Fuck Yea Forums

fuck Yea Forums
im really in my feelings rn
i just want to find a girl
why is it so hard?
why is dating so hard?

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tbh its not that hard. im like a 4 on a good day after some tequila and i can pull women way outta my league. all i do is talk to them like a friend, lightly sprinkle in some flirting, if they respond positively, youre in, if they brush it off and either nervous laugh or change subject, GG. confidence does alot, but dont be a over confident, or egotistical. basically stop acting like a wounded animal and people will stop treating you like one. i was in your shoes, and i got to a point where i said fuck it and grew a pair and here ive been with 9 women in 12 years (not record setting by any means, but the relationships werent just one night stands).

its probably cause you really just want some dick user
>post chock full of lies

i mean i coulda bragged about having 500 women and a 24" cock and driving a lambo. but you believe what you want i guess bro.

you could have, and i could brag about fucking 15 clones of ana de armas at once. but i wouldnt because that shit would have been seen through immediately. you were just trying to keep shit within reason to have the highest chance of some incel here beleiving you so you could feel all cool and normal and shit.

why would fucking 15 ana de armas' even remotely be considered bragging lol?

So having 9 women in 12 years is someone attempting to be "cool and normal and shit"?
My total body count is 9 and I've been fuckin for almost 12 years, and I'm average as fuck, the only difference between me and the other dude is that I generally ignore women until they give me overt signs they're interested and I think that helps in my case because I am not confident, but who knows

4D chess

the guys a 4 your prob a 8.

who are the guys?


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nice quads.
^is 4
^prob. 8

fuck quads, who the fuck are the guys?

bro hover your mouse or tap with you finger to the numbers on my post. it shows you what I am referencing to aka "the guys".

are the guys? dude youre not making a whole lot of sense

can you just read from the top its really not that much

okay this must be some Yea Forums thing im not getting. ive legit been here like a month dude

okay what are we talking about here?

it's not really clear. would you explain, please? this thread is all over the place.

what are your questions? i'd be happy to answer? help me out here.

lol were a bunch of new fags.

that's totally cool. i wasn't born an adult, and i got help with this shit. what are your questions, please?

someone said something about the guys, that they were 4/10s, then some other faggot told me to read the numbers he linked, and that post was the guys, dude its a fucking mess
dude is trolling i think. mods need to ban

can't help you with banning, no rules are broken i just wanna help, but this is so unclear. b8? esl? wtf?

the whole thread is unclear. is "the boys" some sort of meme? you seem to have some idea of how this place works, i clearly dont.

So I started snapping with this friend that lives a good ways away shes coming to visit soon and we're both trying to smash. I've never had sex. We've been trading pics and doing other shit and both have no illusion of this becoming a relationship. But she's in a relationship, she described it as Rocky. I don't know if there exclusive or if she's going to break it off. I don't want to push the issue because I might loose this chance. That and my 8 gigs of porn means nothing to my dick anymore. What do I do. I don't want to be the other guy. But I'm 26 I've waited so long and she's cute af.

what a strange thing to post user. she is definitely gay and mentally ill. fuck her.

okay, i'm just going to try to start answering questions as best i understand them...

finding a girl depends upon your circumstances. you need to be where they are, like uni or bars or work.

it's hard bc now we only interact on smart phone and don't know how to talk to women. so you have no practice. remedy that and you'll be fine. if you have no confidence, that's going to be a problem.

ink on face is a bad idea.

watch the tequila. it causes bad decisions.

I mean at the end of the day it is her decision I just don't want her to resent me you know

that's unknown.


bu no one would believe that.

why do you care about that though?

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we all want to fell that like that. this just isn't the way.

be mine op

sounds like you are doing fine.

who knows?

what are you asking?

christ is the way.

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okay im being trolled fuck this website. dude WHO THE FUCK ARE THE GUYS? i shouldnt have to ask 5 times

i agree.

what don't you understand?

if i wasnt already confused enough i sure am now

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can't help you with gibberish. i don't know who "the boys" are any more than you do.

I care about her

consult the boys

uuuuuh, if she's in a relationship, no matter how rocky, that's called cheating.

she needs to break up with the other guy first.

fuck this place is weird, guess thats why im here. kind of what has drawn my friends and i here lately. they seem to embrace the chaos a bit easier than i do though lol ill get there i mean its not like im completely normal myself lol

So shoud I push on it and risk breaking it off? I'm scared that this is my only chance and if I do then maybe she will think I'm going for the holyer than thou thing. Shit has me all ducked up and I have work in 5 hours

explain in detail exactly why its wrong

i care about lots of people that i'm not dating. you cannot do that, it isn't right.

I do.

Thats another thing she started as a friend of a friend and even though he told me he has no interest in her like that I don't even want him to know because it could make shit weird

so who are they? throw me a bone here.

no. are you good friends with her boyfriend? no? fuck her then. shes going to cheat either way. either it will be with you or some other peice of shit opportunist. you arent getting a romantic relationship out of this more than likely. fuck. her. shes not going to resent you, she wants to break up with her boyfriend, you fuck her now, you might get a couple more in between now and her next relationship. dont try to pursue one with her though because thats retarded

I think you are right I'll just have to talk to her about it...
I hope everything goes okay
I havent been here in like 4 years and I'm glad there are still some good people here
Wish me luck anons

read up about 18 posts retard

tell him to man the fuck up and give you a chance! if he's not into her he shouldn't give a fuck!

yo that is gonna fuck up your friendship with her more than fucking her bro

everything is online

okay, give me a sec...

Fuck these are also good points maybe I shoud go for it and just use this as a confidence boost to move to a more healthy normal relationship with someone else

so this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
or this?
none of this makes clear who the boys or they guys are, other than that they might be 4/10 or 8/10. again, help me out here. maybe this is some cryptic speak I don't know. do you know 1337?

because even the most casual dating relationship needs to end before a new one begins. don't do that to someone else. how would you feel? even if it's totally casual? what if they're fucking? that still hurts.

i'm out. this makes no sense. either we are drunk or high, or we are esl and i'm just not getting it, even though i'm multi-lingual and have mad language skills. peace.

You're too picky, and you over-value yourself.

Stop being an incel.

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Masturbate. You'll get over that feeling real quick.

this post makes little sense
this is almost nonsense....like....tf am i reading


The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

Attached: Laura.png (191x274, 61K)