Aight Anons I'm about to get into my first fight tomorrow what tips do you guys have? Hope I can kick ass like guy in pic
Aight Anons I'm about to get into my first fight tomorrow what tips do you guys have...
You got to be faster than the other guy. It also helps if your the heavier and taller one.
Kicks are longer then punches! always aim for the head if your kicking
Bring a knife
Hard sternum punch with your knuckles or just kick em in the balls
These retards, pro tip: Wait for him to throw his right hand, duck, step to left foot forwards to his side, and throw the hardest fucking punch you can straight into his gut while his fist is still over-extended. He'll be out of breath and you can begin to wail on his face. Avoid punching his teeth because teeth will fuck your knuckles up really bad. Aim for the eye sockets.
The guy's first punch will be with his dominant hand (left or right). Block it with your forearm by raising your forearm parallel to the ground and raise it up to your eye level as he swings. Immediately swing that fist (don't pull it back, just push it forward towards his face) to his head and then follow it with a strong punch from your other hand to his nose.
After that... if the fight continues, keep your forearms nearly vertical in front of you with your fists formed, but loose (don't try to keep your fist super hard until you swing... this technique will speed up your reaction time). Focus your fakes with your non-dominant hand throwing short punches to his face. Then with the dominant hand land solid punches to his gut, prefereably high just below breast bone.
don't fight. fighting is for gangster
this. Unless you've been practicing techniques for a while, they won't help. You need to be quicker and/or larger. Think about what would hurt if it was done to you, and try to do that to them.
Have more courage and stamina, be the fist
Don't kick in him in the balls or you will ultimately end up losing the fight because everybody will think you're a pussy for not fighting like a man. and ffs keep your teeth clenched like a gay man is trying to put his dick in your mouth, last thing you want is a punch of his to clap your teeth together and shatter teeth or bite a chunk of your tongue off
Take a rocket launcher
Go for the throat
>Don't kick in him in the balls
Kick in the balls is one of the best opening moves
use your words, not your fists.
wrong. go in for a knee kick then a uppercut to the jaw. always works
yeah good idea so if you miss and get on the ground, the guy will have no mercy left at all and will crack your skull open
fight like a man with dignity
>1 bring knife
>2 Stab him several times
It's an unwritten rule. What should he do next, gouge his eyeballs? What're you 12?
Go for a punch to the liver,he most likely will go down immediately. When you punch with about 6m/s he will get internal bleeding from this and you will definetely win.
Nobody on this planet gives a fuck about you. Mother fuck picks a fight with you, you make every single person that can see it make sure they dont wanna pick a fight with you. Kick that bitch in the balls so hard that you fucking pop one.
Glad somebody agrees with me here.
And both of you deserve to get your ass beat by someone who has no regard for if he kills you or not. Fights are no place for mercy.
I never said they did give a fuck about me. It's a fucing cheap shot dude. Nobody will respect you if you kick another man in the nuts to win a fight. If you're at a bar, and a dude has a knife, yeah I'm gonna kick him in th eballs and run away as fast as possible. If it's a schoolyard scrap, uppercut that mother fucker in the gut so hard it knocks the wind out of him, then you can proceed to punch his eye sockets so he can't see for a week. You'll earn his respect without being a nigger.
try to distract them at all costs, throw them off
I'm just gonna assume you've never been in a fight if you think a kick to the balls is a good idea.
Fuck respect. It isnt tangible anymore. The person that comes out on top is all that matters in every fight ever. Anyone who says otherwise has never fought for their life.
Im just gonna assume your an approachable person.
I got into my first fight when I was 5 -_-
I almost choked the kid to death. I gave 2 other kids a bloody -_-
Had over 12 other fights into adulthood...lost none...
People like me exist user. If this is your first fight then fighting is not your thing. Stay out of it. Walking away is the reasonable thing for people like you...God gave us adrenaline and gave you fear-hormones to set aside the wolves from the sheep...enjoy your fellow fluffy friends user...don't enter wolf territory...
...It's just a joke bro! You are the first person to get into a fight in this world and no one expects it! You are going to break the ice around here : )
make sure the fight gets filmed and uploaded so we can see how you get beaten up
This guy gets it. I bet you've kicked plenty of balls in your life.
He wont. Probably too much of a pussy to show up to the fight in the first place. Dude came to ask a bunch of fat basement dwellers how to fight lmao
It's dangerous to go alone.
Take this.
I have been in fights. I wait for them to throw the first punch so it's their fault if it ever comes to law enforcement intervention. Duck the first shot, uppercut to the gut to knock the wind out them, uppercut the chin to hopefully clap their teeth together, and then prepare for them to try to take you down because they're losing the stand up battle. throw a knee in their face and you've got the battle won. No need for cheap shots unless you're at a bar or in the streets and you'd rather not get stabbed or shot. In that case, sucker punch their ass or kick them in the nuts and run as fast as you fucking can. If this is a schoolyard situation, you gotta fight like a man to earn your respect. You guys going straight for nut kicks are fucking pathetic
>I'm about to get into my first fight tomorrow
Are you a professional boxer? Because there's no other good reason to fight voluntarily.
e.g. you can't resolve a dispute by fighting because the fight doesn't determine who's right. It determines who fights better.
I didn't think this would fit into fitness so I posted here. The guy I'm fighting is fat indian, I'm skinny asian boi.
My advice would be to go for the nose. Hit it as hard as you can, breaking it, ideally. The pain from that will disorient them enough for you to get the upper hand.
Also, not sure how old you are, but if you're at any age where you might be in a "school" setting, don't wait for them to go first. Most schools have a "zero tolerance policy" so it doesn't matter if you get punched and don't retaliate at ALL, the fact that you were involved in any way will get you punished. You can abuse this to get people you don't like suspended, in fact.
Oh okay, here's some context. Leg kick his ass to the outside thigh as hard as you can user. Be sure your kick starts high and chops at a downward angle right into the meaty part of the thigh. youtube how to properly throw a leg kick. he'll be limping for a week if you land a good one. While he's in pain from that kick punch him right in his fucking nose and break that shit
I graduated high school in '06. Times have changed. Thank you for the advice I'll keep that in mind.
Why do you fucking retards keep talking about respect like it means anything anymore??? You can win a schoolyard fight like you described and still have no respect. Now you fuck someone up super bad like popping a ball or getting an eyeball out and people wont fuck with you. Wont approach you or anything. What are you gonna do with some schoolyard respect anyway? Skip the lunch line? Being the winner of the fight is what matters, not how you got there. Look at literally every single person of power in the ISA right now. None of them got to where they are by fighting fair. You fucking hide a brick in your backpack and break this stupid indian guys skull with it. Bet you wont have to fight anyone that knows what you did. Now lets say you fight fair. People will see how well you fight. You dont fight well but win your gonna have people coming for that so called respect by beating your ass. Show the people god can bleed they stop believing. You become an unstoppable nut busting force and you wont have any more problems from anyone.
Hit somebody with a brick? You'll be in juvy you pleb
Jailhouse respect > schoolyard respect
My tips to you. The shins have no padding. Toes and fingers are easily broken. The collar bone is easy to break and debilitating as fuck. The hinges of the jaw are particularly vulnerable to an upward strike and throat punches work on everyone
No bricks in juvy dude. Might as well learn hand to hand combat on the streets. as if you've been in jail to compare the respects between both worlds? If you have conflict in jail you two go in a cell where the guards can't see and you fight hand to hand
You act like schoolyard fights on any scale arent the first step to juvy anyway.
Or you fucking stab them????? Lmao why do any of you people think fighting fair is worth anything?
The first rule of fight is
>you do not talk about fight
No bricks but PLENTY of ways to fuck someone right up without one. Nobody fights fair on the inside.
Some fat indian dude isn't worth your freedom. If you bring a weapon into the situation you're going to jail. Once you reach jail, the danger escalates 10 fold. I've don time in Sacramento county, mother fuckers are ruthless
I know, I've done time. In county jail the best you got is a bar of soap in a sock or a sharpened toothbrush. Besides that if you can't defend yourself with your hands and vicious well placed kicks you're just gonna get your ass beat
And here we are at the actual root of the problem. IF YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR FIGHTING ADVICE ONLINE YOU SHOULDNT BE FIGHTING. Lmao you all sound like fucking retards.
I'm not asking for advice, I'm giving advice based on my experiences in life. OP asked for the advice.
Hit first
Hit hard
Keep hitting
The problem with going lethal in a fist fight is that it inevitably leads to escalation in the next conflict. By all means you should have a knife and a gun on you, but don't use either unless your opponent escalates first. For blades your best bet is to aim for a kidney or a major artery.
Seriously? Risk going to prison on attempted murder charges over a fist fight? It really is 2019 where pussies need knives to defend themselves. Pathetic. Fight him like a man. You might win, you might lose, but at the end of the day, you'll earn that fat indian's respect for fighting him like a man. this pussified generation is facepalm worthy
Hitboxes =Eyes, nose, throat and balls.
Try not to break your hand on their head.
If you can grab a hand, break a finger.
Take your shirt off, once someone grabs it, it's not your shirt anymore, it's your opponents weapon.
Don't let up until they go lump or someone pulls you off.
Always have someone around to pull the other guy off if it goes to the ground.
Don't fight anybody who wrestles or rolls in Bjj.
Start fight with fast hit to nose generally stuns them for enough time to get a stronger hit in. Also of the fag likes to kick a lot try to catch his leg under your armpit in my experience these two things will easily turn a scrap in your favor