Walk in your room after a long day

> Walk in your room after a long day
> See this waiting for you

Post your reactions, dank anons. :'^)

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* Pic uploaded sideways

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wonder how i got a tan and a clone

Suck his fucking dick.

get on my knees and suck that cock lol

burn in hell you filthy fucking nigger

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Tenda has an Asian baby penis

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Suck it good.

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black birth rate is down more than white birth rate. latin birth rate is down twice as much of black. birth rates are going down, but white birth rate is going down the slowest.

Call my girlfriend over. There's work to do.

reminder the OP of this thread has an Asian baby penis

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I draw my HK45 and shoot the gay shitskin home invader until the magazine is empty.


you stupid faggot. why would you bump the thread you fucking idiot. what are you retarded? don't you know how to sage you cuckold moron?

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Reminder this little faggot gook bitch Tenda Spencer makes these threads cause he has a little tiny Asian micro dick

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God I want some cock!

kill yourself you filthy disgusting faggot. scum like you need to be put in camps

Id dive for my baseball bat... id beat that fuck.

sage when you post you fucking retard

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Like this?


Just get on all fours and take it because My manhood is his now?

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>call the police
>nigger is shot for being a rapist and breaking into my house
>day made way better

Hnnng look at that fat, juicy ass! I'd be pay to watch you and OP fuck!

niggers are disgusting

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i would too

please respond

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i really fucking hate niggers

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Seems like you love to give black women your bwc tho


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