I believe that consuming the urine and feces of prostitutes is going to give me magical powers. AMA.
I believe that consuming the urine and feces of prostitutes is going to give me magical powers. AMA
What physical property of the universe allows for this to happen
please give me every minuet detail
Don't hesitate, just do it
Hormones, bacteria, and other agents in the bodily excretions will permanently alter my physiology and expand my powers of perception.
I guess I'll find out. I'm on vacation this week and have some cash to burn, so I'm going to go through escorts until I find one willing to do the deed. I'm very excited.
Do you think your plan will garner attention from the reptilian shapeshifters?
Sounds like a superhero origin story.
What powers?
What is your drug of choice?
Just do it, faggot.
You are a greater life form, you should not worry about the thoughts of us lowly pesants. You should just do it. Transend and ahcive goldy hood!
This is the only cure for super aids.
I can only hope.
Altered perception.
I can verify that this is true.
I myself have become immortal and when i concentrate i can make my penis grow so large it fills the entire world.
I really am too. This isn't a troll post. I'm on vacation until next monday, and my goal is to ingest bodily waste from a human female at least once before then. I've got the cash, I just need to get a goddamn whore who actually answers the phone or responds to text and who will be willing to use me as a toilet.
Checked, your powers will be sought after. Do you side with humanity or the reptilians?
Whoever will aid me in crushing my enemies and ripping my rewards from this miserable planet.
Uh huh, uh huh. Hey, question: are you aware that, throughout history, many, many people have eaten shit, and not one of them has gained any powers from it?
I haven't met or even heard of a single person who has eaten shit, except for Aleister Crowley, who did indeed have magical powers. I see people eating shit in amateur internet porn, and the people involved often seem like they may have magical powers, at least the altered perception I am hypothesizing.
Assuming you're with someone who is healthier than you, doesn't have parasites, hep, H Pylori, it won't hurt although you may get stomach upset for a few days.
It will cause your immune system to freak out leading to weird perceptual distortions, speaking from experience. Could improve your digestion long term.
It should theoretically change my gut bacterial biome, which could eventually alter my entire body and nervous system.
Crowley didn't eat shit to gain magical power, he did it because he was a freak.
And yes, lots of people have eaten shit in porn. 2 Girls 1 Cup is the most famous example. I don't see how you think they're gaining altered perception from it though. If you want that, you don't eat the shit, you grow mushrooms in it, and then eat the.mushrooms. Sounds like you're skipping a very important step.
actually it does cause altered perceptions. Your immune system goes nuts when exposed to foreign bacteria and everything looks weird. It's like being on a drug. There's a reason people get into doing things like this and can't stop.
I'll probably try that eventually as well.
That's essentially what I'm going for. I'm also interested in "urine therapy", except with substitution of the urine of sex partners for my own.