GFs dad is a conspiracy nut that browses Yea Forums. GF is moving away for college and I'm sure what we're breaking up after that. How can i expose her to her dad without straight up going to him?
GFs dad is a conspiracy nut that browses Yea Forums...
Post nudes here
She is 18 so she is very shy about taking nudes. Only have a few but I'd like to get her dad to see them somehow. I'm also moving away so i don't care for any repercussions, I'm not coming back to this state.
Post nudes she’s cute
Honestly I just want to see her tits, her dad probably won't even see it
post nudes already
Let me check what i have. Her birthday wasn't too long ago so I don't want to post some underage shit by accident
I second this
how can we tell the difference anyway
Op won't deliver
You can't really but i like this site enough to not want to get b&
Seems like hes scared the dad might see
Well this is lame congrats OP
That’s my daughter! Post nudes I won’t tell her
If he really browses Yea Forums wouldn't you think he could see this thread and recognuze his daughter and connect this to you anyways making you look like a total douche whose taking advantage of his daughter by posting her nude pictures on Yea Forums not to mention admitting you have underage pics of her putting you in jeopardy of unlubed jail rape.
Not really that afraid. This one is 100% adult her. The other potentially younger pictures of her are just creep shots during sex anyways
Hey be a dear and post some photos
Came all over the place
Timestamp for that image indicates it was taken tonight in last few hours. Did you just have sex with her and then post her nude?
No. I added her snapchat logo and the editor changed the date to today
that's a nice pussy! I want more!
With face?
Whats not nice of you is that its covering her other boob
I gtg but come back mid Aug. I'll post her snapchat and phone # and nudes. I promise that for sure. I'll be several hours away from her and her family by then
One shitty nude no one is coming back in august for another
One more nude plz , I need it
Dam dude ur GF is pretty simililar to mine