Now that the dust has settled, can we all just agree that this movie was actually pretty decent?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all just agree that this movie was actually pretty decent?

Attached: Ghostbusters-Movie-2016-Why-It-Bombed-Paul-Feig.jpg (798x420, 42K)

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I want the deleted scene where Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon munch each other's box and get fucked by a ghost.

it was ok, no the shit show some guys made it out to be
i still lol that a 2017 movie made the 3 whiteladies scientist and the black lady a subway operator

Disclaimer haven't actually seen it, but fuck me I can't imagine it's anything but terrible
I don't give a shit that they cast women but they couldn't have picked four less funny women if they tried
These four have their entire careers defined by just being consistently unfunny over and over again

The only thing that really spoiled it for me was that unfunny, talent deficient, unamusing, unenjoyable, unentertaining, irritating, Melissa McCarthy.
Her and her fucktard cousin should be bound together and dumped in the middle of the Atlantic.

I saw the cover and knew I wasn't gonna watch the movie

Chris was okay the rest was not good. But i guess if it was that or suicide i'd only kill myself half of the time.

My wife likes melissa mcartney but everytime she drags me to see one of her movies recent or otherwise I come a little bit closer to cutting my own throat.

You get an award for things that don't need to be said by a person no one cares about!

It's just movies man. No need for violent thoughts here champ.

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My girlfriend and her friends think she's funny, they came round one night and put on one of her films, I 'popped to the shop' and went for a 2 hour walk in the rain just to avoid it.

I get similar violent thoughts when I hear Coldplay, I'm normally quite chilled.

I don’t really have expectations when watching anything and I don’t overthink shit so I can enjoy watching pretty much anything. Stop being such beta pussies.

Nah. That movie was crap, and it has nothing to do with the fact that the cast were women. Honestly, I don't even blame the actors as much as I blame the writing and the direction. Yes, Melissa mccarthy's improv, for example, is absolutely fucking horrible, but that autistic fucking director let her do it every chance she got.
The movie suffered for being a remake of the Ghostbusters, which is not, obviously, the end-all-be-all of comedy, but it was actually funny. It was witty and well written. It has some of the best, most enduring quotes for a reason.
And then comes the remake with little more than fart joke equivalents and shade against the fan base. The remake didn't take the audience seriously. It didn't take the actors seriously either. It could've been a great movie if the characters were competent and likable, regardless of their sex. Their sex would never be an issue (except to the dumbest of people offended because something is different) if the writers/director showed a moticum of respect for the actors/viewers/souce materials/fans.

Could've been worst

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No we can't. Even if we take out the obvious political message, it is a movie with bad acting. bad script and bad jokes.

anyone who says they despise the 2016 gb, but is excited for the new jason reitman film is a hack and a shill. hollywood fucking sucks. poor harold ramis.

>I have no standards and I'm proud of it.

What film is that? I'm not even aware.

ivan reitman's (director of the original two gb) son jason (juno) is making a sequel to the original two movies atm.

i had a friend who said he laughed at a queef joke in theatres. we don't really talk all that much anymore.

A gb3? Interesting. I mean, I'm doubtful. Ghostbusters was such lightning in a bottle even the original writers couldn't quite capture it twice. But I'll give it a fair shot like I even gave gb2016 a fair shot. If it looks like absolute crap by the time it's out, like '16 did, however, I will not pay to see it because the shit Hollywood machine does not need feeding.

No, no we can not.

No, it was garbage. Ironically Chris was the only bit even mildly amusing.

It was a fun flick, a bit of an uphill climb to make it a ghostbusters thing, what with that franchise being so very beloved. It's setting yourself up for failure.
I was entertained though, and I have a huge crush on Kate McKinnon, who I think ran off with the entire movie - sexy li'l thang.

Attached: Kate.gif (540x332, 681K)

>"durr titties i em dum"
- chris hemsworth's character

>Western women are cancer
>Old men are past it/dead
>new men aren't funny
Yellow-washed, gender-bended Ghostbusters when?

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Sucked ass

Sound attitude, because having fun is better than not having fun.

I didn't watch it until yesterday just to avoid the political screeching and it was just fucking horrible. I gave it way more of a shot than I do most movies that repel me in the first few minutes, and every part of it was disappointing aside from the design of the ghost on the train tracks and about 4-5 frames near the end of the movie that are so visually stunning I wanted to cry, but I question whether that was just because of the Stark contrast between the shit garbage assault on my eyes that the rest of the film was or the absolute fucking bliss of knowing the film would finally reach its resolution here as it tied up the friendship plot arc.

0/10 I'd find the source footage for this film and delete it from existence with fire if I could. I'll settle for buying any physical copy that exists at a secondhand store and cleansing the Earth of it.

i had the same rxn: prepared to hate, actually thought it was decent