Where can I get pure helium in the US? Trying to peace out permanently but the tanks sold have diluted gas. Gun license taking forever looking for a quicker exit.
Where can I get pure helium in the US? Trying to peace out permanently but the tanks sold have diluted gas...
Don’t wanna fail like that emo faggot who killed the e girl either.
In a similar situation, you have to go to a specialty gas supply store basically. Welding shop maybe
Good luck user, hope things end differently for you than me and you stay in Yea Forums
No tall buildings near you?
Too much of a pussy to even live, let alone jump. I’ve overdosed but felt like a nuisance in the ambulance, looking for something with a higher kill rate.
These have tons of oxygen and won't kill you
Dude, just shoot some heroine if you're that serious. Chances are you'll get some CIA imported shit that has Fentanyl or what ever in it and you'll pass quietly.
Should I just go right for the fentanyl then?
Cheap and Strong is your best bet. I don't know why you'd want to kill your self, but that's by far the best and cleanest solution.
What is cheap and strong?
Heroine. Just ask the corner guy what's the stongest he has. Don't pay 500 dollars a gram cause that's White Man's Heroine and you'd have to buy that much to kill your self.
I don’t have a heroin dealer but would any other drug work? If not I can just find some nigger selling.
Just get a Nitrogen tank at the welding shop. Works fine, and you just go to sleep and never wake up.
Kid fairs, balloons
This. Will cost you maybe $70 for the tank plus about another $45 for a regulator. Or you can skip the regulator and die of barotrauma to the lungs
Buy a half gram of fentanyl
snort it all
Gun license... Wtf?
You're either baiting or you you live in some super liberal part of the country, in which case I don't blame you for wanting to suicide bit feel you should have to live with that mistake.
1.Buy a shotgun at Walmart
2.wait three days
4.Kurt Cobain yourself
Don't have to wait 3 days for long guns period in most states.
Nigger and sketchy looking dudes sell you dope
You can try trainstations, parks, alleys, random people on the street.
As long as you dont have bought any dope you cant get arrested and when you have the dooe you can bring it back home and do the whole packet or if you really want to be shure buy a lot more but dont buy for more than 50 at a time because chances are big you will get mugged and loose your money. if they shoot you right away than the job has been taken care off right? No just kidding :). Those people are intressted in selling their stuff, not making trouble but they could sell you fake shit that does nothing or run away with the money (niggers). If you play it cool you have 90% chance of getting 1 gramm of 25% pure heroin/heroin equivalent(fentanyl). Usually a pack leads to overdose (if you dont have opiate tolerance but if you do than you have no problem getting some) but im not really familiar with street heroin.
Just ask them if they have some h, expect to pay 20$-50$. If they have it on hand and give it to you quicky without any fucking around you have scored. You have the shit. Dont give him the money without getting the dope and dont be shy. These are criminals keep that in mind they dont want trouble but if they see that you are a coward they rip you off.
Waer normal dark clothing and have 50$ on hand, ask some random dudes at 10pm for some h and chances are you will find one that does. Usualy these people look out for customers themselves so if you see some skechy nigger looking at you or giving signals its way more likely that they have dope.
Maybe have a drink or two before doing it so you have more courage
Get in car
Drive 90 into a phone pole
Take a kitchen knife or just the biggest knife you can find in your house and go straight samurai style.
Also don’t kys user you would be making a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You can get out of whatever you’re struggling with
Arsenic will do the trick.
Random people on the street sell junk spliced with fentanyl
Why would u risk that when u can just buy pure fent from the deep web
Cuz u 2 stupid 2 do so
it requires a license, background check, and I think class, which I don’t have the motivation to do. Or maybe I can’t even research properly.
Revealing any non liberal view point where I live will get me killed my an angry mob way faster so I should just go that route.
Won't be easy to peace out permanently that way dude, the setup will be a pain in the arse and will have to be perfect for you to actually succeed
Jump in front of a train? That way you can disappoint a few more people at the end.
There is a liquid helium shortage that's affecting scientific research and you want some because you're too much of a pussy to use a gun?
Iv gone to the train tracks a few times this week for this reason but making them late to work seems lame. Might as well get the gun and go all out.
Might try this but combine some of the other tips and try to buy a gun from one, I’m scared to risk getting AIDS from a nigger needle and staying alive.
Don’t even have a car a job
You use your own needle dude.
Get nitrogen
Specialty gas store will have it in pure form.
walmart doesn't sell guns everywhere in the US (hell my local ones don't even sell ammo anymore, fucking liberals), and some places have a 10 day waiting period
just jump off a building u fag
Drowning is cheap and easy. Just find a concrete block to tie to your foot and jump in. Unless you live in the desert, there must be some body of water nearby.