if you smoke weed, you have to believe in some form of higher being... there's no way that the universe just randomly made weed what it is today, the being who created us slipped weed in to give us a sneak peek as to what life is like after death
If you smoke weed, you have to believe in some form of higher being...
Other urls found in this thread:
who knows, really
only one way to find out and that's to die
I smoke and you are full of shit, op.
He’s full of the shit that grows the weed mon
Weed probably evolved to create thc to subdue potential insect threats.
bruh come on, there's no way that like... weed is just here for no reason other than just it randomly existed
I smoke weed, you're retarded
kill yourself to visit that heavenly afterlife faggot
>there's no way that the universe just randomly made weed what it is today
It didn't marijuana as it exists today is the result of humans artificially selecting different strains for potency.
Your arguments work the same way about Aspirin (tree bark) and Penicillin (bread mold). And Shrooms. You're just a kid who's recently (
Why out of all psychoactives you had to choose weed to rationalize your retarded ramblings
Fucking psilocybin shrooms or DMT would’ve been way more appropriate but whatever
You probably have a warped and distorted view about the matter
Her eyes were green
Almost all produce is.
All it takes is one mutation in a plants DNA to have it produce another substance. If this substance proves to be helpful in keeping it alive it will outproduce and outlive the other plants.
I honestly hope that everyone who has ever voluntarily smoked marijuana gets rounded up and shot tomorrow.
That shit is degenerate and we should have a zero tollerence policy for it.
Shoot the addicts
Shoot the dealers
Shoot the Smugglers
How many fucking people do you think are going to smoke weed when EVERYONE who gets got doing it is killed without question.
ironic you're calling him a kid when you still think science REPLACES the "why" with the "how". science explains the mechanics of the universe. you don't even have a line of sight with the tip of the iceberg.
gonna smoke one in your honor kiddo
ooga booga da forbidden fruit you nomsayin' in dat dere garden of eden was...uh Weed you know
Im sure you are
just as sure as i know that you should be hung by the neck untill dead for doing so.
get a load of this fucking faggot! probably never got pussy in his life! what a cope, dissing people for doing something he's never had the chance to do! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA OHNONONONO THE ABSOLUTE FAGGOTRY
dude weed lol
here's a peer-reviewed article about Nietzsche's intense use of psychoactive drugs, faggot
philpapers DOT org/archive/SJSAPN.pdf
Rot in hell degenerate.
>be 14
>smokes first joint
>immediately puts up bob marley poster on wall and wears weed socks
fuck off op
>dissing people for doing something he's never had the chance to do!
We live in a capitalist world.
No one is involuntarily celibate.
And no one is unable to consume marijuana.
All you need is money and you can buy sex, drugs or whatever else you please.
The fact that i choose not to doenst mean im unable to.
It just means that i refuse to follow your bullshit societal ideals worshipping stimuli
you are all fucking children
and you all deserve the bullet.
And so he should have been culled as well.
YUP. Babby's first stoner thoughts, in thread form. What a privilege to witness.
But really, OP, pull your head out of your ass. Weed is FAR from the only psychoactive plant. Your small focus reveals your ignorance and your inability to think past your first "profound" thought. Grow up.
I'm guessing you're "voluntarily" celibate, too
Tho i dont understand the quotes.
Which do you find incredulous
the existence of prostitutes in the United States?
Or my possession of the momentary resources needed to rent one?
Assuming both of these happen to exist.
Then there is nothing "involuntary" about my celibacy
when i have sex is completely up to me.
you sound like a complete faggot bro. bet you've never felt love for anything in your life, no semblance of real meaning or joy. your pride is misplaced and redundant to your already cartoonish projection of your ego. you consider yourself above others while shitposting kekistan's top models. mike pence is as much of a puppet as anyone else in the US government. you likely haven't read lovecraft or nietzche beyond the niggerman story and wikipedia. were you aware nietzche was warning against nihilism? were you aware HP married a jewess? give your dense head a shake you fucking highschooler summerfag. grow the fuck up.
>this post
>read by David Attenborough
Mating. The buds of the female cannabis plant are sexual organs, similar to ovaries in humans. In the same way a sperm sticks to the uterine walls, the pistils of the male cannabis plant stick to the resiny buds of the female. She will have to keep that resiny texture throughout a process known as ‘flowering’ where her chances of reproduction are highest.
>when i have sex is completely up to me.
...said the rapist.
Life itself is a greater mystery by far than why a plant happened to create a bunch more of an already fairly common molecule in nature than most other plants. Cannabinoids are incredibly commonly produced the only difference is volume, there’s thousands of times more in cannabis, especially in the breeds we’ve cultivated for millennia.
You’re stoned and in awe of the majesty of the universe. Have fun and be safe, remember you can’t die from weed.
I would say that people who have to pay for sex are incels, honestly. You are technically correct; if you paid a hooker you would get laid, so in a sense, you are voluntarily celibate. As is anyone not locked in solitary confinement. Congratulations.
My pity for you has evaporated. I hope you continue to "choose" to remain celibate. Your genes shame my species. Passing them on would be a tragedy.
Bet you’re a socialist too.
buddy, he's a fascist
...he posted an illustrated image of an SS officer.
The doublethink is fuckin strong with this one.
>. bet you've never felt love for anything in your life,
And i hope i never do.
> no semblance of real meaning or joy.
I find meaning in creating solutions to the problemes of the world that i know no one will be strong enough to implement.
>your pride is misplaced and redundant to your already cartoonish projection of your ego.
Says the guys who thinks his opinion mattered so much that he bothered to post it online.
> you consider yourself above others while shitposting kekistan's top models.
I consider myself above you degenerates because i am
all of you crave stimuli
when something hurts you try to stop it
Whe something feels good you try to replicate it
dumb beasts unable to se past the evoluionary urges that once compelled you to survive longe enough to breed.
Dont for one moment pretend i am not superior to you
half of you decided to light up a blunt when i explained why you should all be killed.
>mike pence is as much of a puppet as anyone else in the US government.
Its a picture user
not fucking seal of approval
> you likely haven't read lovecraft or nietzche beyond the niggerman story and wikipedia.
If that makes me easier for your tiny brain to comprehend
I invite you to se it that way
>were you aware nietzche was warning against nihilism? were you aware HP married a jewess?
Yes to the first no to the second
tho i dont se why either are relevent
> give your dense head a shake you fucking highschooler summerfag. grow the fuck up.
Says the guy once again
posting his bitch fit online
Said the customer.
Nazis are all socialists. Socialism is already built on the assumption that the State is supreme enough and intelligent enough to decide for everyone what is right.
>I would say that people who have to pay for sex are incels,
You may say that but it would be factually untrue
since the term means "involintairy celibate"
if you are able to have sex you are not.
"Happily" under capitalism
all things are commodified for consumption
> You are technically correct; if you paid a hooker you would get laid, so in a sense, you are voluntarily celibate
in the literally sence of the word
i am correct
>. As is anyone not locked in solitary confinement. Congratulations.
>My pity for you has evaporated. I hope you continue to "choose" to remain celibate. Your genes shame my species. Passing them on would be a tragedy.
OH make no mistake
I have every intention of reproducing
as is the purpose of all carbon based life
I plan on donating my sperm to a partially sterile couple (they'res more then you think)
Allowing my genes to pass on
having another man provide for my child
and not having to be in a relationship all at the same time
Honestly none of the above
I dont think any political system so far imagined would be sufficient to run a long term prosperous state
Imagine being such an incel that you successfully derail some poor teenager's stoner thread
by your "technically I'm not an incel" logic, this is correct!
>tree of knowledge of good and evil
>makes hallucinogenic fruit
>dude eats some even tho most spose to
> trips out with his girlfriend
>gets caught
>first drug bust in history
still an incel
but honestly i am happy about that
the teenager deserves to be lined up against a wall and shot for having evern consumed cannibas
and this thread should never have existed
that guy isnt me.
You, uh... you know they screen people when they're looking for donors, right?
I am a Caucasian male with no mental disabilities, STDs or crime record along with a well paying job.
Whats going to stop me from being a doner?
I honestly believe you (that the "I'm not an incel" guy is not you).
That just means there's two incels in the thread.
Can't think of a single thing
But I have enough money to purchase a prostitute(as ive pointed out numerous times)
So who is that guys one who is the other?
Niether can i
glad we're on the same page?
Life aftr death isnt life its death
I remember when i smoked my first Marijuana.
better get on it then chop chop
skidaddle skidoodle
You should be shot
hi guys this is op
i'm back
i was really just craving a blunt
i'm just a weed addicted fuckhead
i'm a fucking retard faggot :) have a good one
You se this shit b?
this shit right here??
this is why everyone who has ever smoked weed deserves the fucking bullet
you sir, are correct!! :**(;(:
i know.
>le stimulus bad xD
>le execution ebin lulz xD
U should try acid
Are you retarded? If you eat vegetables, you HAVE to believe in some higher power. The world doesn't just MAKE Plants edible. Fucking faggot, you're why people hate stoners.
these. i hope for your sake you're not done middle school yet with such a stunted and infantile mentality
the world would be better off if no one smoked pot
if everyone who smoked pot was killed
no one would do it
everyone who smokes pot should be shot
you should be hung.
hUhUh i BeLiEve ThaT You"RE thE YouNgLinGs!!11!!11!!!!111
Life after death must be fleeting then. From the same planet that brought you coal at such high pressures it turns clear, mushrooms that make you laugh your ass off, and rocks that can kill you just being in their presence I'm willing to say weed is pretty natural.
this logic is so retarded that i'm not replying to this thread anymore. my point was that you're so fucking stupid you better be young. not wasting my time on someone proud of foolishness.
You're a walking corpse
and your opinion doesnt matter
I hope you die soon.
Do you hold that same viewpoint for anything that releases dopamine? Is music bad? Is sex bad?
Anything that needlessly releases dopamine is bad.
So yes music is bad.
Sex is probably acceptalbe at this point since we currently do not have all the technology and infrastructure to raise and house the next generation from conception to birth
but once we do
all humans should be harvested for their sexual organs as soon as is scientifcally feezable
and their sperm and eggs used to recreate humans without all the complications of phisical relations
then we will be one step closer to freedom from stimulous
notice how low is the level of pride, but i bet you're too proud even to read it without scoffing. remember this though, the path to enlightenment will unfold itself to you even if you just keep the idea in the back of your mind. start by learning what jesus and buddha have in common despite time and place differences in their lives. you don't have to reply to me i just want to tell you this for you. god bless.
THIs nigga is high af
spoken like a true neckbeard
Fuck your bullshit emotional copping with reality
Spoken like someone with nothing better to do but respond.
Ok buddy, keep thinking that you‘re the king of the world. Just know that it'll crash down on you one day. For now, why not enjoy your summer vacation instead?
>Just know that it'll crash down on you one day.
>. For now, why not enjoy your summer vacation instead?
Because enjoying things takes up time you could spend solving problems
Every moment you spend happy is a moment you could be thinking about something more productive
and im out of highschool with a job.
I smoke, and don't believe in god or any kind of afterlife.
It's all just chemicals man. There's a half a million different plants you can consume in some way or another that'll fuck you up - there's nothing particularly special about weed.
You still sound like a neckbeard probably aged 18-23 and I bet you work at a fast food place so you can buy figurines and yugioh cards
Full stupid if you compare thx to destructive drugs like alcohol.
Marijuana is of alien origin. Beings who brought it here were advanced. It's purpose was to disrupt diseases and disease couldn't make it's full course.
it's not random you stupid fucking hippie. It's a god dammed phyto hormone. There's only so many hormone molecule shapes plants and animals can use. Of course some of them are going to have cross over effects.
Also natural weed isn't very strong. barely noticeable actually. Humans Bred wild weed to be super strong. So it's not random at all. It's humans that did it mostly.
You're fucking stupid. Take some biology classes or something. Your brand of stupidity is fucking cancer.
LOL this.
Scientist detected. +1 one brother.
like THCA (which converts to THC with heat and over time) are produced in tiny glands on the surface of the plant called trichomes. Trichomes appear on many plant species and serve to protect in a variety of ways, including:
Defending against insect herbivores
Defending against frost in colder habitats
Minimizing water loss in windy habitats
Preventing of overheating in dry, open habitats
Attracting pollinators or prey
What separates cannabis from a majority of other trichome-producing plants is the psychoactive properties of its constituents, namely THC. To understand why a plant makes psychoactive compounds, take caffeine and nicotine for example. Caffeine and nicotine are natural pesticides that help deter insect predators from eating these plants. So this is one potential role that a compound like THC could conceivably play: to help ensure survival by deterring predators from eating it.
All cultivated plants have been domesticated and no longer resemble their wild counterparts due to selective breeding.
>you have to believe in some form of higher being
Yea, that's me. lol
>well no because
>brings the mic closer
>every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
>i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland-
>jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ...
>sudden white light
>here we go
>looks over at the screen
>look at that ... look at that
>yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jeeesus those things will tear you to shreds
>>Nazis are all socialists
Not even remotely true, and the fact that you're spouting it means you're a bit too far down the rabbit hole. The next decade is going to be rough for you, kiddo.
If anything psychedelics (which weed definitely is) has taught me that we're just conscious expressions of energy comprised of stardust. Nothing special about us.
"the Creator gave us c. ruderalis in order for us to be autoflowering weed strains"
- Sitting Bull
Weed was cultivated by man and strains were created by man from this farming
Just like plants we eat
Cabbage, lettuce, spinach, kale, all were once the same plant until humans began farming for bigger leaves or more fanned leaves etc
Cats and dogs, same thing, man made
Don't tell me you think the world is flat
>god spoke to moses in the form of a burning bush