Why are conservatives so opposed to other views in life?

Why are conservatives so opposed to other views in life?

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Because conservatism is a result of indoctrination. Other views fly in the face of what they were raised to believe, their very identity.

because the whole point behind conservatism is to have as little change as possible

Conservatives arent the ones threatening others with violence and attempting to quiet free speech with government regulation though, those are the liberals o.o.

Great argument
Bernie Sanders 2020
Go socialism that will eventually turn to Communism and then it'll all be good

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Why do people do when other people do?

>Conservatives aren't the ones...
Sure they are.

and being a libtard isnt the result of the same thing? last i checked conservatives didnt go around burning starbucks because their feelings got hurt. heres the thing fucktards. most conservatives have seen far more in life than you have. have experienced far more than you have. been there done that. they know what works and what dosent. modern day liberalism is more or less " im lazy and i dont want to pay for my own education because im a lazy faggot" " how dare my ebt card have the american flag . never mind its those very conservatives that fought and died for my right to call them a bigot but im not a bigot because im right". funny thing about calling someone a bigot tho. the second you do, you prove yourself to be that very bigot. real damn fast to call someone a fascist when its conservatives that protect freedom of speech.but its ok. simple minded KIDS dont understand how the real world works.

Opposed to other views? Doesn't everyone believe that their view point is correct? That's a prerequisite for sanity. What should be of concern is the ideology or faction which seeks to prohibit freedom of speech, that being the left.

An insufficient sample size.

Why are librals so opposed to other views in life?

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no. theyre not you fucking dolt. everything they do in " violence" is in fact literal self defence. they arent the ones throwing bike locks at people or hitting the elderly with bats. or throwing milkshakes at people along with bottles of piss and whatever else. you cna see that shit on youtube all day commited by liberals.

Why are [insert political ideology here] so opposed to other views in life?

I know this is a meme thread started by a faggot just baiting. That being said, I don't think conservatives are opposed to other views in life. I think they're opposed to people shoving their own views down their throats and then calling them names when they say they don't like it.

Conservatives are violent all the time.

>wanting to help others is brainwashing

You're correct, if you think that empathy is a mental illness.

>last i checked conservatives didnt go around burning starbucks
They just murder doctors instead.
>most conservatives have seen far more in life than you have
[citation required]

The biggest joke yet

>believing liberalism as it exists in america right now is about wanting to help others

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>the second you do, you prove yourself to be that very bigot.
>The real criminals are the judges

A bigot is someone that makes accusations without room for compromise. Calling someone out on their bullshit doesn't mean you're not open minded to the possibilities.

If it's intolerant to be intolerant to the intolerant than so be it. But being TOLERANT of intolerant is supporting intolerance, not TOLERANCE.

I know this logic might have lost you because it took more than 1 step to get too.

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No room for disagreement when everyone else is one that's wrong

>self defence is not violence
But it is.

>npc tier leftist pretending they're smart, have morals, and didn't get all their views from propaganda, the thread.
>part 2
>now with more denial of reality

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Literal autism is associated with an inflexibility of worldview; combine that with authoritarian tendencies where they care more about hierarchy than facts, and you get the current state of things.

Are you a Boomer? Honestly asking.
Exactly, what you're thinking of is leftism, not liberalism.

So sell everything you own and go be a philanthropist in Africa. That’s literally where your ideology takes you if you stop virtual signaling and actually get off your communist ass.

>last i checked conservatives didnt go around burning starbucks because their feelings got hurtt
Yeah, that was Keurig coffee, not Starbucks

too much empathy is a mental illness you dumb fuck.

I think my views are correct because I have extensively researched them from multiple sources, including opposing views, over the course of my entire life, and is not just rallye under a overbranching group to steal/borrow their identity. I just agree with people that I share their views, but only in whole.

I wouldn't support the liberals if they thought it was only for the whites or the blacks or the mexicans. Like Nazism was socialism (for everyone but the degenerates) is not coinciding with my views.

To understand this I first understand this I had to refute and deconstruct every influence I've had in my life to understand WHY DO I BELEIVE WHAT I BELIEVE, as opposed to succumb to the cognitive bias we all have.

Understanding bias is not the same as accepting it. Logic is analytical and time consuming and almost self deprecating. Belief is just emotional response that feels good and happens quickly without thinking based off of circumstances.

>Jordan Peterson

watch the video you ignorant fuck

Why, is he going to talk about the time he drank apple cider, was immediately overcome with all-consuming terror and couldn't sleep for a month?

tl;dw compassion and empathy are good for dealing with kids, the elderly, and fucking retards. that's it.

>and being a libtard isnt the result of the same thing?
this thread is about conservative bullshit not libral bullshit. Also, pointing out that x also does y means nothing. I didn't bother to read anything else in your post because your first sentence was so bad.

>feelings? those are for libtards! I function only based on cold, objective logic!
>but libtards are totally the NPCs, right guys?

obvious strawman, faggot. just kys already

>fallacy namedrop slur insult
The trifecta of conservative arguments

Ya, because fascism did nothing wrong. Not like the Antifa in the 1930s had any reason to against Hitler.

No one suffered in that global war that ensued, and Fascism proved to be the winner. OH wait, it lost out to both communism and democracy and whatever feudalism still existed at the time.

Well put. Repuglitards rely mostly on tradition and blind obeyance to authority. Anyone who disagrees generally threatens and invalidates their entire person because of this.

Most terrorist attacks (all?) in the USA in the past year have conservative ties.

You just defined what disagreement means.

So that guy driving his van through a crowd of protestors was self defense? kek

Lol... agreed though.

>if you want to help some people you have to sacrifice everything in your life to do that
I'd rather people pretend to be nice, than calling everyone an asshole.

typical libtard. ignores the argument, makes strawmans and ad hocs. do you even have a brain. blow your brains out already. you're worthless shit to the world. everyone hates you.

if i type in all lowercase i'll look cool

Because they are mostly inbred morons who can barely rub two neurons together to create a coherent thought, let alone imagine another view point.

Not a boomer, genX. You have no argument. You're blaming conservatives for what the left far to often is guilty of, and that's we refuse to listen to any ideas not our own. Fight me!

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Calls out a logical fallacy with multiple logical fallacies. Conservitarded.

They aren't. They see it, analyze it, weigh the options, then decide that it's a load of shit and there are better ways to go about it. If there is something in there that's worth holding on to then they do so.

Wait, you're assuming anyone who disagrees with you is the OP?
Imagine believing this

Because the fact is, we are all created beings. All of known history and the biblical understanding of past present and future cosmic war, happens to be true.

Meanwhile, the progressive nonsense assumes Intellectuals, Controlled by the Luciferians, Entertainment, media and education, controlled by the Luciferians, banking and the Catholics and all the religions that are not God dying on a cross for us is true. There ya go, in a nutshell. By the way, Revelation says you guys win till you try and destroy the Jews. Then it ends. Not in your favor.

like the tea party was or like anti fa was?

There was literally a leftist terrorist attack this week you retard

Why do extremists control government? It should have people in the middle in charge. No straight pussies and no straight dicks. Just taints. Taints everywhere.

based and taintpilled


Maybe you should have spent more time in school listening to authority libtard, you might be less retarded

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why is everyone so opposed to other views in life?

it's part of humanity to want your beliefs to be right and resist change.
it's literally how everyone is

>this would be contrary to your perspective, so you'll disagree with it rather than critically analyze the idea.

This is the better question. The answer is because everyone has the idea that, if only people would run shit their way, we would actually live in a decent society. So they learn to see people whose idea of a decent society is different from theirs as the enemy.

>quiet free speech with goverment regulation

you mean like what donald trump is doing? but "muh librulz bad"

at least in the 1930s fascism was more then just a stupid buzzword you use to describe people who dont share your same political opinion

underrated answer


tldr ur on the wrong web site friendo

I think it's a divide between people thinking 'we should run things to benefit me and my own' and people thinking 'we should run things to benefit as many people as possible'

The first is easy to understand what benefits you the most, but in democracy this can easily determined by who wins more votes, but for the second to understand how things benefit people takes A LOT more understanding.

So YOU might learn to see people whose idea of a decent society is different from theirs as the enemy, but some people also see other people suffering and think that is wrong, and whoever is doing it, or allowing to do it, is the enemy.

It's how the 'law and order' candidate (like Trump) isn't saying they're for 'justice and civility'. Everything about slavery was legal. The morality of it tho was more complicated.

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Ya, but you people keep thinking that human nature is good. All crime is part of human nature. This is why we have to make laws against it.

There's no law against punching yourself in the nuts as HARD as you can as often as you can.

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I can only think that you're trying to retroactively applying the term with the modern perspective of it, but fascism means literally faggots, as in when you bundle together a bunch of sticks they're stronger than alone.

Fascism has always been defined as the consolidation and isolation of power, from its inception. This will always lead to conflict, because fascism needs to subjugate EVERYONE else. The core people with power only shrinks over time, and the suffering of everyone else increases. This leads to civil unrest and eventual full blown war, OBVIOUSLY.

Not like this wasn't obvious since Machiavelli's time in the 1400s but must have been revolutionary in the 1900s

The sad part is the most of them are middle class business owners with aspirations of being millionaires any day now. Who are also inbred morons who can barely rub two neurons together to create a coherent thought, let alone imagine another view point (AKA bad business owners).

Liberalism isn't about helping others. Socialism is. Liberalism is just about equality of opportunity for everyone.

You don't understand much of political science beyond the youtuber buzzwords.

When or were do the left stonewall conversations with the right, beyond the belligerent insults that you might consider 'intelligent discourse'.

It's like saying it's intolerant of me to not allow you to throw rocks at me.

Either way, the only time the right gets shut down is after they get told multiple times to stop using slurs. Even the baseless conspiracy theories propaganda is allowed. The only thing stopping the right free speech is themselves.

The contradictions of the Republicans being both for the pious and humble teachings of Jesus Christ and also for the Big Business CEO's doesn't seem at all self-defeating in itself? The level of 'newthink' you have to do is incredible.

Even if the left is fucking WRONG, they are at least doing it with the intentions of helping others. Like would you be against a doctor if he tried to save a patient and failed? Obviously we want everything to be right 100% of the time, but in lieu of answers and truth and even EVIDENCE the Republicans just turn to works of fiction.

Even if the bible thinks that abortions are the most terrible sin on the face of the earth, the fact that non-christians shouldn't be allowed to get the medical procedure, even for rape victims, seems like it's doing more harm than help, because the justification is that contraception is also wrong?

I would agree with this answer, if only I've ever heard a Republican say this before. You sound like an intelligent person, but ... sadly.... all sample sizes are insufficient.

The only sufficient sample size is the entire population, which at that point is no longer a sample.

So.... you went for the lowest hanging fruit to actually be smart. Congratulations. This probably works for 9/10 arguments against libtards.



By promising to curing cancer?

Flying cars are a thing.

Maybe you should just look for more credible and reliable news sources is your problem, dude.

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I know you conservitards don't read much, so here's the definition of that long word (longer than 5 letters)

Sorry about your mental retardation you trumpcuck faggot

This doesn't actually work as well as you think it does. Free Speech is part of a political ideology and you'll never guess which one it is!

So is Trump. I'd rather vote for a rapist if he was promising to cure cancer, than to build a giant fucking wall in the middle of the desert for a crisis that he made up that has no verifiable measure of effectiveness.


Thus proving that socialism existing only improves the world.

Wonder where he came up with that idea. Not like he's going to go back on that promise.

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>The contradictions of the Republicans being both for the pious and humble teachings of Jesus Christ and also for the Big Business CEO's doesn't seem at all self-defeating in itself?

If you believe this, you must be 13.

Which part? That republicans are for christ, or big business or that they are inconsolable difference because of the separation of church and state?

Or is it just the entire factual and objectiviness of the statement you think I am too young to understand the complexities of the world?

The left doesn't want to kill the right. We just don't know how to talk to you guys when most of your ideology is based off of fiction. It's like trying to talk to a cult member when they just keep everything is about Opposing Thetans destroying the world, and you have no clue what they're talking about. Replaying OT with Jews or Immigrants and you got Republican debating format.

The best part is when it's just insinuated, so you have to decode that shit, but whatever Trump has removed the need for euphemisms since he came out the gate calling Mexicans 'rapist and murders' but also called them good people... I don't know if he meant the rapist and the murders...

But it's just hard to make a coherent worldview based off of buzzwords like queer propaganda, snowflakes, reverse racism, forced diversity, and whatever gaslighting tactic shows up next.

So you want an echochamber? Typical low iq libtard, just fucking off yourself already you're clearly not fit to live in the modern world.

It's the double standards that is the problem. To be against Clinton for being a rapist is not a problem. That's a legitimate claim.

But then voting for another rapist seems a little contradicting, except America was founded on the idea of double standards. FREEDOM FOR ALL (except niggers) The typical 'ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL' philosophy.

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Libcucks make no sense at all lmao.

Why are all Conservative men alpha, and all liberal boys, pussies? Weird how that is

Because alpha is a fictional term based off of arbitrary standards.

if you follow your logic ''the right'' also prohibit's freedom of speech since authortarian facists are also anti-opposition by any means, just because the extreme right is socially suppressed while the extreme left is not doesn't remove the existence of ultra-nationalist fascism and you better believe that to a true fascist freedom of speech = follow what we want or die... and it exists on both sides of isle at both extremes

saying it's the left or the right is just fucking lazy or misinformed

is bait or dont philosophy?

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