I have a feeling they gonna start saying Yea Forums did this
I have a feeling they gonna start saying Yea Forums did this
They literally do this every single news cycle newfag
She obviously wasn't on Yea Forums prior to 2016.
This thread has been discovered in critical condition by matron Laura.
Administering bump!
Post nudes of this whore and share on her Twitter.
>I'm a 6 year Yea Forums vet
>that calls it 4-chan
>"I've been a 4-chan user since I was 12/13.:
>Cant handle banter around some dead thot
Waiting for "Yea Forums white supremacist misogynist kills a defenseless girl" headlines
She's not a Yea Forums user. Anyone that spends more than a month on here would be able to percieve that everything she screenshotted was a joke. She could've found people actually justifying her death. I hope all these vapid cunts meet the same demise as Bianca and Brandon. Natural selection. The world would be better without these vain slaves. Screenshot this cunt.
Yea Forums would've at least raped her
>follow my ig for the REAL VIDEO
As if all social media platforms don't have the same cunts
Someone post the picture of the beheaded Instagram girl. I know one of you faggots have it
>since 2013
look out guys we got an ancientfag here with us from the beforetimes
Yeah wow where could you find it? Smoke break time Albania.
They blame us regardless newfag
since she was thirteen which is probably even later than that, probably 2015 kek
How can you seriously use Yea Forums for 6 years and call it 4-chan
lolol who is this twitter whore and how do I fuck with her.
Maybe we can get her to commit suicide. Better yet we can start a new hash tag movement where these women smear their period blood on their necks in public for "awareness"
is she still 12/13? cuz Yea Forums has always been like this..
There's literally 2 or 3 threads posted with it on the op in the catalog
a blade right to the troat
She probably browses the shit tier boards like Yea Forums and that gay cartoon shit.
this, but ever... none of you were here during the real times...
'member when desu was forced? i 'member.
>I got on Yea Forums and saw something I didn't like
>sob sob sob
I despise my own generation.
Like when moot banned all mlp content and made the /mlp/ board and then permanently banned anyone who posted on it?
>I'm used to seeing gross things BUT...
I want to know what her definition of gross is because that murder picture is pretty tame compared to some stuff that floats around here
She obviously hasnt been on Yea Forums long enough if this surprises her
It was gross because it was a white ethot. Shit skin beaheadings cause no reaction
Eh I wasn't really surprised, or even cared really.
ha. That bitch visited Yea Forums for a day because a friend showed her. She doesn't lurk, and she damn sure is a reddit fag nowadays
lel 2013, imagine how triggered she would have been in 06/07