Anyone else a fan of a goos inventory system like RE2 ans RE4? Where you have to get bags and briefcases to increase inventory. Makes alot more sense than things disappearing to the aether.
Anyone else a fan of a goos inventory system like RE2 ans RE4...
What wrong with a backpack?
disregard anything women ever say, they're all mentally ill
Now post it(her).
Is she implying that some faggy man purse is better?
Apparently men can't use backpacks to carry shit anymore in 'Murrica or something. "Women" there really are that garbage, huh?
yes they are fucking retarded. literally all they are capable of is following trends.
Women are whores who deserve to be beheaded
Messenger bag is the optimal in-between of style and function.
Christ almighty
fucking sluts get to carry around massive bags full of their shit but don't wear backpacks, don't wear cargo shorts, men don't need to carry anything
Imagine looking like this and criticizing anyone.
>Messenger bag is the optimal in-between of style and function.
If you're a literal faggot, yes
ayy dios mio la creatura americana noo
That's usually how insecurities work.
The besst part about this bitch was she had posted about people judging/making fun of her looks/weight a few days before OP's pic. She got major backlash from it.
I see plenty of old & balding men with backpacks
maybe if you're some teenage idiot who barely even notices anyone outside of school you kind of grow to associate backpacks with school (or, at best, college) age people, but in the real world having a backpack is completely normal.
(of course don't wear one with a suit)
Nothing. I see people on my commute who make tons of money, wear nice, fashionable clothes and still wear backpacks.
another fat bitch
la creatura...
>humanity is inherently evil
>contributes to it by taking a picture of someone without permission and making fun of their appearance
The absolute gall of this talking meatball
Jesus Christ
What is that? Gun?
Nobody really cares about a suit + backpack but if you have a meeting generally satchels or messenger bags look more “professional”, not that any professional gives a shit.
>make tons of money
pick one
Nothing at all, now post tour backpackfu
Imagine being an incel and feeling angry when this thing insults you.
the fuck? americans don't wear backpacks anymore?
Behead yourself
This landwhale has near a million followers on Twitter. Who the fuck is this?
>Nobody really cares about a suit + backpack
well nobody really gives a fuck about how random stranger dress in general, but I have never ever seen a person wearing a suit with a backpack and I'm not sure it won't weird me out at least a little bit
like, yeah, backpacks are useful and don't really clash with anything but they do radiate a certain casualness that doesn't mix well with business attire
Not everyone who makes real money does so by doing nothing
what the fuck
I'm surprised how you all can see this and not reach the obvious conclusion that she is just mocking others to feel likely better about herself
(y'know, like I'm sure many of you have done plenty of times, including itt)
top bar is you
where I live in central London you can't really get around by car for most jobs
dudes who get off at like Westminster on the tube look like they make way more than us
because he's wearing a backback like a schoolboy
only schoolboys wear backpacks and hes an old man
its the juxtaposition dont you see???
like comment and subscribe XDDD
Stylistically they dont go together due to suits being seen as formal / professional wear and backbacks as more casual / sports wear.
There's nothing 'wrong' but you're clashing styles and it takes effort to make that look good if you care about that.
Compare it to an RPG where a set of gear will give you a bonus, but the utility of mismatched gear outweighs said bonus in certain situations.
Sometimes you just need a good backpack even if you're heading to a Japanese mafia don meeting.
driving to work is also called a commute
Fuck, thats a cool backpack
Fuck off hypebeast fag
That's a pretty cool backpack.
Mine's the same as pic related.
The most based? Thanks, mate!
does she want him to carry a briefcase around or something what the hell
why? is that a bape backpack?
Backpacks are for children.
Yes it’s what virgin white teens wear
If you wanna be clumped in with these guys then drop it
I don't give a fuck who I'm "clumped in with" I'm not an insecure faggot who cares about fashion or what people think of what I cover myself with.
>One looks like she might smell of Velveeta, cat hair, and basement mildew, and be a terrible neighbor. While the other looks like a woman who can hold a regular conversation and would be a pleasant person to know.
Are you seriously asking this?
Only little kids have backpacks anymore
If you still use one you are a failure as a man
Fucking zoomers get the fuck off my board
Thanks m8s
I don't know what or who you are talking about. Unsurprisingly I'm just a weeb, pic related.
You a NEET?
I carry around a gym duffel bag is that ok
>all this delusion
this is why you all can't get girlfriend
(I mean, besides your terrible personality and political opinions and the fact you browse Yea Forums)
no self-respecting person over the age of 18 wears a backpack
I was using something like this while working private security. One day supervisor literally stopped me as I arrived just to gush about my choice and say it made sense that someone as competent as me would have good taste.
They do, it's just some teenage bitch
get a job
so today i learned that americans don't use backpacks and keep their shoes in the fridge
How do you carry shit around?
Fuck no
I ain't no wageslave
This is bait
Even grannies run around with small backpacks. Might as well stop using smartphones cause those young kids got all phones.
In my ass
Your mom wears a backpack
>Yea Forums saying others are mentally ill
What the fuck, that's the backpack I'm using right now.
El Ogro De Las Americas...
Because if you went to work everyday you would know
>Only little kids have backpacks anymore
isn't true.
>time for a promotion
a purse if you're a woman, a messenger bag and your pockets if you're a man
What the fuck do you carry around all the time that makes you need a backpack?
Already told you if you carry a backpack and aren't a kid then you're a failure as a man retard
That's the point, the image is a put down on women. Women have a constant need to be plugged into social media and sharing their lives. It's the same as that picture where the girl says, "this guy really came to class with a water pitcher I hate white people". It's not about the subject in focus of the frame it's about the woman getting you to pay attention to her and what she's saying and she has to pretend that her life is more interesting than just sitting in class. Unfortunately this often results in attack on the character of strangers because nothing really interesting is happening but you can always make a fuss and put someone else down for attention.
What do virgin non-white teens wear?
A glock?
>messenger bag
Jesus fucking christ you are actually a faggot, you sound shit skinned too
my thinkpad and my DT770 so i can produce music on the go
That company is good shit. Got a slimmer version cause i don't have much shit to carry around.
I just searched the pic on Google, man, you are always such a retards
This was my go-to bag when I used to commute on foot, now my job is a nice pleasant drive away.
I like it as it isn't overly flashy or as many zips hanging off it as a poorly designed jrpg protag.
Some people have jobs or are pursuing education.
Those are Americans, and Americans are not white.
People go to school, fucktard. There is something that comes after high school that many people attend after the age of 18
>uses loli anime reaction image
>calls others failures
>another fat bitch joins the fight
>I just searched the pic on Google
get out
You mean where you pay money to be brainwashed into a commie and then leave to work on McDonalds?
Even more reason to hate adults with backpacks.
But if they're all mentally ill then what's the cure? How do we treat their sickness?
>imagine being so fucking insecure you don't do whatever the fuck you want
Literally a creatura.
Dios mio, Jesucristo y la santa trinidad... El ogro de las Americas...
>Singling out the backpack and not the shorts
What is it with zoomers?
Yes, people go to college, and they go there after the age of 18, your argument is retarded
This is mine. It's lowkey enough that you have to really take a look at it to see that it's Turtles themed.
You are also convinced to dye your hair in various colors and that pretty things are horrible.
Still going strong hundreds of miles later
really not sure you're in any position to be calling others failures, user.
That's pretty fucking gay user
People who wear backpacks are probably homeless or are without a car
where my kanken boys at
And we should be thankful of those who shame them.
La criatura del pantano Americano
This. Men keep their stuff in their car, not in bags.
You're the one insecure with carrying a backpack, and trying to foist your anxiety onto other people.
>incel mad she never paid any attention before she went to college to get blacked
dios mio...
I need to carry clothes to change before and after my job, I'm a mechanic, I'm not gonna go around spreading dirt and oil after work, plus some stuff that will help time pass like some books, also paper and pens to write important stuff and keep track of everything in my work done, and hygiene stuff like a toothbrush and a soap for my hands and a bottle of water and a towel because I jog all my way back home
I guess I could use a bigger bag but I see no problem with a backpack
Women are mentally challenged and want attention no matter how stupid they sound, I deal with their shit a lot too when one makes her way all the way from the office zone to ours, or they also want us to fix their shit for free cuz "muh vagine pls help me"
Dios Mio!
in my country the price of average car is how much you muricans pay for a house.
I want it to happen, this is an American phenomenon, and every person in the world would benefit from America dying, specially whites.
seething incel
What the fuck is wrong with wearing a backpack???
Fucking women, I swear
Go ahead, I guarantee you those people have other priorities than caring about what you think of their bag
I have a super comfy place to live, driving license, car college education and worked for a year before and now I'm doing whatever I want
I'm super great
>*of an average car
Real men do whatever the fuck they want, pussy men judge them for it
That's kinda fucked up, friend.
thanks doc
What anxiety lol
Look I get it you're mad that we pointed out that you're a loser but the sooner you accept that the sooner you can work on becoming a better person like me.
although I doubt you will ever reach my level lmao
My condolences.
Honestly I prefer using gym bags to lug stuff around, always felt uncomfortable using backpacks
>events or outings requiring shit
No. You said
>Only little kids have backpacks anymore
which is objectively false.
Well what a coincidence then.
>comfy place to live
nice to know your mom makes an effort to clean up her basement for you
>driving license
a non-achievement
>a car
>college education
literally worthless compared to a university education
>worked for a single year
also a non-achievement
try again
Buddy this is all you, get some help. A lot of folks out there fail to launch, either from mental illness or just shitty parents, but there's counseling to reintroduce you to the world.
Imagine looking down on someone with a skilled trade, most people work in 9-5 office jobs or retail. Just because they're white collar doesn't make them useful.
Rather have a mechanic buddy than karen from HR around any day of the fucking week
My Switch
My 5 bottles of onions.
ugh whatever
Just be a loser if you want. I don't care
I just wanted to help, but you don't deserve it
It's Argentina my man, this place is fucked up and upside down, I make more money than the average people for some unknown reason even when I work less some days, if you are a doctor and want to make actual money GTFO of Argentina and go to USA or somewhere else but not here, or you can skip school and directly make money by selling drugs to the police
>spic on top of that
Kill yourself, my man. What a miserable existence.
Your university is drive-in?
>I make more money than the average people
How much?
Don't worry, I'm sure some random smuggler on a bike will take care of that for me eventually
I was about to ask you why you don't just keep all your stuff in your car, but then I saw that you said you jog home.
Good on you for staying healthy, user.
i dont get it
Who the fuck is she?
I hope so.
>fuck trump
she wishes
based motochorros giving user the sweet release of death
Not that guy but it's obvious you are out of touch these days. The fact that you are so adamant about your opinions of the world outside your government/family cuckshed when you clearly lack the experience and insight is just embarrassing imo.
Only adults allowed to wear backpacks are the ones who shoot sandniggers.
60k Argentinian pesos, that's like 1k dollars per month, I dunno if that's good for an average USA citizen tho monthly wise, but works for me
Holy fuck the cope
Get a grip perma virgin, this site has rot your brain already
Only trannies and women use the word incel.
Go back
>backpacks not ok
>fucking messenger bags are
Just call it what it is a man purse
Tranny discord and all the usual insults move along citizens
The chick who posted this has a million followers who all agree with her
Who's really out of touch her virgins?
Didnt mean to reply
A fat bitch who used to make """funny vines"""
>advocates against toxic people
>>is a toxic person
People on social media shouldnt throw stones in glass houses.
el chupacabras cielo santo
Thats what someone makes if they take 10% out of their 401k at 10 dollars an hour with 40 hours a week, so seems good.
Literal downs syndrome and she's publicly shaming someone, what a fucking cunt.
I knew she had to be fat.
I like playing inventory tetris to squeeze in more gear, but I hate it in shit like WoW where you eventually have a small collection of tiny bags.
it's 41% my man
also /r/ the janny suicide rate
>this what what the posters on Yea Forums calling you incel look like
fucking kek
Wait....your saying people who look like they go on tumbler are hypocrites.
Stupid millennial and their pails of water
The million twitter warriors who also get most if not all their money from family or the government and who maybe only work barista jobs if at all. It makes sense that you failures all think alike but that doesn't prove your warped logic.
can you imagine being that assblasted by a water jug?
seethe harder incel
maybe if you would lose the backpack someone would actually fuck your ugly ass
"for children"
Do you know the purpose of a backpack you stupid woman?
You probably say riding a bike is childish too.
Go suck some tranny cock, you cunt
What gets me mad in this image is the useless red circling fucking hell there's only one person wearing a backpack dumb whore
She wishes she was that thin
>not even a milion
>not even a tenth of it of actual reactions
>out of billions
Great job virgin, proving you're actually brain damaged with your every post
She's right though.
Why bring a jug of water with you everywhere when you could be catching Pokemon creatures?
what are adults meant to carry if not a backpack?
she posted it on snapchat, people on twitter are mad about that.
project harder, incel
maybe if you would actually leave the cuckshed you would better understand the world though I'm definitively not gonna pretend anyone would fuck your ugly ass if you did.
>best he can do is to "pretend" to be retarded virgin
Pffff hahaha
Theyre always fat.
Nice misfire faggot.
Smart shoes for the office
>fat woman
>fat man
disgusting creep
I like slim pack that have a couple big pockets instead of a lot of small ones
And gays.
Is this a joke?
And trannys
Why are a majority of anti-trump peaole walking parodies?
>this is why you all can't get girlfriend
the internet was better before rampant obvious ESL retards
>walking parodies
That's just Americans.
Woops, user you forgot to reply property, here let me help you, you don't want user to miss your posts do you
Nothing is wrong with a backpack. If you are going to use one though at least try to be /fa/ and don't use one a middle schooler or 50 year old sys admin would use.
Use something like pic related. Leave your bulky SwissGear laptop bag at home.
>all anti trump people are Americans
>people outside the US dont display the same mental illness
Dial 8
I'm just saying that all Americans are racially ambiguous half nigger obese creatures.
Not just ugly with no fashion sense but retarded too
Seeing unfortunate people like this is so sad :(
I don't know who you are but I love you user
I use the old backpack that grandpa used on the Malvina's conflict, I shouldn't tho, that thing it's old even if it was used when grampa was killing some UK soldiers
Aw look, he's pretending to fit in. That's adorable.
>doesn't keep a backpack with you at ALL times
>wants to talk about fashion
you will never be /fa/
fug :DDDDD
Is this Jim Sterling's wife?
Good /fa/ isn't fashionable at all
All me
>not posting the dylan roof edit
again never gonna make it
Looks like a gang of school shooters
Women constantly try to hamper and weaken the men around them and attempting to deny men the ability to carry things is one tactic.
except for the one in the middle
this, i fucking wish i was a mechanic or some such, i'm trying to get into carpentry but noone will hire me because i have no experience
>reddit mfa shit
I've owned this exact same bag for the last 10 years.
Oldest Friend I have
Honestly he looks real douchey but not because of the posing, it's the stupid head piece.
fat purge when
>these people are giving you fashion advice
link store page?
Why the hell would I want to fit in with a bunch of ugly Yea Forumsirgins in the first place lmao
You guys are bigger losers than /r9k/ since at least they know they are huge fucking losers
Have sex.
RE4 inventory were pretty fun, but I still prefer the old school one because its more focused in management.
Someone link this thread to her twitter
Picked it up at target after my ex stole most of my stuff. I'm sorry user I can't help you.
There is no headpiece, it's the left part of the long handle from the pulldown machine.
Anime posters pretending to not be pathetic losers is always funny.
>newfag shitposter is an /r9k/dditor incel as well
>posting my wife too
Stealth offtopic threads should be a reportable and bannable offense. If OP wanted to talk about video games he'd have posted one of the million screenshots of video game inventories instead of this shit.
What a fucking unit.
>50 year old sys admin would use.
But I'm a 30 year old sys admin and it was issued to me.
Somebody post that image of the poll where women were asked what kind of carrying devices (backpacks, briefcases, messenger bags, etc) would be acceptable for men to wear, and a significant portion of them said "none of them, men should just carry all their shit in their hands."
Imagine my shock
they are but tranny jannies don't care enough to call mods
This can't be real
Caselogic backpacks are actually indestructible.
someone post the chad guzzle
Nigga, you're on an image board that has pedophiles and lolicon niggas just like you lmao. Don't pretend to be a better person. I bet you play smash and rock back and forth too, bitch lmao
At least you have great taste user
I'm not a newfag on Yea Forums although I rarely visit /r9k/
Why? Have you never visited any social media in the last decade? Everyone watches anime now
Of course it's not
>tfw too smart
Well that's a given
>that face
>social media
Have death
I'll keep reporting them until I'm blue in the face. We'll reach a breakthrough eventually.
you're just pulling everyone's pisser man, not cool
Yea Forums is also a social media
Well seeing as you posted an anime picture it's clear that you never go outside. People wear backpacks.
based average american citizen
>Why? Have you never visited any social media in the last decade? Everyone watches anime now
You mean every cat owner with chronic depression, thats the average anime faggot on social media.
It's just a whore seeking attention in her uninteresting life by finding something to mock in her surroundings, because she's a sad piece of shit being.
I'm not lying about having seen it posted before, but I don't know that it wasn't made up to shitpost.
>messenger bag
You're an absolute turbo fucking faggot.
Now I posted a VIDEO GAME character form a VIDEO GAME on the VIDEO GAME board retard
and yeah I'm sure ugly losers who never get laid and little kids do
Everyone in there was just echoing eachother and preaching shit like they're not entitled scumbags in their day to day lives.
Fucking hell twitter makes me angry.
At least people can openly say what they think here.
>tfw gf started browsing r/egg_irl a month ago, then recently shortened her hair and bought male hair care products that make her smell like black pepper
>now she's planning to dye it
Why did this trend hit jewish girls the hardest? Fucking hell she used to be so cute
She looks like that dude from jurassic park who gets killed by the tiny dinosaur
Nothing is wrong with a backpack as an adult, but please for the love of god get one with decent style, and not some garbage Jansport; that’s the shit that makes you look like an unrefined bachelor
That is some nice projection, user. Keep going.
fucking this
>dating a jewish girl
As an adult male, what are you carrying around that you'd actually need a backpack for? Phone, wallet, and keyring is all you need.
my magnum dong
beating with a stick
Disgusting, Frank. You’re a disgusting troll man and nobody wants to see your dock no matter what size it is.
go outside
>Troy - the school shooter - he's a master of the dakimakura
>Ivan - the loner - he's not actually part of this gathering and is a little uncomfortable with all these weirdos suddenly surrounding him
>Marco - the self advertiser - he's the self proclaimed don of the SuckYourDick family
>Mathew - the lady's man - has done leg day as many times as he's had sex
>Mustafa - the boy genius - rumored to have an iq of 500 his peers give him space out of fear and respect, and because holy shit does he smell
>Eugene - the master mind - his parents have no idea he is at this meet up
>Jason - the autist - he has no idea he is at this meet up
>Will - the dumpster diver - has a collection of used condoms (none of which his)
>"Hans" (real name unknown) - the cripple who would be fuhrer - hes not actually crippled he just likes the attention
I hate men.
My work laptop. Shopping.
I find even basic inventory systems fun. It’s conceptually weird when it’s just an infinite list of items no person could ever possibly hold. I much prefer it to simple weight systems
Why do you projecting retards keep saying this?
I go outside plenty of times and hang out with my friends smoking weed or clubbing at least once a week
muh thinkpad
But you know women are stupid.
I love this type of reasoning. It means that taking a picture of a girl while showering isn't wrong if she doesn't know about it.
fucking mods man
Fuck mods
>moving a video game thread from Yea Forums to Yea Forums
HELLO Yea Forums!
She was really cute in 2010. Long, brown hair, a friendly and energetic personality without going full Foam Adventure, very intelligent. I still love her but I worry she's about to ditch me, fuck a bull dyke and then blow her brains out. Hopefully she comes to her senses soon, but that rarely happens with these people.
I wouldn't be shocked to hear la creatura from the OP is a Twitter verified Unity "game" dev tbh
I actually agree with this move for once. This thread stopped being vidya related long ago.
>dating a kike
>not keeping her on a leash for the khazar milkers
By the powers vested in me by the people of Yea Forums, i, user, declare that you are officially banned from the white race.
Congratz on your reverse trap boyfriend user
Based mods now I can post something that really matters
Yeah i think it sounds pretty nice too.
But bad taste will be bad taste.
>banned from the white race
I'm a half-Cheyenne mutt lmao, if anything you should be glad I'm potentially adding some mutt blood to the kike race.
Thanks but it still feels like it's not gonna work out that way. Also damnit I liked my qt gf with her stupidly long hair! It'll take years to get back to her former length.