This is now the second time that someone sacrifices people for for pewdiepie

This is now the second time that someone sacrifices people for for pewdiepie.
I believe this is just the start of what will go into history as the ,,Subscribe to Pewdiepie"-Murder Series.
How high is the score currently ?
Do you think he will gain special power after a specific threshold is reached ?

Attached: sub2pewds.png (800x526, 210K)

count is like 52 now

If discord get out of all chans, we don't want your kind here

Attached: KXzsN75.png (645x231, 17K)

Attached: Laura.png (848x795, 176K)


>This is now the second time that someone sacrifices people for for pewdiepie.
Bullshit. God you're stupid. He just did it to garner more attention. You are fucking retarded and suffer from the curse of a one dimensional, mediocre mind.

Pewdiepie is not an alt right violence crazed nazi
But a portion of his fans are, and Pewdiepie does nothing to curve their behaviour
People like this need to be removed from the platform.

>People like this need to be removed from the platform.
eat shit granny.

Attached: LFO2.png (848x795, 47K)

riley ima meet u on omegle finna fuck a drunk child shes gonna be like mr are u done yet it hurts

Pewdiepie is responsible for all the murders caused in his name.

3/10 bait.

Come back

Hello, you one of the nice, kind anons?

Attached: Nervous Laura.png (198x360, 86K)

I am dead serious. He does nothing to stop this behaviour, and continues to push his agenda of anti-YouTube, by pushing pro right ideals, he is riling up a political generation of shooters


Your laura posts are one of the best things on Yea Forums atm, with all the cancer storming in

Who was the first?


Thank you. Nice to see at least some anons like them. =^_^=

Attached: Holding Tail.jpg (148x354, 18K)

laura how are you

You are brain dead. YouTube doesn’t care about their creators they use them and lie to them. He doesn’t push pro right ideals you’re really dumb

Attached: BD15CF29-17A1-4AC6-A44D-B7D134F5F75F.jpg (1024x527, 83K)

Not too bad, thanks. Yourself?

Attached: laura eat.png (141x159, 50K)

It's beyond obvious that you only read the line you quoted and nothing else

okay, 4/10 for persistency


Yea Forums doesn't have a conscience or empathy. You're wasting your time OP. I'm sorry.

Was just thinking the same thing

your laura posts suck ass. low effort attention-whoring with fucking furries. you MUST be a nigger.


this kinda stuff self validation? Avatarfags are patrician. a furry one is contrarian. But im good. Where are the other avatarfags?