Meet the next 007 everyone. Thoughts?
Meet the next 007 everyone. Thoughts?
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She’s gonna get so much pussy.
Shes not the main actor and James Bond will still be played by Daniel Craig in the new movie so i really dont care, might actually go see it
Just another tick on the list of good things I get to see die in this time. well implying bond wasn't already but but go figure.
i like where this is going
I heard shes the next 007. So yea, im done. Like a woman kicking a man's ass in a fight scene is believable.
Love how 16 yr old racist kiddos go mad over wrong information
a bLaCk 007???? oH nOoO
That Colt 45 she drinks will spew everywhere when she orders it shaken
You heard bullshit
>Not realizing it's a test run for a new double 007
It's about hollywood blackwashing everything to push their anti-white agenda to replace us with minorities that are easier to brainwash and control. They loaded them up with free govt hand outs, labeled them the victim, opened the borders to encourage more of them, and are now trying to erase whites from the picture completely.
This is a coordinated attack on the white race. Fuck anyone that supports it you racist pieces of shit.
I can't believe I complained about Elba.
he seems nice
then make her 008, or 006, or come up with your own story/history/identification...
Make a dumbass spinoff that will fail but don’t fuck up 007
I think your family is the only thing wanting to replace you ol beta
Elba is a black man, not a nigger
he would make a pretty good bond imo
Yes its a massive conspiracy, not studios being lazy and playing it safe by rehashing old ideas and drumming up support from the left and contraversy from the right to beef up sales of an otherwise shit movie.
I too am too thick and blinded by rage to understand how to use basic concepts such as occams razor
I'm bothered more by the idea that 007 is a title than making 007 a token black lady. In the books, it's pretty clear 007 is a reference to a specific agent, not a codename to be passed around. I'd have no problem if they wanted to make her like 009 or something and try a series of movies following her exploits. But what they're doing here reeks of social justice bullshit and fucks the canon right in the ass.
Make her 00-3/5ths
Its not an agenda though. Hollywood would make racist films featuring black people being hung if that was the social climate. They don't care about morals they just want what money, and right now the left and the right are both fucking retarded and will make the show more successful through making a character black.
if u dnt support blaqq 007 u r part of tha problem
007 has always just been a title, the name james bond was a reference to a specific agent.
james bond was agent 7777 once and there was no 007. there were two different 002 and 006 agents at times.
Yeah because standing up against a massive wave of racism and harrassment is beta... okay
Of course they aren't going to come out and admit it, they just subtly push ideas in movies and TV like gay rights, people being trans is totally normal, masculinity is toxic, men are dumb... you seriously trying to say you haven't noticed this in the media? Unless you're 12 the shift in the narrative has been pronounced and grows more extreme every year. Conservative values are under attack for a reason.
If you think anything, in any Bond film, is believable, I have several tons of ointment to sell you.
Can someone tell me if this person is for real?
>british movie
The sad truth is that Africans and "African Americans" never accomplished much of anything in history. They "wuz" not kings, and they contributed nothing to culture, science, technology, art, philosophy, or even religion for thousands of years. We brought them to North America as work animals, which was not an especially compassionate thing to do; but now we've begun the awkward business of trying to make them equals. If they want to play pretend and write fictional stories about their having an advanced secret utopia (Black Panther), having been Kings and Queens, space-faring pharaohs or whatever the fuck they want more power to them; it only makes the irony richer that they have achieved none of it in reality. But at least have some creativity and make up your own stories instead of hijacking existing ones like the Bond franchise. Oh, wait- they can't. They can only use what the rest of the world came up with and claim it as their own.
Will it really tho? My gf is a massive fan of the little mermaid ever since she was a little kid. You would think she'd be excited that a live action remake was coming out... and she was, until she found out that she was black. Now she's pissed because Disney is ruining her favorite childhood movie. And before you throw the race card she's a minority too and an immigrant so your argument is invalid.
Look at Marvel when they tried to print social justice comics, it tanked and no one bought them. They aren't doing this to make money, they are doing it because they were told to...
i can't tell you for sure if he is for real, but some people unironically do think that is the truth
God damn fuck off.
Who is paying you people to spam this shit???
Being a women is the problem. Half the world will not take the meetings with a women 007 because only 1/6 the world has equality for bitches.
Imagine coping like this
At least they aren't making Bond a black woman.
Somewhat saddened by the fact that Bond movies won't be Bond movies anymore, just some sjw ass 007 ones
Same difference.
Woke af. Thanks user
I agree with your gif. She's like me.
I’m aroused
Not really, no. You can be black without being a nigger. It's entirely possible.
idgaf if hes black or not
i do give a fuck if its a woman
Two hour feminist movie about pay equity in the secret service, probably.
true but its still considered hollywood
Hope it fails miserably, but it probably won't. Today's morons will watch anything.
They have to fuck with everything...
The only part that makes sense is that her parents left her
>Like a woman kicking a man's ass in a fight scene is believable.
Unlikely but possible , kind of like the premise of every action film.
>Imagine coping like this
you mean pointing out how retarded something you just said was?
Hollywood scumbags fuck up James Bond movies for the sake of SJW .... it will become dead to me.....
Movies are for good goy fags, read books or better yet READ SIEGE .
You could have the exact same movie with her as 004. This would draw in the left without alienating an existing fan base. You could then go the Marvel route and essentially have interwoven rehashes of the same movie with women, black, Asian, gay 00 agents while still having tradional 007 Bond movies as well.
Or you could completely piss off the majority of people who see these movies, destroy the character so he can't ever be used again in the same way, all to generate some attention-getting controversy about the racist fan base, just so you might attract a few people who normally wouldn't see a Bond movie?
I think your razor needs sharpening.
Top Kek!
Q branch just revealed Ms. Bond's new chopper
Purple Drank - shaken, not stirred.
Wait, they're having Sean Connery return? Or do you mean the ape trained to wear a dress?
Where is double naught spy car?
good 'un