is trump more racist than hitler
Is trump more racist than hitler
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I hope so.
No. He is dumber tho.
He drops the bomb and says fuck you if you don't like it. Works for me.
Trump isn't racist.
Sure kid
not at all, pussies should not follow politics off their Facebook feed and come cry
boo fucking hoo.
How is Trump racist at all?
Let's just say that Trump is way less racist than I am.
Ooh, Snop Doge
lol, he’s a racist, kid. It’s not hard to see. Those tiki torch carrying faggots were not “very fine people”.
more retarded
Trumf bad Black Man good
Not even close, you'd be hard-pressed to make a legitimate argument that he's even racist.
hitler was never a racist
Trump wasn't talking about them you retard.
it's racist to call trump a racist. what race did he make fun of anyway? spanish people?
those antifa are not fine people too
Yeah, came to say this.
We dont have full blown camps, but I don't think Trump can spell camp either.
except it's liberals literally trying to burn people alive. Your mental gymnastics must make you tired all the time. You guys are the ones being violent not us, but nice try at projecting
this is now a pictures of trump with his black friends thread.
cause op is a fucking twat.
No. Also, Hitler would've actually completed what he started. Where's the wall?
being built
get a clue dumbass
Yeah, those fences sure are being built alright
Because he ran against the democrats.
I'm not arguing he is racist. But a picture of Trump with a black activist doesn't prove anything. Trump and Jackson attend events all the time. So they took a picture together at one. Trump could be racist and not want people to know. This is weak evidence. Do better.
the story of Mike Tyson should solidify the fact Trumps not racist.
but you know the left don't care about history, unless it's slaves and colonialism
Hitler didn’t receive the Ellis island award
completely based user is based once again
you want the wall? are you racist? pls go
Typical sheep.
You clearly only watched the sound bite from CNN and stuck to your echo chambers.
He said there were very find people in the crowd but he doesn't condom white nationalist.
God damn leftist are too lazy to find out the truth for themselves.
funny how he wasnt racist before he became president.
fucking auto correct
so even though his family are life long democrats,and he himself has been one most of his life.he's still racist because he decided to take advantage of the redneck morons and run as a republican?
Trump is probably not racist. But he knows much of his base is racist. That likely includes people defending him here. I don't know why there arguing he isn't racist when they're probably saying the most racist things they can think of in other threads. But, anyway, Trump is playing to his audience. He skirts the line. His words and actions imply things that will keep his supporters thinking he's one of them, but are also defensible.
lick my cock, pretty boy
No, Trump is a minority lover sadly
People called him hella racist for years before that! You don't remember his years of racist attacks on President Obama?
Don't care. Living in America is good right now, which is what a president is supposed to provide. If it all turns to shit, then I'll criticize him. In the meantime, love him or hate him, these are good days.
Think you misunderstood what I meant.
Democrats and those on the left have created this false narrative that Trump is a racist for the sole reason that he was running against them. No that he is against there agenda, they play the racist card.
That's all the left does, Identity politics. Yell racist and you don't have to actually debate you point.
Now shut up honky and pay your taxes.
b8 thread this is pure ignorance
Pretty much hittin' nail in the head
Haven't been on Yea Forums in years, it hasn't become a liberal board has it? It's right-wing, right?
None of these pictures prove anything. I have several friends who are some of the most racist people you could ever meet. But because they have careers that would be ruined if anyone knew, they cover that shit right up. If Trump is racist, having black supporters just means he's good at covering it up. Again, I'm not arguing that Trump is racist. I just think that everyone posting pictures of him with black people is one of the worst arguments you could make. Don't try to show that he is not racist. We should assume that as a baseline for everyone. Instead, when someone alleges that any of his actions or words are racist, argue why they aren't. All you have to do. This other shit doesn't mean anything.
>Everyone I don't agree with is racist
You excited to start your junior year of High School, big guy?
If you were really here years ago, you would know that it was never particularly liberal or conservative. It definitely went both ways. It criticized everyone. It only became strongly conservative during the last presidential election. Newfag.
No, but more retarded.
And he's friends with Israel
So you're saying that you really didn't read that or lack reading comprehension skills? Because that's not what I said at all. Try again.
For a long time now, "criticizing everyone" is basically pseudo-right-wing. You're trying too hard. I went on Yea Forums a decade ago.
Hitler was allied with Japan. He focused his hate on Jews because they were in Germany and Europe. Had Japanese people been in Germany, he would have hated their non-Aryan kind too. Having a political ally for your benefit doesn't mean you can't think less of them (i.e., racism). It just means you have weighed your options.
shit-tier, I wish
Of course some incel libcuck would extol chastity as a virtue
No, it's not. You're just trying to claim that because you want it aligned with your personal political leanings. Saying things doesn't make them true. And 09 is not the newest of fags, but it's still newfag. No need to beat your chest for that. It is long enough for you to know better though. You're either a liar or an idiot.
of course saying anything in detriment to your lord and savior Obama would be construed as racist because you are fucking moron
Hitler was a whiny street art bum most of his life.
Give it up