It seems that all these summerfags and journogoys can’t handle this pic of the dead whore or this board is getting “raided” by all those hip Yea Forums account discord servers.
It seems that all these summerfags and journogoys can’t handle this pic of the dead whore or this board is getting...
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s time to honk the soy out of the site
Whoa! So edgy!
Oh man, you really showed me! You’re so good at Yea Forums!
The best. Aucoustics flow through my veins like Ethiopians dropping in Israel
>posting the same reply in all the ded egirl threads
Not sure if journalist or just butthurt
Definately a journo. More incel articles to show up blaming hacker Yea Forums instead of mental illness.
Oh shit, I just got BUSTED on Yea Forums!
Or, just a guy taking a morning shit while trolling Yea Forums edgelords.
>1 dead ethot
BORING, its just spawned a bunch of shit threads like this
I hope one day we get a killer who leaves a video where he says, "Remember guys, shout out to Sean Ranklin, Big up Liquid Richard."
Oh man, did I just meme-pwned? Snap!
It's a whiteknight raid by her distraught orbiters
They don't understand pasta and mass replied to it thinking they were ridiculing somebody
I’m 45 and have never heard of orbiters until this morning, and still have no idea what it is. I’m assuming it’s another shitty forum that losers hang out on?
You're a normie, you just don't have any friends.
Nah bro.
It is it is a Neologism for white knights
It's the mentally unstable, socially inept people that obsess over internet personas to the point they disturbingly believe they have an actual personal connection with them and the person cares for/about them in return.
It just a specific kind of mental illness related to social media by the socially retarded
post their last exchange online. bitch was not the sweet little angel the media wants us to believe she was
Who is she and why do I care?
Ethot that got patrolled.
Who is this cunt anyhow?
lmao u incel whitebois can't get any pussy so you have to go and kill it
and then try to kill yourself over it, and fail at that
now you get be a pirson bitch for the rest of your life.
Know ur place,bitch
I’d rape the dead body...
Lol Shut up nigger and CHECK EM
Just wanted to pop in to say incels will never find love. Think about it, noone loves you now, or have ever done it. Feels good to know as a normie :D
Have a nice day, though you probably wont
>inb4 journofag confirmed
Stay in your buzzfeed office.
The incels are all in r9k.
Awww. You felt offended, i like that. Easy to tell with broken people like you.
What. I guess I fell for your bait
Yea Forums is the symptom, not the disease. Now in the case of the murder that’s more instagrams, discords, and Snapchat’s fault. Maybe /soc/, but that’s the same garbage and not really a Yea Forums users type of board.
Check these dubs
i dont mean to bore y'all, but what's the story on it again?
Eboy went and killed egirl cause she was going out with another eboy something like that who cares
Just wanted to know why this replaced all the trap threads
And I was just telling you, when I said who cares I meant like does it really matter though
Well the eboy was a trap so it’s kinds top news
oh, that has traits of an interesting story, would anyone else elaborate?
Someone link the snapchat logs where she was a cunt
It didn't ruin the boilermaker race.
I've never seen inside a goose's mouth. I didn't know they had all those teeth
found some more
her name was supposedly Bianca Devins
She was a cheating whore and got killed because of it.
"orbiters" as in the follower "orbits" around the internet personality, as if the internet personality was the center of their universe
You sure don’t belong here
so because she had sex with dude, he possesses her now and shes cheating if she has sex with other guys? gtfo
She did it to a bunch of people and was selling her nudes (CP) for money for years. But, hey.. she's just a victim.
Also neck yourself.
what's the dude sc?
oh shit i didnt know he killed himself
but lol are you really defending the murderer?
he's dead, how can he be a murderer, he's the victim
People have been murdering cheaters since relationships exist. This one is just getting attention because she’s an eceleb and 17. Murdering over that is weak. Don’t put someone up so highly like that and respect yourself. Drop the hoe, her triffling ass will make her own hell. This guy could have done anything else but now he’s going to be taking aids infected cock up the ass because he’s a huge pussy faggot
I'm not defending him, I just not white knighting for a woman who used and abused people for years and ended up getting what she had coming.
I’m pretty sure he’s alive and has been charged. He attempted to to commit suicide and failed.
Ahh the good old days
Fake and gay
She wasn't really an e-celeb. It's getting attention because the pics went viral, and to a lesser extent because it occurred right near the starting line of an 18,000 runner 15k road race.
Why are you so obsessed with yoyr prison rape fantasy?
Is that what you're being paid to post in these threads, or is it your fetish?
It's cause insta left the pics up for hours. She only had 2k followers before she got necked, then she got popular and went to 100k.
I'll rape you
He's still alive, in ICU, expected to live.
>She did it to a bunch of people
did what? had sex with them? people have mad sex all the time.
this sad boy gets upset and kills her because of it? thats retarded?
even if she posted CP of herself...again, how does she deserve to die again?
that dude is a straight up bitch and couldn't deal
uhhhh...the cops reported that he took a selfie laying on her corpse, that green tarp was what he covered her with
Yes he failed the an hero
also this seems kinda complete
used and abused as in...was mean to a stalker?
The cops arraigned him yesterday, its quite a feat if they arraigned a dead dude.
he's been charged with second degree murder you fucking moron
Got 'em!! xDDDDD
He's not dead, he attempted to kill himself but failed.
Sure, he was a stalker.. that's why they had a relationship and she called him to come pick her up from the concert and drive her to a party. Kek..
He was her boyfriend, not just some stalker.
She was in the car with him and some other guy. She started to make out with the other guy infront of her boyfriend. When that guy left. The boyfriend killed her, posted pictures and then tried to kill himslef.
whatever people are saying about you in RL, they are probably right
You earn less than 5 cents per post, you couldn't even afford the condom
Don’t date sluts, kids.
Nigger, do you even ENGLISH.
Your team's dedication to this lost cause is pointless and sad, but I am enjoying the fact that you are too busy to spam the trap and blacked threads now.
I'm sure they will mysteriously reappear once this woman angel man devil story goes away
Where did you read that, about the making out with a third guy thing?
seems like he followed her to a concert
Picked her up from one
This guy should have his dick knifed off
Or maybe all of the torture in pain olympics happen to him
This brandon fuck should burn in the depths of hell as in the worst part fucking degenerate asshole
My reaction was more or less "Oh, that dead E-girl. That's kinda fucked up," and then I moved on.
Cool story white knight faggot.
what im saying is, you're fucking stupid, and you might think you found a home on the internet, or people who are like you, but really, real life is real life, and the people who tell you that you're a loser and you need to wash your ass...they're right. your mom, who doesn't love you anymore, was right. you're a piece of shit
That's quite the imagination you've got, niglet.
yeah to kill her. whatever narrative that this dude was her BF and poor guy or whatever..FALSE. this dude got butthurt and stalked her and killed her for no reason other than he was a failure
Smells like summer fag to me
Why? The only part where he fucked up was trying to an hero. Dumb bitch isn't worth that. Least he posted pics, so he did better than most of you fags.
This kind of thing happens all the time. The girl kissed another guy in front of him, and the boyfriend got mad and killed her. The only reason we're even talking about it is because he posted the images on line, which is pretty atypical.
smells like unwiped asshole and dew, acne and dry jizz to me
Where are the fucking nudes. God damn.
and probably more e thots are spawning also
Atypical means not common, other than that i agree
>being this new
That's exactly what I meant though. It's not common for people to post images and selfies online after they commit a murder.
Yep 100% little bitch fagot, bet ur dick the size of a pea
Fag made it up, he's the only source
Dude, we get it, you're cool, emotionally distant and indifferent.
>show me what that neck do
Hahahaha got em
What kind of normie fag bullshit is this? Gtfo. Also, no shit our parents don't love us. Now go back to whatever gay corner of the interwebs you crawled out of and never come back. You sure as fuck don't belong here.
You do know that HER family aid they were dating and had been for a few months. The cops reported the same thing. Go Brandon yourself.
Love when my phone flips my pics...
I mean you protect the guy so you might be the faggot then
>getting triggered on the internet
Newfag identified
She didn't deserve it, but when you're a cunt to someone, they might eventually snap and go overkill on you. Better not to do that.
Stop trying to lie about it nigger. Don't tell me you were one of her pathetic orbiters.
You're protecting a woman that many, many other men were fucking. You're probably a cuck.
This is one of those moment when you realize you're in a den of retards. Who cares about some stupid dead whore? She openly manipulated and cheated on people, and yet all these wannabe chads and feminazi's want to come and defend her rotting ass. She got exactly what was coming to her. We've all been warned to not piss off the wrong person, and some people just didn't take that seriously enough. Now she's gone. Take notes and learn from this. Or deny her having done anything wrong and risk being the next victim. It's up to you. But I at least hope you understand that saying shit that you want to say doesn't change human nature. Ultimately, if you act the way she did, you're sticking your neck out (no pun intended).
It's merely a coincidence that the trap and blacked, white boi flood has stopped the moment threads relating to this girl started filling with near scripted replys
>Saying an e-thot who abused people got killed is protecting a guy who tried to kill himself
Libcuck logic.
The narrative is that white men are predatory and function solely on base instinct and should be viewed with distrust and disgust.
Stop spreading truths that show otherwise
I want to ram my cock down her blood soaked throat
I believe hot girl summer was cancel for this thot
Sticking your neck out kekked harder than I've done in a while
wtf are you talking about
hey everyone! the gatekeeper of /b is here. no need to fear
dontb elieve it
Stil kinda keking ovet the fact that 40 min after the first thread of this chick started, the catch me up was a pic of her botched beheading and a tribute of it
what about what he did does not scream predatory and acting on base instinct? you're making arguments for me when you talk. keep doing that
You sound like the type that scream: "Not my President!"
u actually believed the fake screenshots created by incels, kek.
I just read some Discord Messages from her and holy shit what a selfish cunt she was no value was lost with her death, really.
She probably would have died on an overdose of some oxys or alike in 2 or 3 years anyway.
>Broken English Intensifies
Stop spreading misinformation you dumb cunts. He was not her bf. He was a trusted family friend. Not a bf; you stupid faggots.
>fake screenshots
Sure, and the messages recorded of her in her own discord must be fake too. Sounds like you've got it really bad for this dead e-thot, faggot.
Mere coincidence that all these defenders are confused by common pasta
Just coincidence, nothing organized at all
in this context 187 is the best get
Think people who are upset that she is go e is eather trolling or retarded
Sure, he was so trusted that they were just fucking each other and they happened to go to places together. But totally not dating..
The true dubs are the two gashes in her neck.
sources claiming he was her boyfriend:
>the police statement:
sources claiming he wasn't her boyfriend:
>Yea Forums retards
>thinking that going to a place with a female implies you're dating
Wow, what a fucking incel
Yet you refuse to even acknowledge her predatory and emotionally abusive behaviour.
Very few people are saying whatvyhe guy did was right, they are saying that her behaviour played a large part in instigating it.
But that doesn't fit the story you want, so you say what you want and hear what you want
Yeah basically. We're all the gate keepers. So it's on all of us if we let dumb ass shit like this stay here. That's why we call out thin skinned normie fags and act toxic af so you'll understand we don't care about your bullshit
thats how i know i win. you cant even say anything because you know you're an asshole and more importantly, dumb
Hot teenage girls are fickle and some even sleep around. You should consider yourself lucky to get the attention of one for a fleeting moment.
Everyone in this thread calling her a slut or like, saying she had it coming because she "cheated" are revealing themselves to be the absolute scum of the earth. And none of you even see it because you're in this echo-chamber of terribleness, trying to be edgier than the next guy, making horrible jokes just to seem cool.
My prediction is that those of you who are smart enough to realize that you're a piece of shit will eventually kill yourselves one way or another, maybe slowly with drugs, alcohol, and poor life choices, or maybe quickly (ideally the latter, to save the rest of us the trouble).
But equally likely is that some of you will Brandon yourselves too.
The way I see it is the crowd thinning itself out. The world is changing. Your way of life is dying. The internet will no longer be private, and it will be your fault. You are why we can't have nice things.
dumb conspiritard
Her orbiter whiteknights are the incels...
That's (You)
>thats how i know i win
Kek'd hard.
Don't get too worked up about it, most of the people that frequent boards like Yea Forums are just kids themselves, who come here because they think being edgy is cool. Pic related.
Mere coincidences
Nothing to see here, stop looking
Just believe that she was innocent and murdered by a raging homicidal, yet pathetic incel crazy man for no reason at all
again. wtf are you talking about
Nice Reddit spacing, faggot.
Anti newfag shield.exe
Lmao op pressed
>more apologetics for murderers and their sympathizers
Well gee now that you put it that way my faith in humanity has been restored.
Nah. You're all Brandons. Just admit it and neck yourselves.
that was a crazy ass thread
I've never used Reddit I think it's retarded and gay
Is this the same redditor who said /b yesterday to?
Don't be a retard. I'm just saying retard kids will be retard kids. Now i'm beginning to think you're a retard kid.
Wouldn't doubt it, seems like her orbitor faggots are all over the place today.
Indeed reddit spacing though
the only thing i said was that it wasn't normal for the dude to murder her, regardless of however led on he felt or cheated on, or whatever.
hes an attention whore too. im just trying to figure out where the sympathy for this guy is coming from
Yea Forums is so predictable now, a bot could write these threads
you are a literal retard
Were you sleepy and did your fingers slip again?
nah u retrad u retarb
This didn't age well.
>boys-will-be-boys mentality
Kids need discipline. Maybe Brandon's parents should be put on trial for raising their son to think it's okay to murder a girl when she hurts your feelings.
Keeping showing off that second grade education.
It was the cops though. Can't rule it out on that basis
Just coincidences user
Its just coincidence that 50 posters all pushing the same opinions all not understanding what a very common pasta is and trying to ridicule it
Surely not an organized group with a purpose obviously unfamiliar with this website, just coincidence
perc 30s lol wtf tht doesn't even exist
Fucking KEK man
thats a role that you decided to appoint yourself to after you were on here a week..there are no rules or standards or gatekeepers you fucking retard. people can post or do whatever they want without the /b police coming and trying to gatekeep and be literal faggots.
because teenagers, of both sexes, are so emotionally stable
fascists gonna fash
She had more like this..
there's no journalists here, this isn't news
it's just old men on Yea Forums jerking off to their lost youth
Well if a guy was preying on emotionally unstable and socially troubled girls online and emotionally abusing them for self entertainment, and one snapped and killed him, we can agree that people would feel sympathy for the situation that led her to that extreme without approving of or justifying the killing?
literally the opposite of facism.
Maybe. Maybe he shouldn't have spent so much time on Yea Forums. Maybe he got unlucky with his genetics. Maybe if the US were truly a Christian nation with nuclear families this shit wouldn't be possible, who the fuck knows.
Either way, spending a significant amount of time trying to convince 12 year olds who listen to slipknot and can't tie their own shoelaces might not be the best use of your time.
Hey man i'm stil in my 20's jacking away my youth
They slip up often. In a day or two they'll find something else to post about. Probably more
congrats on turning into a 65-year-old Fox News viewer early I guess
You have ignored everything you just replied to, and still refuse to acknowledge in one, what you accuse of the other
Whatever makes you feel better fam.
We aint got fox news, euro fag here
you ok gramps
did you take your meds
daily mail then who cares
No. You are disgusting for twisting this situation like that.
They were teenagers, ie incapable of complex abstract thought yet 100% confident that they can form complex abstract thoughts. Girls are fickle. Boys are aggressive.
Murder is never okay unless it's in self defense. Stop looking for ways to justify his behavior.
You will die alone and unloved.
Norway man, and i just call myself a centrist bc i think both sides are retarded
what about it
Sorry you lost me at "Christmas nation"
I Bianca a cursed name
Seems impossible for a woman to be named Bianca and not be a complete whore
As if old events similar were not frowned upon by the majority. If anything you are the summerfag OP. The only reason this shit use to make it to Yea Forums is because it wouldn't get censored, not because the users are degenerates like yourself, they were far and few between. Let me guess, you'll call me a newfag unironically next.
>When the kids can't even spell Christian anymore
Or Buddhist, Islamic. Any religion that enforces monogamy. Then our little incel friend wouldn't have been so butthurt.
Your broken English is a fucking joke.
The old community would try to solve it if the case wasn't this obvius, and not many would be happy about the old ordeal but they wouldn't cry about it or be outraged eather
I love kpop
That could also be 2 hours of sleep, if we wanna give him the benefit of the doubt
What does stan mean? Who is he?
pretty sure those guys are too busy posting about my little mermaid and 007 being black to be posting their normal bait threads
I have specifically said there is no justifying it, murder is wrong. But it happens a lot, and a lot of it occurs due to emotionally abusive situations.
The point you're missing is mist people acknowledge both parties in this situation being fucked up, while you refuse to even entertain the thought that this girl did anything at all to contribute to this event occurring, even with all the evidence of her intentionally abusing people emotionally.
You want to say woman good, man bad, but it's not that simple, no matter how badly you want it to be true
The reason you just responded the way you did is because in the gender reversed hypothetical, you would blame the man and defend the girl, but you can't admit that
I'm not getting into an argument about religion on Yea Forums but I'm pretty sure Islamists are allowed multiple wives.
I think you're sort of right about there needing to be less of a focus on monogamy, but the core of the problem is culture, not religion. It's systemic and probably incurable.
>Reddit spacing
>Bait but whatever
Just because you were a naive retard in your late teens doesn't mean everybody else was
Its like the whole topic about her hit emptiness and sexual frustation hard on some folks here
>Calls out reddit spacing
Uses Facebook spacing
I couldn't agree more, but there was nowhere near as many people trying to be special blaming women for their poor looks and lack of self control. I believe it's this weird hive mentality that Yea Forums has gotten is what pisses a lot of people off.
No no islam is strictly monogamous, well exept the 72 virgens they get in heaven
Maybe the whole manifest destiny shit is real
>No. You are disgusting for reversing the genders like that because that situation does not align with what I choose to believe
Where did you learn English??!!
Wtf how am i facbook spacing?
I'm just on my phone that capitalise automatically
Yea, same with Hannah and Kelly, basically the whiter the name the bigger slut she is
Yeah, but even though b thinks it's static it has evolved and changed a lot. Mostly for the worse
imagine coming to a place where you know people are scum just to say they are scum
Guess that is the drawback of spending 10 years in a echo chamber
>Uses Facebook spacing
Fucking kek. How new are you?
Hey I may not be able to spell something like refidgereremator but I can lift one. Where did you learn to be a sad cunt who cares about sentencing structure on a forum?
Why can’t we have multiple wives and beat them? I’ve never understood this. Woman gets raped she keeps the rape spawn. Woman cares more about inclusion and anything that fits their ideal world that doesn’t exist. They’re children. She doesn’t care about herself, why not let me care for them and keep them in their place.
And not even responding KYS summer fag
it means she can't speak english
Yeah I think you're right but about Islam, just trying to make the point that there are many causal factors at play.
Yeah if people didn't care about who sleeps with who, and everyone was polygamous, then he might not have been so jelly. On the flipside, if everyone was monogamous, he wouldn't have been so jelly, and the latter appears to have been evolutionary and culturally beneficial worldwide.
I'm not sure culture would stop innate desires in many people to form a sacred bond with one person, nor would it solve the problem of raising children, whom fair better in mother-father households.
It means love and support
Go lift a fridge straight over ur head woth both hands then take a selfie to prove it kek
I guess she didn't make the cut
and to add to that, it's only in recent history where health care and birth control have made it feasible for women to sleep around as much as they do today. It's a fairly new phenomena, and ironically brought on by the progress made from cultures who were traditionally monogamous.
She hasn't got her head in the game
Would've worked better if he didn't fail the decap
nah, this is actually real for a change
You forgot the i have never posted here before but here goes
The only thing she could have done to "deserve to get murdered" or whatever way you're trying to mince your words to not come across as saying that you think she deserved to get killed for being a "tease" would be if she were like, holding a gun to his head threatening to shoot him, so he had to stab her to save his own life.
People sleep around. Teenagers are dumb. It's not "emotional abuse." They were dumb kids. She was under the age of consent, which means that, speaking from the standpoint of a doctor or lawyer, she was too young to understand the consequences of her actions.
And the "reverse situation" you're describing is so absolutely rare compared to what we're talking about here. You literally have to come up with a hypothetical situation as a thought experiment to present an example of the opposite scenario. Medically speaking, males have lots of testosterone. Testosterone is a neurotransmitter that leads to aggression and risky behavior. Teenage boys do not know how to control these feelings, cf this incident. Teenage girls, on the other hand, aren't as loaded with the aggressive hormones, no, they have girly estrogen hormones that make them cry and act like dumb little girls.
Just stop, okay? You're not convincing anyone.
They are fucking paragraphs you illiterate fucking morons. Reddit didn't invent them.
You won't believe me, but I've been here since 03 so suck a fart
1. Buy a gun
2. Kill the whore and start the stream of you fucking her creating thread prior
3. Kys when cops arrive
4, Become a meme.
Wtf is this guy such a pussy? If u decided to kill some1 u better be prepared to die. I hope he will stay for the rest of his life in the prison as a niggers' cum-bucket.
Heh. I´m 41, been on Yea Forums since 2006. Yes, it got worse, and a lot worse when Moot left.
Yeah, there are some stupid kids, and chick with dicks lovers. Also it seems men are becoming gayer.
Yea Forums shows a bit of the worst kind of future we could have.
It's simple neurobiology, but I guess I couldn't ask a simpleton to understand that.
Basically, boys and girls have different types of brains that makes them act in different ways stereotypical of their gender.
he was a beat incel loser.... couldnt even kill himself properly, now bubba gets to finish the job in the shower with his dick....
Nothing she could have done deserved this much brutality, unless she had done this to someone, and as far as i know, she never stabbed anyone
She was intentionally sleeping with an admitted 6+ guys at one time, and got them against eachother by saying that they were abused by the other guy(s).
She was a textbook psychopath and the fact that this is being portrayed as anything else is proof that the "women are wonderful" effect is alive and well
its a lonley man who follows/hangs around a e-thot bitch hoping for their chance to get laid "ORBITER" (THINK ABOUT IT)
Is that Bianca?
Send earlyerst screen cap u got of b, with the time stamp of the thread
>been here since 2006
>compliments moot
wat? ....
yes. she died.
That’s what I call gay as fuck
Bitch, monkeys sleep around. It's evolutionarily beneficial to have as many partners as possible. Go back to school.
huh whats going on, story please.
>Still seething beyond lunacy
Yikes and Cringepilled
go back to africa.
Heard about it somewhere today, they were all like "she met up with someone she met on Yea Forums/discord and he killer her".
He never complimented him only siad it got worse after the time of his departure. Witch might be the same think but eh fuck it i alredy typed this shit out
So she was dumb little girl. Are you suggesting that any girl with multiple partners is a psychopath? Boy have you got a hard lesson to learn.
Nvm my mistake
>Thinks a paragraph is a single sentence double spaced
Nice try, faggot.
As a matter afact most chicks have sociopathic tendencies. Just takes power to bring them out
top kek.. good to see some fellow oldfags though
>>hard lesson
Whats the hard lesson?
You sound like a complete moron.
Imagine going to a pool when you want to swim
Even if you type a paragraph for every point you refuse to acknowledge, you're still not acknowledging them.
You are just repeating yourself over and over, and saying that I am saying things which I have not.
You want me to he saying these things, in fact you need me to be saying them in order for your points to matter, but you are arguing against things that haven't been said.
You clearly have your own mental issues to deal with, and with the way you're behaving, I'm going to assume you are one of the disturbed individuals that worship online personas, who ironically pose the most danger of commuting the kind if acts you are frantically trying to condemn...
Perhaps this has shown you something inside yourself that has scared you, and it really your own subconscious desires you are arguing with
You are sick user... get help before you hurt somebody
Pools closed
>Are you suggesting that any girl with multiple partners is a psychopath?
Did you miss the part where she whored herself around for the amusement of seeing each of these guys defend her from the rest?
is it due to aids
>needs a lesson in greentexting
>is a moron
I don’t beliebe it
Fresher than the propper oldfags but i did grow up in this mess kek
Hahaha fml.
Thanks now i know.
>And the "reverse situation" you're describing is so absolutely rare compared to what we're talking about here.
The reverse situation is a man exploiting emotionally unstable and socially isolated women, is FAR more common you idiot, and when those women do snap and kill their abuser, their motives are understood. Not condoned, or justified, but understood.
You don't even know what you're arguing anymore
(You) Complaining about illiteracy
Also (you) "You want me to he saying these things"
So women are not accountable for their actions, men are inherently dangerous
Well at least you're stating your beliefs honestly now
It's prison rape fetish user again
I think it's irrelevant. Now this is a stretch, but, imagine you're an adult. Like, you're actually all grown up, physically fit, you have hair in all of those places... And then a little girl comes up and tries to annoy you. She starts poking you, calling you names, dare I say, calling into question your very masculinity. Do you kill her? No. But she's clearly a psychopath who derives pleasure from seeing other people in distress! No. You are supposed to be an adult. You take the high road, because that's what it means to be an adult. Failing to take the high road can have severe consequences, as we've seen here.
dont forget the differences between races... ever seen a nigger get excited? id swear i was at the zoo...
You don’t belong here
I have never screencapped anything from here. Why would I do that?
No they don't.
There is one alpha monkey that is the only one the females are allowed to fuck
Stop making shit up to support your desperate claims
>alpha monkey
Bill Cosby?
Take some neuroanatomy courses and ask your professors about the effects of steroidal hormones on the adolescent brain. The pieces will fall into place.
You're sick in the head user
There's legitimately something wrong with you
Shut up brown skin
How do you even look in the mirror when you wake up you ugly shit log human
You're asking how one individual would act
She had an orbit of around 6,000 followers
Eventually numbers catch up to you, and one of those 6,000 dude's she's toying with is going to be emotionally fucked up enough to act out.
It's like people saying you shouldn't blame the girl who walked through the ghetto at 1:00 in club clothes.
Sure, she didn't deserve to die. But at a certain point you really need to take risk seriously.
>Especially when she's giving out her contact info like candy
Фeминиcтки yжe вoняют?
>Complaining about illiteracy
No, you're making things up again
>Double spaced
We have Ms Word to thank for your kind,. Fucking millennial
He's going all out now
Shit than made you kek, fun things to look back on. Making some memories, am i the only one that does that?
And also to se1e if i could bust you on a search by immige
Depends on the species but in general that's how it works yes
You are not supposed to be in here
You are not supposed to be in here!!!!
Wtf they have teeth and barbed tongues?
Get out or i'll call the guards
no amount of "emotionally abusive behavior" makes murder justifiable.
I think the amazing atheist did a video on the slut walking subject. It’s a lose lose and people need to start living in the real world and not a fantasy where everyone obeys laws
Stay mad summerfag
agreed, but enough will get you murdered... justified or not
So this wasn't you?
Screen caps from this place are like taking photos of my dumps. Sure I might have enjoyed it at the time but it's never something I'll want to look back on and reminisce over.
Wait do you not document your dumps? Fucking weirdo
187? And 1 check, sad.
404 incoming
>been here since 03
>suck a fart
You lie bruh. You haven’t even been on this earth since 03
Which i have said, many times.
It is behaviour that especially when repeatedly directed towards mentally and emotionally unstable people has the potential to lead down a dangerous path
Not even one of them you dumb cunt
been here since 04... just cause you just found out about Yea Forums today doesnt mean some of us aint been here a while.
In that case, my apologies
Arguing about who has been on Yea Forums longer is like retards arguing about who is more retarded.
Ok this ... just cause you just found out about Yea Forums today
This is eather a cleverly constructed troll or ur actually like 14 years old
No amount of jewellery worn through the slums makes robbery justifiable
Its true, but when i eventually do get robbed, I have to acknowledge that my behaviour and decisions indeed played a contributing factor
Or you could carry a weapon or learn self defense instead of getting robbed like a bitch. LOL
wat? i can tell you just got here cause you didnt use greentext
Actual old fags don't bost about how many years they waisted on this site man, we don't really like that fact, but we got nothing better to do
then you get blindsided and killed with your own weapon... good job.
>shhh I’m tired
wHaT iSa grEEn Text?!?!!
this thread is going to shit
i was just proving that there are oldfags here... and actual oldfags know how to spell the word, boast
Going to shit?, this went to shit a long time ago
Apologize for the retarded shit you've been ranting you sick fuck
but i rolled a natural 20 on my dexterity check
i've built up a tolerance
>be Dyslexic
can't help it lol
Way to avoid the point
Are you saying it was her fault she got.murdered because she didn't defend herself?
And I was just responding to being Newfagged by a toddler. Im definitely not boasting
>wHaT iSa grEEn Text?!?!!
Well, say nothing else my summerfag, youve clearly won this thread with such wit. We should resurrect this bitch to suck your dick now...
I only made that one comment most of it was another guy i just chimed in
>Mom, I'm dead inside, mom
>Really dead
So ironic
U typing on a samsong?
Where the space bar is way to small and the . Is right next to it?
What is her name and what happened?
Agreed, sum zombie succ would be nice right now
>bianca devins
>got slashed
>murderer tried to an hero but failed
And cops found him
nah, he wasnt trying to kill himself, he just wants to plead temporary insanity
Smart, well as smart as slashing ur own throat can be
the point is you made a poor analogy. if you wear "jewellery" through the slums then you should know self defense.
and you know what? maybe all girls should learn self defense. the next brandon to try this shit might end up as the one in the body bag.
Fair enough
That other guy has some sick shit brewing in his brain
I think he finally flipped his shit and killed himself or smashed his keyboard in rage
Learn how not to be constant whores too.
Doesn't look like any signs off trying to fight him off look at her, she was probably drugged out, hatd fighting back then
"boo hoo girls are whores because they have sex with everyone but me"
cry some more
Got the s9 and that shit can get anoying
he did wait until the cops got there, and since there was a body im betting an ambulance was coming as well. he killed her in the middle of the night and didnt stab himself until morning. when there were people there that could possibly revive him..
It's not a poor analogy
If you are going to market yourself as a sexual object to strangers, you should have the common sense to not meet randoms from the internet
Maybe all girls should be learn stranger danger
yeah i mean her eyes are all rolled to the back of her head she looks really fucked up, probably some bunk molly bro, she should have drank more water.
You have been visited by the Laura of dead and dying threads.
This thread doesn't have much longer left to live. No need to mourn though; having reached the bump limit, the thread has lived a full life. Its popularity is a good indicator that the thread and its anons will live on in future iterations.
that was a great analogy.. youre dumb if you think otherwise... and she probably didnt have time to react defensively... a giant knife was in her jugular
I'd guess Oxy
>all girls should learn stranger danger
congratulations, this is the most mature thing you've said this entire thread. follow it up with this one: "all boys should learn it's not okay to murder someone who hurts your feelings"