I'm just gonna dump everything I've got real quick.
Link to the original discord is
idk if it's still up, but a couple hours after they began banning anyone new who joined according to some anons.
I'm just gonna dump everything I've got real quick
How about you drop your mother's cunt?
I farted.
I really do not understand how is possible this world can have people so disgusting like you, I don't see the benefits of posting something like this. I am imagining how disgusting and empty is you miserable life
The guy
so why is the mainstream making this a big deal?
You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yea Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yea Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Yea Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.
We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.
Other than a couple IG snapshots, that's it.
Any updates on how she died? Because it seems like she went with this guy on her own will, but there aren't any bruises on her face. But it's clear he tried to decapitate her. How did she die?
no ur just sad and should be locked in a sanitarium
Gonna save that speech for later use
Nope he is right. If you except something else here you are very wrong...
wow man nice bait, just be careful with those edges
Because they can force feed a political narrative through this. Something behind the lines of "Man bad, Woman Victim, All Man bad" Oh and im pretty sure they are gona say the guy was right wing or some bullshit like that. And force feed false information, without showing how much of a bitch she was towards him. Not that he should have killed her, but I mean, she kinda had it coming. If not by him, somebody else. Ive read the messages between them, she just stomped all over him.
man sure smells of summer round here, please check you edges as well you nincompoop
This faggot again
then do the decent thing and either get help or kys without murdering other people
Wait I feel like I've seen her before, does she do tiktok stuff?
Wheres her fucking lewds
if he shouldnt have killed her then wheres the false narrative, he could have avoided her and if she pursued him then he calls the cops. she was 17. really doesnt look like this was some "self defense" shit - which would be the only justification. mans a monster.
No clue m8, just posting what I've got.
Dig around /b2/, they've got a lot of information on this, and some anons there know more about her.
>Tips Fedora
LMAO ok beta faggggg!!
You misunderstood, maybe I expressed my self a bit bad. Its not about them 2. As people, its about the girl being the victim of a man. And that can be made into political narrative. They already make the girl out to be a perfect flawless saint. And the part of "he should not have done it" was just my opinion. Fact still remains, im pretty sure if he didn't do it, somebody else would have. I mean, shit she says to him, is brutal.
I think you're the one who misunderstands Yea Forums. Yea Forums is for people to do whatever the fuck they want. Its not made for people to be "monsters". It's made for people to be Anonymous. You're just an edgelord swarmer that came here because you heard Yea Forums is full of monsters and you want to label yourself as one because you have no personality.
You're fucking pathetic.
Yeah, she tiktoks stuff, but idk her tiktok
bottom line, shouldn't have murdered her because she hurt his feelings. just because she said some mean things doesn't call for that response - we'd be seeing many more dead girls if it was an acceptable excuse. but no - people have block buttons and can move on with their lives. this dude should have done that and found a nicer girl while she could go and get therapy for her own self.
instead of killing a girl because she's unstable, get some fucking help for your anger.
Is there a vid
then lock yourself in a bathroom and eat shit until youre taken out by security and put in a straight jacket then idc just keep out of society
Story? I'm so lost right now.
Damn, this shit really got me queasy right now.
I came here explicitly to see these pics
They have benefited me by fulfilling my curiosity
Let people enjoy things ffs why's this worse than any other gore thread?
>Being this dumb
idk you tell me get help cretin
edgy underage b&
the absolute state of Yea Forums
Fucking hell is this also a cringe thread? The sad thing is your not the only one who thinks that because they come on this board that your in some super secret elite cool kids club, you’ve been shunned all your life by society so being on here makes you feel apart of something. Whoever takes joy out of any of that shit is just wrong in the head and should be in an asylum not free to walk the street at with sane people. I pity you you sad person, come back now with the usual contrived “omg newfag” yea I don’t come to this site that often, is rather stay away from the scum and complete cunts of human beings that dwell here.
Ah, I see. There is no point in explaining it to you. You don't get it. I understand and even somewhat relate to both sides. You make it sound so easy. Its a childish and naïve way to see things. And we are going way off point here. I was simply trying to tell user, this will be used as a political narrative. Lets be honest, nobody actually gives 2 shits about either of them.. Its just another event which allows to create a narrative how women are unsafe with what ever they do. And how they are constantly harassed by everything and everyone.
not a whiteknight but after reading her comments tellonym.me
OP here.
Yes, my life actually is disgusting and meaningless, so being able to share information on a topic obviously of interest to what is 90% of all my social interaction (the chans, 4 chan and others) does in fact satisfy me.
I dont like real people, my girlfriend and I just work, go out to eat sometimes, and otherwise stay at home and avoid people.
I got lucky enough to catch this as it happened, so its exciting to share the rare stuff with everyone.
I'm just a sad, voluntarily lonely guy. Atleast I'm honest
she was a stupid manipulative whore. good riddance
fuck a few weeks man, if op's discord conversation took place June 15th than the articles were posted the same day
Basically this dude Clark dated her for 2 months. Met her through IG. Then for whatever reason, they stopped dating but remained friends. Her family trusted him so much they let him driver her to NY for a concert on saturday night. Anyway, there was a boy at the concert she had a crush on. He was younger than Clark, who is 21. Her and the crush held hands during the concert and kissed a couple of times, but tried to kiss on the DL, so Clark wouldn't see it. She suspected Clark saw them kiss when he went to get rolling papers. After that his mood became aggressive and he treated the boy very badly. They parted ways. Clark drove back to Utica with the girl, but never took her home. He couldn't stomach she was into someone else and he basically tried to cut her head off. After that he posted an IG story of her dead body and posted her dead body to discord. People called the police, they found his location through snapchat. As the police was arriving, he cut his own throat and took a photo of it, posting it to instagram. He was rushed to the hospital, underwent surgery and is now being charged with second degree murder.
I'll pray for you
Has girlfriend but still lonely? You cant even keep up with your own lies in one paragraph you cunt, go jump of a bridge
i completely give a shit about the girl AND the situation, dont project your shit onto me. the dude murdered an unstable 17 y/o girls who made calls for someone to murder her when she should have gotten help. you're just grasping at straws to defend a man that brutally murdered a girl. if it seems to be a "political narrative" to you then that's where your mind's going. the grown man killed a girl and posted it to his internet thread. that's just the facts.
Woah, calm down there, faggot.
Bullshit I'm just looking for lulz it's really to bad you underaged summerfags think being edgy makes you cool or edgy or whatevr the fuck I was in a goddamned war I saw enough death and gore to last a fucking lifetime. Your are just a bunch of pussies and faggot who would shit down your fucking legs the first time somebody was hit and shit and brains explode all over you. Go ahead cunt, say something edgy, it's all you got.
this is only a pasta right?
**friends, not thread. (doi)
Girlfriends and friends are two totally different types of social interaction, you can have one and still be lonely without the other.
For instance, you can have a large circle of friends, and no girlfriend, and be lonely.
Or, you can have a girlfriend and no friends, and be lonely without friends.
You should try going out in the world and experiencing things friend
I know everybody is shitting on this user, but this is what old Yea Forums was about.
Yes, it's true, Yea Forums was never good, but FUCK if it wasn't a whole hell of a lot better than it is now.
I miss my EFG, fuck yeah F40PH, and FBF threads. Nowadays it's the same fucking threads over and over again.
Are you even reading what im typing? Im not defending one or the other. As far as im concerned they were both pices of shit human beings who deserved what they got. But you cant even see how this will be used to manipulate the masses.
>This guy speaks for us en stuffs
Got your daily-dose of attention yet, faggot?
I actually teared up from watching her grandpa singing puff the magic dragon
death is fucking sad bro, I don't care what you guys think
The only reason you think it's anything other than that is because you've been brainwashed by Jews to think that everybody deserves to live
i'm reading what you're saying but one's dead while the other is alive. she didn't have it coming, sorry. i'm not some manipulated sheep i just think the man's BEYOND a disgusting piece of shit for killing her when they both should have gotten help.
the reason some people are up in arms is because this is going to happen again if it's brushed off with an "eh well she deserved it", my guy.
everybody keeps making shit up. on this pricks post he clearly says he killed her because (also to the faggot fuck alex with the Chinese username hope it was worth it) so why is nobody explaining who or what this is about
Fuck off nigger, I come here for the lols and yes I do have a dark sense of humor. But people like you force yourself to laugh at something even if there is no joke or humor behind it
I'm glad the Thot was patrolled
That's what you get for building a living off of preying on betas and damaged men
This isnt related to Bianca. Note the post dates.
One beta got jelly because the thot was going to some music even with a different beta so he pretended to be someone else to meet her and then killed her end of story
He also tried to pose as her boyfriend but that got debunked pretty quickly end of story now just enjoy the fresh gore like a normal user
It makes the media money my dude
Are you blind?
The harshest part about this was that she was this Alex dude's first kiss. Alex is the said crush.
Imagine having a cute girl be your first kiss only to have her murdered by some psycho and the guy tells you that the reason why she is dead is because he kissed her and had he not kissed her, she'd be home.
Also, he left him a message on the pavement where he dumped the body. He spray painted " may you never forget me"
That kid literally had the most traumatic first kiss experience EVER.
>i'm not some manipulated sheep i just think the man's BEYOND a disgusting piece of shit for killing her when they both should have gotten help.
The point is that regardless of which future boyfriend ends up murdering this cunt, you'd maintain that identical position.
There comes a point when you need to reconsider blame
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it
>the idea of Yea Forums
>unironically arguing about what Yea Forums should be in 2011+8
back to 2008 with you
I think my favorite part about this meme is random anons get a free (you)
Good riddance to her then, tiktok is scum
you said it brother, cheers
That's not a tik tok that's a shitty rip vid someone did in 10 seconds to get views from her death lol
marketing yourself as a sexual object towards unstable people using the deceitful promise of a personal connection in order to use these people for personal gain may not be an intelligent or safe behaviour to base your entire existence on
lol ok fag its not that deep
Nah, most of these were taken from tiktok. One of her family members shared this and talked about her tiktoks when they shared this very post.
Point taken, I understand your view point. But I will stay true to mine. We should just agree to disagree, this argument wont find a middle ground where we can share a common ground.
if you're going to shitpost as a newfag, at least try to be more convincing. gonna need more reddit spacing and edgelord remarks. faggot
kill yourself
there was a video?
thank you for remembering who we are
it's pasta m8
Oh shid.
alright faggot, tryhard more
no it's not you edgelord, its a place for people to laugh and cringy faggots like you and post random pointless carp. it's not special or dark and neither are you.
cant even commit suicide right. Jesus christ he should have stayed a sperm
Oh shit, you're...DEAD WRONG. I have to wonder if you have ever heard of google?
Post theme youtube.com
do u think he fucked her dead body
You should be purged. Civilization and you are incompatible.
yeah he was a mega cringe emo faggot. i really hope he gets fucked up in jail. my gf aint no e-girl but like fuck if she even starts talking to some dude online they end up getting obsessed so fast. just fuck prostitutes u fucking lame ass faggots
The neckhole prolly...
Asking the important questions
is it illegal to jack off on a pic of a dead 17 year old, just wondering
how do you guys just keep getting newer and newer
a true Yea Forumstard
praise kek
Xanax was one of her many name online
there has never been "intelectual discussion" on Yea Forums maybe /pol/ you can argue that but Yea Forums has always been a trash bin
>mfw people come here saying edgelord, cringe and other annoying newfag catch phrases because they cant handle some gore and a woman dying
Mfw you daily show watching son of a bitch
Insult insult inventory updated
Only if the corpse is naked
That fucking edge.
Totally not a summer child.
>maybe on pol
top kek retard
You have so much more to learn about life. I feel really sorry for you.
>summer time again
New fag detected, /b is about not giving a fuck more than anything.
>I feel really sorry for you.
Based frogger
anyone got the vid tho?
there aint no
Do you have the image of the guy texting her mom and saying he is happy that she is dead?
For anyone looking for more context on this whole situation
pastebin link
>binge watching greentext compilations on youtube
fuck off newfag
>subscribe to pewdiepie
No one is saying he should've killed her because she was a bitch towards him you fucking retard. That dude is just saying that she was playing with fire and she got burnt. Literally all there is to it. Retard.
but those new blooming crazy hot sluts need dick. I've literally had more than one tell me, on hands and knees ass towards me, "if you wont cum inside of me user another boy will". You are however, playing with fire.
Read this in the news and immediately wondered if Yea Forums would have it. Thought no, times have changed....it's not like that anymore. Decided to just stop by and check, fully expecting to be disappointed, but there it was! No digging required. Complete with supremely edgy summerfag pasta, petty bickering, and the truly sick ones very quietly requesting video and nudes. Say what you will about it, like it or don't, but (at least this time) user delivers. I love you Yea Forums.
Thoughts /b ?
thot got what she deserved tbh
well the cunt should have gotten help
How many times do you gotta say it
Never date E-Girls
Not even once
Soy Boy
I've seen her Instagram posts, and the memes being made about her. The backlash against the people making jokes, and/or memes has brutal. Why? Why is Bianca different? People die every day. People meet fates like this all the time. Why is making fun of Cameron Boyce, XXXtentacion, and others okay? Why don't the people that make jokes about them meet as much backlash?
Nice blowjob lips
Kind of metal that you can have a neck wound that severe, and not only not die, but have the wherewithal to take a selfie.
>zoomer taking a selfie of his own slit throat
Selfie culture amirite fellow boomers?
the clairvoyant Yea Forumstard
Gen X here, but yes. you are right. It's really quite something what the kids get up to in their spare time these days.
Can you please stay on Instagram? Or wherever you came from? You clearly don't understand the idea of Yea Forums
This = True;
You're a faggot
From the New York Post. Media is going crazy with this now. Still see no mention of Yea Forums, just "social media".
now this is cringe
ngl I actually second this
this, thank you for being such a wholesome user.
I teared up as well.
kill yourself so we can not care about you
That dude took this whole thot patrol shit too far
Utter cringe
i live in poland, 4th floor. is there anyway to ensure i will die from the jump? are there any ways to ensure my death from suicide?
he isn't wrong though.
You need to go back
Cringey virgin detected
I posted the video on /gif/
Opened this thread just to see this reply, utter cringe
b was never good. goodnight.
wants-to-feel-special-virgin detected
No shit it says social media and not Yea Forums. The posts were clearly on a discord server. EVERYTHING was on discord. There is going to be some dumb outlet claiming Yea Forums is the cause of this, taking the screenshots out of context, just reading them off and not showing that the conversations happened on discord,
Lol if any of this convo is true, I don't care who it is. Bitch should die.
I think all zoomers should idolize this guy and kill themselves in a cool way too. How about it,
woman kills abusive man: what a hero
man kills abusive woman: what a monster
Should he have killed her? no. Did she deserve it: yes.
>shit only a retard could make up
Holy shit man you got a lot of (You)'s there. Excellent post I would say.
One of the biggest baits I've ever seen
Nice dubs.
But youre wrong.
This was a place for news, this was a place where ppl got to together to find the truth.
get outta here
Youre cancer
That "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" is going to fuck the chans another time after BT
bro you just posted cringe
This thread has proven there is a whiteknight army from other sites dedicated to protecting the Eslags honour in every thread.
All it took was a single well known pasta to make them call themselves out
Maybe some people dont sympathize with some faggot who killed a thot cause he couldn't get laid. You and him are both pathetic as fuck
Jesus christ you fucking newfaggot. please kill yourself.
Get off of the chans you whiny little bitch nigger you do not belong here. go back to your reddittumblrpinterestyoutubes or whatever disgusting normie sewer you crawledd out of.
Possible, but they still arejt from here, or there woukdnt be that many serious reokies to common pasta, which if you are correct, means many people have come from other sites for just this purpose...
That would make it a whiteknight army coming here with the purpose if defending an Eslag attention whores honour, and that is fucking retarded
bro you sound triggered
The betamales are donning their shiny tin armor and their finest fedoras to defend a worthless dead E-whore who will never fuck them. They are a new level of sad and pathetic. They are lower than the soycreatures who bought that pink hair cunts bathwater.
Stop saying "bro" virgin.
Subscribe to Pewdiepie that part i kek'd out of it all.. i wonder if it peeked
im sho edgy look at me hehe cowd dawk humma
All fucking traitorous impostors calling this post cringe. Newfags, all of them.
Yea Forums was a catch-all random board for the content that didn't fit within the other boards.
So there's no videos? Only photos?
He slit her throat after a date. They'd been together for a few months
It makes good pasta. Melodramatic and cringy
Holy shit thats edgy
Whiteknight #43
Thats an old copy pasta newfag.
must have been a bad date.
roll eyes*
because an awful thing happened you retarded morons.
Anyone find sir egg of head?
witenight guise am i rite??? guys?????
You guys are sick fucks guaranteed you wouldn’t act like this in real life faggots
You're just digging that hole deeper for yourself
Nobody cares about your beloved scrag whore
Go back to whewherever you came from
Summerfags that need attention
ok but rip barb
mmmm i do love fucking whores.
its the only ones i could just mouth fuck the shit out of them and go full hardcore up their ass as i spit on their face.
my daddy never gave me much attention. its true. and here you are. just gave me abit more to pass thru the next few mintues. thanks love ;)
Absolute disgusting morbid cunts, i’d smash every faggot in this threads teeth in trying to be edgy
pretty close. just more chunkier and without the glasses and much older.
So much hate dude, calm down
she was a bad person, she deserved it
i miss barb so much
so you gonna smash your own face for posting that edgy post ?
That's kinda edgy bro
Your gona loose subscribr
>username is yetmortal
How can you faggots sleep at night? Every image in this thread is illegal due to an ongoing case, you will be prosecuted.
is barb illegal?
now that is a summer fag
Lol you're a fucking dumbass
barb didnt deserve it :(
if youre older want wanting to fuck her. yeeee its illegal
Don’t reply to me i’m a lawyer. Any tampering will result in severe punishment.
youre a girl
TLDR whats the point of this image and thread, what happened
So is your sister but i still gave that bitches pussy a blister
How's eight grade going user?
incel detected
check em
Your mom is my humble cove, nigga.
I don't have a sister you fucking moron
Thot got patrolled
Oh wow, you threw a topical label at him! That'll stop him for sure
You do now, faggot
you got sand in your vagina
eat my ass
Stop blurring it you little faggot fucking bitch
That’s it i’ve had enough of you, your internet serial number is being traced
i don't want to fuck her, she is a god, she is B A R B
sorry man im gonna try extra hard for dubs this time
You typed this same shit a few days ago it's not going to catch on you're not going to start a trend. kys
Hurrr durr i post gore im sho freakin edgy hehe
Hehehehe postin gore is so funny and cool wow do i get internet points for being this much of a fag hehe
okay and you're gonna prosecute me for what? posting pictures of a character from a Netflix original TV Series? the power of BARB shall protect me from you, sinner
Don’t worry posting in a thread about a case that’s ongoing is illegal. See you in a few days.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Just post the original shop and stop fucking with it
at least he has a cool story about it
This guy is literally inbred
Hehe shunmer fags hehe i post gowe im sho kool what if i wite edgey comments to go along wif it hehe that’ll shure show all my intewnet fwends hehe snicker
lol imagine taking a selfie / video halfway through your suicide attempt. This kid is destined to be assraped in prison forever now because he wanted one more moment of attention
you seem really pressed, is it because you're ugly, have a small dick or both? we both know you're not a real lawyer but ok
IP is logged
he doesn't appreciate barb :(
Calm down cunt
stop same faggin
Doesn't know an IP means nothing now-a-days
its all over B .
find it and save it
>Police said Clark - thought to be a frequent user of the dark web site Yea Forums - was being held on a second-degree murder charge and is currently hospitalized
Why’s that?
Who's got the video?
>that guy commenting "nice neck"
Go back to /r/greentext and /r/teenagers you fucking stupid piece of shit
im not same fagging, but i wish i was because it would mean that inbred doesn't actually exist
but anyway, back to barb
Many many many people know how to change such a thing now.
Anyone have the videos?
You're actually scared of uploading it? You realize you are tracked once you download an image right? You know any damage you are trying to prevent has already been done right?
Life itself is only a vision; A dream. Nothing exists, but an empty space and you. And you are but a thought.
There are no videos your a fucking idiot for believing someone looking for instagram attention
I remember being 17
Who said i was scared ?
I told you its all over B and go find it.
Yup i know i got some crazy shit saved . dont care.
Because you are evidently too much of a faggot to post a photoshopped image that you are literally blurring it like some sort of fucking degenerate, you're such a coward lol. And we both know you do care because you blurred it.
Emotional abuser? Yea. Ethot? Yea.
Doesn't mean it's okay to murder her. Retards.
Rest in peace Barbara Holland,
September 13, 1967 - November 8, 1983
Never forgotten and always in our hearts.
stay mad new friend :)
From 2 years ago....... when she was 15.
Two WHOLE years huh? Wow she did so much growing and maturing since then
i didnt post those. lol
awwww you're cute .
thanks user-kun
The website has a log of an IP that links to an ISP, and your ISP has logs of what IP you had at that time.
Your online history doesn't magically disappear every time you get a new IP you dumb fuck
Both of you faggots should know by now that pretending not to care in such a way as this makes it look like you care way too much
It's not that people change IPs, it's that you're not going to be tracked down for joking about a murder
sounds like you need to suck a dick
it was a joke, why you have to be mad
>Yea Forums
>dark web
High school isn't going well for you, is it?
That's not what I replied to though is it?
I'm not saying it's okay
But at the same time I feel no sympathy
Yeah it's pretty funny that people actually believe they will get a visit by the cops by participating in a Yea Forums threas
Thanks user. This helps me remember we all have our humanity
Shut up you fucking idiot.
Somebody, please, make the same pic, but with "subscribe to pewdiepie" instead of
"I'm sorry Bianca".
This is cringe, but it also isn't false.
How to spot a normie faggot in ten seconds:
Step 1: they use the word yikes
1983? She died in 2010 though?
I can't wait for school to start so edgy pieces of shit like you will be in school
gtfo normie
the shiny new summerfags are in full force itt
this girl must have had a massive following of creepy weird incels and they're all enraged that they don't have her to fantasize about and fap to anymore
please go back
that awkward moment when youre an old summer fag.
the normies took our yikes?
god damnit
Summer twats really believe you can get arrested over posting pictures on Yea Forums, hilarious, if that were true I’d be in jail by now
cringe bro
twitch fag gtfo