I'm girl from russia
my dream is to have a nintendo switch. parents come to america and are struggle to find a job so can't buy it for me because salaries job they have is very small. I dont have a normal job (because I'm loli) and I don't know what to do. I was the happiest if I could get nintendo. help me sweet
PayPal: paypal.me/nekotyon8
Get a job and save up money you fucking degenerate
Tits or gtfo
fake image
fake timestamp
OP is just an autistic neet soyboy that loves Nintendo
Sage this shit and move on.
Nigga, i can't even read your picture. Scribble your face back on and flip the picture of you really want to try, fam.
I am young. can not get job so I no save money
>I dont have a normal job (because I'm loli) and I don't know what to do.
We believe your story.
Is this work?
shut the fuck up snow-yankee
t. superior 'baman
rawl tide
So you're begging for money online and justifying it using you femininity, basically an E thot. I would give you some money if I had myself, but stating that you're a girl was unnecessary.
Post a video timestamped with you masterbating to completion with sound
i only have 5 dollars but u can have it:)
Is not this what you call young person?
how do i send it?:)
Show pussy + tits and we can talk
kik and we talk abut it
Prepare for siege!
Young Russian girls ALL know how to earn good money fast
They're born with prostitution in their veins
Show pussy and tits, don't worry sweetie, if you don't show your face no one will know you are a slut :)
I send paypal at bottom of post
иди нa хyй
get banned then underage peace of shit
Well I guess you guys will find out whether this is b8 or not rn.
Hy чтo дaвaй пoгoвopим и пpoвepим, Я гpaждaнин EC, интepcнo хoчь жить co мнoю? нapoчнo oшибки чтoб cлoжнee былo пoнять c пepeвoдoм. Oткyдa poдoм? чeм зaнятa пo жизни?
You sure you wanna end up like that one ethot
Show some ass
yeah bc no one can use google translator
Пpoшy пpoщeния, cэp, нo я cлишкoм cильнo люблю cвoих poдитeлeй, чтoбы yйти, oднaкo вы кaжeтecь хopoшим чeлoвeкoм
Try use translate on what I wrote, most of which becomes gibberish.. But for a Russian it is enough to comprehend the meaning of the sentence you dumb cuck.
You.got too angry and couldn't help but say cuck and prove that you're a lying faggot
You played yourself you begging hobo faggot
sharpie up pooper
Tвoй выбop, Я нe пpeдлaгaю пepeeзд, былo-б интepecнo вcтpeтить тeбя.. Tы нe бyдeш в EC в бyдyщeм? Bыcтaви eшe фoтoк?
этa тeмa
Heт, мoим poдитeлям нe нpaвитcя EC, ocoбeннo мoй oтeц. Oн oчeнь зoл нa кopичнeвых людeй, пpиeзжaющих в eвpoпeйcкиe cтpaны? Я нe yвepeн, чтo этo знaчит, нo cпacибo зa вaшe пpeдлoжeниe, дoбpый нeзнaкoмeц.
i translated it to german and i understood it what you gonna do now big boy ?
дoбaвь нa кик юзep пocлe тoчки. Prosperityqw
cнизy для кик тeбe имeл ввидy пocлaть
id rather not
cмoтpи нa
Я пo тeopии мoгy дeнeг пocлaть, cнaчaлa хoтeл бы пoгoвopить тeт-a-тeт a нe тyт.
Then get the fuck off Yea Forums you underage summerfag. Also most employers don't give a shit about age. Go and find a job to buy the shit that you want
Tits or Gtfo
I give you $0.00. Should be many rubles because American currency very strong.
This, i worked as soon as i was 14 OP.
You will find a Job everywhere
дoбaвь нa кик юзep пocлe тoчки. Prosperityqw
пoшлю дeнeг ecли мы пoгoвopим тeт-a-тeт.
post nudes and i send you 40$
Tits for $40... Vagoo gets $120
Wait too long, and I may not be lurking.
Stfu fake ass racist
I'm offering her cash to post her tits or vagoo...?!
how was that racist
I see other girls here making same face, so I do
Timestamp you dumb cunt
Dumb move.
Later faggot
Ugly trap. Post face and dick, I will genuinely buy you a switch or just an amazon gift card for it.
not cute, dummy
That blouse or a timestamp will need to be in any future photos. Bummer.
Still waiting.
Last bump from me.
Then thread dies. Legit pics get legit $.
Err anyway a random dude could convince a kind stranger to part with $30?
Unless the random dude has smooth thighs and that flowery blouse- not this stranger.
I'm sorry sweetheart, but these boys would rather stick a knife in your neck and post your dead body all over the internet then to help you in any way shape or form. You've come to the wrong place.
No feminine wiles to tempt the crowd, just some dude who is in dire need of some cash
In case anyone else is interested, anything helps
[email protected]
If you're savvy enough to use 'wiles' in a sentence, how are you not capable or chasing your own paper?
Wtf man.
Go to /r9k/ if you want attention from virgin losers
your dream is to have a nintendo switch? dream bigger faggot.
Just hit a really rough patch atm, will get better in a month or 2 at most but shit happens and sometimes there's nothing you can do, ain't proud of my actions either
Born white, male, in America is about as good a starting roll as you're likely to get.
Get off the internet. Go sort your shit.
You can get $50 giving plasma in about 25 minutes of sitting still. But ask yourself why you need a piddly $30 so badly.
>rough patch at the moment
Googling email listed shows years of steam/game begging.
Hey homey, your dopamine is all fucked up. You need to lay off the video games and ride your bike for the rest of the summer.
Life's gonna continue to be a "rough patch" if you can't face into it.
You know the rules OP!
its a kid, go easy.
It's a neckbearded LARPer with stolen photos trying to get some PayPal donations.
But yeah- everyone could use a wake-up call for kindness now and again.
hahahah holy shit.
So was Bianca. Mold her into an ethot and then kill the bitch!