Daily reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any nation in the history of the planet. Not one time.
Daily reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any nation in the history of the planet. Not one time.
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Because it has
every fucking day with this. can't you at least use a different picture occasionally?
stale pasta faggot
Because socialism is an umbrella term covering a slue of ideologies. No one has ever got a PhD is 'Science' for the same reason.
Because the right only work by demonizing their opponents who they regard as incredibly weak (socialism has never worked) and incredibly strong (socialism will destroy us)
Same with fascism but you don't seem adverse to the idea of.
Everyone who works leaves to find fair compensation.
I know you post this a lot, but socialism doesn't make any sense in regards to human drive and achievement. No one can see beyond themselves to help the society over themselves.
The only people selling socialism aren't the ones that would drive the society forward.
The lazy ones would screech to get it started and then the work horses would reverse it after the n33ts got bored of storming A51 and other gov buildings.
Socialism will destroy us BECAUSE it has never worked. You just posted the same argument phrased two different ways you moron
Well it cleansed the world of jews,however socialism cleansed the world of hardworking men and women.
Liberals live in an actual fantasy world.
So the biggest threat you see is an inept government? Ya, because Trump is FLYING through his goals, even with 2 years of absolute control of the government. On the flip side, Obama only had 4 months of the same thing for the Democrats and passed his Obamacare as he promised.
No, capitalism removed hard working men. Technology alone, really, but the need to implement technology to reduce the need for skilled workers to pay less to employees being the key motivation.
But I'd be happy to hear how 'socialism' removed hardworking people.
Ya, because supporting Americans is impossible.
But failed to give it up in full. he only got one part of it and didn't cover all of us. take it from me whos being fined by him because i can't get it on his care or private. Gj. Now i pay more taxes and cant get health care. So good.
So would you have been better off without it at all?
US Army Field Manual FM 31-20-3, Foreign Internal Defensee Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces; 2004
The document, which is official US Special Forces policy, directly advocates training paramilitaries, pervasive surveillance, censorship, press control, restrictions on labor unions & political parties, suspending habeas corpus, warrantless searches, detainment without charge, bribery, employing terrorists, false flag operations, concealing human rights abuses from journalists, and extensive use of "psychological operations" (propaganda) to make these and other "population & resource control" measures palatable.
Let's see Bill Clinton's list.
Also, I read this whole list and I didn't see any proposed solutions to any problems facing our country right now.
Literally monkey shit flinging. This is the only thing the left has.
Except for all the Scandinavian countries.
Cause of the US funding their military.
US backs out, the entire Scandinavian model collapses. Socialism spends money while capitalism makes it.
All three are constitutional monarchies, dumbass.
Socialism in Norway is shit. My friend lives there and she hates it.
They are far more capitalistic than we are. They don't have to worry about their military budget (thanks to us), they are culturally homogeneous (remember, black/latino people make up the vast majority of gangs in the US (nationalgangcenter.gov
Their pseudo-socialism, which is draining their coffers, is a hindrance. They do OK win SPITE of it, not because of it. Which is why, on average, they do far better when they move to the US.
Trumps solution to the problems is to ignore them or make them up.
Clinton is not as involved, but you can say the deep state or jews did it. The truth only exists to whoever yells loud enough, right?
because it's all just jew lies
Who cares? Clinton is not the President anymore.
That's more about satisfaction then quality.... People bitch about 10 million dollar yachts, that proves nothing but you have ZERO evidence and are just citing hear say anecdotal evidence in lieu of actually intelligence.
Republicans are natural born hucksters. They will define socialism as anything the government does to help its people beyond funelling more and more money into the coffers of the already rich.
But their natural propensity for lying and twisting facts paints them as socialist. What are the police, the military etc if not the government doing something not solely for the benefit of capitalists?
They will then go onto further lie, because they know nothing else - the truth melting them like acid - will call any and all government spending "socialism".
Then to add insult to injury THEY keep spending government money wrecklessly. The truth is that, just like any other faction of people they want power. They just don't want to outright say it.
Republicans are hucksters of the highest order and they should all be killed (figuratively of course :P)
Actually it did but you all stopped it.
literally what is china you fucking idiot?
socialism keeps red states alive.
>you leech your money for farm subsidies, welfare, disability, mediare, mediaid etc from blue states' taxes
red state socialism is a thing. republicans need to go to college.
no its actually shit. it messes up the entire country.
Daily reminder that social services for the poor, sick, and elderly is not socialism. Socialism for the rich is what America is doing, and has been doing, since trickle down economics.
We're on the verge of civil war, I don't see the economy improving. But if you listen to Big Brother he'll tell you how everything is great. KEEP AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Ya, saying that the women is too ugly to rape is what normal men say.
Real strong alpha energy lol
Because it's ripe for corruption.
Just look at what happened to Venezuela.
Absolutely none, outside of:
Germany, France, Peru, Ecuador, Netherlands, Tunisia, Bolivia, Portugal, Sweden, Serbia, Nicaragu, Croati, Moldova, Armenia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Iceland, Greenland,
among others.
Not that user, but anyone should care why? At least 15% of the nation has TDS. It'd be more surprising if there were NO allegations.
>They will define socialism as anything the government does to help its people
If you take money from one group (via taxes) and give it to another, it is literally socialism. Just because there are degrees of socialism doesn't change that fact.
Subsidies aside (which need to go), I'd like to see some data backing up such a retarded claim.
Right, so Republicans are socialists. They take money from people and spend it. I'm glad we can agree on that notion, friend.
I don't think a single one of those countries has socialism. You don't know what socialism is and you support it because you're a low IQ useful idiot. Socialism is state ownership of the means of production. You're naming off countries with private ownership (capitalism).
damn that bitch ugly
This, but unironically.
The difference between socialism and fascism is that all fascist governments have either fallen from being invaded, or peacefully transitioning to a democracy, whereas socialist/communist nations all fall through either violent revolutionaries overthrowing the government to change it to use a functional system, or from economically and socially collapsing.
Most republicans are mixed leaning capitalism. Most want to minimize (but not necessarily get rid of) most socialist programs. Because they lean toward capitalism, they are free market capitalists.
Socialists and communists want to increase social spending and move away from a free market, thus they are socialists (or communists if they go far enough on government control).
Calling them socialists because they dislike most social programs is retarded.
Hmmm... talking about useful idiots, heh, what you described is communism. Google it.
And I'm just not naming shit, I'm referring from World Population Review's website. Check it out: worldpopulationreview.com
Just because there's private ownership does not negate what they are, any more than having social safety programs makes the US not be a capitalist country.
Anyway, go outside and play, grownups are trying to talk.
This. Though I think fascist groups share the same fate (it just takes a lot longer because the group(s) in power are large and well treated, with only small subsets being targeted at a time). Unless they ditch the free market.
The first one on the list is one of his wives. I mean the guy paid off a paid off a girl he fucked WHILE MARRIED just after his kid's born and people still think Trump's upstanding citizen.
I mean all the people coming out about it might have been because HE WAS RUNNING FOR FUCKING PRESIDENT. The fact is that Trump could been running a child sex ring right now and still wouldn't lose a single vote in or out of congress.
That is corruption. Maybe I am wrong, but that's just my opinion.
Welp, I'm bored. Going to derail for a bit.
No, Republicans are retarded because they define socialism as "the government doing things" and public spending and then - with no self awareness - use the government to do things and engage in public spending.
Republicans are retarded. They don't lean towards capitalism. They lean towards consolodating their own power and if you think otherwise you're a retard as well.
You know socialism is more than just Communism? Like the entire welfare system only started in the 1950s because of socialism and pumped out the greatest economy the world has ever seen.
>what you described is communism
Communism is workers ownership of the means of production. You think a welfare state is the same thing as socialism. You're a literal retard that wants more gibs so you support the most fucked system ever invented.
Thanks for reading my power level Vegeta.
>The first one on the list is one of his wives
>x-wife is pissed
>Trump's upstanding citizen.
I doubt many people claimed the he was anything but a playboy billionaire.
Now if he actually did anything illegal anywhere near the level of rape, he'd be impeached by the Rs, since they have a great track record of doing that.
>random pic unrelated.
I support nothing, my fiend. You are making assumptions and slinging insults as if you were right.
Anyway, I thought I told you to go out and play with your little friends.
Run along, boy, you bother me.
the economy after WWII allowed for socialist programs, it was not a result of those programs retard
Republicans would shut down taxes entirely if it didn't pay their fucking salary.
But just to be clear America has the most socialist army in the entire fucking world. This is because they were fighting the soviets after WW2. It hasn't stopped since the fall of USSR, but this is still proof of how successful socialism is.
USA has the biggest army of the next 25 top countries COMBINED, but to pay American workers a livable wage is going to complete decimate the entire economy if McD's employees don't have to squander in poverty for not getting a landscaping job as a middle age women???
I can tell you're a tranny just from the abhorrent way you write. I hope you kys soon.
You call that successful? Over populated. The government literally limits you to 1 kid. Hope you like nothing but rice. They have Muslim concentration camps. Also when was the last time you had a good liveleak session? Things are so fucked over there, no one will lift a finger to help you if you're injured or dying. Go join them you retarded fuckin weeb
The greed of human beings. The greed of people you no doubt support, who couldn't give a fuck if you lived or died lmao.
Imagine this being your personality lmao, must be fun being a self loathing incel.
Fascism was destroyed, kinda different
>No, Republicans are retarded because they define socialism as "the government doing things"
Wrong. They define it as taking money from one group (via taxes), and giving it to another.
Republicans spend on whats known as non excludable resources such as: Military, police, roads, etc. Things that benefit everyone equally. I.E. not socialism.
They also want things like lower corporate tax, which is great for the free market (capitalism). They also rarely enforce laws against them, and in fact like to scale back regulations and red tape (again, capitalism)
>help I'm a retard who doesn't know what socialism is or why it works
cool story, fucking google it and why you're a dumbass
Except that it has, in several countries.
But of course the only socialist countries you'll recognize are the ones steeped in corruption.
(because the US is so clean and pure, right?)
Get behind us, Satan!
But we haven't tried it in the USA so how can we say it won't succeed here?
>(because the US is so clean and pure, right?)
Compared to literally every socialist country, yes.
You’re thinking of communism. Take a look at the Netherlands and say socialism doesn’t work.
In a purely socialist system, all legal production and distribution decisions are made by the government, and individuals rely on the state for everything from food to healthcare. The government determines the output and pricing levels of these goods and services.
The 'free market' of socialism is what led to the Great Depression. The regulations that government does on the 'free market' since then kind of says it's not a purpley 'capitalist' system
Self regulating business always favour the business. The actual compulsion to exploit workers and consumers alike is how profit is made. There has to be some sort of independent body to regulate this.
No Democrat is calling for purpley socialist economy, but regulations are there to prevent disaster, not prevent profits. You're probably smart enough to guess who would be most motivated to remove all regulations and why, but I'll tell you anyways. Business are the ones that don't want to have government restrictions that would limit how much money they can make, because there is no limit to what is 'too much' profit.
There's a reason that Big Business has lobbyist, and they're not petitioning for smaller carbon footprints, or better living conditions for the poor. But this is Yea Forums so you can just say burn the forest and kill the degenerates, and lol at how you were just pretending to be retarded.
Shit, that's a good point.
>random pic unrelated
I wouldnt mind the socialist policies if these socialists werent the same fucking people supporting bringing in more beaners, promoting fags, and trannies, and general anti-americanism. Like if they wanted to spend more money on Americans w/ taxes then cool, but spending money on nonwhites and promoting more immigration is fucked up. You should have to be a white 3rd+ generation citizen to hold office tbqh.
social policy =/= socialism you fucking moron, if that were the case then America would already be Socialist because we already have Social Security, welfare, and income tax. Do you realize back in the "golden days" of America during the 40s and 50s WE HAD A 91% MARGINAL INCOME TAX on dollars above $200,000?
You need to realize you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, stop watching crowder and tucker carlson they're fuckin brain rot
So basically every fucking country on the planet is failing/failed except for USA? Am I right?
Cause that's what your parents taught you, right?
You're welcome.
Not like you'd say any and all proof is just fake news from the jewish liberal propaganda machine if it was from anything but FOX News.
Neither has capitalism long-term
If by socialist, you mean a model like the USSR or Cuba, where all or most industry is controlled by the state, then yeah, not many success stories.
(Although as an aside, those failed states have a lot of other things in common besides their socialism. Rooted in violent revolution, headed by strongmen, opposed by more powerful established countries using embargo, sanctions and espionage to undermine them. But whatever)
If by socialism you mean more robust social safety nets than the US currently has, universal healthcare, environmental regulations etc. Then most of the developed world would be considered socialist.
If you're asking about AOC or Bernie, their policies are clearly in the latter category.
Socialism is about ownership, not regulations. Corporations lobby for regulations that put their smaller competitors out of business. I'm not pro-capitalism or pro-socialism. The system that fits my views of economics best is distributism. I believe local family-owned businesses should be prioritized and monopolies should be dismantled.
You are the one who made a retarded assertion, the onus is on you.
Also, red states have much higher hurdles if you want welfare, and they vote to reduce it. At most you could argue blue states are forcing red ones to spend their own, as well as some federal money, on welfare.
he hates it, but it does work
No theyre not. They may pretend they are now to seem more palatable. They want to drive America to the far left through mass migration. As the white man is eradicated and the beaner takes his place they will push further and further left.
Yugoslavia wants to know your location
I hope you get hit by a bus
Graham says Trump is 'a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'
You know, who's 'disgusted' hearing what Trump has to say.
oh foiled again. almost got it. so close. shit man, GG NO RE
Because when you force an equal outcome for everyone, the exceptional have no incentive to create and the competent have no incentive to try. The only people who benefit are the useless since they are the only ones now getting more than they deserve.
It is a system that benefits only the mediocre and so mediocrity thrives under it.
It's true, because socialism is thriving. You have something in your house made in China.
Wrong. They define it as communism dictatorship despotism with strong authoritarian tendencies.
The kind of ironic part is white fascism in Germany was inspired by the slavery in the USA.
aoc and her squad should be detained, fitted for parachutes, and dropped out of a plane into the central african country of chad
if they can make it out alive, and if they didnt get raped on the way out, then Trump will take back his "shithole" comment
Except it's harder to get an abortion then a gun, one of those is time sensitive.
Y are you so mad dude? I mean i guess taking out your incel rage on Yea Forums is better than you doing it irl...
That's on your state for not taking the extra money offered when it came though. And then after that, prices went up because of it (albeit a slower rate than before) so companies dropped out.
It's actually interesting that most of the intelligent world doesn't titter at swear words. There's not actually any censorship in the news. you can say fuck uncensored and it's protected. Any censoring you see is voluntary, and most of it on TV is because of the FCC rules.
Getting a gun doesnt involve killing anyone, an abortion does
Jesus Christ, you dont know shit about anything; you don't post your credentials, cite sources, use vindictive and condesending statements to gain attention.Who are you to have an opinion, I dont see your ass doing anything in politics. Let alone ever have set foot in actual political debate. You're invalid, an idiot and a failure. However, though it may be agreeable that it never worked. Instead how about you think of way to make it work so that way people can be helped, still work and serve.
Because the wealthy elites benefit from the current systems. The unwashed masses are fed conflicting information and blatant misinformation that will prevent the scheduled revolution indefinitely as half of the 'common man' vote against their best interests and prop up the current system in hopes that their hard work will one day make THEM the wealthy elite. It won't.
the 'means of production' thing is quote from Karl Marx from the 1800s. The idea of socialism has somewhat evolved from a time when the majority of countries were feudalism was the majority of world governments.
Socialism is the belief that economic systems work better on the principle of cooperation rather than competition, but there are many different kinds of socialism. You're basing your opinion that all socialism is PURE socialism.
No one is saying we need to privatize the police and firefighters and military, because they are controlled by the government as their 'means of production'. The military alone is the biggest in the entire fucking world like compared to the next 25 counties combined of which most of them are our allies.
I don't see the Military collapsing any time soon. The benefit of social welfare programs is something that does help business. The insult that Bernie used for Starbucks CEO was that the guy grew up in subsidies housing, by the government, and then succeeded to start a business that sells government subsidized water to people in different flavours.
The argument is about rights of people, not the morality of it. Guns are usually made with the intent of killing humans. Fully developed humans.
They don't deserve the same rights?
Has there been a doctor that walked into a bar and aborted 50 fetus in recent history?
Aaaaahhhh that thing again.
Crazy eyes Cortez is a fucking disgusting bitch
Y'all voted in the nastiest president we have every seen, you really can't say shit.
Every single country in the oecd is socialist, even the usa.
it'll happen again in 2020. you really can't say shit.
Way to change the argument because you couldn't say shit!
I've got an idea, let's make ALL roads in the country toll roads. I don't want to pay for a road I'm never going to drive on.
Having a gun doesn't kill anyone or harm anyone in any way. Aborting a fetus is an act and that act kills what is objectively a human. Just as it is illegal to use a gun to kill someone, it should be illegal to have a doctor kill a fetus.
I don't think a gun has done that either. A gun is a tool. Just because some people use the tool improperly does not mean that I should be banned form owning one.
K. I never claimed anyone on the right, or left, was infallible. It's clearly not racist in anyway (didn't mention race). But politicians are always terrified, so they do dumb shit like what Graham did.
Also, this was back in 2015 when no one thought he could win.
>Ban murder
>Ban things that hurt others (no way to test for pot in DUIs for example)
>Banning high cap. mags goes against our founding principles and the constitution, and limits self defense, and should therefore be legal
Fixed that strawman for you.
So abortions should be illegal, but giving anyone the capability to abort dozens of people within a few seconds is cool?
So like, nutting into a tissue is basically a mass murder?
Unless you get a gun illegally, legal abortions are very easy to get, and would be if roe vs wade was overturned. And getting an illegal abortion is much, much, much easier than getting a gun in anyway. All you need to do is induce miscarriage. A 10 ft drop could do that.
>things that hurt others
>pot hurting people
Lmao ok there grandma
>Daily reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any nation in the history of the planet. Not one time.
It because socialism assumes people wont be greedy. That's why pure socialism normally turns to communism. A capitalist/socialist mixture could work. Let people be greedy and just tax them more for better social programs.
god damn, are rich people scared
don't matter, they might delay it for a few years but the revolution is inevitable
>has no idea what socialism is
Every economy in the history of Earth has had socialist principles. Every single one.
Your rabid ideological fundamentalism is cancerous as shit, please kill yourself.
>. A capitalist/socialist mixture could work. Let people be greedy and just tax them more for better social programs.
Get out of here with that sound logic user.
Rich people deserve to have absolute power over the masses because: fuck you thats why.
>god damn, are rich people scared
It should be illegal to kill people, it should not be illegal to own a weapon. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?
once people understand you can't steal others people money to make everyone rich we'll return to being the greatest country on the face of the planet.
Otherwise if a commie gets elected its game over. People won't just let the government take 75% of their income to support lazy assholes on welfare.
Is seamen a living growing human being? No. However, a fetus is.
Take a moment and read what you wrote. Really think about it. Owning a weapon is not killing someone.
Also, that only shows general federal spending, not welfare. As I said before the most you could claim is red states are forced to implement welfare programs (though they generally limit it as much as they can) at higher rates then they want. But the dems want a huge, costly, federal government to enforce their ideology everywhere. And once a social program starts, it's very hard to stop. If it was left to the states, as it should be, while they would still receive a large share of federal funds (less populated, larger areas", it wouldn't be squandered as much.
they have power to fight back, because they have money and are willing to spend it on bot networks and shills
their bullshit can influence a few morons but its not really sustainable
Because most people are stupid as fuck.
Like, way way to stupid to have a weapon that can kill with the pull of a trigger.
>influence a few morons
The issue is the amount of people who are morons.
Not according to pro-lifers, as life starts at conception. If you are going to argue someone point or opinion, you should at least know what it is.
>I'm pro-mandatory abortion and sterilization of people with sever mental defects btw.
>transgender girls aren't boys
lol that tells me everything I need to know about the veracity of that image.
sure but they are just loud, especially here
still less than 30% of the population believe this blatant shillary
>Well it cleansed the world of jews
Yeah that was certainly worth wrecking the country it considered to be the only abode of true human beings.
>So much for the tolerant left
Unironically, in this {current year}
Once again, things like DUIs or reduced productivity in the workforce (hurting industry and causing higher turnover)
Stoners should be shot.
Bitch nobody showers in school since 1982, what kind of fucking weirdo gets naked in front of classmates?
No one cares about the ultra rich, you won't ever get a socalist leader in the US because people making 50-100k a year won't accept their wealth being redistributed. It's not about the rich pricks flying around in jets, its about stealing money from doctors, lawyers, engineers, oilfield works, hell even plumbers to feed the welfare leeches who refuse to work. People started to understand that, that's how you got trump in the first place.
If a dem candidate ran on the platform of single payer healthcare paid for entirely by taxing those making a million dollars a year plus they'd get 80% of the total votes. Instead we get bernie who wants tax me, pretty much an average income earner out the ass to pay for healthcare for illegal aliens who we shouldn't have let in in the first place.
Daily reminder that Trump is a pedophile rapist and his supporters have no moral standing at all.
While it is obvious that being transgender doesn't actually change your gender, I don't see it mentioned in that pic. I may be blind.
there are roughly 5.6k murders per year in the US. Roughly 43% of US households own guns. Seems like the vast majority of people are responsible enough to own guns to me.
>wow so much proof.
Whatever you say old man.
>didn't even go to penis inspection day
3rd world detected
never funny, no one will laugh
pick one faggot
There are multiple eyewitness testimonies supporting the testimony of the 13 year old girl that Trump and Epstein raped. Her testimony was upheld in criminal court as truthful.
look at the pic I linked, to the right of the picture of ted cruze.
With the right for citizens to bear arms there will be tragedies. Without it there will be genocides. Look at nazi germany. Hell look at venezula as recently as 2010, take the guns and you get a dictator who starves the population.
Would you rather Trump be president with no one owning weapons that could over throw him when he declares himself dictator for life?
Daily reminder: Bots don't know what socialism is.
Daily Reminder: Conflating social programs like medicare, VA, medicaid, roads, military with full-on socialism where the state owns all means of business is a fallacy called "false equivalency".
Such fallacies are often employed to stir emotion against an idea where there is no logical argument to present against it.
Another fallacy, called "ad hominem" is where the argument is avoided by calling the opponent a name, or posting a meme (eg: NPC meme). This fallacy is employed as a last parting shot and is basically conceding a loss.
Name a single case of Socialism being instigated.
One case.
Not Statism, not a mixed market state with authoritarian control and social policy, not 'we call ourselves Socialists/Communists but don't actually engender ANY of its tenets', but 'control of the means of production by the population as a community' Socialism.
I'll wait.
Anyone who isn't a worthless piece of shit just leaves the commie shit holes. I work with several people from norway and sweden, mostly software engineers. They make about the same amount of money here but due to the taxes back there it's like doubling their income when they come to the US. Also they feared for their safety from being overrun by muslims.
>But I'd be happy to hear how 'socialism' removed hardworking people.
They starved.
Or left for the US.
works pretty well in scandinavia
this is like the turtle and the scorpion
>Trump: fucks 13-year-old whore, becomes President
>You: faps to 13-year-old whores on Yea Forums, lives in parents' basement.
Well played.
USSR, Venezuela, north korea.
let me guess, it wasn't real socialism right?
Pic very related.
Lotta nonarguments in this thread.
unironically this
>it is literally socialism
It literally by definition is not. It's taxation, that's how taxation has worked since before you were born, and it has never been socialism.
As opposed to capitalism that is a whopping success ?
I haven't starved on capitalism yet tbh.
but a whole fucking lot of people have starved as a result of it
Damn I guess Scandinavia is just a myth then.
Communism and Socialism are synonymous, as described by their inventors. Marx and Engels used the terms interchangeably. Lenin invented an imaginary distinction and suckers have been pretending they aren't one and the same ever since.
Fuck you Leninite.
They could have gotten jobs.
because all other nations and societies go to war against it and do what they can to make it fail, because it would mean the end of eltism
>you: child rape is fine as long as I support their politics
Republicans have abandoned all their humanity.
Because of humans it will never work. Those on the Top will want to remain on Top. And those on the bottom won't want to provide.
Abortion is a medical procedure done by doctors that women voluntarily undergo, with risk to their own lives.
Guns are tools designed, created, and manufactured with the maximum ability to kill (mostly humans), and only for that purpose.
That's bullshit. Greetings from Norway.
The 2nd Amendment does call for regulations tho, in the beginning, the part that says 'A well regulated Militia' and exempting the part about a free state because that was changed to mean all of the USA, this if anything is saying that the only services people should be allowed the right to bear and own arms.
You know doctors are sworn to 'do no harm'. It's not like women are ripping out their own uteruses.
>Banning high cap mags goes against our founding principles and the constitution
Tell me where it says "the right to add ultra-efficient-at-killing peripherals to your arms must also not be infringed".
Oh that's right, it doesn't. There is nothing unconstitutional about the banning of high capacity magazines, silencers, or literally any peripheral.
Your right to be able to buy guns, ammo, all the necessities to defend yourself is protected by the Constitution. Your perceived right to endanger others as you attempt to larp as Rambo is not.
Peripherals have been confirmed to have 0 constitutional protection by the supreme court on multiple occasions under both Democratic and Republican biased SCs.
Who gives a fuck about a guy that was president when we were all 12? How many boomers that voted for Bill Clinton do you actually think browse 4channel? Full disclosure I think Bill, Donald and Epstein should all be fully investigated for their ties to each other
There's literally a wiki about Nazi Gun Control Argument it's that much of a fucking meme there Shapiro.
>Few German citizens owned, or were entitled to own firearms in Germany in the 1930s.[2] The Weimar Republic had strict gun control laws.[8] When the Third Reich gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened, such as allowing firearm ownership for Nazi party members and the military.[5]:672 The laws were tightened in other ways. Nazi laws systematically disarmed "unreliable" persons , especially Jews, but relaxed restrictions for so-called "ordinary" German citizens.[5]:670,676 The policies were later expanded to include the confiscation of arms in occupied countries.[9]:533,536
Either way if Hitler ate a salad this doesn't mean salads are evil, you retard.
Nazi actually reversed the gun control from the Wi
Authoritarian Statism, Authoritarian Statism, Authoritarian Statism
Just because it calls itself by a name doesn't make it true. North Korea calls itself a Democratic People's Republic. They literally have not having an opposing party available to vote for ENSHRINED IN LAW.
None of your examples demonstrate the core tenets of Socialism (the population controlling as a collective the means of production).
Try harder.
It's funny you think that's Graham scared. I only bring this up because of his defence of Trumps latest racist tweet about US congress women to go back to their own countries instead of ... doing their jobs running the US,
even tho they were born in the USA.
THIS is what Gram looks like scared.
>You're the best g-golfer of all time Mr.Trump
Ya. So when they were open and honest and allowed to speak their mind with no care about the massive consequences that would befall unto them from tyrannical leader they begrudgingly accepted.
Yes, but unlike illegal guns, they don't come easier and cheaper than legal one. Abortions are a medical surgery with risk of life, not a cosmetic surgery boob-job.
The fact you can get a gun illegally bypasses every gun control law, but the fact is IT'S NOT ACTUALLY ILLEGAL in most states. The gun show loophole is part of the law.
>Not like you'd say any and all proof is just fake news from the jewish liberal propaganda machine if it was from anything but FOX News.
Called it.
>confirmation bias is all I need
Not like you were looking for answers to begin with.
Tolerance of intolerance is supporting intolerance and thus is not tolerance.
It's not that complicated, but I can understand the confusion. To be tolerant you would have to opposed to racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, and so on.
They are inconsolably different.
This can be done without going socialist Jew mode you thick skulled nigger.
Right, because Trump is a President and I am not, means that he's the only one that can be correct? No wonder Kim Jong-Un is his best friend.
>They starved.
They all grew 2 times stronger and had 15 kids. Each.
When the first social welfare system was set up for the US it ushered in the biggest economic boost to the US in it's history.
Why don't we continue to do that?
WOW talk about the pot calling the kettle black
Because I am sick of trying to explain this.
North Korea replaced Communism with Juche ideology in its 1992 and 1998 constitutional revisions for the personality cult of Kim's family dictatorship
Fascism didn't start with Trump, but he's not backed away from it in any form.
I love you.
Daily reminder that taxation with representation isn't socialism.
It never had Communism.
You do realize the Nazi's would NOT have failed if they'd won the war? They would be THE World Power right now.
Shut the fuck up.
I agree, but the fact the right is using socialism as a defence to this, to commit to any benefit to public services in any meaningful way would only be done under the Republicans appointed title of 'socialist' from before it's even started.
Socialism exists for the super rich already. They twist ever law that comes out so they are the ones getting federal subsidies for doing a job they would already under the guise of whatever capitalism catch phrase you want. It doesn't matter, because they never call it a government handout or refuse it because it's socialism, until it benefits someone else except for them.
I know that, but there's no way any of the undeluged scum can even begin to comprehend that socialism and soviet communism are not the same thing or that fascism and nazism are not the same thing.
There is zero reason to discus the differences of National Socialism and Fascism with a Democrat. None.
Oh I dunno man [spoiler]National[/spoiler] socialism had a fairly good run before they started a land war in Russia during winter, which is about as good an idea as sticking your dick in a beehive.
You sure did, user. These fucking retards can't find their ass with both hands but they'll tell you that their reality is the only one.
you don't even know the difference between communism and socialism, so how can we even have an intelligent discussion with a smooth brain such as yourself
Not him, but what he said is factually accurate. A high earner could easily double their take home pay with roughly the same salary. fuck commies.
source: tradingeconomics.com
>believing one can change their birth assigned gender
It's almost like a pyramid scheme that they try to indoctrinate other people in. Actually it is a pyramid scheme since they don't believe in equality and just the hierarchy and even rank stereotypes with each other, hoping for the days of caste system like back in the 1950s.
>Norway and Sweden
>they're not socialists they're a social democracy
>k lets do that
We've had this conversation a million times. Fuck off.
If you can't tell the difference between the USSR and Canada, kys fgt.
read something for once in your fucking life you pathetic ignorant cunt.
Ya, me and the doctors and psychologist that came up with it, lauding in the face of whatever super intelligence you think you might have.
Nazi stands for national socialist workers party
what difference? They're both failed countries which demonstrate a pathetic quality of life compared to any capitalist nation.
>countries US went out of their way to fuck with
>see it doesn't work
top kek
Read something other than retarded propaganda for once in your life, you pathetic, ignorant cunt, and learn to punctuate.
its almost like gender is determined by something immutable... like your genes. Don't hurt yourself now...
DDR stands for Deutche Democratic Republic, and it wasn't democratic.
look mom I corrected someones grammar because I don't have an argument!
>Read something other than retarded propaganda for once in your life, you pathetic,
Why'd you put a comma before you, you idiot?
Well said. You must be lost
Says the multibillionaire.
Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal are all better than your shit cities. Holland is freer than the U.S. Sweden has a higher standard of living than the U.S. Fuck off, you ignorant slut.
Call people ignorant cunt because you don't have an argument, and then tell someone who corrects your punctuation you don't have an argument.
lol not a billionaire. You're thinking Trump... maybe. We'll see if he ever shows his tax return.
Socialism absolutely can work. It's just that the only situation in which it can work is in small communal communities (communism). With a large society, it can never work. People need to know their work is providing something. You can see that when in a village, not in an huge country where you 80+/- hours a week and get 10 potatoes a week.
Then let's have Social Democracy. That works.
if you legit think something like that can be implimented in america on an insanely larger scale while simultaneously replacing a system thats already in place, and imbedded into the bedrock to the point where removing it would cause castrophic destruction of our economy, then you're to retarded to debate anyway
In social democratic Holland I can get a blowjob from a licensed prostitute in a window and then go buy and smoke a joint at a cafe. Try that in most of America. Social Democracy=More freedom
Oh, it's the size. I see. And you're right. I remember when Social Security and Medicare destroyed America. It was horrible.
Right, in that narrative driven cookie cutter world you just postulated you're correct. Good job, now fuck off you disingenuous retard trying to score off "gotem" points on the internet.
You have a poor grasp of history and geo-politics to the current date. You also likely have a poor understanding of political philosophy and what ''socialism'' is. That is why, you are welcome OP, I await your next copy pasta thread that your bot shits out and I will repost this as your daily reminder.
Daily Reminder: OP is a faggot that has never succeeded in any nation in the history of the planet. Not one time.
fascism actually never failed in practice, it was stopped by force
daily reminder that the private central bank is your master, and socialism is just a symptom of an even bigger problem
Being stopped by force is failing in practice. What the fuck are you talking about?
didn't Bill Clinton get impeached... oh that's right....
cool I lived there and it was great, guess that makes it 1-1 for anecdotal evidence huh...
china is a totalitarian state with a capitalist economy,
20th century propaganda fucked up everyone's idea of what socialism really is,
the fire & police departments is run as a socialist system, (taxes pay for it) roads and bridges and other infrastructure is run by a socialist system (paid for by taxes)
the OP is trolling, and so many idiots eat that shit sandwich everday
hahahaha Norwegian here, overran by Muslims? are you retarded?
Norway isn't Sweden... pls remember to wear your helmet and listen to mommy when she says stay off the internet, we don't take massive floods of immigrants here sorry to burst your bubble
>implying bankers don't back both sides so no matter who wins they win. Like how the Rothschilds financed Allies and the Nazis in ww2.
Must be so nice being this naive.
yep completely fucking assbackwards retarded
Correct. These same assholes think they should run government like a business when government when the definition of corruption is running government like a business.
Exactly. None of these ignorant American faggots can tell the difference between a political system and a monetary system, so they can't get past kindergarten discussion on anything.
oh ok, so if an ideology takes a country from the brink of destruction and bankruptcy to being the pinnacle of modern success and achievement but then has more or less the entire world wage war with it and destroy it
the ideology must be a failure.... hmm I have trouble making that logical leap but maybe you could explain that one to me about how fascism leads to failure since the one time it was implemented the entire world bombed it out of existence because it was a legitimate concern it would take over the entire fucking world and almost succeeded at doing so from the absolute top position
Yeah, they really should not have made the Internet easy.
>look at the pic I linked,
Fuck, that's where I fucked up.
....wait, what pic?
I only see
None of which have a pic...
Taxation =/= socialism.
Taxation to redistribute wealth to select groups = socialism
Why do you guys let towel heads in at all?
You could have fucking cannons as a private citizen, and a few of the founders had multishot guns. Gatling guns were on the horizon as well. All were meant to be in the hands of the public, as the population was meant to be able to fend off a formal army.
Also, silencer aren't like video games or movies. It's still loud as shit. The main use is hunters and marksmen to reduce ear damage and be more polite.
And once again, fucking cannons.
It failed because the entire world bombed it out of existence. Define failure for me real quick. Because where I am from being unsuccessful in achieving your goal is the definition of the word "fail".
Are we talking about a fascist country that, let's say, invaded Poland?