I've got a lot of roaches in my apartment. I've smashed at least 20 of them tonight. What should I do to get rid of them. One time I left a cup of hawaiian punch out and when I woke up it was filled with roaches. So I'm thinking of getting some buckets and filling it with sugar and water and leaving them around so roaches get in it and die.
I've got a lot of roaches in my apartment. I've smashed at least 20 of them tonight...
Tell me some ways to get rid of roaches
fuck off of /b and google it faggot
yeah ive had roaches before, just about as bad as you did, it could have started with you but at this point doesnt matter, if youre living in an apartment likely the whole building has them now. you need to get to the property manager and have them get an exterminator out to the building and clear the whole thing out at once. kill as many as you want but it will not do a damn thing, you can even look through the house for nests and spray those down, they will come back less than a week from then, full force.
gonna reply to my own shit here. exterminator isnt even a guarantee tbh, once they get in it is really fucking hard to get them out for good
Don't use sugar water mix.
Get apple juice and put some in a bowl; enough to lure them in and make them get stuck. Leave the bowl in a clean area where the infestation is and let it stay there overnight. In the morning you will have some in there. Clear it out when it gets full. Rinse and repeat.
Roaches are attracted to filthy areas and love when your apartment is dirty. They are ferocious eaters and will devour anything containing calories; whether it's nasty rotten food, their own feces, or even their own babies.
A clean apartment with no leaking water is the best way to clear the infestation.
If you're in an apartment you won't get rid of them
You cannot get rid of roaches OP. They're like niggers, once one has moved in, the whole neighborhood is fucked. You can use foggers to kill them off and you won't see them for a few days, but once they're in, they're in for good.
Move out and use a fogger in your new place with all your stuff packed up so it kills any in your stuff before you unpack.
Kill them but never clean them up. After a few days you should stop seeing new ones. I know it's gross, just trust me.
To elaborate you can do things to mitigate their presence.
If you don't want them fucking with your clothes, get lavender satchets and red cedar rings or chips and put them in your drawers.
Mix boric acid and sugar and leave it out. Boric acid stays in the roach carcass and other roach assholes eat it then they die.
Wrap all your food and Ziploc all your snacks. Clean your cupboards. Make sure to spray behind your refrigerator.
Put out a mixture of borax and sugar. 1:1 ratio. It's poisonous to them but won't kill them right away. Many of them will due later back at their best. Then other roaches eat the dead bodies and get poisoned themselves creating a vicious cylcle that helps get rid of all of them.
Clean your apartment, like really fucking clean it, behind the sink, behind and under the fridge and oven, on the hoods, between the cracks of your windows everything you have never cleaned clean, someone bitches to the landlord about the noise tell him you have photos of your infestation and will personally interview everyone in there.
Caulk all the cracks in your apartment, especially behind the sinks, it there's big gaps then use expanding foam. Once the sealent has dried use spray in the corners. Throw out your trash daily and only open your door to outside when absolutely necessary.
Can confirm, lived in the same apartment for 3 years because it was the cheapest place and I got kicked out of parents' house at 17. First two years, no issues, but then the upstairs neighbor intentionally flooded their apartment and trashed the fuck out of it when they got evicted. Turns out it was a shithole with a huge bug problem and they migrated through the walls. Ceiling water damage got painted over, but we had a horrific roach problem from that week forward, it was so bad we had to move. I had one of those shitty comcast all-in-one "gateway" modem/routers, and it was literally full of dead bug corpses. When we were moving out.
More than recommended foggers
Leave every worldly possession behind, go to the nearest store buy new clothes and switch to them in the changing rooms. Find somewhere else to fucking live.
i was the user that posted the initial go to property manager posts. i think that my apartment was ground zero, first place i lived outside of parents house at 19, plumbing was fucked and after about 8 months living in the place the laundry room flooded and continued to flood once a week for like 2 months until my property manager finally fucking decided to come fix it. was noticing a few roaches a week or so after the first flood but a couple months later, right after they fixed it i noticed i couldnt leave an open beer unattended for more than 30 seconds without a couple roaches climbing around the sides and scouting it out (drank more than a few roaches while living there, mostly by accident, but am also a straight up alcoholic so if i was on my last couple beers i wasnt going to dump it because of a bug, would spit it into the trash and chug it). anyway i was always good about taking trash out and doing the dishes at least once a day and fogged the place out a million times. roaches fucking stick around dude. they are really resilient. they can be an enormous problem so yeah op needs to go to his property manager
Boric acid powder, just line the perimeter of your place with it. That walk over it and die. So just wall off food/water sources.
if he is in an apartment it legit doesnt matter they will keep coming
this is basically what i was going to say, do this and quit being a stupid faggot and feeding them.
Yikes dude
Move to eurrope
Insecticide dust on wall voids or behind cupboard inside walls or ceilings. Gel bait with IGR (insect growth regulator) to stop them from melting and reaching sexual maturity, then wait. If the application was done correctly then you're all set
But it really should be done by a licensed pro, especially in an apartment building
Dust in* wall voids
Very different
Ignore everyone else
Diotomaceous earth is what you want. Its completely safe for humans to touch and even edible if you're a holistic fag, but for bugs, it shreds their exoskeletons and gets into the cuts only further ripping them open. Get some, spread it over everything, especially fabrics and carpets. The shit wont harm you at all but is the bane of anything with an exoskeleton.
also fake your own death, change country, race, sex, religion and language.