Fluffy thread
Previous: Let's get to it
Fluffy thread
ohhh yeah
This is my shit right here
Glad to hear it
Bitch ass, don't just repost from last thread. If you need new content just check out fluffybooru
>fluffies triggering newfags
This is what they were made for moral fag
Show us your dick, OP
I'll try to change it up a bit this time
I've been meaning to expand my fluffy folder again but shit keeps distracting me
Me and a few other shitposters spammed the draw thread for over 4 hours to get pic related
Only if you show your tits, babe
So much trash to sift through tho
tbh I think that's why a spamming nigger killed our last thread
Protip man, don't fuck with other people's threads and they won't fuck with us
Yeah but it was funny while it lasted
Won't deny that but the golden rule is the best rule to follow
post the complete set please
Friendly reminder that the OP cannot bump their own thread, so you guys have to help me out
I'm a newfag here. I can't believe I haven't seen these before. Are these parodies of MLP? I love these comics and how they brutalize these annoying fluffy things.
This picture should explain it
Join us on our /trash/ thread if you would like to know more:
Is that user who was looking forward to story time still here? I'll post some of it if you guys can keep the thread bumped for me
Some of them are too big to upload
Yessss story timeee
Resize them manually if you have to. I've done it before. Just right click, hit edit, find the resize option, then scale it down to what you need it to be
I did such a thing with pic related
Alright I'll post it, just keep the thread alive for me since, as the OP, I still cannot bump the thread
To the lowly herd falling under its wake, the rain was pouring from the heavens like a Biblical
deluge. Wind whipped the water into their faces, eliciting soft cries of "owies" from the ones oldenough to speak, and fearful chirps from the foals not yet matured. It was some small miraclethat the little ones weren't tossed from their mother's backs and enveloped into the rainy night sky.
"Smawty!" one of their number shouted over the cacophony. "Nee' tu fin' safe pwace wight nao! Wawa gon gib fwuffies foeweva sweepies! Can 'ou see anyfing?"
The smarty strained his ears to hear. This wasn't a particularly insightful declaration.
Nonetheless the smarty refrained from snapping at whomever it was who made the remark. The smarty had seen what a selfish, mean smarty could do to a herd before. He looked around.
Dark, dark, dark, light, dark. The smarty blinked. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw right. Yes, he could see light!
"Dis way!" he shouted over the pour. Leading them to the source, the smarty could see that the light was coming from a house.
The smarty's shiver wasn't from the cold. If there were humans living in that house, chances are they were not going to take the entire herd in. The smarty wasn't ready to up and quit just yet, but his mind was going blank at what to do. Upon closer inspection, the smarty realized that there was a crack in a wall of the house. Was this hole big enough for a fluffy? The smarty wasn't sure.
"*chirp* PEEP PEEP *chirp*" There was no time to double check. the babies could die out here if they didn't get somewhere warm and dry, and fast.
"In hewe!" One by one the fluffies squeezed their way through the crack. Within half an hour, the herd had pushed their way inside. As they sat and began to dry, the tell-tale thumps of human footsteps provided indisputable evidence. They were no longer alone
show that small dick op cmon
I like rain. Love it, as a matter of fact. The soft pitter-patter of the droplets relax my mind. All my life, rain has been my closest ally, giving me respite in times of stress or tension. The plunking on the roof, the clapping against the walls, they're just right.
It's only when those sounds come
from within the walls, only then do I grow anxious.
Perhaps, then, it could be understood why the soft tapping within my home's walls dropped my stomach into my heels. I felt uneasy at the thought of just what could be in my walls. Soon, however, silenced reigned again as the tapping died off, and I could soon chalk it up to rain hitting the wall at just the right angle. I had nothing to worry about.
That night, I slept on and off, as a near inaudible whisper, indecipherable, kissed the innards of my ear, and once again my mind began to fizz as my fears worsened throughout the bitter blackness of my room. Daylight had to come, lest I have a fit. And to my throat-clenching terror, daybreak brought tapping, endless tapping, right next to my headboard...
"Tee-hee, gon catch 'ou sissy!" one of the weaned fluffies called out to its sibling. The duo were playing a common fluffy game, huggie tag, to celebrate their rescue from the night's deluge. The area they were playing in was practically just a corridor, so they kept running back and forth along the same path.
The smarty was taking a headcount to see if any of their number had perished in the deluge. He noticed one mare was fretting, anxious, breathing in and out rapidly.
"Wha wong Sawwy?"
"Huuu, Sawwy nu can find two babbehs!"
"Meybe dey take foeweva sweepies when da sky wawa come down?"
"Nu! Sawwy kno dey wewe hewe! Babbehs wan 'way!"
The smarty's fear and panic began to rival that of Sally, though he dared not show it, lest the
entire herd be overcome with it and alert the humans.
"Smawty gon go wook fow babbehs. 'Ou stay hewe!" Without another word, the smarty raced
through the tight confines of the herd's new home. Giggling wafted it way to his ears. He
followed the sound, and bore witness to the duo stomping up and down the little corridor they chose to utilize for playing. The smarty brought his hoof down hard enough for the two to hear and they abruptly stopped, scared by the noise. The smarty wordlessly pointed in the direction from which he came, glaring at the two as they morosely avoided his gaze...
Has anybody ever made a game out of this stuff? Kind of like that execution game on Newgrounds?
The tapping had been going back and forth behind my bed forever. It was absolutely
maddening. I got no work done, I had no thoughts isolated, I was at my wit's end. Soon,
however, more tapping from the hall came to my headboard and halted. Only a second later, a decent bang rang from my wall and I jumped, spinning about and eyeing the wall, expecting a bullet hole in it and myself.
Alas, my question was no answered, as the tapping only moved back down the hall and out of my room. I needed answers, now. I began to press my ears against every surface in the house. Some places, I swore I heard air moving, too quickly to be a draft, as if the walls were breathing, waiting for my word to speak. Soon, I had gotten to the last room I needed to check. All silent. As I pulled away from the last wall, two words nearly made me scream. "Aww hewe..."
The fucking ending
Satisfied with his count, the smarty sighed. Then, suddenly, crashing noises sounded out from above them. Everybody was too scared to make a sound. The smarty realized that the sounds were moving away from them, and growing more distant. What was the human doing?
Whatever it was, it seemed like it was moving away from the herd. The young foals began to chirp, the others shed a few tears, and their mothers hugged them, telling them platitudes of comfort. Even though the immediate danger is over, fear rolled over his body like a shockwave. He had to set things straight.
"Wisten up! Hoomin mistah nu can kno fwuffies aww hewe!" The smarty looked around the herd to make sure everyone was listening.
"Fwuffies gon hab to be vewy, vewy quiet, ow ewse da hoomin cou' fin fwuffies an twow fwuffies out ob new home!" He took a moment to make sure everyone took in the implications of this statement. "Nao, weaw quiet, fwuffies can 'spwowe da new home. Be cawefuw!" the smarty shouts out to the now dispersing herd. As the fluffies slowly, quietly, began to branch out in their new environment, footsteps could be heard where the herd once was...
Fucking really?
I was damned. I couldn't be losing it. There was no way, it wasn't possible. Being a nervous wreck and being psychotic were not one in the same. But they had to be, there were voices in my walls. I dared not speak to them. Who could foretell what folly that could be?
I tracked the tapping all around the house, slowly feeling my brain fracture at the thought of being a schizophrenic. It was just too much. I spun on the spot, grabbed my keys and furiously slammed the front door of my home as I got into my car and drove. I didn't know where to. Just anywhere but home. Somewhere where I knew the walls wouldn't speak a syllable...
The fluffies explored the nooks and crannies of their new home, becoming familiar with the odd turns and twists, the occasionally cramped spaces, even the odd, musky smells. The smarty kept three fluffies with him at all times - two stallions and a mare. Since they were the quickest, they could run through the passages fast enough to warn everyone if there was a major problem and the herd needed to bug out immediately.
"Smawty, when fwuffies gon be abwe to hab nummies? Fwuffy gon hab tummie owies soon." The smarty considered this conundrum for several minutes. Food was going to be hard to come by in this place.
The smarty rested himself against a wall, exhausted from the cumulative events of last night and the following day. But then, suddenly, the smarty fell on his side. At first he thought that he simply misjudged the distance between himself and the wall, but upon looking around, he realized that he was in another room. The wall had been loose.
"Smawty? Whewe 'ou gu?"
"Oba hewe fwiends! 'Ou can move da waww out o' da way!" The smarty picked himself up and analyzed his surroundings. It was a bit dark, with light seeping in from a thin crack in the middle of the room. Big and small immobile objects were scattered around the strange room. The smarty approached one of them and squinted his eyes. It was blue in coloration, a bit on the long side. It had letters on the top of it, but try as he might, the smarty couldn't read it, though even if he could, the meaning of the words 'CHIPS AHOY' would be lost on him. He looked over the object and saw pictures of cookies. Cookies! This the smarty could understand.
"Dis way fwiends! Smawty find nummies!" The quartet pulled the cookie package back into the wall from whence they came, and worried about getting the package open for later...
You guys still around Thoughts, concerns, criticisms?
Story's interesting so far
>They don't like it, ergo they're newfags!
user, turn down your retardation lol
The forest. The forest, bless it, the forest would not speak. Not so much as a single abnormal peep. I could finally relax and sort myself out. I knew I wasn't crazy. I couldn't be, I'd know so, Iwould know because... because...circular logic said so. I didn't have a clue, I was kidding myself. I needed some outside help. I pondered if it was so bad being a basket case and just keeping it to myself.
Unfortunately, going ballistic in my own home wasn't worth it, and after some time and a drive later, I parked outside my home and set up an appointment with a psychiatrist. Going made me sick, but it was better than turning feral. I made my way inside and sat down upon my recliner, sighing deeply and waiting. Within the hour, the worst sound to grace my ears made its return, and I had no choice but to bear it.
Clenching my hands, I decided to eat something, anything to take my mind off the noise. I opened up my pantry and...something was off. I was missing something. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew I hadn't consumed whatever was missing. Had I? I couldn't be sure. I reached down to grab a box of macaroni and was almost about to turn and get a jar of alfredo when a crack caught my eye. It was large, strangely so. The piece of wall was on the shelf, dust spread about it.
Had I pushed something in too hard and broken the wall, and it fell when I took it back out? It seemed reasonable enough. My brow sweated nonetheless and only once I had finished my dinner did it begin to fade from my mind. As I laid in bed some time later, the whispers began and I desperately clenched my pillows against my head to stop the noise, that damned noise, that goddamned noise. I groaned in frustration as tapping slowly made its way to my room...
Glad you like it
"Mummah wuv babbehs, babbehs wuv mummah," a mare sang to her children, walking above the ceiling of the bedroom of the man below. All the children under her care could walk and talk at this point, and marched behind her. A strange looking shape with strands emanating from it caught their attention. The foals took to it and began to clamber up on it.
"Tee-hee, dis am fun!" one of them said. They giggled as their mother looked on, happy to see them playing, enjoying themselves, getting a respite from the world. Something clattered under them, but they didn't take notice until they heard a massive crash, like breaking glass...
>reply to this post or your mother...
Laziest, lamest, most transparent and most cancerous way to get attention and replies, yet there's always faggots who respond as if some post on a himalayan crochet knitting forum had some kind of magic power. No wonder fuckers keep doing it.
As soon as the lamp hit the ground, I flew out of bed and sprinted out of my home and into my backyard. Thank God for isolation and the safety it held, my underwear could only conceal my bottom half so much, and naught could conceal the utter terror I wore on my face as I stared at my room from outside. This was absolutely, utterly, without a single doubt in my mind, the most fucked week of my life.
I dared not utter such language even alone, but I was barely together by the strings I had stitched into myself, and here I was, unraveling at a lamp. I creeped back into the silent home after a solid minute, carefully cracking open my door. Indeed, my ceiling lamp had fallen out of the roof and came down upon me, breaking all across the floor and leaving a deathly dark void in the ceiling.
There was no reason for it to fall out, it was brand new! The man I had come and install it couldn't have done such a poor job it could fall out yet work perfectly for a month! I was on the edge, and I had little patience to wait out whatever was ruining my reality. I dressed myself, took off for a hotel, and checked into a room, patiently awaiting my appointment with the psychiatrist to fix my problems, once and for all...
The shattering sound rang out through the entire house, awakening all the fluffies in the walls. The smarty's head darted up immediately.
"Peaw, gu wook whewe da noise come fwom." Pear got up and raced through the winding paths to trace the source of the noise, but since she began by searching under the floor instead of the spaces above the ceiling, the fluffy family that caused the great ruckus was long gone. When the smarty hears her report back, it raises more questions than answers. What is that human doing? Surely they wouldn't want to go around breaking things in their own home. For now, he shrugs the issue off, and returns to sleep.
When morning comes, a new issue becomes apparent. Many of the herd have dry mouths and parched throats. One amongst them pipes up when the problem is brought up.
"Bwuebewwy 'memba seein' wawa somewhewe!" The colt leads the herd to a spot under the house, where water pipes snake through the interior. One pipe is dripping water with the speed of a tortoise.
"Dis nawt 'nuff wawa fow evewyfwuffy!" one in the group shouts out. The fluffies mill about despondently, stuck at a crossroads. Some of them bite down on the pipes and wince at the pain of biting on the steel. The smarty pokes at the dripping point with a couple of others, trying to figure out how the water is getting through. In frustration, the smarty smacks the weak point.
The blow causes the pipe to shift slightly, causing the water to drip at a quickening pace.Realizing what just happened, the smarty resumes the assault, encouraging the others to help. Within the span of a couple of minutes, the pipe becomes dislodged significantly from its original position, creating a steady stream from which to drink from. The herd celebrated this victory, drinking to their heart's content...
I had finally arrived at the office of Miss Whatsername. Polly? Molly? Pauline? Something to that effect. It didn't matter who she was, it just mattered how much they could help. I stepped in, 5 o'clock sharp, and received an admittedly award winning smile and warm, "Hello, hello, come in!"
I meagerly waved my hand and sat down in the chair across from her. Pleasantries were exchanged, the whole nine yards of family history with mental illness and my predicament, the whole nine yards and our session drew deeper and deeper still.
"Do you believe you are going insane?"
"Has this ever happened before?"
"Why do you think you are going insane?"
All questions of the most mundane variety. Our time ended seemingly as soon as it began, and the polite exchanges of goodbyes coincided my departure. I sat in my car for a good minute, and bit my cheek. With one quick turn, I made my way back from the hotel with my things in tow and my eyes on home once more...
Having been satisfied, the fluffies leave the busted and still leaking pipe alone to go around the house's walls once more. The trickling stream began to soak into the ground and the surrounding walls, dampening them. A puddle began to form, then grew larger, and larger still. Water was leaking out the wall adjacent to the growing spill and onto the floor. The wall was becoming mushy and soft to the touch.
None of this, of course, was apparent to the fluffies who were climbing in the cracks and crevices above the leakage. Rosebud hooked her hoof on a support beam, then the other, pulling herself up to the top. Her friend Tulip was having a harder time getting herself up to the top ledge.
"Wosebud won da cwimbie game!" She did a little dance in commemoration of the victory, putting more strain on the weakening bottom beams.
"*huff* Dis game *haff* am too hawd *huff* fow Tuwip!" Tulip looked down, and it started to dawn on her just how far high up she was. Her heart rate started to climb higher than she was.
"Wosebud! Tuwip am scawed!"
"'Ou awmost dewe Tuwip! Jus' widdwe mowe!" Rosebud encouradged. Then the bottom beams started collapsing. Crashing and banging, they fell into the vertible lake forming underneath the chasm, displacing yet more water. Tulip was hanging on for life and limb.
"EEEP! Huu huu! Tuwip nu wan faww! Wosebud! Hewp Tuwip!" The fluffy at the top outstretched her hooves to grab her friend and pull her up, but she was just out of reach.
"Nu can weach Tuwip! 'Ou' hab to cwimb mowe!" Tulip eyed the watery grave below. She started to cry.
"Be bwave Tuwip! Nu hab scawdies, just come to Wosebud!" Tulip shut her eyelids tight, and pushed with her front legs as she could. When she thought her front legs were going to give out from under her, Rosebud held on to her, pulling her to the top ledge with all her might. The two fluffies were worn out from the ordeal as the water continued to churn below...
Anyone still here? I'll keep going
I'm still here
Good to know
On with the show, then
I threw the front door open and eyed the walls of my home. Yes, tapping, whispers, but something more to them. I was sure of it. More sounds, begging for me to listen closer, and I would foolishly do as they asked, only growing in frustration as the only result reared its ugly head to spite me again.
I would not have it any longer. I marched straight over to my bathroom and hoped to begin furiously scrubbing my face, desperate to wash myself away. Instead, I was greeted with absolutely nothing. Not a drop to be had. I could feel every muscle in my body clench so tightly I could break my own bones.
What could have possible happened now?! Everyday, something else is coming apart. My body, my home, my mind, all deteriorating like a corpse in a field. My blood boiled and I nearly smashed a hole in the wall as I ground my feet about, dragging myself down to the basement. I had nearly hit the bottom step when a groan followed by a splash caught my ears...
The collapse of the beams did not go unnoticed by the fluffies who decided to stay close by the water pipe.
"Wha dat noise?" one of them asked. A young filly turned to her father and hugged him.
"Daddeh, Cawwie am scawed. Awe dose munstah noisies?" she asked, looking into his eyes for guidance. The maroon stallion was frightened too, but steeled his will.
"Daddeh gon fin' out wha da scawy noise am, otay? Don' wowwy babbeh, daddeh gon be back weaw soon."
"Bu wha if dat noise come fwom munstah?"
"Den daddeh gon gib da munstah foweva sweepies!" the father declared, overconfident in his ability to take on a dangerous threat. He departed the small group to search. His advance yielded him damp, wet feeling air, getting colder and colder as he went through. As the ground underneath his feet felt damp as well, the fluffy noticed that the corridor was becoming more cramped as he traversed it. That felt odd to him. This passage didn't feel so tight before. He strained to move under the weight of the soggy wood, slowing to a literal crawl, before getting stuck.
"Huh? Wai nu can move nu mowe?" he pondered aloud. He pushed, pressed himself against his immobile captor, to no avail. He decided to gather up all his energy and make one last big push against the heavy surface before trying a call for help. Loudly grunting as he heaved, the fluffy managed to free himself. Unfortunately for him, this caused the floor underneath him to fall out from under him. Without even a single breath to cry out in surprise, the fluffy fell into the billowing lake below, submerging himself in water, surrounding him with darkness as he struggled not to suck the cold tendrils of the water into his lungs...
I heard a yell. I heard a yell, a splash, and my mind went over the deep end. I was absolutely psychotic. Downright delusional. Seriously sick. I was out of my goddamned mind and I was going to make this place talk if it killed me. I stormed down the few stairs left and gazed upon the large bulge in the wall adjacent the stairwell. A pipe had burst, and now the wall was swollen like a water balloon that had been overfilled. Something was pushing about inside, faint presses against the surface.
I felt my skull shrink around my own engorged and overzealous brain as I made my way over and examined it. I was soooooooo going to need professional help, and I'd be sucked dry of more of my money, all whilst I was having an episode of serial proportions. I finally let myself go and shouted in pure rage and punted a box nearby, which promptly flew into the wall and opened a two inch hole in the side. Now I had to patch that up. Utterly defeated, I trudged back upstairs, holding my head in my hands and shaking with residual anger as the world whirled around me...