How many of you losers couldn't date someone from your own race
How many of you losers couldn't date someone from your own race
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I probably could have but never wanted to because I actually enjoy fugly Asian girls
Not I. Got a snow white QT 3.14 for a GF right now.
Just curious Are you a weeb
While I live in Japan I’m not interested in Japanese media. Furthermore my girlfriend is Chinese
I hear chink pussy is sideways. Care to confirm?
Just curious Are you a weeb
Did you meet her in Japan
I know they treat Chinese people like shit
I really do not want to deal with the drama that comes with dating a Hispanic girl
I'm black dating a white women not even mad bro
Movin' on up!
best sex Ive ever had was a hispanic chick. those bitches are wild.
I've dated in the US and Japan. Married a JP chick. She is hotter than most of my prev girls, and a lot less crazy.
>tfw im a hapa who's racially most attracted to hapa girls but they're super rare and whenever I find one they reject me
I have no problems with other races though. Fucking why God does it have to be that only hapas will never find me attractive
Women of all races can be either ugly or pretty. Being racist just further narrows your already dwindling prospects of haveing your lil nationalist worm from being laughed at by a member of the opposite sex
I dated 2 white girls and 2 black ones. So far the black females were far better in bed and didnt bother me with bullshit
I understand the sexual appeal of Asian women, but it's important to understand that White people really shouldn't have children with them. It doubles, maybe even quadruples the risk of mental illness.
>How many of you losers couldn't date someone from your own race
I dated my own race and blood.
I dated and had an relationship with my sister.
Good thing, since now am not a race traitor or a looser.
>It doubles, maybe even quadrupled the risk of mental illness.
Literally incorrect and the opposite though
Nigga wtf
Nope, just unshaven.
Nope in university in my home country. Yeah they treat them quite bad, but she doesn’t 日本語 so she doesn’t notice that much. She doesn’t have any friends so she pretty much only spends time with me.
She doesn't bookcase tent kitchen?
Aren’t hapa males supposed to be the most depressed people on Earth or some shit?
Planning to put a ring on that?
How freaky does she get?
Yeah, summer 2020 if everything goes to plan. She’s super vanilla in bed, but I’m a serious Dom. So I make her do kinky stuff and she doesn’t have the backbone to resist.
Idk about that, I dont feel depressed in any way tbh. Just sometimes it feels like you dont really belong anywhere
>Nope, just unshaven.
What about her ass?
Dude that girl is busted. Be ashamed
i kinda feel sorry for her now
hope you're spending enough time together.
What about it?
Does she do butt stuff?
What kink shut do you get her to do?
post n00ds
that's a nice butt. would 幹
I’m personally not interested in butt stuff. Since I refuse to use condoms with her I don’t want to put my penis in a pooper. That’s just not my thing. Worst so far is dog collar and leash. She says it’s “so strange”, but she lets me do it anyway
Dated a few white chicks over the last few years but haven't found one i'd even consider marrying which with each year that passes is of increasing importance in considering a long term relationship.
Are chinese women demanding?
Got sick of white girls and tried something different. Here are my findings.
Black girl: put in more effort and are easier, lack creativity and -in all honesty - attractiveness.
South American: passionate but also a little prudish. Also crazy.
Indian: kinkiest I've been with, also attractive... But not great mentally.
Next on the list is Asian. Haven't found one yet
>black girls lack attractiveness
guess you're into flat asses
>implying racemixing is bad
back to /pol/
I've been with blacks, mexicans, and whites. There were some differences between them, but not very many. My current girlfriend is mostly white with some mexican, and is really the only relationship ive had that i would consider stable. Its mostly just luck for how they behave, and as for looks i prefer white girls and mexicans. Hope you find someone you like
Not really, but your average sub Saharan African isn't actually all that much better in the ass department. A half cast is much better for that.
omg you are delusional
it's a scientific fact black girls have bigger and firmer butts
An argument without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
I did. I'm mexican. Dated many mexican, puerto rican, peruvian, etc etc girls. They all sucked. Met my first chinese woman. She rocked my world. Now with a korean beauty, life is good.
Have I been saying it wrong? Is it pronounced gyook?
She's cute, does she take it in the ass? Always heard chinks will do anything to keep their man
She's good looking, but I prefer dark haired women so I'm impartial. Also, be prepared to hear about dry eyes a lot.
Why lying?
I've seen american women and yeah i don't blame american men for going anything but american women.
Sorry lads your women are terrible both in character and in form
you're a fucking retard. it's a well known fact black girls have flat ass and black girls have big asses. you must live under a rock
>black girls have flat ass and black girls have big asses
What ?
Right until they're married. They're not different from any other women. A married woman has the power of the state behind them, ready to fuck you over.
>black girls have flat ass
>black girls have big asses
>thinks is clever