Lololol the thread go taken down?
Lololol the thread go taken down?
Other urls found in this thread:
is there any use preserving what was posted?
He was baiting
See you guys on the news
Any bewbs?
No just two timestamps
there was not.
Hey mom! I made it in the news
And a grainy pussy pic
Someone posted vag but I don't know if that was OP or just some other faggot
You're pushing your luck OP
I fucking missed my chance to say hello to fellow autists everywhere.
FBI got OP
Someone watch the news
If previous the previous OP is watching this, we still wait for the trips that asked to take a dump on her
(virtually) all Yea Forums threads are automatically archived in real time while the thread is live/ being created. They are preserved for about three years - unless they are taken down by the law enforcement agencies for some obvious and serious illegality.
Here is one source of that now archived thread:
It was a hoax. A tranny with a bloody nose.
And you know that how?
2014? Damn that's old
Look at the nose. There's no blood in the nasal passage but outside it there is. Also notice that there is no signs of trama (bruising).
It's a ruise.
We got jebaited?
You can't even spell trauma or ruse.
You're the least qualified person to try and e-detective a grainy picture.
The nose doesn't have to suffer direct trauma for a nose bleed to occur.
Not the same guy, but original OP claims to have punched her thus causing the bloody noise
that is fair.
Its also a female hand holding the note, obviously the one with the bloody nose
Confirmed ruse or nah?
OP worded that picture as if the point of it was to show she wasn't dead, so in that context it makes sense that her hand is holding it but also doesn't make sense if she's supposed to be passed out like he claimed
If she was drugged, she could have just been really out of it and not passed out.
Valid point, he never really clarified beyond "drugged her"
How do you guys fall for this shit.
How contrarian of you
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