sad thread
what's got you down tonight user?
sad thread
what's got you down tonight user?
I'm an actual retard
I was dating this girl, things were going really well. She seems really into me. Very affectionate etc. Then out of nowhere she just ghosted me. Feels pretty bad man.
bumping with cool things
that sucks, how long were you dating her?
A couple weeks. I know that's not very long, and it's so cliche but she really made me feel something I haven't felt in so long. I was stupid to think I could actually be happy I guess.
Ik that feeling, you are not alone on this one user
Fuck what I think, or what other people think. You're in your own shoes, and you know what you felt, no amount of words can express how devastating it is for you.
Grammatically correct, I don't see the issue
i just feel like he found someone better ripperoni
Well I'm fucking one girl and going for drinks with another soon, both of which have utterly amazing bodies, yet, I still can't get my ex out of my head, we've been broken up 6 months and I still think about her almost daily. Shits gay.
>what is got...
should be "what has got..."
5 years later and my ex has crawled back into my head, wish I had advice to give you to get over it.
I spent the past week on a holiday with my mind off of everything
heading home today and I realize how much shit I have to do, I've got like two assignments slightly behind, and I've got a ton of work on the next one, have ages to do it, but it's still a huge undertaking.
I also just can't wake up or do any exercise because of my antidepressants, they make me not want to do anything and lower my blood pressure, so I can't really work properly
advice for the regretting people. I understand what you guys are going through and there are always the "what-ifs" and the "should-haves" but at the end of the day, you did what you thought was best at the time. If you COULD have done things better, then you would have.
the everlasting feeling of staleness that finds its way into every corner of my existence
Well i decided to tell my best friend who hasnt talked to me for over a month to give me time to think our friendship
i was raped when i was younger and still have major negative effects to this day.
Hmm... Nothing really got me sad, I'm just dissapointed at myself for not caring about my girlfriends feelings as much as i should, really hurts me to see that i'm doing something stupid and making her upset.
Started snapping with this friend that lives a good ways away shes coming to visit soon and we're both trying to smash. I've never had sex. We've been trading pics and doing other shit and both have no illusion of this becoming a relationship. But she's in a relationship, she described it as Rocky. I don't know if there exclusive or if she's going to break it off. I don't want to push the issue because I might loose this chance. That and my 8 gigs of porn means nothing to my dick anymore. What do I do.
keep seeing something about a chick named Bianca (do not post the images, anyone reading) It's just sad to. I mean i'm not that sensitive to death anymore, but it just sucks because so many people aren't given a true shot at life...
Sorry for format and spelling I'm tired and on my phone
Newsflash, fucktard, "what's" is a contraction for "what is, what has, or what does". This is some 2nd grade shit we're talking about here. Get it together.
my dad died and I can't handle it
Still doesn't change the fact I'm still a retard for forgetting basic English.
You are stronger than you could ever know strive to make yourself fit for his pride and know that he allways loved you
I can't remember anything about him even though it was only last year. It's like amnesia
Fuck her
Same thing that gets me down every night. Soul crushing loneliness and the dread of never having a qt gf.
Call him or talk to him about what’s wrong, don’t be a bitch
Don’t lose your head over it dude.
That's probably just your brain trying to protect you it might help to go through some of his/your old things. It might be difficult an it sounds gay but letting out your emotions will only help in the long run.
thanks user
No one wants to buy my FUCKING SAILBOAT. It’s been on Craigslist for a month and not a single message. I don’t understand why, the price is rock bottom and there’s not much competition in my area, and I live on the coast. Really pissing me off. No one is responding to my summer job applications either.
I hope you find peace and find some closeure one day you will mean as much to someone as your father did to you. Use your compassion and experience to build them into another wonderful person.
stop cutting onions user it's rude
still can't get over my grandmas death from two years ago see her in my dreams sometimes and she seems happy and tells me to be good just traditional grandma stuff, is this floating rock all we got anons?
this is all we got user
Sadly I think it is, but remember the odds of you even existing are unfathomably small, its a weird life
Just the classic stuff
I hate my work
I hate my GF
meaningless job
no friends
too anxious to do anything
live with mom
wont survive when shes gone
scared of dying
get a new job
put your gf 6 feet under
Ended up so far in the friendzone with a chick who's practically perfect to me. I spilt my guts about how I felt to her and she just brushed it off. It hurts so much more than just being flat rejected cause she's made it clear she's not attracted to me but still wants to be close.
My autism kicked in right before I was going to lose my virginity. My dick just wouldn't get hard and I got an anxiety attack and just ran home like a fucking ape.
haven't found a job
diagnosed with hodgkin lymphoma
school loans
feel like a failure at everything
contemplate suicide nightly
the priest for the parish i go to died a few days ago and him and his family took me in when my family kicked me out so it feels like i lost a father
Feel empty brother