So, is there really a civil war upon us?

So, is there really a civil war upon us?

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This is a dumb plan and everyone involved is a fucking retard and deserve their impending deaths

will they? If anyone gather they will stare on that fence and wont move one guy gets tased or shot with gum bullet and everyone will back off

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I predict 700 arrests 50 will flee and at least half will be hit with sound weapons or water cannons.
Some dumb shit might get shot in the leg.

Any legit UFO will have guards with order to shoot intruders or would have been moved.

It is a joke. I remember when Yea Forums not only didn’t fall for this shit but was the place where it started

The irony is some idiot will probably do it.


Yea and they will be from here I am sure

Because it's on september 20th everyone will have forgotten about it

Hardly would be a civil war. If there was anything important in Area 51, it'd have more defenses than some incel dweebs and dudebros could bring

didn't followed what was happening over burgerland's favorite military area, anyone care to explain?


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its just a bunch of fags doing it for the lulz

It's absurd and a complete waste of time.

Yea, but it'd be funny to watch. I'm hoping for a livestream of it.

I am gonna get one of these Hot Dog Carts & sell Tacos and Make Bank

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What the fuck are you guys even talking about? What is being planned?

Not really. If anything it works as a great test to see how the govt responds to a massive civilian threat. Do they actually show up with a large scale defensive force? Do they monitor and try to arrest people before it even starts? Will OP be kidnapped and forced to tragically an hero after being mk ultra'd?

It's a probing of how they will react when the real shit goes down.

Americans are assholes who crave attention like children. They will definitely show up because Americans.

Yes sir, and it's gonna be beautiful. Just you fags wait.

there will be after the 2020 election.

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Every year people say there’s going to be a civil war. Every year literally nothing happens but a bunch of shit flinging. We don’t need a civil war, we need a genocide.

More likely Reddit, and they’ll take a bunch of pictures of themselves sitting outside the restricted area with their gay signs.

and it does

It's already started, what do you think the online bickering is, it's only a matter of time before it hits the real world.

right... im guessing im out of the loop on this area 51 stuff.. whats going on`?
did someone see some ayys? or are people back on that conpiracy shit?

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Chimps chimping out again. Business as usual.

The ride never ends

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Im no ufo believer but if the government had anything they wanted kept under wraps I highly doubt they store it in Area 51. With all the hype in this location and how its a hot bed for ufo's aliens and Elvis sightings lol I highly doubt anything other then some new jet teck is there. ether way should be funny to watch if people are stupid enough to storm it...

Do you remember project MKUltra? Where the government had been trying to conduct mind control experiments, but everyone thought it was a hoax until the notes were released in the 90’s? I think it’s kind of like that. There’s shit in Area 51, but we’re not allowed to known it now.

Those arent Kyle's those are the naruto runners. It's like you didnt even read the briefing, fuck dude.

thats possible ,I did not think of anything like that. when I here Area 51 I think aliens and bs like that lol...

Classified aircraft, "acquired" foreign aircraft, and toxic waste, which I suppose the first two constitute a UFO but not the kind these idiots are looking for.

As if Americans don't look stupid enough... now this. Do people ever really grow up? The childish need to create absurd stories and then believe them shows what a ridiculous species we truly are. Acutely embarrassing.

>area 51 meme

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