what are the chances that the sun and the moon are the same size
What are the chances that the sun and the moon are the same size
Not very likely.
Literally zero
Why do we only see one side of the moon? Why can't the infinite vacuum of space rip it away from earth? How does the moon and sun line up perfectly as we fly through space at 1000km an hour and spin like a top? The chances are zero
The moon is a lot bigger than the sun.
Flattards dont believe in space.
The sun is smaller, that’s why it gets covered when there are solar eclipses.
Turtles, etc.
Just accept that you only believe in space bc a jew told you to
Whale cock, rape of nanking, etc
basically 0
Its opposite, we are alive because of the 1/million probability of this exact distance rotation around the sun. There are other planets that couldve supported life but got memed on. The Sun is moving through space at 450,000 miles per hour, and earth is rotating around it at 60,000 mph.
They can't even predict next week's weather with accuracy but you Suck the jews cock anyway
Nasa = Nazi
Does what we observe in the real life translate well into the larger scheme of things?
In a glass of water the walls of the glass keeps the water contained. Is it really any difference in the large scale when we think about oceans?
Are we really spinning so fast the water gets glued to the earth, opposite of any logical thinking?
How does the earth separate the Vacuum of space if there isn't any barriers, a task that is impossible if you would try it in our real life.
t brainlet
>Why do we only see one side of the moon
Because it's tidally locked to the earth.
>Why can't the infinite vacuum of space rip it away from earth?
Because the gravity of the nearby earth is equal/greater than the gravitational pull of space(I guess you mean the other planets/sun).
>How does the moon and sun line up perfectly as we fly through space at 1000km an hour and spin like a top?
It's actually 107,000km/h around the sun. The moon orbits the earth faster than the earth around the sun so eventually it will reach a point in its orbit where it's between the earth and the sun.
The fact you're missing is that the moon is just the right size and distance between the earth and sun that we get totality. Partial solar eclipses happen on other planets in our solar system. Earth is the only one with totality.
Friendly reminder: NASA can't be trusted.
None, in fact we know they aren't even close the same size.
space is within the firmament. retard think its 70 miles above us try 700billion lightyears.
The Moon and the sun have very similar apparent sizes, they cover similar area in the sky
If they were the same size, they would also have to be the same distance away to have that same apparent size. If this were the case, they would collide during eclipses. Yet they do not
That total eclipse thing always blew my mind thinking about it when I was a kid. Still does a bit I guess.
>next week's weather with accuracy
why don't they take sunspots and water vapor into account? it would extend their predictions by 2 more days, up to 5.
I don't get it, can someone explain what's going on here
how do you reconcile your primitive religious beliefs while at the same time using light years as a measurement?
Depends, at what point would you measure the size of the sun when it's not a solid object?
Pretty much zero, chief
Is the totality like actually perfect (or at least very close to perfect)? So the moon perfectly blocks away the whole sun? Like they were actually exactly same size circles? That's just too fucking unreal.
Aussies are worse than leafs
Certainly. A retard posted what he thinks constitutes proof of a massive cover up. Their bar is set extremely low. Pretty much anything can pass over it, under, through it. Fuck it, they've removed the bar. There is now no bar because these dumb fucks are too stupid to be responsible for a fucking bar. Think about it.
They're filming on the space station, probably
I don't know why it highlights the bit where the one on the left grabs the other guy so he wouldn't bounce out of shot, seems perfectly normal to me
The sun, the moon, and the stars are always within the firmamemnt in illistrations and descriptions. That means space is within the firmamemnt. Im okay with using lightyears because we know now that it is in fact lights years in distance. They historically didnt know about because, well, we only recenlty have been able to figure a lot of things out about the heavens in the 20th century.
I just had an Epiphany as I’m sitting here smoking a Joint- ages ago when earth was created the creator put the moon in front of our planet to block the sun from solar radiation in case of a solar flare that would wipe out the population on earth. It’s the perfect size to block the sun if you were lined up perfectly it looks like it’s been burnt out a it’s the perfect size to block the sun if you were lined up perfectly it looks like it’s been burnt out already lready. Shit looks like ash.
Not even 1 day in the UK
He's grabbing some strap or cord. Open your EYES!
>Guy 1 is flipping about on the ISS
>Guy 2 grabs the pocket of Guy 1 to stabilize Guy 1 but only manages to grab of with little finger.
>Wasn't looking so only manages to get
>Flat Earthers: Fishing line in a movie studio.
Pythagoras, assassins creed. Freemansons & Jews (assassins & Templars). What were they gaslighting you towards. Shills will shill, 2 sides to the same coin.
So, what? Is the firmament like the edge of space or something? Is the whole universe within it? I'm not trying to trip you up, genuinly curious. I don't like to rule out possibilities that could be true. I'm also not saying I believe everything that's written in the bible just because some men say it's true. I was raised a christian but I have seen the evil in the hearts of men and wouldn't trust them not to change the stories in the bible.
Wow some Greek retard said something
>no citation
judaism confirmed
In this video the woman stops her momentum by grabbing air. Funny clip.
Earth's gravity is as massive as a perfect and inifinely sized vacuum.
Weed grammar but ash was a good thought
space isn't a total vacuum. What forces exactly are within a vacuum that would affect objects suspended in a vacuum anyway?
you globeheads and flattards are all being distracted from OBJECTIVE, PROVEN, AND PHOTOGRAPHED REALITY OF NATURE
whats life like being as stupid as you are? do you need a caregiver to make it day to day? or do your parents still take care of you?
at least your retarded ass will never breed
In any vacuum the force is to pull all object s within to equalize. The pressure of an infinitely large vaccum of space even if its "not perfect" would Rip every planet into dust particles until every particle in space was perfectly equally spaced apart
All satisfaction, or what is commonly called happiness, is really and essentially always negative only, and never positive. It is not a gratification which comes to us originally and of itself, but it must always be the satisfaction of a wish. For desire, that is to say, want [or will], is the precedent condition of every pleasure; but with the satisfaction, the desire and therefore the pleasure cease; and so the satisfaction or gratification can never be more than deliverance from a pain, from a want
The world is in its negative state already
if things were only slightly worse they would cease to exist, if the asteroid that hit earth and created the moon had missed, if the atmosphere never formed, if your daddy didnt nut in your mom at that specific time in space and so on you and the world would not exist
This literally proves they’re in zero gravity though, guy at the end grabbed him from keeping him from bouncing around uncontrolled.
God has tried to kill us many times, and failed.
The odds of an earth forming and us evolving on it are slim to none, we are dancing on the razors edge of existence
Zero you retard.
>actually exactly same size circle
Technically it's slightly larger.
It's all about perspective on the ground.
The moon doesn't have a perfectly circular orbit, it's epileptic meaning at times the moon is closer to the earth and appears larger. Totality occurs when the moon is close to earth and is perfectly aligned between the earth and the sun.
During totality the moon appears larger than the sun as viewed from within the path of the eclipse.
That's why you get to see the Corona of the sun during totality, because in the shadow of the moon there is no direct light from the sun to obscure them.
vacuum doesn't rip anything away duncetard
atmosphere pushes
None. You’re welcome.
Earth is concave and we live inside it
On the poles there are exits to outer worlds
AMA. Also Flat Earth is CIA psy ops for retarded idiots who aren’t good at maths to fall for it
This planet very special.
Unless the was some force strong enough to keep things cohesive like the strong nuclear force. Sorry I took so long had a shower.
Gravity is reversed just like Newton said. It’s a push on mass from the above which is consistant with concave Earth
>Why do we only see one side of the moon
It’s because the UFOs enter the Death Star from the other side. They hide this in plane sight with Starwars. The moon is Hell, it’s where wicked souls go to be punished when they die, whereas the Sun is a portal to Heaven. Jesus has been on vacation and uses the Sun’s energy to “touch us” by giving us Light Love and Hope. The moon, the lesser light, controls our emotions and is also how Satan infiltrates our minds. Neptune’s deceptions hide behind the moon as well if they are Conjunct. The Sun has no secrets, but the moon plenty! Nobody talks about Uranus until the eyes wide shit parties haha. Do you think Jesus ever got a boner, and what did he do about it?
This many responses to a question so unimaginable stupid...
Yep, this is /pol alright
Fucking leafs I swear.
Space on its own doesn't have gravity because it's virtually massless. Mass and density i.e: astroids, planets,stars etc... create gravitational wells in the fabric of space. Why do you think deep space is called a zero-g environment?
lol. this is depressingly logical. Although our neuroepinepherine and dopamine receptors can fool you into thinking it's real so what's the diff?
the key to anti-gravity machines is Love of the Heart. Conquer Faith to control Time. Conquer Hope to control Life. Conquer Love to control nature. What else is there besides life in nature throughout time?
>How does the moon and sun line up perfectly as we fly through space
That's a matter of perspective, my dear retard
LMAO the mental gymnastics you go through to try to prove the kike myths.
(((Gravity))) is bullshit. Educate yourself.
I’m inclined to believe some cheeky asshole made that shit up to hornswoggle people like you, but what I can’t wrap my head around is how you people manage to swallow that much bullshit.
You don't understand how vacuums work
You don't understand vacuums work
I do it for the newfags so that they don't become even more retarded.
explain THIS globetards
t. never owned a hoover
>Oh no the secret green screen is visible before we put in the effects
>Quick make sure it's available on YouTube and in higher quality than that webm on Yea Forums.
roughly 0%
>this nigger believes in the concept of zero
kys dumb dumb
>Why can't the infinite vacuum of space rip it away from earth?
Why would it?
>concept of zero
Yeah, it’s the absorbing element you non-math knowing goat blower.
>his fingertips are of greater mass than his fist or his head
Youre on the wrong side of history fag
I'm not here to explain anything. I just came to laugh at you guys. These threads are fun as shit.
>flatniggers are allowed to exist on my /pol/
Christ, the collective IQ of this place has really gone down the shitter in the last few years.
>Not seeing the string that ball was attached to at the end of the video
>Thinking the ball was orbiting his fingers
The state of this board.
>columns of the earth
so what supports the columns
What are the chances that they are of different size, but when this completely separate celestial body of a Moon that was formed in different times, at different place under different circumstances aligned perfectly with the sun, while being at a completely random distance in which it was left after getting captured by the Earth gravity or getting separated from the Earth itself after being knocked off with a meteor strike it just so happens to have exactly the same angular diameter when looked at from a completely arbitrary point of view of our planet?
Speaking of shadows, why is the shadow of the moon so small during an eclipse. A shadow is never smaller than its object. You can try this with a flashlight and a small ball or coin on your wall. This is the one that really doesn't make sense to me.
Honest question, not a flat earther.
This is what I meant thank you russia
because it's tidally locked
beause that's not how orbital mechanics work
they actually don't line up at all (which is why eclipses are rare), their orbital planes (and those of almost every other body in the solar system) are close because the earth, the moon and everything else formed from the same accretion disk so everything ended up spinning in the same direction and orbiting in almost the same plane with some degree of error
Gaiz what if the earth is like giant-penis shaped and the sun and moon are the balls???
so now you're admitting they do fake it with strings lmao?
>Does what we observe in the real life translate well into the larger scheme of things?
No, because of how quickly or how slowly certain things occur.
Ya'll niggers need to read "Who Built The Moon?"
>A shadow is never smaller than its object
Correct, if you look at the top figure in the pic the shadow cast of the earth is larger in diameter than the actual moon. But you don't get totality in the Penumbra as the sun disk is not completely obscured from the ground. It's only in the very centre of the shadow called the Umbra that we see totality.
If you were in Central Knoxville, TN in 2017 you wouldn't have seen totality as you were outside the Umbra but would still have had a 90% eclipse
Do you have the original source for this?
He's wearing a wire, which you can see the man pull. Look carefully, it's a wire and not,his shirt.
Pretty good. Now that it’s been proven the earth is flat we have to reassess everything we thought we knew about the universe.
The string is to represent the pull of gravity on a object in motion thus creating an orbit. You can't demonstrate orbital mechanics with just a plastic ball and fingers in low earth gravity. Human fingers don't exert a sufficiently large enough gravitational pull to keep the ball in orbit around the fingers.
>vidya gem is reel heestory
probably because we are being pulled by gravity harder than the earth is spinning
What are the chances that one of the 2 astronauts that "went to the moon" had a mother named Moon?
And what are the chances that the Earth's orbital velocity is 66.600 miles per hour?
>that pic
Ya'll nigers need to read "The Mars Project" written by Wernher von Braun.
The Mars Project is a technical specification for a manned mission to Mars that von Braun wrote in 1948, with a provisional launch date of 1965.
What are the odds that the star in that book is called "Elon"?
For the love of God Summerfags are annoying.
Now youre just lying
its actually 67,000 miles per hour
>b-but they're not exactly the same apparent size!
>the moon wavers between being ever-so-slightly bigger or smaller!
>s-see, totally not spooky!
Do not investigate coldlight.
Do not investigate airlocks.
Do not investigate clouds in composites.
Do not investigate the cosmological axis.
Do not ask why the moon rang like a bell.
Do not ask first responders about full moons.
Do not ask engineers about curvature allowances.
Do not ask pilots either.
Just believe what I tell you.
You aren't stupid, are you?
You can't disprove it, can you?
That's what I thought. So shut up and believe.
Everything is fine. Trust your government.
Check the actual NASA data.
Weird that it's listed in km/s, isn't it?
When you use those numbers as official base, it comes out as 66,6xx miles per hour.
Isn't that weird?
And isn't it weird that other sites try to go 66,7xx instead?
Why would anyone do that?
What if the moon is made of cheese???
Good bye old world view.
Hello clown world.
Has anyone heard any far-out theories on space or physics? I've heard that we can't see light in free space, but you can see material objects. That light only appears when matter is present. Because we can't see light in free space, that could mean we're being lied to about the speed of light. This could imply that the light we see from stars could be minutes old or instantaneous.
>"Solar Eruption Mistaken for Refueling UFO Spaceship - Live Science"
whats going on here?
believes in zero and the concept of "space"
Absolute leaf
Nothing, full-house. Shut up and trust Nasa.
Whats Sheol like? If the creatures there are vulberable to the light, could we not bring democracy to their lands in the form of several large, vertical tunnels? Put some mirrors up in that bitch? I bet they have tons of resources just waiting to be given back to the hands of the people.
I don't believe the earth is flat but I've seen enough of this sketchy ISS videos to know that NASA is full of shit
Do not investigate HAARP.
Climate change is real and not a psy-op.
He flubbed his grab and only hooked his pinky in his pocket. The real weirdness is that lady's fucked up hair. Why isnt that shit moving independently to her head getting whipped around?
As likely as it is that Dropbears choke your hot Aussie teacher while you fuck her.
You trust Nazis, right?
Nazis would never lie.
Nazis would also never trick the public to get tons of money.
Do not investigate Operation Paperclip.
Keep sleeping.
>Actually do all this and realise user is a mentalist
All of you are retards. Stop wasting air and kill yourself.
You can see him push off the "ceiling" with is foot.
I don't get it.
He put his pinky in his pocket.
The real question is how l3wd that is.
'Conspiracy theory'
What do you need to do to keep these people in check?
Look into their eyes.
What do you see?
High levels of stress?
Who is behind the camera?
You don't want to look like a retard, do you?
can you believe godless commies actually believe this
Nasa exists to scam the American taxpayer out of their dollars and funnel money into the pockets of wealthy families.
-> -> Reflections matter.
OP is a retarded kike trying to demoralize/pol/ in the eyes of the public.
>2 posts by this ID
the reason vacuums "suck" is because of the pressure from outside of the vacuum pushing things in
>A vacuum cleaner works by displacing the air from inside its chamber creating a low pressure zone and the air from the surrounding atmosphere pushes the air inside that chamber(with all your dust and rubbish) to restore the pressure balance, so in effect the air is not being sucked in but rather pushed in.
>that could mean we're being lied to about the speed of light
You don't say that someone that is presented to us as a high IQ genius, but in reality was a degenerate freak who was into incest and even fucked the daughter of the relative that he also fucked, could have lied to us?
This cannot be replicated in a lab.
i think you just described yourself.
let him be happy in his stupidity
Psalms 191
Holy shit kill yourself
What are the chances that you’re a giant retard?
We are breaking (your) PROGRAMMING.
The veil is collapsing, shill.
Water always finds its own level.
Wow. 100% guaranteed
The spinning like a top part actually makes sense. Forces and angular momentum in different directions will cancel each other out over billions of years, until you're left with one force and one spin. Because a flat disk is the lowest energy level of a spinning system, eventually a solar system will be a disk.
>They would never think their sheep are stupid.
It means God is real and we are being lied to.
Good times ahead.
Water has found its level around the crust of the earth as it is being drawn from all angles towards the centre of gravity.
thanks for keeping the brainlets out of /pol/
you're allright janny
To the mod who cleaned this up cheers, only took you 3hrs
0%. Otherwise why don't they collide during solar eclipses?
No way about same size and same distance from earth.
When will you faggots learn this only happens because /x/ is literally broken? Drown in my schizo shit until they fix /x/, retard.
Only size was asserted, you're inventing shit to "disprove". Acquire more brain cells.
Zero percent.
Somebody over on /x/ finally figured that one out.
It is the reflection of a shower head that has leds in it. For some reason that is a thing. As the merry hoaxster switches the water flow from the outer to inner rings of the shower, you get that pulsing beam.
Static electricity keeps the hairs a set distance apart. The natural curl/shape of the hair, as it would be if gravity was not a factor, determines the shape.
>the absolute retardation of flatards
you're not even worth saving. Stay dumb
That's just dumb. If that were the case, NASA's budget would be a fuckton more than one half of one percent of the federal budget.
Well, you'd need a mass the size of the Earth to start with -- hard to get those into most labs.
>be user
>get fooled by showerhead
>join circlejerk with other conspirtards and flat earthers
>get mad when it's not his turn to be in the middle
What? No sound?
>those Masons.
That's nothing, lookit this here!
Nearly a third of all U.S. spaceflights have included a Purdue grad, and 10 missions have included multiple Purdue grads.
Physically, Impossible. Relatively, Ehhhhhhhhhhhh... Who gives a fuck it's irrelevant.
Why is the Moon both 400 times smaller and 400 times closer than the Sun?
because it's speculation and pseudo science
If they had the same size the sun would have a smaller apparent size due to the fact than in a solar eclipse the sun is behind the moon but the oppisite is the case so it is substantially bigger that the moon.
Also we can messure its distance to us by comparing distances of other planets relative to us and to the sun. By doing so we can determine the size that the sun has because we know its apparent size relative to the moon (which is so close that we can actually messure its distance relative to us).
science 1:flatearth doesnt even get points anymore because it was disqualified
The guy in the middle spinned diagonaly, that isnt possible with wires
The Great education system of USA.
>How does the moon and sun line up perfectly as we fly through space at 1000km an hour and spin like a top?
hmm that is a good question
>implying other countries don't have flatards
you're just as retarded as they are if you actually believe this
Haven't run into anyone that believes this flat earth shit. Literally zero.
Just the education system in general. Not just the Americans.
USA is the only country that teaches creationism as a fact in science classes.
Are you stupid or something?
Cute altar boys don't fart.
Because their assholes are always gaping?
you must feel like a freakin ninja when you can do front/back-flips in an area so tight. I wager they knock their heads quite a bit.
>USA is the only country that teaches creationism as a fact in science classes.
I know and it'sad. But there are other places in the world like Europe that have Muslim only faith schools that don't teach anything. Letting young kids have access to the internet isn't helping either because they believe everything they read.
Who said that Muslims are human?
Nigga do a YouTube search. IDGAF who you're running into or not running into, point of fact is these lunatics love to spew their nonsense and they are from every region of the globe. Unless you actually think there's some asshat in the middle of Texas that just happens to sound like he was born and raised in London.
Ths string is attached to his finger...... To keep the ball from floating away... Holy hell youre retarded.
99.9% are from America. Prove me wrong.
Fucking magnets. How do they work?
You're the one making the claim. You prove yourself correct. Lazy nigger.
This is a flat earth thread, nobody proves anything here bucko
And so once again I will say that you're just as bad as they are.
If users had flags you would understand
Is there something in the pattern of their flags that makes them more retardeder?
Yes. Stars and stripes. Bazinga. You walked right into that one.
I asked the same question, when I was 4 or 5
A great many flags have stars and stripes. Not as clever as you thought. But good on you for trying.
200 replies to this shit thread?
No you can’t. Stop lying, Jew.
State of four chen
The probability that Flatlarpers will make this thread unbearable approaches 1.
That's not figuring it out, it's a proposal not a debunking and it's a failed proposal at that. I was in the thread you're referring to, that user was suggesting that you start sharing your image and the false claim that it's been debunked. It has not. Not only does the shower head fail to produce the same beam, the same pattern, or the same color, it also fails to explain the many orbs.
Incorrect, see:
GJ though retard, just believe whatever you're told. I just debunked your mom.
Fuck off flat earther. You’re a moron.
If you're still in this thread, go check out a total solar eclipse.
I saw the one that went across North America a couple years ago and am going to watch the next one in coming through in 2023.
It was one of the greatest things I've seen.
>only one thing at a time in a hoax video can faked
>all the things everywhere are all the same so this can't be a showerhead because the color is different
>more semen please!
this is the goddamn stupidest thing thing I've read in minutes.
Absolute zero
Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not but Jesus Christ this rationale is fucking so retarded I'm sure someone here believes this to be true.
like 10
>it's turtles all the way down
You seriously believe in the bible?
his pockets looking like they're rigged to lines gives the flat earthers hope.
Motherfucker may just love his starch.
The main issue with people not understanding our current model of the universe, is trouble thinking through the scale. Understandable with the fact that there is no larger known scale.