Alright fuckwads, here's the plan

alright fuckwads, here's the plan.
>egirl surrounds herself with beta orbiters
>uses them for money and emotional validation
>is aware and acknowledges that she's hurting people
>meets up with these strangers afk
>gets fucking merked because how is that not the only outcome of that kind of behaviour
>huge dialogue about egirl culture now being pursued in media

now's our chance. let's make this cunt the face of this entire clusterfuck and have her identity smeared forever. you know she deserves it. I know she deserves it. this is our chance to sucker punch this bitch right in her mediocre fucking face. let's make this happen Yea Forumsros.

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What shall we do, oh almighty striker?

Not your personal army faggot

how about blaming his mindset on the fact he found out her bathwater didn't contain any human DNA?? the media will publish fucking anything nowadays so that's not a stretch.

I know you're not, but I think we all have a vendetta against this whore.

Okay lonelyfag. Not your fucking army.

why cant she just be nude?

It must give people a real power trip just to say not your personal army

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Spoken like a true incel. The ghost of Elliot Rodgers.

Typical incel. Use your time to better yourself instead of shitposting. Worthless husk of a human xD

Who is this person?

yea, she's a pretty big public figure. I'm just trying to see if Yea Forums can still band together for a huge stunt, but if people dont care enough its whatever I guess.

lotta fans of this slut here tonite.

You're wrong.

no, nobody cares.

Cause she makes so much not having too

almost as much as calling you a faggot

you are a tard and need to figure out where to put this retarded energy other than complaining and desiring pain

I have nothing against her, and most people don't, which is why so many people give her money. I remember when she did the pornhub thing, I told my wife that she was going to post a bunch of troll videos and people were going to go insane. Behold, people like you lost their shit. I hope she keeps herself out of the shit and continues pissing off people like you. Thanks to you, those of us who can get real women get to have a good laugh as this 19yo teases you over and over until you're so mad you need to make internet threats. You're a pathetic faggot, as is anyone butt hurt by her trolling. She is the personification of Yea Forums.

no I not. I have the sex all the time.


I'm in

Attached: 1561768882989.jpg (599x586, 31K) one does this shit for anymore " for teh lulz". what have you become Yea Forums. what a sad day indeed

Leave belle alone

Someone link me to the bianca Devins pics

Yeah I wanna be in, we should be doing more fun shit instead of watching porn 24/7. Feel me Yea Forumsros?

Found the guy who purchased her bath water and spent 1000 dollars on her patreon

do you know what vendetta means you stupid fuck?

not even that, it's just there's no gain even if it's just "for teh lulz". imo, it's more fun to see what she'll do next.

Being able to run a succesfull smear campaign seems like a valuable skill in clown world.

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She used fake propaganda to collect people to her social media pages in turn boosting her popularity and social presence, which directly increased the amount of profit she makes from her content and pateron. Basically deception for financial gain, which is illegal. Check consumer rights and protection laws.

Hoe should be shut down.

maybe you should stop using social media

make the OC you want to see

someone intelligent enough to capitalize on the idiocy of loser incels and beta orbiters with some hard peepees has my respect. you are a fool with blue balls and no self-worth.

Well said old boy, here here!

Imagine if she got doxxed, hunted down by one of those high-IQ mixed race niggers with severe mental health problems that we all went to school with, and he meticulously raped her without leaving any evidence behind, decapited and dismembered her, then did the same thing to countless other whores for years and didn't get caught until he was an old man and didn't give a fuck. That would be pretty cool. Disturbed social outcasts of the future would find that inspirational.

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Calling something succesfull because other incels agree with you, is even sadder than being an incel. Kys.

Whoa, bro, why all the hate? You should take up smoking weed, let camwhores whore and be at peace with the world.

this guy gets it

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well said.

> I told my wife
> i talk to my wife about pornhub and Yea Forums goings on
haha sure. kys

samefag retard

I think weed might be responsible for me posting this thread to begin with tbh. considering sobriety for a bit after reading all these lovely replies xD

I called it valuable, as in "it makes you money."

You think that the people who made the world believe that some old greedy lady sued them because she spilled her coffee didn't get a fat cheque?

Not everyone on /b is an insufferable incel like yourself.

Imagine being upset that you didn’t get your precious coochie juice kek

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Can we just go back to posting funny haha memes?

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What happened?

If you’re mad about what some weeb chick does online you’re probably a pimply dweeb

You sound like such a little bitch, lol.

Stop being so obsessed with internet women and be a man for once in your life.

Lol true.

10 years ago Yea Forums would have jumped on this and tore her apart. those were much darker...yet better times.

Watch perfect blue

But shes HURTING HIM dude! :’(

://// times a-change.

Whatever, fag. Her chad boyfriend would straight knock your beta micropeens into the dirt if you even tried approaching her in public.

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some stupid fuck is pretending to be married and casually discusses camwhores and things that happen on this board with his "wife" over cornflakes in the morning. probably has a crusty sock that he calls his wife and ejaculates into it each morning

That's why there is so little quality content. Yea Forums used to be a haven for radical outsiders. Now it has been flooded by normies who post boring softcore porn threads.

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she's ugly

i've been on here since 2007.

b was never this wet dream of faggotry you so fondly remember

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Yea Forums can still rally for a worthwhile cause, but helping you get revenge on a chick that would never fuck you isn’t really that interesting.

I'd pull a fucking Glock on him and decapitate his corpse with a handmade khukuri knife I got from Nepal and sharpened with 10,000 grit microfinishing film.

You don’t remember the Boxxy Wars, do you?

whoops wrong pic

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When you tell people you told your wife about Yea Forums and pornhub events you reveal yourself as a LARP fag.

a stupid fuck is talking about discussions with his fucking "wife" about how cool a retarded cunt attentionwhore is and he's not the "normie"? kys you fucking retard.

She is the spirit of Yea Forums given human form. Fucking with dipshits is her profession. The fact that people got mad at her on here is further proof that this board has been overrun with incel idiots.

Yes it was. Pretty much all incels were born on Yea Forums. The Yea Forumstards of 2007 were literal rapists and serial killers.

>talking to your wife about Yea Forums and pornhub is normal
no. its fucking autism, you fucktard.

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The reason why Yea Forums sucks now is that there are less incels and more normies.

Spoken like an idiot who got scammed and now has buyers remorse

OP here.
sad thing is, I'm actually pretty normie.
I have a full time job, I've had a girlfriend for almost 2 and a half years. I've never paid a dime to any egirl. i find her manipulation of her niche market disturbing and i just find her practices shady, and i dont really feel like she's being put in check. instead, shes idolized as a "master troll", which, to an extent, she ain't a bad troll. the pornhub thing was funny. regardless, I'll get called a liar, an incel, a faggot, and all other things for even posting this reply. nobodys gonna believe any context I've given.
I guess I'm just a normie for thinking that something like this would even work on Yea Forums anymore.

That dude isn't a chad, friendo. Guy's a quasi soyboy with a weak chin and jawline that he tries to hide by (poorly) growing face fuzz.

Respecting whores and con artists


Maybe... Maybe not. There was no real rhyme or reason for what people back then went after, just whatever was funny. "For the lulz", as they used to say.

I wouldn't call any dude wearing a fucking fanny pack a "chad"


Just get 250,000 people to storm her. She can't stop them all.


I was asking about the egirl thing though.

Yea Forums was never your personal army faggot. never fucking ever. do something or kill yourself. no one cares.

Honestly I just want women to stop making money with their body using means that are not porn.
Or I just want the dots who give her money to stop and remember that they can just look up naked women easily on google on pornhub or some shit and stop giving her money.
Also she has a very punchable face, but I think she’d like that...

>why cant she just be nude?
I'm genuinely surprised that there aren't 50 threads on Yea Forums of deepnudes devoted exclusively to this girl

this her tho??

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how can they delete a pic of a clothed anonymous butt?? I don't get it.

This is true.

this is the first time i'm posting this unironically

have sex incel

That's moronic, if you fuck with one girl the orbiters will find another to throw their cumstained e-bucks at.
Personal armying some dumb bitch is lame, try petitioning to troll the horny beta orbiters, that cuts the cancer at the core, AND will get more lulz.

The only thing different about Yea Forums now; compared to ten years ago; is CP posts get removed a lot quicker than they did.

You're kidding yourself if you really believe this used to be some amazing place for "specials" like yourself...

>kuckuri knife
Lol what a faggot

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dude, he’s a bad-ass, don’t fuck with him

I hope this witch gets Bundied.

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Go mKe some $ an you can fuck thots all day instead of hating on them

I'm someone who actually takes violence seriously, that's all. I have few distractions from it.

I'll enlist.

Nah dude, the political shit wasn't a thing, neither was the nigger and cuck spam, /pol/ used to be pretty contained.
Fuck it was my little pony for a good year or so

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