>be me
>be in 11th grade
>be 17 at the time
>be really good at computers
>decide to take computer class because it's an easy A
>teacher is a 58 year old bitch of a boomer
>ok i can deal with this
>i can't even fathom how this woman got picked to teach computers
>turns out that all "computers" turns out to be is ms word
>for over 4 fucking months we get "tought" how to do shit a retarded moneky tripping on lsd could do blindfolded
>shit like using find and replace
>we spent 1 whole fucking week on fonts and font coulors
>i ask if we are going to do anything outside of word
>imediatley go to the office for a class change slip
>(please note that the school needed 3 signatrues to change your class. 1 of the new classes teacher, 1 of the class you where transfering out of, and one of the prencipal)
>get the first 2
>then onto computer class boomer bitch
>she won't sign it
>because, i shit you not "i don't like your attitude"
>go to the prencipal
>he says that other students had a simmilar experience
>something about how she needs x amnt. of students to graduate her class for her to get x amount of bounus $$
>he says that he'll just put me into whatever class has a free spot
>he puts me in another class
>i speak fluent german. that class was the easiest thing i've ever done in my entire life
>boomerbitch gets fired because she cussed out a student
why are boomers such entitled filth? i get it that they have to deal with students but damn. (i'm graduated now fyi)
Be me
i have more stories of shit like this happening to me from my boomer mother and other teachers if you guys want to hear them.
Moar pls
Sure boss
>be me
>legit a week ago
>want to give an old phone that my mom used to the neibhors kid because it's just sat in her desk for over a year
>she says no "my credit card is linked to it"
>tell her i can wipe it
>no they can still go through and get my credit card
>say no, they can't if you wipe it
>then the story changes
>no i have info on it
>then i will get that info for you
>all this shit boils down to "i don't want to give them the old phone"
>because i said so
>you can't make this shit up
>keep in mind that she hasn't even touched this phone in about a year and there's no info on the phone that she doesn't already have
in short my mom only cares about herself
fuck. she's selfish
Dont worry user, I'm stuck with a boomer dad. He is only just more tolerable.
i got one more
>be me
>8th grade
>middle school
>getting harassed by this one kid in 7th grade
>i'm not the confrontational type. but i'll fight somone if i so chose
>he keeps on going
>steals my axe body spray and runs away with it in the locker room
>catch the fucker
>put him in a wrist and kick him in the ribs for good measure
>he gets up after i get my body spray back
>fucker is red faced and crying
>i hurt his pride
>the gym teacher is laughing his ass off
>fucker tried to sucker punch me after school
>beat his ass this time
>cracked 2 ribs and broke his nose as well as knocked out a tooth
>doesn't fuck with me again until high school
>we're both sophomores at this point somehow.
>he tries to jump me with 2 of his freinds
>keep in mind that i'm basically a chad at this point
>not a fucking meathead but fit and can beat ass if i need to
>he hits me across the back of the head while i'm walking home
>fucker made the mestake of hesitating
>i was wide open trying to get my bearings for a solid 5 secs
>legit bitch slap him.
>knock the fucker out cold
>his 2 freinds run away
>just walk home
>didn't hear shit from him or his butbuddies for the rest of the year
>in short fuck you jayshaun
>Be me
>Be 12
>Self teach myself HTML and C++ at 12
>Write first website at 13 for gamingfags
>Website gains 25k active members
>Make more money than all my friends working refail freshman year already bought a car
>Highschool a blurr sex drugs drinking somehow get all C's cuz easy
>Save money
>Go to college, pay for it all (80 fucking grand)
>Learn absolutely nothing
>Graduate realized I just wasted 3 years but have a piece of paper
>Get job at tech company, cuz easy money
>Make friends with bosses boss who's a boomer
>Quit company
>We make a startup together
>Bought a house which NONE of my friends can do
>Paid cash for my car
>Now worth 7 figs soon to be 8 (on paper)
>200k a year salary travel the world and work from hotels etc
Not all boomers are bad
I don't really know nor care why boomers are like this.
The only generation as nearly as obnoxious as them are millenials but you can brush them off easily most of the time. Boomers on the other hand.
Stereotypes are based on the norm, never on the exceptions.
There are chill niggers as there are good women. But most of every hated group is hated because of a reason.
>mfw I met a fellow Chad who actually stood up for themselves in school
You're not wrong, especially the stereotype about southern and midwest states having incest babies, having no economic, innovational, or cultural influence, and sucking the tax tit of the coastal states.
lol Yea Forums is an incel board
>Be me
>Read this thread
>I like the thread
>Makes me happy
Thank you thread.
hey man it's a free country, cletus can fuck his sister if he wants with out a rubber
Prove it faggot
Women is selfish fren
I like how you're telling this story from the angle of being the smart one, but you don't know how to spell.
>There are chill niggers as there are good women. But most of every hated group is hated because of a reason.
>implying black people aren't chill
>implying women aren't good
Those aren't even stereotypes lol, you're just shitting your hate all over the thread, albeit passively aggressively, but shitting none the less. Incel af lol.
on mobile lol
underaged reported
Tl dr
I was thinking the same thing....
probs b8 but i'm 20 now...
Hey man... we make corn and stuff
computer teacher is a entitled boomberbitch
He said 17 at the time faggot.
no to mention dust
I just always say to myself “dinosaurs don’t last forever” and it cheers me up. The boomers will eventually die off one day. All they do is cause everyone grief and are greedy as shit. They also spent the last 20 years saying they didn’t need to learn about computers, and now they’re fucked and want everyone to teach them for free. Fuck you grandpa, go learn like everyone else or pay me some of your retirement money in exchange. You just blow it at the casino anyway or on those 6 cars in your driveway.
>But most of every hated group is hated because of a reason.
yeah prejudice lmao
God you must be so fucking lonely...working from hotels? Sry user
I traveled for work it was the shit. Jesus, you make it sound so horrible lol. He probably goes with his team or friends, doubtful he just goes alone, and even if he did, traveling on company is awesome. I wish I could do it again.
Gen x was the coolest generation
such a sad lonely successful millionaire who gets to travel the world
I've really enjoyed this thread good job OP!
People are saying your mom is selfish. I don't think that's really the case. I think she doesn't understand technology and doesn't buy your assurance that her personal info will be protected. She's ignorant, sure, but not necessarily selfish.