A vote for socialism is a vote against beauty, happiness and health.
A vote for socialism is a vote against beauty, happiness and health
Other urls found in this thread:
those both look like america
>posts a fantasy world
Right is Russian
A fantasy made into reality
Castles aren't American you cuck.
This one is
Only in the sense that it is in America. Castles are a symbol of the old European nobility that we rejected.
and its the most glorious castle ever too, gg eurofags.
dont reply to me either.
Europe killed all the people who made the castles and socialist made things even worse.
A vote for socialism is a vote against beauty, happiness and health.
Everyone say it with me.
A vote for socialism is a vote against beauty, happiness and health.
i mean, i don't think this is beautiful, happy or healthy and it's less than 40 miles from that castle
Lower pic looks better.
OP This is Disney land you dumb nigger. Nobody lives there. its all fake. Its a gay amusement park. made to steal your money to provide "entertainment". they charge you hundreds of dollars just to walk around and then sell corn dogs for 20 dollars You're more retarded then donald trump.
yep, OP has never been to Orlando
That building is probably government funded and those people are probably on welfare. What's your point?
Say that to barcelona
a bank, a telemarketer company, and a mcdonalds are the exact opposites of socialism
Thats an argument right there!
What the lower one is clearly the capitalist one of the two fuckin McDonald's
OP confirmed retarded troll.
>monopolized companies are the same the opposite of socialism
They actually aren't. Monopolies are anti-consumer.
theres mcdonalds in China too whats your point retard?
excuse me sir do you know what socialism is?
monopolies aren't capitalist. they're protected by socialist programs
You DO realize both castles in Disneyland and Disney World are made out of plywood, right? The features at the top are also deliberately smaller than scale so that, to someone looking from the ground, the castles appear taller than they really are. Also, Main St. USA in Disney World is actually the second floor. They had to build up on top of the maintenance tunnels because the groundwater in Florida was too high to bury them.
well it does get subsidies to burn coal, so i guess you could say it's government funded
Which is why pure capitalism doesn't work.
It's the ultimate representative of capitalism Retard
is this pre/post american meddling?
>McDonalds is a monopoly
Absolute retard
>Ultimate Representative of capitalism
makes sense.
Where was this? Looks nice.
What never played McDonald's Monopoly challenge?
>a shitty plywood castle made by one man looks better than thousands upon thousands of multi-billion dollar skyscrapers made by government protected monopolies.
Who wudda guessed?
anti-trust laws are uncapitalistic
Braindead schizo
Thank you, comrade
Vlad is pleased
You family lives for another day
it literally is not even an actual castle
without a doubt localized monopolies are shite
>pure capitalism
>government literally stopping small businesses from competing with them
The opposite is the case. Government subsidizes small businesses and breaks up monopolies.
Monopolies are the natural conclusion to unregulated capitalism. The reason small businesses struggle to compete isn't to do with government interference.
Is that a Dunkin Bonuts.
It has everything to do with the government. They literally stop it from happening
You realize that the lower pic looks like it does, largely due to the fact that Paris was heavily bombed through 2 world wars, by both Germany and England, neither of which were 'Socialist' in the way that you're using the word.
WW2 was the most socialistic thing that ever happened. They literally forced all Americans to give their lives for a bunch of bullshit.
They don't though and you haven't really elaborated on your point or addressed what said. That being said, these pictures only show that aesthetic choices are different, which has nothing to do with economic systems.
That's just war you moron.
If anything, WW2 reinforced the deep rooted capitalist system of the western countries by bombing the only two other industrial nations on the planet back to the stone age, this eliminating any competition and allowing for essentially a monopolization of several major industries, as well as building a thriving war economy that continues to this day.
capitalism has a history of being anti-consumer
No it wasn't. The United States literally just let Russia take over. That's why all of Europe is socialist now
by democrats who are pro-socialist
Step your bait game up son
Have you ever taken an economics course?
Most countries in Europe are socialist. that's a fact.
which democrats?
I'm pretty sure of you turn the camera 180 from Disneyland, or whatever that is, it would look as bad if not worse that right pic
Just saying.
also in addition, who are doing what?
>sell heroin to children! THAT'S CAPITALISM!
all of them
Kek, weren't most of those beautiful old buildings in the before pics actually blown up by the fucking nazis?
>mfw it was actually fascism that make Europe ugly
Nazis were socialists retard
I mean all of it
That would be capitalistic actually given that it's an economic system and not a moral one. That's not really a point though.
Left is because of American meddling. Right is because they had islamic revolutions and banished western stuff. Look at Iran pre revolution. Muslims suck.
lololol lololol
What a dumb nigger
No, they were not. They just had socialism in their name because they were competing with actual socialists and communists for control of Germany.
exactly so any kind of moral argument you make is bullshit.
It's not like muslims were incapable of architecture
Look at Arabia and other Arab controlled lands before the crusades
All humans suck
Read a fucking book you god damn idiot
Man, you ain't wrong.
I never made a moral argument but I sound think excluding morals from how we make economic decisions is wise.
>they just had socialism in their name
>they just had socialism in their name
>they just had socialism in their name
oh sorry. "Sozialists"
you did
I asked you if you had taken an economics course
I wasn't referring to that.
yeah except, just because a fascist party has a name doesnt mean that name neccesarily has anything to do with their policies. take antifa for example. this isnt even a thing that people debate, its just retards like you two, who for some reason passionately argue for things they dont understand vs actually politically literate people
What were you referring to then?
figure it out yourself
good argument
They were socialist. GET OVER IT
You had none so...
dude just look at the wikipedia article, or google it.
people like you are why democracy never works.
All I asked is if you had studied economics. That's a question, not an argument. But I've yet to see you have one of substance.
Show us your dick, OP
Sorry I'm not an aids dispenser or what you people like to call, a Faggot.
>nobody lives in disney land
what about mickey and minnie mouse you dumb fuck
You're a massive faggot, you just aren't gay
I don't understand why it has to be one way or the other. Why can't we all just try improving what we have? Wait, no that's a dumb question. Our whole system is based on binary choices. We're led to believe that one side has our best interests at heart, while the other does not. Why even have choices? The illusion of control is what needs to change.
No one lives there because its so desirable that selling a living space there would be an unmeasurable amount of money.
The exact opposite of a communist country where people literally risk their lives to escape it.
I know you love sucking those huge poopy logs of shit. Go back to getting peed on and throwing up for fun faggle
That's pretty well goes against the original idea that older ornate buildings not being built in favor of buildings like this.
Wow. It's almost like some event happened sometime between 1900 and now that destroyed a lot of European buildings. But what could that be?
I told you to step up your bait game and thus far, you haven't.
Here's some fucking Oxford for you
Go ahead and argue with Oxford with who was fascist and who wasn't
He's gonna say oxford is full of democrats printing fake news
Fascism isn't an economic system you retard.
two retards
First intellectual post in the thread.
Socialism is right wing
this is a complete mess.
You are a complete mess
It's always funny when these niggers try to argue with Oxford what word means what.
>worth noting that Websters matches oxford 95% of the time
Socialism- a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
I guess Webster is fake news as well
You’re a fuckn idiot.
Disney makes you happy. Norilsk makes you sad.
The American dream is a fantasy world for most.
If Disney actually makes you happy, you have severe psychological damage.
You're a fake liberal
I see you're a man of quality.
It's quite literally impossible for most
If Disney doesn't make you happy, you have severe psychological damage. Probably beaten up by your parents or raped by your Uncle.
Come on now
I wonder if "fake news" is in Websters yet......
Nope, not yet
you know that the iranian revolution was the product of US and british meddling, right?
My dick be so hard
sign me up for that socialism
the fact that you use fascist as a description of politial orientation shows that you have no understanding either.
there is no political definition of fascism, its literally just "the bad guys" from a socialist viewpoint.
people who take wikipedia articles of political importance at face value are the reason democracy is failing
i didnt use fascist as a description of political orientation you pseud. are you seriously arguing that hitler was not a fascist?
imagine pretending to be two people on the internet
>even though the wiki article is factual in that nazism was fascism in accordance with sources such as Oxford and Britannia it's Wikipedia and therfore doesn't count
"Ladies" and gentle'men', I present you the reason western society is failing.
democracy isnt failing, also, you fucking idiot. there are no examples of an actual democracy in the world. it cant fail if it doesnt exist. if youre referring to america, the term you would be looking for is "representative republic"
You want to be depressed?
hitler was a fascist because the left said he was.
he was friends with mussolini who was a fascist so he was one too
but fascism is not a term to describe a political orientation, or what the actual political measures taken in that regime are, it's a structural description.
strong leader and so on, the only reason stalin is not called a fascist is because he was also a marxist.
are you intentionally misunderstanding what i said or are you just out of productive things to say so youre just ranting about something you think you understand?
Your mom burns coal.
So what do all these have to do with socialism? I get it, old architecture good, new stuff bad. But a lot of this was blown up during WW2.
i am arguing that the word you are using has no meaning other than "bad guys"
if you're talking politics you should avoid it.
feel free to use it when it gets ideological.
He's trying to imply that socialism is what made people rebuild those old buildings with that ogly new architecture even though as you mentioned, most were lost due to fascist nazis and we're rebuilt in the post war capitalist era in the western half.
so youre trying to undermine my argument that "bad guys lie" quit fucking word policing me you stupid bitch you cant talk politics with someone who doesnt fucking understand the subject matter.
tell me the difference between politics and ideology.
>tell me the difference between politics and ideology.
Too bad we can't watch him look it up and try to figure it out and reply ASAP so as not to seem dumb
Say it with me now
Democracy (with equal bargaining power both politically and economically) > Unadulterated capitalism
hes taking so long because its not something you can just google. you have to actually read things. hopefully he learns something
nah pure democracy is mob rule, and id rather have companies incentivised to keep me alive and working than just ridiculous uneducated masses voting for our collective suicide.
not to mention, capitalism is an economic theory and democracy is a social theory, they are not mutually exclusive.
politics- discussing problems in an unbiased fashion and trying to get the best solution
ideology- the solutions are already given by a set of doctrines
Mob rule sucks
Too easy to manipulate the masses and really fuck shit up.
America the Beautiful. Ghost towns
Jobs, Whats that?
Yes, that's my point.
I know it's more than a simple Google away. That's why it would be fun to watch as someone tries to quickly find that answer only to discover it's a bit of a rabbit hole for an absolute novice
>incentivized to keep you alive
Buddy, have you been keeping up with the news? Big pharma, big insurance, Comcast, Nestlé, Walmart (to name a few) could care less about you
Mob rule is not the same thing as democracy, because in a truly balanced democracy, minorities of any sort have protected rights under a constitution and is treated equally under a rule of law (at least ideally)
Even if a failed democracy fell into mob rule, a mob of citizens knows what’s in the interest of the average citizen than some out of touch businessman who’s likely to be equally unread in politics
Your right about fantasy. Dying malls, dying companies. Dying towns. Aint we great
I want that engine block crane. Those things cost $4000-8000.
you missed his response, it looks like he just gave up and phoned it in because it was too hard. what does being am inority have to do with mob rule? if everyone has an equal vote then the policies would be decided by the masses. the politically uneducated, philosophically lazy, masses.
and you cant make money if all of your customers are dead, which is more than can be said by having a government run by a huge disorganized mass of sheep
>big companies taking advantage of everyone
Not to tip a foil fedora, but is the fact that no one seems to care that we currently have consumerism masquerading as capitalism part of some master plan?
It was prob sold for scrap, sorry. Other wise I would say go for it.
>living in denmark
>make what ammounts to 30 burger bucks an hour to drive a forlift in a warehouse
>5 weeks vacation a year
>sick time
>full pension
>if i get sick i dont go bankrupt trying to pay for some siple care or die because i cant afford the simple care
>what this cost you ask? a %40 tax rate.
Thats right i take home 18 burger bucks and hour and i dont live in constant fear of getting slightly sick. I get to take vacations and i know full and well when i retire ill be set rather then live at the mecry of the stock market.
But hay. You guys can own guns at least i guess.
Motor hoists don't cost that much.
My 1ton engine hoist was like $150 from harbor freight. It really isn't even that shitty for the low as fuck price
larping as revolutionaries
Jews trafficking millions of African immigrants into the EU?
This thread reeks of boomerism