What's your sexuality, Yea Forums?
What's your sexuality, Yea Forums?
half-faggot, i'm bi
Open ass
Hetero of course.
Straight. I'm not a fucking degenerate.
Black chicks that are half my age.
asexual is the polar opposite of a faggot, faggot
Straight and proud of it.
Take it up with the author of the comic, cocksmoker.
objectively the best sexuality
Appreciating life in all its aspects. dick aspects and pussy aspects.
I like too many things to label myself with any sexual orientation.
You surely have a bunch of weird fetishes that would make you a degenerate in the eyes of older generations.
So just a faggot.
>older generations
lmao. boomers need to die.
The generations before the boomers you dumb cunt. Boomers are responsible for all of that crap.
Protip: they’re dead. They don’t have opinions.
Sexual deviance and confusion has no place in a pure society. Heterosexuality is the only sexuality that makes sense. The others are merely perversions generated by boredom or flaws in the human mind.
Holy shit you're thick. That's why I avoid americans as much as I can. Can't think of bigger retards, absolutely unable to debate.
get the fuck out, your kind is the lowest scum of the earth
Weak and predictable.
that's because they have shitty, underfunded education, and are simultaneously told that better public education would make everything worse
straight top / bi bottom
im a fag
Go suck Vikerne's cock.
Sexuality? Straight. Like everyone else on the planet. Queer isn't a sexuality, it's a lifestyle.
my wiener goes hard when i see dicks, and stays flaccid when i see pussy
how the fuck am i straight
I'd say I'm more attracted to women than to men, but I fit in the occasional faggot shit. More like 30% faggot
Never buff or hairy dudes though that is ew
I'm normal
also bi
i'd say i'm more of the man side right now (it fluctuates), but i'm also a twink only kind of guy
maybe a bit of muscle, but beards or body hair are a nono for me
You're still Flaming faggots to me
yeah no shit
Do you even know what the origin of the phrase boomer is, or are you just some stupid fucking meme addled kid?
It's called a fetish you homo.
but if this fetish prevents me from having straight attraction, how am i straight?
Attack helicopter
haha le funny helicopter meme xDDDD
go back to 2016, we aren't even talking about gender identity here
Bi all the way. Just love to fuck and get sucked.
Faggot. Totally gay. My penis goes completely soft from rock hard if I think of a vagina.
However I love female to male trannors. I'd fuck the everliving fuck out of a mancunt.
Does that make me pansexual? Or slightly bi?
I want a bio guy for a relationship, though
congrats, refer to
You are the biggest Gaylord of them all
If you dont count masturbation as having sex with a man , therefore homosexual or if you do it can be nullifed by the fact that i fap to straight porn
you have a penis attached to you, which means you are constantly touching dick, you colossal faggot
nice spooks you got there
christianity is as heretical as every other religion that's not the imperial creed
My sexuality is nigger so I can fuck your wives and leave shortly after she is pregnant
You're a bitch.
make me your bitch, daddy ;)
Closeted busexual
Not the other guy you responded to but you should strongly consider suicide. No one likes you faggits you only burden society and push your mentally ill fag lifestyle.
you hate people for merely existing, so you're lot is much more of a tumor for a tolerant, free society
follow your Führer and do a '45 Hitler
Faggots hate straights but faggots can’t exist without straights. Irony
find me one gay person that hates straights
Of course I hate people for existing tolerancy only leads to degeneracy such as yourself. Your idea that "free society" should mean you can practice blatantly retarded lifestyles is a full on Hellen Keller. Also if your "free society" idea were really true I would not have to adapt to calling you the 56th gender in order to not get scrutinized for being tolerant. You fucking faggits are seriously sick mentally and physically you hate everyone and everything that isn't you. Seriously, no meme, no joke, and no lulz Kill Yourself.
I wouldn't take it that far, but yea I kinda agree. Most gay people I've seen have a cerebral hemerage when ever you say you don't like anything having to do with gay people. They get to speak out on how they like dicks but we don't get to say anything about it. Kinda like feminist, but dudes.
>Also if your "free society" idea were really true I would not have to adapt to calling you the 56th gender in order to not get scrutinized for being tolerant
call people what they want to be called and that's it, is that too hard for your smooth ass peanut of a brain? do you call your buddy steve Otto von Bismarck because "muh he can't force me to call him steve"?
>you hate everyone and everything that isn't you
i'd love to know where you got that idea from
also, kinda hard to pretend you're against that thought when your entire post is just that, but from a straight perspective
>Your idea that "free society" should mean you can practice blatantly retarded lifestyles is a full on Hellen Keller
that's exactly what it means though, keep out of other people's lives if it doesn't affect you
tell me, where did your uncle touch you as a kid?
Lmao, ok bro. I'm not even gay whatsoever and you're the kind of faggot I pity and laugh at. What an unlovable ball of vile hatred. Sounds like mommy and daddy didn't love you enough as a kid.
fuck off fascist dirt
DEUS VULT or DIE you fucking HERETIC
Pureblood homosexual
Hetero despite my best efforts
You contradicted yourself. Me being forced to call them whatever mentally ill gender they want to be called does affect me. Why should I be forced to calling people normal shit because some triggered faggits kill themselves when they get called the wrong gender? Calling my buddy who's name is Steven, Steve is a nickname I gave to him as a friend who I know won't get butthurt if I reverted to calling him Steven again. Lastly your comparison is faulty supporting mental delusions is different from calling a friend by his nickname.
by the Emperor...
At least I was not raised by a single mom who taught you had to suck your stepdad's dick because she hate you were born male
the right one
Your assuming a lot about my political ideology based off of me not liking faggits.
my god the projection
asexual is just another word for incel
40% faggot. 60% strait.
I like to fuck smooth twink ass and hear them moan and squirm while I abuse their hole
the hateful way you talk about sexuality makes it sounds either fashy or religiously fundamentalist (fashy but with a skydaddy)
basically this i only like feminine males and women
but i dont mind being topped
so youre a fag, got it
Homo Destroyer
I guess that mean's you were projecting about me being a vile ball of hatred as well? Either that or your extra chromosome are interfering with your ability to make an actual response.
Straight but I like getting my cock sucked by guys. Always a great nut.
Again you are making HUGE generalizations based off of something I said about sexuality I could be a communist for all you know.
You ain't destroying any homo and you ain't destroying any pussy either.
To be fair, communism is religious fundamentalism.
nigger it's blatantly obvious you are very hateful, from your choice of words to your actual """argument""". that is a description of fact
you creating some hyper-specific childhood scenario in order to invalidate the other user's point clearly is projection
I'm an aromantic pansexual transboy/hermaphrodite.
i don't see many commies hating LGBT people, quite the contrary
homophobia in general is more of a right wing phenomenon (focus on """nature""", nuclear family etc)
the god being prayed to being whomst?
Fair enough but any ideology with a morality based society, rules, and laws could be interpenetrated as religious fundamentalism.
Right because daddy Stalin did not actively kill faggits.
Maybe because your point is also based off of a "hyper-specific childhood scenario" instead of responding to the point like the other user did?
i doubt you encountered even a single "muh 56 genders feminazi" in your entire life
i haven't, and i've been around for almost 40 years now, it is a strawman for youtube righties to laugh at, nothing more
it is not polite to call a stranger Otto von Bismarck if they aren't a chancellor in the german empire, similarly, it is also not polite for you to call people by a gender they don't ascribe to
just don't be a dick you fucking muppet
The proletariat.
contemporary leftists are very very accepting of LGBTs, alt-righters, fundamentalists and other fascists are extremely hostile to them
they also often use terminology such as degenerate, call trans people mentally ill etc
tldr your rhetoric and opinion are fashy
[citation desperately fucking needed]
Gay. But actually asexual.
incels are involuntary, asexuals are happy
Come on now.
You ever heard a communist?
Proletariat this, proletariat that.
If Marx was a teenage girl you would think he had a crush on the proletariat.
to me they mostly talk about wealth redistribution, equality and bashing capitalism and the fash
if you look beyond surface level it's much more than just bitching about muh workers all day
Straight. You Faggot.
The Overwhelming majority of Trans People are Incels.
Half faggot whole incel
And why whine about wealth distribution and the rich if not for the unhealthy obsession with revolution and the working class?
Not that there are communists who belong to the working class.
I'm too sexy for a sexual orientation.
PRetty sure you'd die in a fight with him, faggot.
Full on fag
>merely existing
It’s not like you’re objectively more likely to spread STDs than a heterosexual person or anything. That’s according to the CDC btw if you want a source.
Straight but got memed into liking some gay shit.
internet nazis are mostly fat neckbeards mate, i'll be fine
straight irl but i'm desensitized to normal porn so i watch heteroflexible shit.
Exclusively zoosexual
I am sexual
This counts heterosexual bestiality technically, so I agree
So fucking straight.
Like all kinds of women.
But have no quarrel with fags.
You're born how you're born.
What about mtf trans people?
Leftie scum. Wish there where right wing faggots like me
Stfu faggot. I'm not going to try and guess what someone "thinks" they are that day
Tumblr faggot
Also am trans
I'm normal. If your a queer then u deserve a slow and painful death
So tired about listening to how much hets love tits and hot chicks. Like stfu
You’re anything but normal
Straight, but I've enjoyed a few dicks up the poop chute in my youth if ya know what I'm sayin
I'm a right wing faggot user
I'm gay. But like really gay. Like HARD gay if you know what I mean.
I'm straight. I thought I was bi, but I couldn't keep it up with a tranny a few years ago. The fantasy was hot, reality was not.
I hope the weather in Alabama makes you mildly uncomfortable.
bisexual but i hate it, I wish i wasn't. I cant fucking stand gays
Same here user. Gays are the fucking worst. Weeding through grindr for a bit of fun takes fucking ages. Good thing I prefer women. Men are just easier
Literally everyone who hates faggots are closet faggots themselves.
Accept yourself already faggot.
Bi. I like pretty, feminine girls cause its fun to eat ass. And i like big masculine men cause sometimes I want feel like a dainty little flower
serious right wingers hate you
take the breadpill
nobody is gonna kill you for not knowing it right away idiot
if people tell you, act accordingly, problem solved
I like hot trannies and chicks.
you're far too reasonable to be on Yea Forums
Heterosexual man. And I can’t stand any of you faggots.
the stereotypical gays are unbearable, yes
but there are a few functioning humans among them, thankfully
Just ignore this ignorant douche. I’m as straight as you are gay. I am as I unattracted to cock and boipussy as you are to tits and girl pussy. It’s ok, bro.
That’d have to be in the butt, Bob
I’m a nonbinary queer abstinent born-again Atheist
t-girls when i can find a passible one, but it aint easy (bjs/69/hjs or me as top, only). women, mostly, as they are easier to get and ive had a lot over the years. guy-guys are gross, but i have once or twice and wont again. women: over 30 only, and no inexperienced chicks though i make exceptions if they are under 20 and notable dumb, which can be hot.
i'm an anarcho-monarchist nazbol-posadist with chinese characteristics
you're dated joke book, faggot.
11/10, dude. perfect 10's plus a little extra. am i right or am i right or am i right?
same for me with dudes. trannys are great but i cant keep it hard the couple times i tried with dudes, cause they're kinda gross.
...that's how it begins...
open bi guy with a boyfriend, can actually fucking confirm
me figuring myself out started with traps n shiet on Yea Forums
I like the dick too much to be straight, and the pussy too much to be gay.
Kill u
welcome in the bi club, we're currently spending our time being objectively the best
it true tho
I know right? I'm really a greed sumbitch. I'm a bi, poly switch.
Boys do it better. Every blowjob ive gotten from a girl has been pretty tame and timid. But every time i suck a dick i get super into it, like, pornstar into it.
I'm bi, looking for a cutie to take on an adventure
dude... me, traps, 2006. by 2008 i had banged 2 trannies, and i was super good. i had a lotta gay friends but this is as close to gay as i could get. thank you Yea Forums!
GOoD answer