Check this out and cry white man.
Hahaha hahaha hahaha kill all white gringo pendejos. Kill them all until they flee back to europe
Check this out and cry white man.
Hahaha hahaha hahaha kill all white gringo pendejos. Kill them all until they flee back to europe
>Kill them all until they flee back to europe
This kills the white man.
Any mexican who wants to make america into mexico is a fucking idiot.
If you love mexico so much why did you leave it?
>gringo doesn't understand the masterplan
>Most americans are Anglo
so glad you tried to appear intelligent for your argument, now go choke on a black chode you nigger lover.
the master plant to make everything shit because that's what mexicans do.
and sorry to burst your bubble, but im mexican
Lol, I really hope some shit's popping off right now in Texas or something. Fuck it, Chicago has a significant illegal population let's start some shit, cabron, we've been waiting almost 20 years now!
>wants those of european heritage out of the americas
>doesn't realize that mestizo are spaniards
>get out of the americas, mexicans.
They're extremely uneducated. They'll never get it. It's like talking to an animal.
me too lmao
There are Mexicans that support Trump. I can only hope/assume they've been tied down and eyes forced open by Trumpeteers and forced to watch endless repeats of Trump speeches while denied sleep and food. Guantanamo bay style.
Or experience shit like the store raid in American History X, except every day. DO YOU LOVE TRUMP YET, MEXICAN NIGGER? YOU WILL TOMORROW!
Wanna say that to my face cabron? I cant wait until the civil starts so that we can kill all of you pinche gringos. You white cowards must get the fuck out of my land. You stole my land. Half of America is Mexican land
Yeah right gringo!! But you'll never ever dare call a Mexican an animal to his face. You weak white piece of shit pendejo
the part of united states that used to be mexico was literally purchased by america pinche indio
I have called mexicans animals and I'm mexican.
Mexico is shit and you're a fucking idiot.
We didn't leave it. We stayed in the same place and the borders got redrawn
Not even white and I hate you fucking nationalist wetbacks more than any KKK redneck. You fucking degenerate, uncivilized, sex-crazed baboons are the lowest IQ dumbfucks I've ever met.
Hello Mr. Goldstein
Ah yes, just like those dirty spics to steal something good and taint it with their filth.
Only problem with that is they would still flee what was America and head into what still is America.
Shoot them at the border.
Would love to see Mexico vs Texas. Wouldn’t even need to use Texas national guard
Yeah like like this piece of shit is Mexican. Its a fucking terrorist.
Yeah look at how nice americans were. they let you lazy beaners stay.
Pride is a sin
I cant wait for the civil war to come so that I can kill as many of you weak white cumskin pendejos as possible. And we gonna take over and fuck & impregnate as many white bitches as possible
Didn't mexico lose the last time?
>speaking english and spanish
>can't speak mexican
>at least 50% european ancestry
>doesn't know mexico was a tiny city-state in central america
>i'm...i'm a real mexican
Yeah make the greatest country on earth crime ridden and broke as fuck.
That must be why all those Americans are fleeing to the southern border.
Are you 300 years old?
lol why are beaners so ugly, short, fat, stupid and generally genetically inferior?
Mexico is an ex-spanish colony. They speak spanish. While there's some native admixture, there's spanish blood in almost all of them.
The US is an ex-English colony. England is only borderline part of Europe (depends on your definitions).
Mexico is more "Europe" than the US.
Also, Texas was conquered pretty fair and square.
This is coming from someone who thinks of the US as a failed first attempt, the second, more successful attempt being Australia.
average Hispanic "man"
This Australian dude's a fucking idiot.
I’m with it. Mexico is doing pretty good right now
> This Aussie's an idiot
Maybe. But correct.
Texas wasn’t conquered and don’t you ever say it was. Texas won it’s independence then voted to become a state.
It's no longer your land when you sell most of it then get your ass handed to you in battle. Cry more mexifags.
In the world now: subtier races realizing how shit they are and taking it out on white people. Y'all got played, chinks, beans, nigs and sand nigs all got the fat cock of whites and now that we're fat and happy from ruling the world they want it back
Dude just stop, your going to get really fucked up if that war actually happens. Fucked up emotionally. I'm truly trying to help you.
Hinas love my cumskin color.
Looks and smells like money to them.
No birth control
Conquered, fought for "independence" backed by the US (only to become a puppet state and then be annexed by the US)... same diff.
Gee I wonder whose behind all this
We were never a puppet state. Most of the whites wanted to be annexed by the US after the war for independence but the US didn’t want to piss off mexico and didn’t want another slave holding state. It wasn’t until our economy started collapsing and we pleaded with England to talk to Mexico to recognize our independence that the US decided to step in and annex Texas and fight Mexico for that.
im ok with this
And if you ask most Texans they would prefer to be their own country now.
>We were never a puppet state
Keep telling youself that buddy
Neither Cali nor Texas is going anywhere, there's plenty of wide open land in Mexico if they wanna own land.
Top shelf troll MAMA
Uuuuh... is it the nazi's? No wait definitely thhe Russians.
I don’t think any state will secede but Texas is most likely
Open a history book. Visit the Alamo.
Fuck you beaners!
Sauce on this hoe?
>we stayed in the same place
99% of Mexicans in Texas right now swam the border or their parents did. You don't know shit about Texas. Your talking about Tejanos. The Tejanos are bros. The Tejanos hate wet backs too. There wasn't shit in Texas before Mexico handed out land grants to adventurous self reliant whites from the US and Mexico so we could settle it for them. Whites and Tejanos built Texas, and kept it for themselves. Wet backs sneak in and reap the benefits of our hard work and good decisions like a nigger breaks into your garage to steal the shit you worked to have. Tejanos are based. Wet backs go home.
I eagerly await the second Mexican American war
eat my butt soup