I quit my job about a week ago, I'm probably going to kill myself once my money runs out. Ama
I quit my job about a week ago, I'm probably going to kill myself once my money runs out. Ama
idk what are you expecting to hear on this site but why not look for a job you like
Stream it
Because I'm a lazy alcoholic, which no real skills to help with society.
have people actualy ever streamed it
listen here little bro noone has skils you earn skiils
Why not just try. Harder.
What skills do you have? It’s not worth it ending it all because you have a disease
I should but I'm just not motivated.
Op get your shit together your seriously contemplating suicide for a job .
Bruh its not even worth it dont be a faggot and get back out there
I used to paint bulldozers at Caterpillar, other then that I really haven't really done much else.... I have a forklift license as well....
Wanna play a game with us before ya go? Any game ya want and how are ya gonna do it? And when do you think it will run out?
Yes, the fuck you think
Well there you go, you have employable skills. The real challenge is overcoming your addiction and moving your life in the direction you want it to.
I know that’s an oversimplification, but it’s true.
well then with the money you have travel somewere far away to find motivation read up on some books find your self and you will figuer things out ( having been suisidal before you taqlked to us as a cry for help only but only you can help yourself)
I have no doubts in that, I just think I'm setting myself up for failure and disappointment.
Exactly, it's just you're addiction that tears you down. Something you can overcome
You don’t have to, though. Is there anything positive you look forward to when addiction and mental illness doesn’t cloud your thinking?
Honestly, no. I don't have anything to look forward to. I don't have fanily, nor a lover. What friends I do have are mostly online now due to distance.
ya replasing your adiction with something actually meaning full
travel solo
Damn. That’s rough.
I know this is random as fuck, but you could do what I did and live the vagabond life.
Probably should hit up rehab before doing so. Living as a homeless traveler, it really is what you make of it. Going into it addicted is just gonna make it that much harder
Like what?
LMAO thats retarded dude. If you had a job, just take a few months break, and research either a new career field or get back to work after enjoying time off.
But i dont blame you. I make 150 before taxes a year on my job. Today is my last full day as well, im quitting my job. And taking a 6 month break. I think about killing myself too. Not because im sad or miserable, but because how easy it sounds to be dead. No more bills, no more taxes. Fuck the rest of this gay cuck society for accepting 9-5 instead of 4-12 and having the rest of your day to family.
But instead im simply turning into a contractor again. I worked Salary for 1 year and i hate this shit. Im sticking to contracts for the rest of my life, fucking workahohlics man. I have a guy at my job, really smart and friendly guy, But god damn does he work WAY to fucking much, works for free from home even after 5 PM. Said guy use to really like mme at first, but now that im quitting my job, just to take a vacation and not work, but to focus on study and relaxation solely, he dislikes me now, thinks im a lazy Piece of shit for not working my ass off untill the day i die.
When I go through bouts of depression where I think about killing myself, usually I eventually end up questioning the point of even doing that?
Like, my family, mom and sisters, and I are pretty close so me killing myself would hurt them tremendously and I dont want to do that. Besides that, if I start to think about how I fucked life up to this point, and then start questioning 2deep4you kinda pretentious dumb shit, like what's the point or meaning I life? Why are we here? Is there a God or some sort of higher being in one form or another? The universe is so incomprehensibly large, are we really the only life forms out here?
Then I circle back to the meaning of life. We'll never know, there's no concrete answer humans will ever find or discover so I just think fuck it, live your life how you want to. Do the things that make you happy. I know it sounds cliche but like, thats what I always end up at. Why end it all when you can juat listen to your favorite music and watch your favorite movies and do whatever the fuck makes you not miserable. Idk.... hope I helped.
I work as a postie and a guy I work with is a chronic alcoholic. He was spending over £120 a week on vodka and getting hammered on the job, coming in at 6am reeking of booze. He got sober a few months ago and is fighting to stay that way. If he can do it OP, then you can too.
you gotta find something dont give up dont be a fag
lol ive been in a 200k debt for 5 years, dont be such a little bitch op. view life as a annoying little kid thats trying to drive you crazy, dont let your ass get fucked by some little bs
>lol ive been in a 200k debt for 5 years
My debt isnt that extreme but like have you ever defaulted on loans and shit? Whats your credit like? Can you just buy stuff with cash or whats your story like haha