Donald Trump
Donald Trump
The Honorable* Mr. Trump.
Good evening, Mr. President.
Donald Trump is a rapist
enjoy prison, commie
>ooga booga orange man bad
why am i going to prison?
For being a FAG.
Cause you’re a kike
beautiful 4 iq
but trumpf loves kikes
Obligatory reminder that he wants to fuck his own daughter.
No u.
If my daughter was that hot, I would too.
just like the people who voted for him
And? Who doesn’t. This man should get an award for always being honest. You thin-skinned faggots need shelter from every bit of truth don’t you?
down to 3 iq now
daughter fucking is england tier
>And? Who doesn’t.
People who aren't pedophiles. Your kind should be in the concentration camps, at least mexicans work.
>Enabling incest in 2019
Glad to see the same faggots from 10 years ago still haven't grown up. Enjoy your nothing lives.
Trolling use to be a art
Pedophiles? Do you know what that word even means you fucking moron? Jesus Christ how retarded is the left?!
i was making fun of them retard
go wash your crotch wound
Do you mean incest? How many chromosomes do you have??
I am. Thanks.
Yo yo, the name is Trump.
All the words I use sound like a verbal dump.
Not like the mothering fucking dictionary.
My shit mouth is bigly legendary.
I trick all the fools and take their money.
They give me the votes and I laugh cause it's funny.
I hate niggers, wops and jews.
Just kidding, that shit's a distraction for the news.
I am easily bought and sold.
I sell out so much my toilet is gold.
I take shits in that fucker and wipe my ass.
Fuck you. No legal grass.
I fuck super models and by fuck I mean rape.
I give them enough money to shut their gape.
I even fucked my ugly daughter.
It was her idea as she dressed like Colonel Potter.
I know you are but what am I?
I’m glad you took the time to type this out for a shitpost. Have a (you).
That’s not what your dad said last night.
I get it!
when he fucked your vagina
Joke’s on him I was dressed as your mom. What’s it like having a gay dad?
you tell me
>What?? ShEs HoT tHoUgH
>FiNaLlY aN HoNeSt PrEsIdEnT
-Republican soibois
Lotta nonarguments in this thread.