This is your daily reminder that racing cyclists are the scum of the earth and should be eradicated.
This is your daily reminder that racing cyclists are the scum of the earth and should be eradicated
I know why I hate fully geared out cyclists (commuters are fine,) but why do you?
Don't worry, the more you burn fossil fuels the sooner we all will.
Cycling is better for you than choking on Saudi-Aramco's cock you diesel cuck
Found the SUV driver with a small dick to compensate
found the homo
>I'm a cyclist, so you have to treat me as a vehicle when a vehicle has right of way.
>I'm a cyclist, so you have to treat me as a pedestrian when a pedestrian has right of way.
How do you professionally or even as a main hobby, ride bicycles and not know to hit grates at an angle? That first face plant as a kid, is usually enough to learn that lesson.
You don't understand. It's not that you're on a bike, it's that you're a terrible person. Only assholes race bikes. I mean just look at this mixture of replies defending it, you're all fucking dicks.
Ahahah but why? Hate the bike as a thing because I'm lazy as fuck, but why so angry, user?
I only buy mountain bikes, so I wouldn't know. I assume you live in France.
mountain bikes are a totally different culture. it's your doctor or boss that has photos up in his office of all the races he's been in that are the problem.
eating meat causes more global warming than driving
I hate cyclists as well. They hit a judges wife out West going 36MPH on a sidewalk and killed her and now every city has to allow them on the streets, which would be fine, IF these cunts would obey traffic laws.
We have a bike lane and these morons stagger 3-6 people in a wide column spilling out into other lanes going 20mph on the roads and in a split second just all decide to cut people off, run through red lights, and other bs.
I never met a cyclist that wasn't a douche bag.
Get your fucking toy out of the street.
It's not so bad on 25mph residential roads. But on a 50mph two-lane? Get the fuck out of here.
There should be minimum speed limits on all roads.
Maybe if you just look at driving cars, ignoring planes trains and ships as well as just power.
I understand that beef has the highest carbon footprint.
Baking cookies doesn't make a baker and writing words doesn't make you a writer. I think that you missed out on this "detail" in a big way you semi-illiterate fuck.
What is being dealt with here is GROWN MEN riding bicycles. That should give you a proper picture you dumb shit. "Cyclists cycling" sounds proper. normal and naturally intuitive. Fucktard. But "grown-men riding bicycles" makes gives you natural impression that something is wrong. They are not normal people. Abnormal. Freak-shows. Weirdos. The same pattern occurs in gyms where guys decked-out with lifting gear tend to be legitimately aspies slamming 10lb weights.
The moment that you accept their awkwardness is the day that you will stop expecting them to be normal. They are not "normal cyclists acting normal while annoying you". Shit-tard. They are "awkward-ass weirdos acting normal as awkward ass weirdos in a way that is not normal for everyone else". Their actions are normal for them. And abnormal for everyone else.
You misread the situation entirely. "Cyclists" are actually FULL GROWN weirdos who want to feel "prepared" by buying the whole set of spandex, bycycles and helmets. It's called "Gestalt Therapy" you fuckwad. Not all of us are uneducated. It makes them feel complete enough to disagree with everyone else. They grew up retarded. Now they dress up with a whole set or "gestalt" and are then free to feel at discord with the rest of the world that doesn't belief that they shit gold and sweat rose-perfume.
Human behavior is complex so INB4 hurr durr tldr. I am exaggerating very little here. Go to a gym, notice how being "fully equipped" is positively correlated with obvious mental retardation and then compare that to "cyclists" AKA full grown retards that lack the self-preservation instinct. P.S. Eat a dick fucktard.
it's actually greater than cars, trucks, ships, planes, trains, etc. COMBINED
I shortened it
I commute and tour. Racing should only be on dedicated tracks. I never, ever want to cycle on a motorway, but sometimes the government just hasn't got around to linking up the national routes so I'm forced to use the road. Never cycle on the pedestrian paths, and always give way to pedestrians on the cycle path.
>someone gets hit by a bike
>actually manages to die
The weak should fear the strong.
Literally the fucking worst people that ever were. They ride several people wide on busy main roads, run red lights, block traffic, create traffic jams, try to cut off motor vehicles, then act like they're victims when they get hurt or hurt others.
>Baking cookies doesn't make a baker and writing words doesn't make you a writer.
Yes it does. It literally does. There's no PhD or certificate for those roles. To bake is to be a baker. To write is to be a writer.
The quality, quantity, or notoriety doesn't change that fact.
Learn to pronounce
a person who makes bread and cakes, especially as a trade.
Learn to pronounce
a person who has written a particular text.
You need to do some self-reflection man, if you need to post daily about men on bikes that gets you this lit.
Fat rednecks reeeeee through the windows of their granddaddy's rusty pickups. Keep "rolling coal", I like the smell. Some of us actually ride to stay fit, sorry your mother-aunts didn't teach ya that. But really.... fuck people that ride on the road if there's an empty sidewalk right next to them.
Kek. Well, the btich was like 60 or whatever and died from a brain hemorrhage or something.
>makes gives you
obvious mental retardation
Holy fuck relax autism Yea Forumsro jfc
Ya, but we need cows to live. It's probably one of the oldest profession. I mean even God was represented as a Bull, as when Moses came down from the summit and cased down the 10 commandments into the effigy of God. It predates the bible actually, and they worshiped the big dipper as the Calf Leg.
It's why Hindu worship cows and the brass bull was used to torture and kill people. It's one of the oldest and most powerful signs.
Eat to live.
You're not legally allowed to be on the sidewalks now. Not even roller bladers or skateboarders thank to cyclists. You must not ride to not know this, user.
Do you really ride anything other than your dildo for cardio?
>Ya, but we need cows to live
actually they're going to make us extinct with methane, especially if we keep burning rainforest to raise cattle
they also eat grain and soybeans that could be used instead to eliminate world hunger
that few cyclist wouldnt be a problem if not every lil dicked loser would chose his used honda civic as a means of travelling.
you lazy unfuckable fuckers chose to stand in a jam for an hour and rage like the lil dicked idiots you are instead of taking the tram, train or a fucking bicycle but most of you is too fat or weak to even ride one.
the problem is not the bikers but the millions of incel car drivers choking every city and community bc "imma a adult I drive"
get a spine cockroach
>grain and soybeans
Because "grass fed cattle" aren't a current thing, nor have they been a thing for thousands of years.
Lol dude, your dick must be so unbelievably tiny and useless. You're projecting, making shit up, just screaming angrily into the wind. You don't make any sense and you're demonstrating a very low IQ while you feel that you're doing the opposite
>You're projecting
very original. 19cm, get rekt loser.
you cant compete with me im bicycle masterrace and 100 times more man than you
Yea Forums, The website where people go to be angry about stuff, Incredibly pointless stuff.
If you don't live in a metropolitan area you need a vehicle to get around with.Riding a bike to stay in shape is fine but don't be a retard and say stupid shit like vehicles are all bad and useless. You sound like a ludite.
> writes a thesis about the concept that bicycles are literally only a frivolity for children
I would usually try to be sarcastic about how blindingly stupid this is as a concept, but I'm livid about it. This wasn't a meme. You weren't pretending to be retarded, as is anonymous's won't. You became impassioned by the idea that an extremely common and efficient means of travel somehow demeans your worth as a man.
This is the highest tier of backward, machismo-based arrogance. The fact that people like you exist sickens me. The idea that you would feel comfortable posting this enrages me.
This is a point that has been made about the 'green deal' proposed, and to be honest, cows would probably be the last thing that we'd remove for carbon.
Cars can be converted to electric, cows can't be replaced with robots....yet. I think there's a lot of people eating less meat for this reason. As far as veganism goes, this is the best if not the only valid argument.
>don't be a retard and say stupid shit like vehicles are all bad and useless. You sound like a ludite.
never said that. I even would go as far and say you cant even hit a good job without driving license. Im not against cars, Im against the hordes of losers jamming every choke point in literally every city. What was a 10 minute ride 10 years ago that takes atleast a soulcrushing hour in 2019.
And then the unfuckables come and blame bicyclers, zero self reflection, bunch of hypocrites. If this thread was about bikers, like motorcycle gangs and shit then I would understand, they are cancer but cyclists? jesus christ they are the reason you can reach your workplace 10 minutes sooner...
op got cockblocked by a cyclist and now he is raging his virgin ass off lol, like many in this thread
I cycle indoors. I don't tell anyone and I'm not a vegan faggot. Unless you live in Copenhagen, cycling sucks for transport, it's inconsiderate to everyone. I'd rather use public transport than fuck with people's time.
The highlight of my fucking life will be when a cyclist runs a light red and gets T-Boned half to fucking death
>T-Boned half to fucking death
Only happens to cagers because they have low awareness
Party Time!
ITT obese niggers scared of fitness
>Kill ALL SUV and Minivan drivers and the World would be a better place. Leave the bicyclists and motorcyclists out of it. You fucking kek.
You're really bad at riding a bike if you're fucking up so much that you waste people's time.
>I'm a cyclist, so you have to treat me as a vehicle when a vehicle has right of way.
when on the road, trying as a vehicle
>I'm a cyclist, so you have to treat me as a pedestrian when a pedestrian has right of way.
when on side walk when traveling as pedestrian
wow that was hard to understand
>your all fucking dicks
By that logic you're even more of a prick you generalizing retard. Are you gonna wish eradication on any other diverse group people because a small portion of them mildly inconvenience you?
It's an easily accessible hobby and a lot of people are uncoordinated and have poor spacial awareness. It's no where near as bad as the amount of cripplingly retarded pieces of human garbage that are allowed to get behind the wheel of a 4000lb vehicle capable of breaking 100mph yet we are focusing on something that's such a non issue it could literally be solved by focusing on what you're doing slightly more when behind the wheel
You're spending your time here so I'm guessing you haven't met many people in general
Why do you even bother living you boring fag just fucking kill yourself.
Also the number of people being irresponsible behind the wheel is an immeasurably larger problem so fuck off with your weird little preconceptions of what people are supposed to be like no one gives a shit. Insecure little bitchboi
You have clearly traveled the world and and witnessed every piece of cycling infrastructure. Have you tried owning a car in new York, LA, or any crowded city? You would be fucking stupid or morbidly obese to want to sit in traffic for an hour so you can drive 3 miles instead of filtering through grid lock traffic in a fraction of the time. Not to mention you don't need to worry about finding a parking spot
cycling is the only freedom left on the streets, no wonder cucked cagers and communists want to take that away
Lel that image
>"fucking cagers reeee!!"
Sounds like you have a lot going for you. Have fun being a mentally stable active member of society
>the only freedom left on the streets
What the fuck does that even mean. The only freedom on the streets. The fuck.
Cyclists are fine, it's just when they do stupid shit like "taking the lane" in a 80mph single lane zone on a bend.
no speed limits
no license plates
no age restrictions
no parking restrictions
no restricted access
no gas tax
cagers are govt pay pigs, which is why they are so heavily controlled.
The cyclist was riding in his lane. The driver would have hit a pedestrian doing that turn. He clearly wasnt looking.
Haha okay OP, because you had to pass a bike the other day and it made you uncomfortable to share the road.
L to drive.
sure are lots of bikefags on my Yea Forums
Not OP, but it's not about being "uncomfortable". Most cyclists are entitled assholes about right of way. Just yesterday on my way in to work I saw a cyclist approach a big intersection. Left turn lane, two straight lanes, and a right turn lane. This asshole hugs the curb in the right turn lane and goes straight. The guy turning right had to swerve into the intersection. Several accidents almost happened, lots of honking. The cyclist flip his middle finger at everybody.
Saw another cyclist alternating between riding on the sidewalk and the road so he could avoid red lights.
Fuck people on bicycles. If you're on the road then you have to follow the rules of the road not pick and choose.
Where there’s spokes, there’s sodomy
Not a single person in this thread realizes the answer to every single problem mentioned in this thread from all sides is "fewer people"
>The cyclist flip his middle finger at everybody.
They always have bumper/helmet stickers about "share the road" and "start seeing cyclists" but never want to share the road or look around themselves..
The swerving virgin vs the middle finger flipping Chad
>the absolute state of souless self entitlement
I hate commuters too. In fact I hate them more.
Just riding out in the middle of a major road going 10mph causing traffic to just pile up behind them. It's not even about me having to follow them at 10mph. Sure this stretch is slowed down. But you slow this stretch down and now people are piling up at red lights behind us. Cross traffic turning has nowhere to go and piles up. They don't realize they're not just fucking the 10 people behind them. They're leaving a wake of backed up routes and hinfreds suffer because the cyclist couldn't be bothered to scoot over and share the road.
I hate cities that think "just slow down, stop, don't get in any bumper disagreements ever, and everyone will get to where they're going sooner if we all just obey the rules"
Like no. Anymore half the rules are there just to give the cops something to ticket/tax you over. They're not some traffic scientist's utopia.
The sooner you get to where you're going the sooner you get off the road the sooner you're not contributing to the problem.
The sooner you cross an intersection the sooner the guy behind you gets to where he's going.
Quit thinking about just the 10 cars in front and 10 cars behind (if you even think about them). It's all the cars. If they all go faster they all get off the road faster.
Ever notice the same ride home when no one's in a rush is somehow longer?
Quit backing up traffic.
That's why fuck cyclists the most
OP sounds like a bitter fat fuck
The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=
>If you're on the road then you have to follow the rules of the road
Ye but if he was on the sidewalk he wasn't on the road
I live in a city with a lot of cyclists. I'm talking about commuters here, so a little off-topic. Even though we have a lot of them, they are still clearly a tiny portion of the population. Many of our major streets have bike lanes. The argument from cyclists was for their safety. Everyone else just wants them out of the way. Think about how much it cost in materials and manpower to make bike lanes through the city. But I have to remember that it's not just for their benefit. It's for everyone else's, because those grown men and women on toys can stay out of the way. But guess who still wants more? That's right. The minority cyclists. The lanes are currently between the street parking and the driving lanes. They want them between the street parking and the sidewalk. Yeah, it should have been done that way the first time. It's safer for cyclists, and easier for everyone else to not get sued for turning or hitting a cyclist with your door after you park. But these demanding fuckers who want more and more pisses me off. They are the worst type of minority.
Where can I get such water drains? I want to install them on bikelane, so only real cyclists with thick wheels can go through, while thin wheel posers get trapped
Cage-rage thread?
Get fucked drivers, nobody with a car or truck is a good person, I hope you all rollover and die.
This is why I support gun laws. One bullet in knee guantees nigger a nice life afterwards.
Too bad guns are still illegal here
Not very smart are you?
lol I love riding my bike so god damn much. summer, winter, day or night. Doesn't matter! The best part about riding my bike isn't the cardio high, and it's not staying in shape either, it's fucking over fat stupid motorist cucks like you! Sure I have a car, and yeah I can afford gas, but all the gas in the world isn't worth the impotent rage on your fat stupid face when you morons want to run me down but can't because it's illegal. And I'm practically shouting "go ahead, kill me" theres nothing you can do about it. lol
patrician choice is a cyclocross bike.
also: one bike on the road means one less car. Is this a american problem?
FUCK Cyclists
SUp Rodie
Viva La Homos
Fucking hell, why is that image turning me on?
>we need cows to live
no, we don't
we just think they're tasty
That vegan delirium.
You know some of us are doing it on purpose, right?
I get 12mpg. I can afford to. The world belongs to jellyfish now, stop resisting.
I biked to work for about 12 years. There were no parking spaces near my office that didn't cost half my paycheck, and after trying the bus for a week I was ready to blow my brains out.
So I started biking. No spandex shit or other racing crap (except a helmet), just shorts and a tee. My office had a gym, so I would bike to work, do a quick workout and hit the shower.
Came to really enjoy it, even biked in the winter (live in Canada). It actually took less time than commuting on the bus, and it kept me from skipping gym days.
I didn't do stupid shit like blowing red lights or biking on the sidewalks, nor did I ride in the middle of the lane. If you want hate me, go ahead, but I enjoyed it.
you are an exception..good on you
FYI it is only in America cyclists do this...