Thighjobs are geeeeey.
Thighjobs are geeeeey
God I wish I could fill Reggie’s boi pussy
More like heaven
Don't we all.
Why are there no fuck boys where I’m at I just want someone I can go to fill and leave
Blame the Christian and/or Muslims.
Hey Luc.
I love big fat asses
I just wanna eat a nice fat ass get my dick sucked and bit and fuck them till that can’t walk
I do too
Something about a fat ass just drives me wild
Mouse trap
They're nice
I should turn in early tonight.
everyone here is the biggest gae.
I have a kitty curled up on my chest.
dawww that's adorable. ;//;
She wants kisses.
but its tails so ita k.
also, faggotshit...
pet the kitty and give her smooches on the head.
hey drokar how are you?
alright, working and playing PoE a lot.
I dont have gay sex so im not gay.
nice! has PoE changed at all from the past year?
too bad that your typho has more ass and needs to be pounded, at least ONCE.
not rly. played last season and no one liked the dream shit. the new one does not seem to have much that people care about except cyclone is op now and starforges are like 6EX each now.
still biggest gae, i bet you kiss girls.
No im an incel. I'm too ugly for sex.
You need that fat ass fucked right NOW
well shit, cyclone wasnt that good when i started playing so its nice to hear it got a buff. I haven't touched PoE in a long time tho.
hiya luc.
welp same but still someone has to take the role as biggest gae.
i just picked it up for a bit after being gone from it for over 8 years. they added base dmg on the gem so it no longer requires super op wepp to use and changed to a channel skill so if you have 1 ring that gives like -8 mana cost it is free and you can spin to win forever. its pretty fun. better then last season worb garbage.
Im not gay. Id go asexual if I could.
hows life?
so just keep spamming, sounds like a fun way to grind gems and xp.
i am, bout to make a currency farmer. headhunters are now worth 140EX+
Straight in denial.
Doing okay
Wish I had a snack though.
>be virgin neet
>have heart set on man of dreams
>would worship his dick but he's hesitant
>has told he was curious in highschool and we were so close if I had pushed harder he would have experimented with me, and me alone
>want to fix myself for him and seduce him
>cliched "it's my first time be gentle"
>fuck that
>gonna lean in real close and whisper
>"I'll never be unused goods again, this is your one chance to utterly destroy me, if I walk straight at all tomorrow gonna be disappointed in you"
well shit. making me want to get back into PoE
why not go get some fruit?
after this season is done ill be stopping too much dedication, ill casually play my righteous fire build from time to time but fuck this league shit.
Go banned from the inceltears discord for trying to ecplain to normies that whites see me as a "timbernigger" and got banned for hate speech.
Lmao, I get better responses from white supremacists. At least Nazies consider my words worth hearing.
>Amazon basics DVI-D cable was at 39% discount yesterday
>now is not anymore
More of these fags calling for the killing of all virgins because some nut norman murdered an egirl.
>Guy is normie as fuck
>Murders girl
And i thought that far-right homos were just a meme.
Leftists hate us more than nazies. I rather die fighting for hitler than getting murdered by faggot liberals.
>Implying a Nazis' opinion is worth anything
i never really enjoyed doing the pvp shit nor doing stuff along with the meta. I enjoy just grinding shit on mmos and leveling skills.
A victim complex to rival that of Nibi
That is Nibi.
>tfw not living in the nazi timeline were you got a qt aryan SS soldier bf.
>goes to Yea Forums
>finds nazis and white supremacists
>panties get in bunch
Why are you even here you retarded cockroach.
Okay that makes sense
Nazi scum
thats because the left basically became nazis and are trying to police speach and "eliminate" anyone who thinks differently...the right which are getting continually called nazis and white supremacists actually have an open mind and can handle criticism...
im more right leaning cause the left is a bunch of fucking retards but my BF is pretty far right and wants a monarchy.
i enjoy pvp when done the fun way. i dont want arena shit where it can generally be pay to win crrap or shit like that. i just want to be able to kill anyone outside of towns just cause i feel like it.
You have a very low bar for panties in a bunch
Thats me
i hate P2W bullshit, i can understand doing a pvp area but not needing to actually do pvp there. I don't enjoy pvp for the whole reason i get competitive and when i do shit i get angry. So i just like to chill and collect stuff and sell better items to people. basically im an npc.
Stop getting your panties in a bunch then, shitskin.
People who think "Differently" were allowed to live normal lives as long as they helped the state. Captitalists and communists were the ones that jailed/killed you.
Nazism has and always will be far better.
You do realize that the left is more than what you see on your libtard owned videos, right?
the left that loves muslims and his peaceful culture?
>"Hurr jews told me that the left is always right HURR"
Id drive you out in a forest and leave you there.
I don't watch youtube. I don't watch tv. I go to work, come home, sleep. I witness the autism first hand from you retards at my two jobs.
he is here so we can play the fun game of "spot the libtard"
depends on the game but i like the concept of anyone can be fair game at any time.
same goes for the right. sad thing is all you see is the loudest fucking idiots talking out of their collective asses. same could go for femenist, SJW, and race equality...all you tend to do is make people who are trying to do something good look like shit and you tend to eat alive your own cause by turning on eachother...
somebody will need a bit of transhumanism to achieve blood descendants without putting a dick in a pussy.
came here for the porn, stayed for the politics.
such a beautiful shitstorm
Worst of the worst from libs and righties aside. I'm amazed most of you guys don't support shit as basic as workers' rights
same, i hate games that you can either grind for a while for good loot and levels or pay 100$ and get to the point other people have gotten to over a few months
Commies and capitalists dont care about works.
In a national socialists society everyone works for each other, because everyone is apart of the nation.
Go look at your faggot fucking commie workers utopia in communists china/russia. Wow, I sure would feel safe working in a factory in one of those countries.
Pfft, whatever did the workers do for me? Always whining, being all like "But sir, I haven't seen my family in three days, I need to go home!"
People in most first world countries do care about the rights of workers
We're talking about modern day first world countries, not China
should of been here when there was serious conversations about gene splicing and grafting...
for where i am living min wage is only 7.50 still. i make 13$ an hour in a job that does not even require a college education, rent is only 300 with having multiple incomes in the house, i got medical and dental coverage so im generally set. i would like a chance to healthcare to something better then what we do. if someone is working 40 hours a week then one should honestly be able to afford a home to go to and have healthcare no matter the profession.
but thanks for assuming my political stance on anything over 1-2 sentences....
RMT are deff the worst.
>People in most first world countries do care about the rights of workers
Wrong, some faggot IT worker in San Fran would give a shit about my work environment. Some nigger in georga would laugh if I died, some kike in NY would see it as a profit.
Modern day first world capitalist countries leech off of communist countries for cheap labor.
Not sustainable.
Faggot boomer logic in action
The only sustainable ideology is national socialism, Nazism.
>We're talking about modern day first world countries
and yet they replace his population with people from third world countries
worker rights? more like cheap labor.
It was never about rights, its about what you can exploit and still look like the good guy to these "Capicomists"
Two sides the same coin, one cannot exist without the other. And they both worked together in the 30s and 40s to make sure humanity stay enslaved.
Are you denying that most first world countries have better rights for workers than the US?
>if someone is working 40 hours a week then one should honestly be able to afford a home to go to and have healthcare no matter the profession.
Not technically untrue if you're spending a large portion of your paycheck on health insurance. Why would you want to have to do that though? That's not a workers rights issue though, that's another basic thing that most first world countries have
yeah but you have to buy it and it can be costly. especially when its through your work. taking 15% of each check along with all the fucking takes. a 1k paycheck gets knocked to fucking 700$...its a pain but i make enough to not care.
Being a worker in the US is far better than being a worker in some shithole. But that's because its allowed, its leaches off of other countries to make it that way, and it drains more natural resources in the process.
Socialist countries also outsource labor to commies... Have you forgotten Gen x, they're taking rein and are twice as dumb and cut throat as the boomers.
>Are you denying that most first world countries have better rights for workers than the US?
somebody needs to mantain the savage lazy fucks.
Germany never outsourced labor to foreign countries. They took loans from jew elites (disputable) to fuel a war hitler didnt want.
Can we get a furry footjob up here please
Why are you comparing the US to shitholes? Americans deserve better
I don't know what socialism and communism have to do with workers rights in the US
Imagine being this delusional, could just be bait too I guess
Most likely is bait
The US is a shithole below the 40th.
Every single city below that line may as well be abandoned. Even NY should be abandoned with its filth and corruption.
Imagine being brainwased this hard to believe jews. Mst be nice to stick your head in the dirt and think everything is A OKAY.
At least we dont (to my knowledge) outsource labor to north koreans like germany and some Scandinavian countries do.
I need to fuck a cutie right now
Juche America when.
>Sources past 1945
I mean everything is pretty a okay where I live, I really don't have much to complain about. Much less any reason to blame Jews for everything
I get to blame the Mormons.
By the current repative comments out how wallstreet and us capatalism is more evil than a tacobell toilet suprise id fifure we were talking about current times.. Cub fucker
>"It isnt bad for me so I dont care"
Typical boomer thought process, this is why people like you deserve to bear the fruit of your labor.
Sexy as fuck
Suck a shotgun you pussy faggot pedophile.
implying that the melenials and gen X and Z wont do the same exact thing...
>gfur thread became /furpol/
>probably caused luc to leave
No, slide that 12 guage in your urethra. You kid diddler
That's why we need national socialism to teach the future young of humanity better.
The hitler youth was the first step, we can do so much better.
To clarify, I'm from the US but not living there anymore. I do care about problems of others of course, and you guys deserve to have it better. I just don't have any control over what you guys do. I have not much to complain about in the country I live in, however I would gladly support people in need.
Go eat a 12 gauge you weak cowardly pedophile.
Hows it feel to know that someone who values sex above anything else wouldnt stoop as low as you to get it from children?
Pink anything is my weakness
would be nice to see shit progress but sadly this nation will collapse long before that...
I'm about to join him. This thread went to shit fast.
I’d kiss that beautiful butt
Oh nice, a copy paste insult how original.
I wouldn't know since you talk about it so much, you know spewing the same rhetoric is a strong indication of somepne trying to pass off an unwanted aspect od themselves.. Just accept that you're a pedo and find help, they can fix you with electroshock therepy.
What do you do to support people in need? I dont mean "I donated 1000 dollars to charity".
have a great night and TTYL.
Oh nice, a strawman, how original.
I wouldnt know since you apparently are the only one who accuses me of being a pedo, when I dont talk about kids, ever. You bring it up when no one even cares about having sex with minors. Just accept you are projecting and dont find help, pedos like you dont have a place in this world. You all deserve to die.
Purest love
Only thing that could rival this is if one was a woman.
thats what you call it. i just call it a sad truth. the country is dividing itself more and more every day with all its current retardation and a war will happen before anything can start getting better...and who said i wont fight for the rights or what i believe in?
Lol this is fun
The sad truth that the defining moment of our species, we lost. There will be another, hopefully it wont be a sad truth.
in all honesty humanity is a fucking plague anyway. if we dont directly kill ourselves we will just starve every resource until there is nothing left and just end up starving ourselves. then a new cycle will begin but this would b e over hundreds of thousands of years and we are just one small spec in the mass cosmos...
You listen to what jew media tells you, memes meant to defranchise a future. Can you not imagine a future anything beyond that?
Drain every resources
Starve ourselves
In a massive, limitless cosmos.
We have more than we could ever need on our own planet and its squandered.
voting for people who care about more than bribery
cause of the wonderful sin of greed. we will always take and take and never be content. currently i got a decent paying job, a roof over my head, and can afford to enjoy a simple living. i am currently content and could care less to have more then what i got.
Voting means nothing. I didnt vote, yet I still wanted trump to win.
Then you're better than a jew.
And greed stems from all jews.
now what about before the jews were a thing? greed has always been a thing from all over the world. in any time...
Jews were there at the begining of recorded history.
Before there was no need to record, there wasnt greed of pride.
>Voting means nothing
How american
ok now what about times in the animal kingdom where we could visibly prove greed and every other sin? jewish animals?
Don't bother trying to reason with a nazi
im not trying to reason with him. i want to know how stupid he is...also nazi is such a loose buzzword now that everyone is a nazi in someones eyes. hell im a gay furry and been called a nazi. a MTG artist who is a lesbian is getting called a nazi cause her views lean more to the right...
Ok but that doesn't matter when the person we're talking about is spouting on about how the jews are ruining the world
You need to use words like that very carefully. That word carries a ton of weight and should only be used for its inteneded purpose.
Greed isnt an inherently jewish trait. Thats why you get these white guys siding with jews. They deserve the rope just as much.
The guy is literally ranting about jews, I don't know how much more nazi it can get. Same shit different flavour
so is the rest of humanity. the jews, dems,republicans, niggers, chinks, pattys, ect...
yeah, someone might bitch and complain....
then explain all the nigger theft...
you ever herd of trolling?
You mean sarcasm? Or are you implying nibi is a troll? I mean he is but people shouldn't defend him and say he isn't a nazi
I have predispositions not to trust certain ethnicities in regards to business dealings and some types of guarded interaction. Saying mean things doesnt equate to tossing someone in a camp to be executed. BIG difference. For your own good, learn to use the right words. Yes, hes a cunt typically as well, you're not entirely wrong.
well considering you can be any sort of phobe and be called a nazi in the current day...hell we are at the point where if you like a certain movie then you are automatically a sexist white supremacist homophobe nazi so yeah...its so easy to just say one stupid thing and watch how full retard people go instead of just laughing at it and moving on...
Not all Nazis wanted to literally murder anyone that they didn't like. They still however assumed themselves to be the master race which leads to people in the group having such thoughts. Accepting yourself as inherently above others means they're worth less than you, and what's wrong with slaughtering a cow. I'm sorry that you think people spouting Nazism shouldn't be called Nazis, but they're still Nazis
Niggers are animals, of course they are filled with vice and greed.
Nobody cares dude, that's not the context in which I'm using it. The same thing happens with calling everyone commies and a million other words
so it does not have any weight because its like every other dumb work you can call people now huh???
lol....but if it stems from the jews then how can it be the niggers, especially if they are monkeys? got to pick one mang, not both.
but yet you are literally saying that they are wrong and that you are above them and that they need to be "removed" from society. honestly you are no better then the nazis you are trying to stomp out...
I mean I'm calling a Nazi a Nazi, why do you care? In the context it fits perfectly fine because he's a Nazi. I'm not calling all righties Nazis am I?
>but yet you are literally saying that they are wrong and that you are above them and that they need to be "removed" from society. honestly you are no better then the nazis you are trying to stomp out...
>The paradox of tolerance
thighjobs r fucing hot and u r a faggot
cause literally just hating people calls for them to be a nazi. hell i shit talk jews and blacks and mexicans and i generally hate most of them too but i hate most people in general cause all the do is prove how shit humanity is every single day and honestly you are not much better. you are just as filled sith spite and hate as he long as there is a side A and a side B FUCK SIDE B...
i mean hell, i got a roommate and he is black and he has literally cam home from work and talked about how his co-workers are a bunch of worthless fucking niggers....i have also had such carelessness for my co-workers but me just hating them and just saying 1 bad thing out it means people want to call my work and harass people to purposely get people fired and ruin my life as much as possible because "i am a nazi" people use it as such a blanket statement that it gets anoying after hearing everyone cry wolf and using at a call to action to invoke violence.
Okay but he is actively saying that the Jews are causing problems and that the only way to fix those problems is to get rid of them? Why do you feel so personally attacked by me calling him a Nazi. The funny thing is nigger also has a really heavy right to it, but you didn't bat an eyelash the million times he said it. When the word Nazi is brought up though you feel the need to whiteknight? I'm not goin to stop calling Nazis what they are because your feefees get hurt when someone calls you one
i think the funnier thing is you believing him. im annoyed cause its still just a shit buzzword and a call to action of the typical "violence is never the answer "BUT" i would punch a nazi"
i have also brought up the word nigger like 3 times in the thread too and have said that my roomate is a black guy that fucking hates niggers too..
nabi is and always will be a fucking idiot but so are the ones who want to virtue signal and call to action just cause you dont like what someone else say because saying something and acting on it are 2 completely different things...
my problem is that both sides are still completely fucking retarded.and your side is honestly no better.
hot thread !!
What does this have to do with me calling him a nazi? Even if he's just pretending to be a Nazi I'm still not wrong to call him one. It's funny how you talk about buzzwords and then talk about virtue signaling.