Is this g rated I don't even know anymore
Please bump my thread please, I will attempt to answer any questions you have.
i died.
I will rez you for 40G.
poor dude lmao he's actually a libertarian but /pol/ keeps on spreading nazi edits of his works xdddd
omfg LOL
G for gay?
Hey I heard you like x.
Is the joke that he's fat and has stupid tattoos; while she looks like a well put together individual? Cause I think he's calling her scum based on her career choice, not her physical appearance. Fat Nick is a reasonably popular rap artist, so despite looking like a retard I'm pretty sure he's making money.
One of these days Alice...one of these days, bam, zoom, straight to the moon.
I like this one.
Stupid trap! You made me look fag! OOGABOOGABOOGA!
This meme was made by the insecure beta white women gang
Look what you guys did, lmao
>I'm gonna didgeridoo you in the ass
well that one got me
ones upon a time in the mystical lands of Yea Forums, one brave user gave his life doing what he could do best
Aussie porn, not even once.
I'm going to say it!
>pretty sure he's making money
Oh yeah, that makes him a good person.
>fat ugly retarded faggot scum detected
I live a few towns away from where this happened
Lost at Jalapeno sky raisins
I'd fuck her
he dropped his pizza on the way out and demanded a new one so they called the cops
Rest in Pepperoni, Pizza
This is f*cking brilliant. I even read it in his voice.
Fucking kek
Reddit nigger.
equal rights = equal lefts
punch women for equality
unless you're sexist and think they're inherently weaker
amerifats won't get this
isn't this the same guy who had a freak out in a bagel shop; threatening everyone taller than him, screaming about how women are pieces of shit because they don't find his being a midget 'hot'?
fuck off, post sucked
hahaha so true
oy vey look at the nose on that guy
veganism is the #1 way to stop climate hange
since most people who try it will quickly die out, reducing the environmental impact of overpopulation
hmmm idk I've been vegan for years and i'm athletically fit. same with all my vegan friends. One dude has a 6 pack and has never set foot in a gym
Probably from working his midsection getting fucked in the ass by your other faggot vegan friends.
God tier here
I own up to this. If this is the worst anyone can come up with, I think we are doing pretty well
better to be a fit gay slut than a fat incel anyway
i really think that more likely for sandniggers to have disabled children then white people. in the house i live in is also a disabled sandnigger and the vehicle that collects him for vegetable school has 5 more of his kind in it
>posted by redneck cracker gang
Shut the fuck up
white here
only thing ive done was redo the hi5, but that was when i was a kid
Adrenaline doesnt make your dick hard. Ever seen cagefighters competing with a boner? You think wars are fought with boners? Robbers with boners? It doesnt work that way.
I get it. I ain't laughing but I get it.
lost it
epic meme bro, such an old gif, heres hoping you die of cancer
Go back to redddit faggot
Shovel dog?
God damn that's steep, I gotta get off this server.
reddit has bretty gud content m8, enjoy your shit edge memes
He stopped growing before all the other boys and his height condemned him to a sub-par life.
man,, we did that to black kids for HUnDREDS of years :'(
then why aren't you there
I know. Could've been thousands but we fucked up :(
>call a "white man" a cracker
>call a nigger a nigger
>chimps out
k lol
because i wanted to look at ylyl content? am I not allowed to use both websites?
>le same ting xxxxddddd
Only if you own a noose and know how to use it
>le epic russian shill race war propaganda
that high 5 just got to feel right man
It doesn't bleed?
I get that its tied up lower but there's 0 blood in the upper part?
>do you own a piece of rope and happen to know how you could potentially kill yourself?
what happemed to kys?
Big fucking deal, I pick up a six pack on my way home every night.
Shameful cucks should be eliminated from our proud white race. Niggers were enslaved because they were too weak to hold their own, and often times too stupid to free themselves. Had they developed like a normal race, they would've produced a strong and respectable society that wasn't as vulnerable to slavery among other things. By living like animals, they were eventually treated like animals. They were defenseless prey, completely uninterested and unmotivated in their own survival. They were weak. They were inferior in every way. They were a resource. Nature intended strong creatures to reign over the weak. Why should anybody feel guilty over something that was naturally inevitable?
i lost, they look so funny
I always find it funny that niggers complain about slavery, believe that they were Egyptian kangs, the Egyptianswho kept jew slaves for over 500 years
No that's PG, maybe even PG-13.
Aren't these the same people who claim to get PTSD from Twitter comments?
he ?