) 2007: pp. 16-18

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it literally proves Asian men have the smallest cocks Tenda

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i hate niggers

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ive got white salami so much reposted on discord that I think a lot of whites have micro penises

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shut up faggot

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this shit is gay af

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You really want to argue with science now white boi?

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well the simple truth is, that they do have bigger digs because they have higher levels of testosterone, it's just a biological fact.

actually they have higher levels of estrogen. scientific fact. that's why they don't grow body hair
sorry you're a Jew brainwashed cuckold

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damn, these threads sure are slow and boring.

hi ricedick

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I mean I still have a bigger penis than the average in congo so....

always wondered what docking looked like tbh



stop baiting for dickpics you niggerfag.

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is this like one bumping his own threads?

Yeah, like with various magazines over the last 20-30 years, we've got the top 5% and photoshopped images acting as what we're all comparing ourselves to, only now we can see more dicks, vaginas, tits and ass

How did the BBC myth even start?

Only thing that comes to mind is the greeks pushing it when they believed smaller dicks were more aestetic or whatever but that seems far fetched

because a tiny percent of blacks have a disease called sickle cell anemia which can cause enlarged dicks. it's a RECESSIVE trait which means it becomes increasingly rare in American blacks because they are mutts. The vast majority of pure blacks don't even have sickle cell though

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you have been visited by yoshi the slow moving thread dinosaur, we've noticed that your thread is moving very slowly and only being bumped by one person. we will give you one more chance to stop being a gay faggot

good luck!

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>tfw you're white and 17.76cm long

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Uhh, and leave niggers to their big dick bravado. I mean, what else do they have? A microscopic minority of them make lots of money playing sports, and most of them piss their money away and are broke again after a couple years out of the game. They really don’t have much else going on. And they know it, hence the fixation on the one thing they do have. Big dick( some of them). So leave them be. I’ll stick with being white and my 7” cock over the stigma of being them, big dick or not

cuckold scum

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this level of precision spells autism

you sure sound like you don't care at all, user.

That's the thing- porn has skewed our minds as to what the average dick size should be. Most straight males never see any other erect penises except in porn, so that's what they're comparing themselves to. But, you generally don't get work in porn unless you have an unusually large dick.

Not proud to say this but there have been times where I've been on gay "dating" sites and it definitely seems like white people on average have far bigger dicks than ape people. Also white people tend to, you know, be people. Where as ape people are all ooga booga.

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>Even the Blacks themselves tend to believe so.

as if they wouldn't. dey iz kangz.

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